//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "GroffExp.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_EXPORT_OPTIONS DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 147, 122 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "GROFF Exporter" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN CONTROL "Quantize Bitmaps",IDC_QUANTIZE_BMP,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_LEFTTEXT | WS_TABSTOP,22,16,103,14 CONTROL "Create GROFF File",IDC_GEN_GROFF,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_LEFTTEXT | WS_TABSTOP,22,30,103,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,77,100,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,19,100,50,14 GROUPBOX "File Export Options",IDC_STATIC,8,8,131,40 GROUPBOX "Information Options",IDC_STATIC,8,51,131,28 CONTROL "Generate Logfiles",IDC_GEN_LOGFILES,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_LEFTTEXT | WS_TABSTOP,22,60,103,14 END #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "GroffExp.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef _MAC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Version // VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION 1,1,4,0 PRODUCTVERSION 1,1,4,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL #ifdef _DEBUG FILEFLAGS 0x1L #else FILEFLAGS 0x0L #endif FILEOS 0x40004L FILETYPE 0x2L FILESUBTYPE 0x0L BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904b0" BEGIN VALUE "Comments", "Written by Greg Stull, Jurassic Park II PC - Trespasser. [17-April-1997, C++ 4.1, Sdk 1.2].\0" VALUE "CompanyName", "DreamWorks Interactive L.L.E.\0" VALUE "FileDescription", "GroffExp\0" VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 1, 4, 0\0" VALUE "InternalName", "GroffExp\0" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 1996, 1997 DreamWorks Interactive\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "GroffExp.dle\0" VALUE "ProductName", "GroffExp.dle - Jurassic Park II - Trespasser. Copyright © 1996, 1997 DreamWorks Interactive\0" VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 1, 4, 0\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 END END #endif // !_MAC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_EXPORT_OPTIONS, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 8 RIGHTMARGIN, 139 TOPMARGIN, 8 BOTTOMMARGIN, 114 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_JP2_CLASSNAME "Groff Export" IDS_JP2_LONGDESC "GroffExp.dle: Jurassic Park II - PC Groff File Exporter. Copyright 1996 DreamWorks Interactive." IDS_JP2_SHORTDESC "JP2 PC Groff Exporter" IDS_JP2_AUTHOR "JP2 Exporter written by Greg Stull" IDS_JP2_COPYRIGHT "Groff File Exporter - Copyright 1996-1997 DreamWorks Interactive L.L.C." IDS_JP2_EXTENSION "GRF" IDS_JP2_EXPORTER "Export" IDS_SCENEENUM_START "Beginning scene enumeration...\n" IDS_SCENEENUM_END "\nScene enumeration complete.\n" IDS_SCENEENUM_INODE "\nEnumerating iNode: 0x%X, Object %s:\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CONV_TO_TRIMESH " Convertable to tri-mesh? " IDS_YES "Yes\n" IDS_NO "No\n" IDS_MATERIAL_CONFIG "\n----- MATERIAL CONFIGURATION -----\n\n" IDS_FACE_MAP_ENABLED "Face mapping: ENABLED\n" IDS_FACE_MAP_DISABLED "Face mapping: DISABLED\n" IDS_FACE_MODE_DOUBLE "Face mode : Double-sided.\n" IDS_FACE_MODE_SINGLE "Face mode : Single-sided.