2018-01-01 22:07:24 +00:00
// EditMaterialDlg.cpp : implementation file
# include "stdafx.h"
# include "CollisionEditor.h"
# include "database.h"
# include "EditMaterialDlg.h"
2020-04-04 12:44:49 +00:00
# include "resource.h"
2018-01-01 22:07:24 +00:00
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE [ ] = __FILE__ ;
# endif
// CEditMaterialDlg dialog
CSample * CEditMaterialDlg : : psamCol1 = NULL ;
CSample * CEditMaterialDlg : : psamCol2 = NULL ;
CSample * CEditMaterialDlg : : psamAudio = NULL ;
CSample * CEditMaterialDlg : : psamTest = NULL ;
CEditMaterialDlg : : CEditMaterialDlg ( CWnd * pParent /*=NULL*/ )
: CDialog ( CEditMaterialDlg : : IDD , pParent )
strWorldPos = _T ( " " ) ;
fTestVel = 0.5f ;
fXWorldPos = 0.0f ;
fYWorldPos = 0.0f ;
fWorldScale = 10.0f ;
u4Material = 0 ;
u8Collision = 0 ;
bValid = false ;
bCollision = false ;
bSlide = false ;
bDual = false ;
i4SampleSelect = 0 ;
fDelayTime = 0.0f ;
CEditMaterialDlg : : ~ CEditMaterialDlg ( )
delete psamCol1 ;
delete psamCol2 ;
delete psamAudio ;
delete psamTest ;
psamCol1 = NULL ;
psamCol2 = NULL ;
psamAudio = NULL ;
psamTest = NULL ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : DoDataExchange ( CDataExchange * pDX )
CDialog : : DoDataExchange ( pDX ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_MSET_LIST , msetList ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER1 , sliderVolSlope ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER2 , sliderVolIntersect ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER3 , sliderVolMin ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER4 , sliderVolMax ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER5 , sliderPitSlope ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER6 , sliderPitInt ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER7 , sliderPitMin ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER8 , sliderPitMax ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER9 , sliderTestVel ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER11 , sliderWorldY ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER12 , sliderWorldX ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER13 , sliderWorldScale ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER14 , sliderAttenuate ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_SM_SLIDER15 , sliderMinVel ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_COMBO1 , cmbSample1 ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_COMBO2 , cmbSample2 ) ;
DDX_Control ( pDX , IDC_COMBO3 , cmbSample3 ) ;
DDX_Radio ( pDX , IDC_SM_RADIO1 , i4SampleSelect ) ;
DDX_Text ( pDX , IDC_DELAY_TIME , fDelayTime ) ;
DDX_Text ( pDX , IDC_WORLD_POS_TEXT , strWorldPos ) ;
DDV_MinMaxFloat ( pDX , fDelayTime , 0.0 , 60.0 ) ;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP ( CEditMaterialDlg , CDialog )
// CEditMaterialDlg message handlers
// this will draw a graoh in local co-ordinates and scale it to fit within the
// rectangle bassed in...
void CEditMaterialDlg : : DrawWorld ( CDC & cdc ,
RECT & rect )
# define fWORLD_SCALE 1000.0f
// reset the mapping mode to normal GDI (pixel=logical)
cdc . SetMapMode ( MM_TEXT ) ;
cdc . SetViewportOrg ( 0 , 0 ) ;
CRgn rgnWorld ;
rgnWorld . CreateRectRgnIndirect ( & rect ) ;
cdc . SelectClipRgn ( & rgnWorld , RGN_COPY ) ;
// clear the back ground while still in MM_TEXT mode, the rectangle passed in
// is the position of our graph.
CBrush brush ( RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( brush ) ;
cdc . Rectangle ( & rect ) ;
if ( ! bValid )
return ;
// use the rectange passed in to create a local co-ordinate system
cdc . SetViewportOrg ( rect . left + ( ( rect . right - rect . left ) / 2 ) , rect . top + ( ( rect . bottom - rect . top ) / 2 ) ) ;
cdc . SetMapMode ( MM_ANISOTROPIC ) ;
cdc . SetViewportExt ( rect . right - rect . left , - ( rect . bottom - rect . top ) ) ;
cdc . SetWindowExt ( ( fWorldScale ) * fWORLD_SCALE * 2 , ( fWorldScale ) * fWORLD_SCALE * 2 ) ;
// Our local co-ordinate system is the bottom left hand position of the rectangle passed in.
// +ve x is to the left and +ve y is up, just like a normal graph.
