* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Contents:
* CScale3
and CScaleI3
* Bugs:
* To do:
* If needed, provide scaling in an arbitrary direction.
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Transform5/Scale.hpp $
* 14 97-04-24 18:40 Speter
* Folded new changes from 4.2 version into this 5.0 specific version.
* 12 12/20/96 4:46p Mlange
* Updated friend class declaration in CScale3<>.
* 11 96/12/04 20:18 Speter
* Changed v3T to v3Pos in all transforms.
* 10 96/10/25 14:43 Speter
* Removed now-unneeded tScaleFactor function.
* 9 96/09/25 19:50 Speter
* The Big Change.
* In transforms, replaced TReal with TR, TDefReal with TReal.
* Replaced all references to transform templates that have with <>.
* Replaced TObjReal with TReal, and "or" prefix with "r".
* Replaced CObjPoint, CObjNormal, and CObjPlacement with equivalent transform types, and
* prefixes likewise.
* Removed some unnecessary casts to TReal.
* 8 96/08/21 18:50 Speter
* Changes from code review:
* Added default template parameter to all classes.
* Made all in-class friends inline.
* Added Asserts for inverse operators.
* Added operations with CTranslate3 transform.
* Added comments.
* 7 96/07/31 15:44 Speter
* Changed operator TR() to TR tScaleFactor(), to avoid ambiguities.
* 6 7/26/96 4:04p Mlange
* Added a conversion operator to a TR type variable to the CScaleI3 class.
* 5 96/06/26 22:07 Speter
* Added a bunch of comments, prettied things up nicely.
* 4 96/06/26 13:16 Speter
* Changed TGReal to TR and prefix gr to r.
* 3 96/06/25 14:35 Speter
* Finalised design of transform classes, with Position3 and Transform3.
* 2 96/06/20 17:13 Speter
* Converted into templates and made necessary changes.
* 1 96/06/20 15:26 Speter
* First version of new optimised transform library.
#include "Matrix.hpp"
// Forward declaration of required classes.
template class CScaleI3;
template class CScale3
// Prefix: s3
// An arbitrary nonisotropic scaling transform.
// Note: This is not inherited from CVector3, because a scale behaves like a transform,
// not like a vector. For example, CScale3 * CVector3 scales the vector, while
// CVector3 * CVector3 is the dot product.
CVector3 v3; // Contains scaling factors in each dimension.
// Constructors.
: v3(TR(1), TR(1), TR(1))
CScale3(TR t_x, TR t_y, TR t_z)
: v3(t_x, t_y, t_z)
CScale3(const CVector3
& v3)
: v3(v3)
// Conversion operators.
operator CMatrix3
() const
mx3.v3X.tX = v3.tX;
mx3.v3Y.tY = v3.tY;
mx3.v3Z.tZ = v3.tZ;
return mx3;
// Operators.
// Return the inverse of the scale.
operator ~() const
Assert(v3.tX != (TR)0 && v3.tY != (TR)0 && v3.tZ != (TR)0);
return CScale3
( (TR)1 / v3.tX, (TR)1 / v3.tY, (TR)1 / v3.tZ );
// Concatenate with another scale transform.
& operator *=(const CScale3
& s3)
v3.tX *= s3.v3.tX;
v3.tY *= s3.v3.tY;
v3.tZ *= s3.v3.tZ;
return *this;
// friend CScale3
operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CScaleI3
& si3);
// friend CScale3
& operator *=(CScale3
& s3, const CScaleI3
& si3);
friend CMatrix3
operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CMatrix3
& mx3);
// Global operators for CScale3<>.
// Concatenate with another scale transform.
template CScale3 operator *(const CScale3
& s3_a, const CScale3
& s3_b)
return CScale3
s3_a.v3.tX * s3_b.v3.tX,
s3_a.v3.tY * s3_b.v3.tY,
s3_a.v3.tZ * s3_b.v3.tZ
// Concatenate with a matrix.
template inline CMatrix3 operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CMatrix3
& mx3)
// Scale the columns of the matrix by the scale vector.
return CMatrix3
mx3.v3X.tX * s3.v3.tX, mx3.v3X.tY * s3.v3.tX, mx3.v3X.tZ * s3.v3.tX,
mx3.v3Y.tX * s3.v3.tY, mx3.v3Y.tY * s3.v3.tY, mx3.v3Y.tZ * s3.v3.tY,
mx3.v3Z.tX * s3.v3.tZ, mx3.v3Z.tY * s3.v3.tZ, mx3.v3Z.tZ * s3.v3.tZ
template inline CMatrix3 operator *(const CMatrix3
& mx3, const CScale3
& s3)
// Scale the rows of the matrix by the scale vector (mx3Transform does this).
return mx3Transform(mx3, s3);
template inline CMatrix3& operator *=(CMatrix3
& mx3, const CScale3
& s3)
return Transform(mx3, s3);
// Concatenate with a transform.