\n" IDS_SHININESS "\nShininess value : %.2f\n" IDS_SHININESS_STRENGTH "Shininess strength: %.2f\n" IDS_SELF_ILLUMINATION "Self Illumination : %.2f\n\n" IDS_AMBIENT_MAP "Ambient map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_DIFFUSE_MAP "Diffuse map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_SPECULAR_MAP "Specular map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_SHININESS_MAP "Shininess map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_SHININESS_STR_MAP "Shininess strength map detected with strength: %.2f\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SELF_ILLUM_MAP "Self-illumination map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_OPACITY_MAP "Opacity map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_FILTER_MAP "Filter color map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_BUMP_MAP "Bump map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_REFLECTION_MAP "Reflection map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_REFRACTION_MAP "Refraction map detected with strength: %.2f\n" IDS_MATRIX_SEPARATOR "--------------------------------" IDS_OBJECT_SEPARATOR "=======================================================================" IDS_TMBeforeWSM "TMBeforeWSM:" IDS_TMAfterWSM "TMAfterWSM:" IDS_ObjectTM "ObjectTM:" IDS_ParentTM "ParentTM:" IDS_NodeTM "NodeTM:" IDS_RelativeTM "RelativeTM:" IDS_SCALE "Scale:" IDS_ROTATION "Rotation:" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TRANSLATION "Translation:" IDS_NO_GROFF_GEN "Errors operation completed with errors. No\nexport GROFF file was generated." IDS_GROFF_GEN "Export operation completed successfully. A\nGROFF file was created." IDS_ERR_CONST_EXP_HIER "Unable to construct export file hierarchy. Aborting export." IDS_FILENAME_EXPORT "Export.log" IDS_UNKNOWN_CHUNK "<<<<< UNIDENTIFIED CHUNK DETECTED (ID = %d) >>>>>\n\n" IDS_EQ_SEPARATOR "=======================================================================" IDS_INDENT " " IDS_NEWLINE "\n" IDS_STR_CRLF "%s\n" IDS_PT3_CRLF "Point: (%9.5f, %9.5f, %9.5f)\n" IDS_FV3_CRLF "%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n" IDS_QUAT "Pure: %9.5f, Complex: (%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f)\n" IDS_ANGLE_AXIS "Angle: %.1f, Direction: <%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f>\n" IDS_MAT_SEPARATOR "--------------------------------" IDS_DECOMP_TITLE1 "----- Decomposed matrix -----" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SCALE_ROTATION "Scale Rotation:" IDS_SCALE_FACTOR "Scale factors:" IDS_DETERMINANT_SIGN "Determinant Sign: %f\n" IDS_DECOMP_TITLE2 "------------------------------\n" IDS_DASH_SEPARATOR "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" IDS_ABORT_OP "Abort export operation?" IDS_ROOT_OBJECT "Object Name: ""%s"", Node Class: ROOT, Children: %d\n" IDS_CHILD_OBJECT "Object Name: ""%s"", Node Class: CHILD, Children: %d\n" IDS_LEAF_OBJECT "Object Name: ""%s"", Node Class: LEAF\n" IDS_OAL_SOURCE "----- OBJECT PROPERTY BUFFER -----\n%s\n----- END PROPERTY BUFFER -----\n" IDS_WORLD_COORDS "\nObject coordinates are in the WORLD coordinate system.\n" IDS_LOCAL_COORDS "\nObject coordinates are in the LOCAL coordinate system.\n" IDS_OBJ_OFF_TITLE1 "\n----- OBJECT OFFSET INFORMATION -----" IDS_PIVOT_OFF "Pivot offset:" IDS_PIVOT_ROT "\nPivot rotation:" IDS_NONUNI_SCALE_FMT "Non-uniform scaling detected in object: ""%s""" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PLACE_TITLE "\n----- OBJECT PLACEMENT INFORMATION -----" IDS_OBJ_SCALING "\nObject scaling:" IDS_OBJ_POS "\nObject world position:" IDS_OBJ_ROT_QUAT "\nObject orientation quaternion:" IDS_F3_EULER "\nEuler angles: %.1f %.1f %.1f\n\n" IDS_MTL_TITLE "\n----- PROCESSING MATERIALS -----" IDS_MULTI_MTL "Multi-material object detected with %d materials.\n" IDS_SINGLE_MTL "Single-material object detected.