// the size of our device is specifed on the SetWindowExt line above
float f_atten = 5.0f / pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate ;
CBrush b4 ( RGB ( 32 , 32 , 32 ) ) ;
RECT r4 = { ( fXWorldPos - f_atten * 8 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos - f_atten * 8 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fXWorldPos + f_atten * 8 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos + f_atten * 8 ) * fWORLD_SCALE } ;
cdc . SelectObject ( b4 ) ;
cdc . Ellipse ( & r4 ) ;
// draw our minimum distance
CBrush b3 ( RGB ( 64 , 64 , 64 ) ) ;
RECT r3 = { ( fXWorldPos - f_atten * 4 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos - f_atten * 4 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fXWorldPos + f_atten * 4 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos + f_atten * 4 ) * fWORLD_SCALE } ;
cdc . SelectObject ( b3 ) ;
cdc . Ellipse ( & r3 ) ;
CBrush b2 ( RGB ( 128 , 128 , 128 ) ) ;
RECT r2 = { ( fXWorldPos - f_atten * 2 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos - f_atten * 2 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fXWorldPos + f_atten * 2 ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos + f_atten * 2 ) * fWORLD_SCALE } ;
cdc . SelectObject ( b2 ) ;
cdc . Ellipse ( & r2 ) ;
CBrush b1 ( RGB ( 192 , 192 , 192 ) ) ;
RECT r1 = { ( fXWorldPos - f_atten ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos - f_atten ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fXWorldPos + f_atten ) * fWORLD_SCALE , ( fYWorldPos + f_atten ) * fWORLD_SCALE } ;
cdc . SelectObject ( b1 ) ;
cdc . Ellipse ( & r1 ) ;
CPen pen_axis ( PS_SOLID , 1 , RGB ( 0xff , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_axis ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( - fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE , 0 ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( + fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE , 0 ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( 0 , - fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( 0 , + fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
CPen pen_pos ( PS_SOLID , 1 , RGB ( 0xff , 0xff , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_pos ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( fXWorldPos * fWORLD_SCALE , - fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( fXWorldPos * fWORLD_SCALE , fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( - fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE , fYWorldPos * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( fWorldScale * fWORLD_SCALE , fYWorldPos * fWORLD_SCALE ) ;
// this will draw a graoh in local co-ordinates and scale it to fit within the
// rectangle bassed in...
void CEditMaterialDlg : : DrawGraph ( CDC & cdc ,
RECT & rect ,
float f_xmin ,
float f_xmax ,
float f_ymin ,
float f_ymax ,
float f_grad ,
float f_ints ,
float f_fmin ,
float f_fmax ,
float f_vel ,
float f_minvel )
// reset the mapping mode to normal GDI (pixel=logical)
cdc . SetMapMode ( MM_TEXT ) ;
cdc . SetViewportOrg ( 0 , 0 ) ;
CRgn rgnWorld ;
rgnWorld . CreateRectRgnIndirect ( & rect ) ;
cdc . SelectClipRgn ( & rgnWorld , RGN_COPY ) ;
// clear the back ground while still in MM_TEXT mode, the rectangle passed in
// is the position of our graph.
CBrush brush ( RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( brush ) ;
cdc . Rectangle ( & rect ) ;
if ( ! bValid )
return ;
// use the rectange passed in to create a local co-ordinate system
cdc . SetViewportOrg ( rect . left , rect . bottom ) ;
cdc . SetMapMode ( MM_ANISOTROPIC ) ;
cdc . SetViewportExt ( rect . right - rect . left , - ( rect . bottom - rect . top ) ) ;
cdc . SetWindowExt ( 1000 , 1000 ) ;
// Our local co-ordinate system is the bottom left hand position of the rectangle passed in.
// +ve x is to the left and +ve y is up, just like a normal graph.
// the size of our device is specifed on the SetWindowExt line above
# define GPX(xp) (f_x+((xp)*f_scalex))
# define GPY(yp) (f_y+((yp)*f_scaley))
float f_y , f_x , f_scalex , f_scaley ;
f_scalex = ( 950.0f - 50.0f ) / ( f_xmax - f_xmin ) ;
f_x = 50.0f - ( f_xmin * f_scalex ) ;
f_scaley = ( 950.0f - 50.0f ) / ( f_ymax - f_ymin ) ;
f_y = 50.0f - ( f_ymin * f_scaley ) ;
RECT rc_vel ;
rc_vel . left = GPX ( 0.0f ) ;
rc_vel . top = GPY ( f_ymax ) ;
rc_vel . right = GPX ( f_minvel ) ;
rc_vel . bottom = GPY ( f_ymin ) ;
CBrush brushvel ( RGB ( 64 , 64 , 64 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( brushvel ) ;
cdc . Rectangle ( & rc_vel ) ;
CPen pen_guide ( PS_SOLID , 1 , RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0xff ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_guide ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_xmin ) , GPY ( f_fmin ) ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_xmax ) , GPY ( f_fmin ) ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_xmin ) , GPY ( f_fmax ) ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_xmax ) , GPY ( f_fmax ) ) ;
CPen pen_axis ( PS_SOLID , 16 , RGB ( 0xff , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_axis ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( f_x , 950 ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( f_x , 50 ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( 50 , f_y ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( 950 , f_y ) ;
// select the graph pen
CPen pen_graph ( PS_SOLID , 10 , RGB ( 0 , 0xff , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_graph ) ;
if ( ( f_grad > - 0.001 ) & & ( f_grad < 0.001 ) )
// the graph is a straight horizontal line.......