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CTransform3
& tf3)
return CTransform3
(s3 * tf3.mx3Mat, tf3.v3Pos);
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CTransform3
& tf3, const CScale3
& s3)
return CTransform3
(tf3.mx3Mat * s3, tf3.v3Pos * s3);
template inline CTransform3& operator *=(CTransform3
& tf3, const CScale3
& s3)
tf3.mx3Mat *= s3;
tf3.v3Pos *= s3;
return tf3;
// Concatenate with a translation.
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CTranslate3
& tl3)
return CTransform3
(s3, tl3.v3Pos);
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CTranslate3
& tl3, const CScale3
& s3)
return CTransform3
(s3, tl3.v3Pos * s3);
// Operate on a vector.
template inline CVector3 operator *(const CVector3
& v3, const CScale3
& s3)
return CVector3
v3.tX * s3.v3.tX,
v3.tY * s3.v3.tY,
v3.tZ * s3.v3.tZ
template inline CVector3& operator *=(CVector3
& v3, const CScale3
& s3)
v3.tX *= s3.v3.tX;
v3.tY *= s3.v3.tY;
v3.tZ *= s3.v3.tZ;
return v3;
template class CScaleI3
// Prefix: si3
// An isotropic scaling operation.
TR tScale; // The scaling factor for each dimension.
// Constructors.
: tScale((TR) 1)
CScaleI3(TR t)
: tScale(t)
// Conversion operators.
operator CMatrix3 () const
mx3.v3X.tX = mx3.v3Y.tY = mx3.v3Z.tZ = tScale;
return mx3;
// Convert to an anisotropic scale.
operator CScale3
() const
return CScale3
(tScale, tScale, tScale);
// Operators.
// Return the inverse of the scale.
operator ~() const
Assert(tScale != (TR)0);
return CScaleI3
( (TR)1 / tScale );
// Concatenate with another ScaleI transform.
& operator *=(const CScaleI3
& si3)
tScale *= si3.tScale;
return *this;
friend CVector3
operator *(const CVector3
& v3, const CScaleI3
& si3);
friend CVector3
& operator *=(CVector3
& v3, const CScaleI3
& si3);
// Global functions for CScaleI3<>.
// Concatenate with another ScaleI transform.
template inline CScaleI3 operator *(const CScaleI3
& si3_a, const CScaleI3
& si3_b)
return CScaleI3
(si3_a.tScale * si3_b.tScale);
// Concatenate with a Scale transform (commutative).
template inline CScale3 operator *(const CScaleI3
& si3, const CScale3
& s3)
return s3 * si3;
template inline CScale3& operator *=(CScale3
& s3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
s3.v3 *= si3.tScale;
return s3;
template inline CScale3 operator *(const CScale3
& s3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return CScale3
(s3.v3 * si3.tScale);
// Concatenate with a Matrix (commutative).
template inline CMatrix3 operator *(const CScaleI3
& si3, const CMatrix3
& mx3)
return mx3Transform(mx3, si3);
template inline CMatrix3& operator *=(CMatrix3
& mx3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return Transform(mx3, si3);
template inline CMatrix3 operator *(const CMatrix3
& mx3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return mx3Transform(mx3, si3);
// Concatenate with a transform. Not commutative.
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CScaleI3
& si3, const CTransform3
& tf3)
return CTransform3
(si3 * tf3.mx3Mat, tf3.v3Pos);
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CTransform3
& tf3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return CTransform3
(tf3.mx3Mat * si3, tf3.v3Pos * si3);
template inline CTransform3& operator *=(CTransform3
& tf3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
tf3.mx3Mat *= si3;
tf3.v3Pos *= si3;
return tf3;
// Concatenate with a translation.
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CScaleI3
& si3, const CTranslate3
& tl3)
return CTransform3
(si3, tl3.v3Pos);
template inline CTransform3 operator *(const CTranslate3
& tl3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return CTransform3
(si3, tl3.v3Pos * si3);
// Operate on a vector.
template inline CVector3 operator *(const CVector3
& v3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return v3 * si3.tScale;
template inline CVector3& operator *=(CVector3
& v3, const CScaleI3
& si3)
return v3 *= si3.tScale;