\n" IDS_ERR_NO_MTLS "Object %s has no associated materials." IDS_WORLD_SPACE_TITLE "\n----- WORLD SPACE VERTICES -----" IDS_WORLD_VERTEX_FMT "World vertex: %3d: %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n" IDS_ERR_NO_GEOMETRY "Object %s has no associated geometry." IDS_VERTEX_TITLE "\n----- VERTEX DEFINITIONS (%d) -----\n" IDS_VERTEX_DEFS "Vertex: %3d: %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n" IDS_FACES_TITLE "\n----- FACE DEFINITIONS (%d)-----\n" IDS_FACE_DEFS "Face: %3d, Vertex indices: %3d %3d %3d \n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FACE_NORMAL_TITLE "\n----- FACE NORMALS (%d) -----\n" IDS_FACE_NORMAL_DEFS "Face: %3d, Normal: %9.7f %9.7f %9.7f\n" IDS_VERTEX_NORMAL_TITLE "\n----- VERTEX NORMALS (%d) -----\n" IDS_VERTEX_NORMAL_DEFS "Face: %3d, Vertex: %3d, Normal: %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n" IDS_FACE_MTL_TITLE "\n----- FACE-MATERIAL INDICES (%d) -----\n" IDS_FACE_MTL_DEFS "Face: %3d, Material index: %3d\n" IDS_TVERT_TITLE "\n----- TEXTURE VERTICES (%d) -----\n" IDS_TVERT_DEFS "Texture vertex: %3d, %6.3f %6.3f\n" IDS_TFACE_TITLE "\n----- TEXTURE FACES (%d) -----\n" IDS_TFACE_DEFS "Texture face(%3d) => Vertex Index(%3d,%3d,%3d)\n" IDS_QUANTIZE_BM "Quantizing bitmap: %s" IDS_INFO_MSG "Info message" IDS_WARNING_MSG "Warning message" IDS_ERROR_MSG "Error message" IDS_QUESTION "Question" IDS_BITMAP_PATH "Map\\" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LOGFILE_PATH "Log\\" IDS_PB_CANT_LOAD_DIF_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to load diffuse bitmap: %s" IDS_QB_TEX_BMP_NOT_TRUECOLOR "QuantizeBitmap: The diffuse bitmap must be a true-color (24 bit) bitmap: %s" IDS_QB_CANT_ALLOC_PXL_BUFFER "QuantizeBitmap: Unable to allocate a pixel buffer." IDS_PXL_LOOP_READ_ERR "ProcessBitmap: Problem encountered reading pixels in quantization loop." IDS_BITMAP_FMT "Bitmap: %s" IDS_BMP_TITLE "\nSource bitmap name: %s\n\n" IDS_BMP_WIDTH_FMT " Width %d\n" IDS_BMP_HEIGHT_FMT " Height %d\n" IDS_BMP_FLAGS_FMT " Flags %X\n" IDS_BMP_MAX_RGB_LVL_FMT " Max RGB Level %d\n\n" IDS_PB_DIF_BMP_NOT_TRUECOLOR "ProcessBitmap: Diffuse bitmap type is paletted (8 bit). The diffuse bitmap is required\n to be a true-color (24 bit) bitmap." IDS_PB_DIF_BMP_TRUECOLOR "ProcessBitmap: Diffuse bitmap type is true-color (24 bit).\n" IDS_PB_CANT_CREATE_DST_TXT_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to create destination texture bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_ALLOC_PXL_BUFFER "ProcessBitmap: Unable to allocate a pixel buffer." IDS_PB_CANT_CFG_NEW_IMG_PAL "ProcessBitmap: Unable to configure the new image palette." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PB_CANT_WR_PPXL_TO_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to write paletted pixels into the bitmap." IDS_PB_CANT_LOAD_OP_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to load opacity bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_BMP_DIMS_INCOMPAT "ProcessBitmap: Unable to combine two bitmaps because their dimensions\ndon't match exactly. The bitmaps have the following dimensions\n%s: (%d, %d)\n%s: (%d, %d)" IDS_PB_OP_BMP_NOT_PAL "ProcessBitmap: Opacity bitmap must be paletted (8 bit): %s" IDS_PB_CANT_RD_OP_BMP_PAL "ProcessBitmap: Unable to read opacity map palette: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_FIND_XPAR_PXL "ProcessBitmap: Unable to locate palette entry value (0,0,0) in opacity bitmap\nfor transparent pixels: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_RD_OP_BMP_SCANLINE "ProcessBitmap: Unable to read scanline from opacity bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_RD_DIF_BMP_SCANLINE "ProcessBitmap: Unable to read scanline from diffuse bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_WR_SCANLINE_2_DIF_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to write the scanline to the destination texture bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_PXL_PRCS_STATS "Post bitmap processing pixel statistics:\n Total pixels processed: %d\n Tranparent pixels encountered: %d\n %.2f%% of this bitmap's pixels are transparent.