// make sure that its Y value is ot outside the specifed range
float y ;
if ( f_ints < f_fmin )
// intersection is less than lower region
y = f_fmin ;
else if ( f_ints > f_fmax )
// intersection is greater than upper region
y = f_fmax ;
y = f_ints ;
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_xmin ) , GPY ( y ) ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_xmax ) , GPY ( y ) ) ;
// first get the Y value of the xmin intersection
float f_y_xmin = ( f_grad * f_xmin ) + f_ints ;
float f_x_xmin = f_xmin ;
bool b_line = TRUE ; // the slope line
bool b_startline = FALSE ; // the clip startline
bool b_endline = FALSE ;
// if the Y value outside the region f_fmin -> f_fmax
if ( f_y_xmin > f_fmax )
// off the top
f_y_xmin = f_fmax ;
f_x_xmin = ( f_fmax - f_ints ) / f_grad ;
b_startline = TRUE ;
else if ( f_y_xmin < f_fmin )
// off the bottom
f_y_xmin = f_fmin ;
f_x_xmin = ( f_fmin - f_ints ) / f_grad ;
b_startline = TRUE ;
// first get the Y value of the xmax intersection
float f_y_xmax = ( f_grad * f_xmax ) + f_ints ;
float f_x_xmax = f_xmax ;
// if the Y value outside the region f_fmin -> f_fmax
if ( f_y_xmax > f_fmax )
// off the top
f_y_xmax = f_fmax ;
f_x_xmax = ( f_fmax - f_ints ) / f_grad ;
b_endline = TRUE ;
else if ( f_y_xmax < f_fmin )
// off the bottom
f_y_xmax = f_fmin ;
f_x_xmax = ( f_fmin - f_ints ) / f_grad ;
b_endline = TRUE ;
if ( f_x_xmin > f_xmax )
f_x_xmin = f_xmax ;
b_endline = FALSE ;
b_line = FALSE ;
if ( f_x_xmin < f_xmin )
f_x_xmin = f_xmin ;
b_startline = FALSE ;
b_line = FALSE ;
if ( f_x_xmax < f_xmin )
f_x_xmax = f_xmin ;
b_startline = FALSE ;
b_line = FALSE ;
if ( b_startline )
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_xmin ) , GPY ( f_y_xmin ) ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_x_xmin ) , GPY ( f_y_xmin ) ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_x_xmin ) , GPY ( f_y_xmin ) ) ;
if ( b_line )
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_x_xmax ) , GPY ( f_y_xmax ) ) ;
if ( b_endline )
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_xmax ) , GPY ( f_y_xmax ) ) ;
// draw the reference velocity
CPen pen_vel ( PS_SOLID , 1 , RGB ( 0xff , 0xff , 0 ) ) ;
cdc . SelectObject ( & pen_vel ) ;
cdc . MoveTo ( GPX ( f_vel ) , GPY ( f_ymin ) ) ;
cdc . LineTo ( GPX ( f_vel ) , GPY ( f_ymax ) ) ;
// select some other pen/brush before we delete ours!!!
cdc . SelectStockObject ( WHITE_BRUSH ) ;
cdc . SelectStockObject ( BLACK_PEN ) ;
// our pens and brushes get freed when the function goes out
// of scope, ie here....
const char * strFloatText ( char * text , float val )
static char buf [ 128 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , text , val ) ;
return ( buf ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnPaint ( )
CPaintDC dc ( this ) ;
if ( ( pcsm = = NULL ) | | ( bValid = = false ) )
// draw the volume graph
CBrush brush ( RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
dc . SelectObject ( brush ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_VOL ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
dc . Rectangle ( & wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_PIT ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
dc . Rectangle ( & wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_WORLD ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
dc . Rectangle ( & wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_VOL ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawGraph ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ,
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax , fTestVel , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_PIT ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawGraph ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ,
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax , fTestVel , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_WORLD ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawWorld ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : SetWorldPos ( )
if ( fXWorldPos > = fWorldScale )
fXWorldPos = fWorldScale ;
if ( fXWorldPos < = - fWorldScale )
fXWorldPos = - fWorldScale ;
if ( fYWorldPos > = fWorldScale )
fYWorldPos = fWorldScale ;
if ( fYWorldPos < = - fWorldScale )
fYWorldPos = - fWorldScale ;
sliderWorldX . SetRange ( ( int ) - fWorldScale * fWORLD_UNITS , ( int ) fWorldScale * fWORLD_UNITS , TRUE ) ;
sliderWorldX . SetPos ( worldpos_to_slider ( fXWorldPos ) ) ;
sliderWorldY . SetRange ( ( int ) - fWorldScale * fWORLD_UNITS , ( int ) fWorldScale * fWORLD_UNITS , TRUE ) ;
sliderWorldY . SetPos ( - worldpos_to_slider ( fYWorldPos ) ) ;
WorldPosText ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : WorldPosText ( )
char buf [ 128 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " (%.2f,%.2f) " , fXWorldPos , fYWorldPos ) ;
strWorldPos = buf ;
UpdateData ( FALSE ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : SetGraphs ( )
if ( pcsm = = NULL )
return ;
if ( ! bValid )
return ;
// Volume function
sliderVolSlope . SetRange ( - iVOL_SLIDER_MAX_SLOPE , iVOL_SLIDER_MAX_SLOPE , TRUE ) ;
sliderVolSlope . SetPos ( vol_slope_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Slope = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope ) ) ;
sliderVolIntersect . SetPos ( vol_intersect_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_INTS_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Intersection = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt ) ) ;
sliderVolMin . SetPos ( vol_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MIN_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Volume = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin ) ) ;
