Utility NameManager "Name Manager" ( label version "v1.0" group "Name Options:" ( Radiobuttons ObjType "Object Type:" labels:#("Vegetation", "Animal", "Structure", "Props", "Terrain", "Other") align:#left columns:2 edittext prefix "Prefix:" fieldwidth:80 checkbutton prefixnum "#" offset:[60,-23] DropDownList delimiter "Delimiters:" items:#("","_", "+",":",";") fieldwidth:30 edittext Suffix "Suffix:" fieldwidth:80 checkbutton suffixnum "#" offset:[60,-23] checkbutton instanced "Instanced" ) group "Other Processes" ( dropDownList GameArea "Game Area:" items:#("Beach", "Jungle Road", "Platation House", "Industrial Jungle", "InGEN Town", "Plains", "PineValley", "Shore", "InGEN Lab", "Ascent", "Summit") selection:4 height:12 spinner RotationValue "Rotation Value:" range:[1,3,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:35 spinner DRLevel "Detail Level:" range:[0,5,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:35 button ExtraProcess "Process Selection" ) button renameObjects "Rename Selected" width:140 on instanced changed state do if state do prefixnum.state = suffixnum.state = off on prefixnum changed state do instanced.state = off on suffixnum changed state do instanced.state = off on renameObjects pressed do ( SelObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj oc = SelObjArray.count if ObjType.state == 1 do prefix1 = "V" if ObjType.state == 2 do prefix1 = "A" if ObjType.state == 3 do prefix1 = "S" if ObjType.state == 4 do prefix1 = "P" if ObjType.state == 5 do prefix1 = "T" if ObjType.state == 6 do prefix1 = "" if delimiter.selection == 1 do DelimStr = "" if delimiter.selection == 2 do DelimStr = "_" if delimiter.selection == 3 do DelimStr = "+" if delimiter.selection == 4 do DelimStr = ":" if delimiter.selection == 5 do DelimStr = ";" for i = 1 to oc do ( CObj = SelObjArray[i] if prefixnum.checked then PreNum = (i as string) else PreNum = "" if suffixnum.checked then SufNum = (i as string) else SufNum = "" if instanced.checked then Suffix2 = ("-" + i as string) else Suffix2 = "" CObj.name = (Prefix1 + Prefix.text + PreNum + DelimStr + Suffix.text + SufNum +Suffix2) ) ) on ExtraProcess pressed do ( SelObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj oc = SelObjArray.count for i = 1 to oc do ( CObj = SelObjArray[i] DashPos = 0 for j = 1 to CObj.name.count do if CObj.name[j] == "-" do DashPos = j if DashPos != 0 do ( MyPrefix = substring CObj.name 1 (DashPos - 1) MySuffix = substring CObj.name DashPos (CObj.name.count - DashPos) AreaKey = "" if GameArea.selection == 1 do (AreaKey = "BE") if GameArea.selection == 2 do (AreaKey = "JR") if GameArea.selection == 3 do (AreaKey = "PH") if GameArea.selection == 4 do (AreaKey = "IJ") if GameArea.selection == 5 do (AreaKey = "TO") if GameArea.selection == 6 do (AreaKey = "PL") if GameArea.selection == 7 do (AreaKey = "PV") if GameArea.selection == 8 do (AreaKey = "SH") if GameArea.selection == 9 do (AreaKey = "LA") if GameArea.selection == 10 do (AreaKey = "AS") if GameArea.selection == 11 do (AreaKey = "SU") Stuff = ("~" + AreaKey + (RotationValue.value as integer) as string + (DRLevel.value as integer) as string) ObjName = (MyPreFix + Stuff + MySuffix) CObj.name = ObjName ) ) ) ) -- end utility