sliderVolMax . SetPos ( vol_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MAX_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Maximum Volume = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax ) ) ;
// Pitch function
sliderPitSlope . SetRange ( - iPIT_SLIDER_MAX_SLOPE , iPIT_SLIDER_MAX_SLOPE , TRUE ) ;
sliderPitSlope . SetPos ( pitch_slope_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Slope = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope ) ) ;
sliderPitInt . SetPos ( pitch_intersect_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_INTS_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Intersection = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt ) ) ;
sliderPitMin . SetPos ( pitch_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MIN_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Pitch = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin ) ) ;
sliderPitMax . SetPos ( pitch_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MAX_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Maximum Pitch = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax ) ) ;
sliderAttenuate . SetRange ( 0 , ( int ) fATTENUATE_SLIDER_MAX , TRUE ) ;
sliderAttenuate . SetPos ( attenuate_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_ATTENUATE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Attenuation = -%.2f dB/m " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate ) ) ;
sliderMinVel . SetRange ( 0 , ( int ) fVEL_SLIDER_UNITS , TRUE ) ;
sliderMinVel . SetPos ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity * fVEL_SLIDER_UNITS ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_MIN_VEL_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Collision = %.2f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ) ;
InvalidateRect ( NULL , FALSE ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : AddIdentifiersToCombo ( CComboBox & cmb )
for ( TEffectVector : : iterator i = edbEffects . evEffects . begin ( ) ; i < edbEffects . evEffects . end ( ) ; + + i )
int idx = cmb . AddString ( ( * i ) . cstrID ) ;
cmb . SetItemData ( idx , edbEffects . u4Hash ( ( * i ) . cstrID ) ) ;
cmb . SetCurSel ( 0 ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : AddMaterialsToList ( CListBox & lb , uint32 u4_data )
uint32 u4_set ;
// Add all the identifiers before we select one.
// The list is sorted so we cannot be sure that the item we find will stay in place after
// new elements have been added
for ( TMaterialVector : : iterator i = edbEffects . mvMaterials . begin ( ) ; i < edbEffects . mvMaterials . end ( ) ; + + i )
int idx = lb . AddString ( ( * i ) . cstrID ) ;
lb . SetItemData ( idx , ( * i ) . u4Hash ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < lb . GetCount ( ) ; x + + )
if ( u4_data = = lb . GetItemData ( x ) )
u4_set = x ;
lb . SetCurSel ( u4_set ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : SetComboBoxItem ( CComboBox & cmb , uint32 u4_data )
uint32 u4_count = ( uint32 ) cmb . GetCount ( ) ;
uint32 u4_set = 0 ;
for ( uint32 u4 = 0 ; u4 < u4_count ; u4 + + )
if ( cmb . GetItemData ( u4 ) = = u4_data )
u4_set = u4 ;
cmb . SetCurSel ( u4_set ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : SetupCollision ( uint32 u4_mat1 , uint32 u4_mat2 )
u8Collision = edbEffects . u8CollisionHash ( u4_mat1 , u4_mat2 ) ;
if ( edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) )
bSlide = edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . bSlide ( ) ;
bCollision = edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . bCollision ( ) ;
bDual = ( edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . u4Samples ( ) = = 2 ) ;
Enable ( bCollision , bSlide , bDual ) ;
Enable ( false , false , false ) ;
SMaterialListElement * pmle_mat1 = edbEffects . pmleFindMaterialID ( u4_mat1 ) ;
SMaterialListElement * pmle_mat2 = edbEffects . pmleFindMaterialID ( u4_mat2 ) ;
// set the window title
CString str_title ( " Edit Collision: [ " ) ;
str_title + = pmle_mat1 - > cstrID ;
str_title + = " / " ;
str_title + = pmle_mat2 - > cstrID ;
str_title + = " ] " ;
SetWindowText ( str_title ) ;
BOOL CEditMaterialDlg : : OnInitDialog ( )
CDialog : : OnInitDialog ( ) ;
AddIdentifiersToCombo ( cmbSample1 ) ;
AddIdentifiersToCombo ( cmbSample2 ) ;
AddIdentifiersToCombo ( cmbSample3 ) ;
AddMaterialsToList ( msetList , u4Material ) ;
SetupCollision ( u4Material , u4Material ) ;
fTestVel = 0.5f ;
sliderTestVel . SetRange ( 0 , iTEST_VEL_SLIDER_MAX , TRUE ) ;
sliderTestVel . SetPos ( vel_to_slider ( fTestVel ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_VELOCITY_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Test Velocity = %.3f " , fTestVel ) ) ;
fWorldScale = 10.0f ;
sliderWorldScale . SetRange ( 0 , ( int ) fWORLD_SCALE_SLIDER_MAX , TRUE ) ;
sliderWorldScale . SetPos ( scale_to_slider ( fWorldScale ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_WORLD_SCALE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " World Size = %.3f " , fWorldScale ) ) ;
fXWorldPos = 0.0f ;
fYWorldPos = 0.0f ;
SetWorldPos ( ) ;
UpdateData ( FALSE ) ;
return TRUE ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnSelChangeList ( )
UpdateMinTime ( ) ;
int idx = msetList . GetCurSel ( ) ;
uint32 u4_hash = ( uint32 ) msetList . GetItemData ( idx ) ;
SetupCollision ( u4Material , u4_hash ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnOK ( )
UpdateMinTime ( ) ;
CDialog : : OnOK ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnVScroll ( UINT nSBCode , UINT nPos , CScrollBar * pScrollBar )
// get the ID of the control so we can switch on it
int iscr_id = pScrollBar - > GetDlgCtrlID ( ) ;
CClientDC dc ( this ) ;
bool b_drawworld = FALSE ;
// Call base class member function.
CDialog : : OnVScroll ( nSBCode , nPos , pScrollBar ) ;
// after calling the default handler set the slider position
nPos = ( ( CSliderCtrl * ) pScrollBar ) - > GetPos ( ) ;
switch ( iscr_id )
case IDC_SM_SLIDER11 :
fYWorldPos = - slider_to_worldpos ( nPos ) ;
WorldPosText ( ) ;
PositionSamples ( ) ;
b_drawworld = TRUE ;
break ;
if ( b_drawworld )
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_WORLD ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawWorld ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnHScroll ( UINT nSBCode , UINT nPos , CScrollBar * pScrollBar )
// get the ID of the control so we can switch on it
int iscr_id = pScrollBar - > GetDlgCtrlID ( ) ;
CClientDC dc ( this ) ;
bool b_drawvol = FALSE , b_drawpit = FALSE , b_drawworld = FALSE ;
// Call base class member function.
CDialog : : OnHScroll ( nSBCode , nPos , pScrollBar ) ;
// after calling the default handler set the slider position
nPos = ( ( CSliderCtrl * ) pScrollBar ) - > GetPos ( ) ;
// which slider have we clicked on, we have the position so do not care
// about the scroll code
switch ( iscr_id )
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope = slider_to_vol_slope ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Slope = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope ) ) ;
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt = slider_to_vol_intersect ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_INTS_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Intersection = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt ) ) ;
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin = slider_to_vol_region ( nPos ) ;
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin > pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax - 0.005 )
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin = pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax - 0.005 ;
sliderVolMin . SetPos ( vol_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MIN_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Volume = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin ) ) ;
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax = slider_to_vol_region ( nPos ) ;
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax < pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin + 0.005 )
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax = pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin + 0.005 ;
sliderVolMax . SetPos ( vol_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MAX_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Maximum Volume = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax ) ) ;
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope = slider_to_pitch_slope ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Slope = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope ) ) ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt = slider_to_pitch_intersect ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_INTS_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Intersection = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt ) ) ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin = slider_to_pitch_region ( nPos ) ;
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin > pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax - 0.005 )
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin = pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax - 0.005 ;
sliderPitMin . SetPos ( vol_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MIN_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Pitch = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin ) ) ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax = slider_to_pitch_region ( nPos ) ;
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax < pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin + 0.005 )
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax = pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin + 0.005 ;
sliderPitMax . SetPos ( pitch_region_to_slider ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax ) ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MAX_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Maximum Pitch = %.3f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax ) ) ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
fTestVel = slider_to_vel ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_VELOCITY_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Test Velocity = %.3f " , fTestVel ) ) ;
// draw both graphs for the velocit slider
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
case IDC_SM_SLIDER12 :
fXWorldPos = slider_to_worldpos ( nPos ) ;
WorldPosText ( ) ;
PositionSamples ( ) ;
b_drawworld = TRUE ;
break ;
case IDC_SM_SLIDER13 :
fWorldScale = slider_to_scale ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_WORLD_SCALE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " World Size = %.3f " , fWorldScale ) ) ;
SetWorldPos ( ) ;
PositionSamples ( ) ;
b_drawworld = TRUE ;
break ;
case IDC_SM_SLIDER14 :
pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate = slider_to_attenuate ( nPos ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_ATTENUATE_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Attenuation = -%.2f dB/m " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate ) ) ;
b_drawworld = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
case IDC_SM_SLIDER15 :
pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity = ( float ) nPos / fVEL_SLIDER_UNITS ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_MIN_VEL_TEXT ) - > SetWindowText ( strFloatText ( " Minimum Collision = %.2f " , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ) ;
b_drawvol = TRUE ;
b_drawpit = TRUE ;
AdjustSamples ( ) ;
break ;
// Draw any graph that is flagged for update
if ( b_drawvol )
// draw the volume graph
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_VOL ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawGraph ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ,
pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolSlope , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolInt , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMin , pcsm - > stTransfer . fVolMax , fTestVel , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ;
if ( b_drawpit )
// draw the pitch graph
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_PIT ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawGraph ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ,
pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchSlope , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchInt , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMin , pcsm - > stTransfer . fPitchMax , fTestVel , pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity ) ;
if ( b_drawworld )
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_WORLD ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawWorld ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
bool bFileExist ( LPCSTR fname )
HANDLE load ;
2020-04-04 12:44:49 +00:00
std : : string str_fname = CAudio : : pcaAudio - > GetBasePathName ( ) ;
2018-01-01 22:07:24 +00:00
str_fname + = fname ;
load = CreateFile ( str_fname . c_str ( ) , GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL ,
if ( load = = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
return FALSE ;
CloseHandle ( load ) ;
return TRUE ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnTestSample ( )
CComboBox * pcmb ;
bool b_loop ;
UpdateData ( true ) ;
switch ( i4SampleSelect )
case 0 :
pcmb = & cmbSample1 ;
b_loop = false ;
break ;
case 1 :
pcmb = & cmbSample2 ;
b_loop = false ;
break ;
case 2 :
pcmb = & cmbSample3 ;
b_loop = true ;
break ;
default :
Assert ( 0 ) ;
CString cstr_id ;
pcmb - > GetLBText ( pcmb - > GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
// check the file is real....
if ( bFileExist ( ( LPCSTR ) peff - > cstrFilename ) = = FALSE )
: : MessageBox ( NULL , " The selected identifier is invalid. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
if ( psamTest )
delete psamTest ;
psamTest = NULL ;
if ( psamAudio )
delete psamAudio ;
// Create a 3D sample
psamAudio = CAudio : : psamCreateSample ( ( LPCSTR ) peff - > cstrFilename , AU_CREATE_SPATIAL_3D | AU_CREATE_STATIC |
if ( psamAudio = = NULL )
: : MessageBox ( NULL , " Cannot load the selected sample. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > PositionListener ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > OrientListener ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > CommitSettings ( ) ;
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity < fTestVel )
psamAudio - > bPlay ( pcsm - > stTransfer , fTestVel , fXWorldPos , 0.0f , fYWorldPos , b_loop ? AU_PLAY_LOOPED : 0 ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnCenterSample ( )
CClientDC dc ( this ) ;
fXWorldPos = 0.0f ;
fYWorldPos = 0.0f ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_GRAPH_WORLD ) - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wndpl ) ;
DrawWorld ( dc , wndpl . rcNormalPosition ) ;
SetWorldPos ( ) ;
PositionSamples ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : TestPlay ( const CString & sample , bool b_loop )
// check the file is real....
if ( bFileExist ( ( LPCSTR ) sample ) = = FALSE )
: : MessageBox ( NULL , " The selected identifier is invalid. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
if ( psamTest )
delete psamTest ;
psamTest = CAudio : : psamCreateSample ( sample , AU_CREATE_STEREO | AU_CREATE_STATIC ) ;
if ( psamTest = = NULL )
: : MessageBox ( NULL , " Cannot load the selected sample. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK ) ;
return ;
psamTest - > bPlay ( b_loop ? AU_PLAY_LOOPED : 0 ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnTestS1 ( )
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample1 . GetLBText ( cmbSample1 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
TestPlay ( peff - > cstrFilename ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnTestS2 ( )
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample2 . GetLBText ( cmbSample2 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
TestPlay ( peff - > cstrFilename ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnTestS3 ( )
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample3 . GetLBText ( cmbSample3 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
TestPlay ( peff - > cstrFilename , true ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnCollide ( )
CString sample1 ;
CString sample2 ;
CString cstr_id ;
UpdateMinTime ( ) ;
cmbSample1 . GetLBText ( cmbSample1 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
sample1 = peff - > cstrFilename ;
cmbSample2 . GetLBText ( cmbSample2 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
sample2 = peff - > cstrFilename ;
// check the file 1 is real....
if ( bFileExist ( ( LPCSTR ) sample1 ) = = FALSE )
MessageBox ( " Identifier for sample 1 is invalid. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
return ;
// check file 2 is real....
if ( bFileExist ( ( LPCSTR ) sample2 ) = = FALSE )
MessageBox ( " Identifier for sample 1 is invalid. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
return ;
if ( psamTest )
delete psamTest ;
psamTest = NULL ;
if ( psamAudio )
delete psamAudio ;
psamAudio = NULL ;
// delete the existing samples..
delete psamCol1 ;
delete psamCol2 ;
psamCol1 = NULL ;
psamCol2 = NULL ;
psamCol1 = CAudio : : psamCreateSample ( sample1 , AU_CREATE_SPATIAL_3D | AU_CREATE_STATIC |
if ( psamCol1 = = NULL )
MessageBox ( " Cannot load sample 1. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
return ;
psamCol2 = CAudio : : psamCreateSample ( sample2 , AU_CREATE_SPATIAL_3D | AU_CREATE_STATIC |
if ( psamCol2 = = NULL )
MessageBox ( " Cannot load sample 2. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
return ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > PositionListener ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > OrientListener ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > CommitSettings ( ) ;
if ( edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) )
if ( edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 0 ] . stTransfer . fMinVelocity < fTestVel )
psamCol1 - > bPlay ( edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 0 ] . stTransfer ,
fTestVel , fXWorldPos , 0.0f , fYWorldPos ) ;
if ( edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 1 ] . stTransfer . fMinVelocity < fTestVel )
psamCol2 - > bPlay ( edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 1 ] . stTransfer ,
fTestVel , fXWorldPos , 0.0f , fYWorldPos ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnDualClick ( )
bool b_enable = ( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_DUAL_CHECK ) ) - > GetCheck ( ) ;
UpdateMinTime ( ) ;
if ( b_enable )
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetCollisionDefaults ( 1 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetNumSamples ( 2 ) ;
Enable ( bCollision , bSlide , true ) ;
if ( MessageBox ( " Are you sure you want to remove the second sample? " , " Trespasses Effects Editor " , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) = = IDNO )
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_DUAL_CHECK ) ) - > SetCheck ( true ) ;
return ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetCollisionDefaults ( 1 , 0 ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetNumSamples ( 1 ) ;
Enable ( bCollision , bSlide , false ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : Enable ( bool b_collision , bool b_slide , bool b_dual )
bCollision = b_collision ;
bSlide = b_slide ;
bValid = ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
bDual = b_dual & b_collision ;
UpdateData ( true ) ;
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLISION_ENABLE ) ) - > SetCheck ( b_collision ) ;
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_DUAL_CHECK ) ) - > SetCheck ( b_dual ) ;
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_SLIDE_ENABLE ) ) - > SetCheck ( b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_DUAL_CHECK ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO1 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO2 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision & b_dual ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO3 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_RADIO1 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_RADIO2 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision & b_dual ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_RADIO4 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_REFWF_TEST_S1 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_REFWF_TEST_S2 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision & b_dual ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_REFWF_TEST_S3 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_WORLD_SCALE_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_VELOCITY_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER1 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER2 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER3 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER4 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER5 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER6 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER7 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER8 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER9 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER11 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER12 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER13 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER14 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_SM_SLIDER15 ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_EM_CENTER ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLIDE ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_SAMPLE ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_DELAY_TIME ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MIN_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_MAX_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_VOL_INTS_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_ATTENUATE_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_SLOPE_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MIN_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_MAX_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_PIT_INTS_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_MIN_VEL_TEXT ) - > EnableWindow ( b_collision | b_slide ) ;
if ( bSlide )
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample3 , edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmSlide . u4SampleID ) ;
if ( ! bCollision )
i4SampleSelect = 2 ;
if ( i4SampleSelect = = 2 )
if ( bCollision )
i4SampleSelect = 0 ;
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample3 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
if ( bCollision )
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample1 , edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 0 ] . u4SampleID ) ;
if ( bDual )
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample2 , edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 1 ] . u4SampleID ) ;
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample2 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
if ( ( i4SampleSelect = = 1 ) & & ( ! b_dual ) )
i4SampleSelect = 0 ;
fDelayTime = edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . fGetMinDelay ( ) ;
if ( i4SampleSelect < 2 )
if ( bSlide )
i4SampleSelect = 2 ;
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample1 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
SetComboBoxItem ( cmbSample2 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
fDelayTime = 0.0f ;
UpdateData ( false ) ;
UpdateSelectedGraph ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnEnableCollision ( )
bool b_enable = ( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLISION_ENABLE ) ) - > GetCheck ( ) ;
if ( b_enable )
if ( ! edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) )
edbEffects . u8NewCollision ( u8Collision ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetCollisionDefaults ( 0 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetCollisionDefaults ( 1 , edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetNumSamples ( 1 ) ;
// we are enabling this collision
Enable ( b_enable , bSlide , false ) ;
if ( MessageBox ( " Are you sure you want to remove this collision? All collision information for this material pair will be lost. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) = = IDNO )
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLISION_ENABLE ) ) - > SetCheck ( true ) ;
return ;
// we are disabling this collision
Enable ( b_enable , bSlide , false ) ;
if ( bSlide )
// there is still the slide information, so do not delete the database entry
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . RemoveCollision ( ) ;
// there is no slide info so lets delete the entry from the database
edbEffects . bDeleteCollision ( u8Collision ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnEnableSlide ( )
bool b_enable = ( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_SLIDE_ENABLE ) ) - > GetCheck ( ) ;
if ( b_enable )
if ( ! edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) )
edbEffects . u8NewCollision ( u8Collision ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . EnableSlide ( ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetSlideDefaults ( edbEffects . u4Hash ( " MISSING " ) ) ;
// we are enabling slide for this collision
Enable ( bCollision , b_enable , bDual ) ;
if ( MessageBox ( " Are you sure you want to remove the sliding information for this collision? All slide information for this material pair will be lost. " , " Trespasser Effects Editor " , MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) = = IDNO )
( ( CButton * ) GetDlgItem ( IDC_SLIDE_ENABLE ) ) - > SetCheck ( true ) ;
return ;
// we are disabling the slide information
Enable ( bCollision , b_enable , bDual ) ;
if ( bCollision )
// there is still the collision information, so do not delete the database entry
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . RemoveSlide ( ) ;
// there is no collision info so lets delete the entry from the database
edbEffects . bDeleteCollision ( u8Collision ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnSample1Change ( )
if ( ! bCollision )
return ;
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample1 . GetLBText ( cmbSample1 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 0 ] . u4SampleID = edbEffects . u4Hash ( peff - > cstrID ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnSample2Change ( )
if ( ! bCollision )
return ;
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample2 . GetLBText ( cmbSample2 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 1 ] . u4SampleID = edbEffects . u4Hash ( peff - > cstrID ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnSample3Change ( )
if ( ! bSlide )
return ;
CString cstr_id ;
cmbSample3 . GetLBText ( cmbSample3 . GetCurSel ( ) , cstr_id ) ;
SEffect * peff = edbEffects . peffFindEffectID ( cstr_id ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmSlide . u4SampleID = edbEffects . u4Hash ( peff - > cstrID ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : UpdateSelectedGraph ( )
if ( ( edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) ) & & ( ( bCollision ) | | ( bSlide ) ) )
switch ( i4SampleSelect )
case 0 :
pcsm = & edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 0 ] ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLIDE ) - > EnableWindow ( bDual ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_SAMPLE ) - > SetWindowText ( " Test Collision Sample 1 " ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
pcsm = & edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmList [ 1 ] ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLIDE ) - > EnableWindow ( bDual ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_SAMPLE ) - > SetWindowText ( " Test Collision Sample 2 " ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
pcsm = & edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . csmSlide ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COLLIDE ) - > EnableWindow ( false ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_TEST_SAMPLE ) - > SetWindowText ( " Test Slide Sample " ) ;
break ;
default :
pcsm = NULL ;
pcsm = NULL ;
SetGraphs ( ) ;
Invalidate ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnRadio ( )
UpdateData ( true ) ;
UpdateSelectedGraph ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : OnStopSample ( )
delete psamCol1 ;
delete psamCol2 ;
delete psamAudio ;
delete psamTest ;
psamCol1 = NULL ;
psamCol2 = NULL ;
psamAudio = NULL ;
psamTest = NULL ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : PositionSamples ( )
if ( psamAudio )
psamAudio - > SetPosition ( fXWorldPos , 0.0f , fYWorldPos , false ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > CommitSettings ( ) ;
void CEditMaterialDlg : : AdjustSamples ( )
if ( pcsm = = NULL )
return ;
float f_pitch = pcsm - > stTransfer . fCalculatePitch ( fTestVel ) ;
// scale the pitch to a multiplying factor that can be applied to the frequency
if ( f_pitch < 0.0f )
f_pitch = 1.0f + ( f_pitch * 0.75f ) ;
f_pitch = ( f_pitch * 3.0f ) + 1.0f ;
if ( psamAudio )
if ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fMinVelocity < fTestVel )
psamAudio - > SetFrequency ( f_pitch ) ;
psamAudio - > SetVolume ( - 50.0f + ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fCalculateVolume ( fTestVel ) * 50.0f ) ) ;
psamAudio - > SetAttenuation ( pcsm - > stTransfer . fAttenuate ) ;
psamAudio - > SetVolume ( - 100.0f ) ;
CAudio : : pcaAudio - > CommitSettings ( ) ;
bool CEditMaterialDlg : : UpdateMinTime ( )
if ( edbEffects . bFindCollision ( u8Collision ) )
if ( ! UpdateData ( true ) )
fDelayTime = 0.0f ;
MessageBox ( " Minimum delay time has been set to zero " , " Trespasser Effects Error " , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
UpdateData ( false ) ;
edbEffects . cmCollisions [ u8Collision ] . SetMinimumDelay ( fDelayTime ) ;
return true ;