\n" IDS_PB_CANT_LOAD_BU_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to load bump bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_UPDATE_DST_BU_NAME "ProcessBitmap: Unable to update the bump bitmap file name: %s" IDS_PB_BU_BMP_NOT_PAL "ProcessBitmap: Bump bitmap must be paletted (8 bit): %s" IDS_PB_CANT_RD_BU_BMP_SCANLINE "ProcessBitmap: Unable to read scanline from bump bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_WR_SCANLINE_2_BU_BMP "ProcessBitmap: Unable to write the scanline to the destination bump bitmap: %s" IDS_PB_CANT_WR_BU_BMP_2_DSK "ProcessBitmap: Unable to write the bump bitmap to disk: %s" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PB_UNKNOWN_BMP_TYPE "ProcessBitmap: Encountered an unsupported basic bitmap type: (%d)" IDS_POB_CANT_ALLOC_QUANT "ProcessObjectBitmaps: Unable to construct a color-quantizer profile." IDS_POB_CANT_ALLOC_HIST "ProcessObjectBitmaps: Unable to allocate a histogram for this color-quantizer profile." IDS_QUANTIZING "Quantizing bitmaps..." IDS_POB_MISSING_QUANTIZED_BMP "ProcessObjectBitmaps: The exporter has been instructed to skip diffuse bitmap\nquantization. A check of the target directory has revealed that a diffuse bitmap\nreferenced by this object is not present in the destination directory, which could result\nin improper loading of the GROFF file.\n Object: %s\n Bitmap: %s\n Directory: %s" IDS_POB_MISSING_BU_BMP "ProcessObjectBitmaps: The exporter has been instructed to skip diffuse bitmap\nquantization. A check of the target directory has revealed that a bump bitmap\nreferenced by this object is not present in the destination directory, which could result\nin improper loading of the GROFF file.\n Object: %s\n Bitmap: %s\n Directory: %s" IDS_QB_CANT_LOAD_DIF_BMP "QuantizeBitmap: Unable to load diffuse bitmap: %s" IDS_SM_MISSING_MTL "SingleMaterial: An object has been encountered without a material definition.\n" IDS_SINGLE_MTL_DEF "Object has a single-material definition.\n" IDS_MTL_CLASS_ID "Material class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_SM_MUST_USE_SM "SingleMaterial: Single materials must be standard materials." IDS_SM_DIF_BMP_ID "\nSingleMaterial: Diffuse channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_SM_DIF_MTL_INVALID_BMP "SingleMaterial: Diffuse channel bitmap name is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_SM_DIF_BMP_MISSING "SingleMaterial: A diffuse bitmap is required in a single material definition." IDS_PB_CANT_LOAD_DIF_BMP2 "ProcessBitmap: Unable to load diffuse bitmap: %s" IDS_BMP_MISSING_NAME "SingleMaterial: No name associated with bitmap.\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DIF_BMP_NAME "Diffuse channel bitmap name: %s\n" IDS_SM_OP_BMP_ID "\nSingleMaterial: Opacity channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_SM_OP_MTL_INVALID_BMP "SingleMaterial: Opacity channel bitmap name is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_OP_BMP_NAME "Opacity channel bitmap name: %s\n" IDS_BU_BMP_NAME "Bump channel bitmap name: %s\n" IDS_SM_BU_BMP_ID "\nSingleMaterial: Bump channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_SM_BU_MTL_INVALID_BMP "SingleMaterial: Bump channel bitmap name is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_BU_STRENGTH "\nBumpiness factor for bumpmap strength: %f\n" IDS_MULTI_MTL_DEF "Object has a multi-material definition.\n" IDS_MM_MUST_USE_MM "MultiMaterial: Multiple material definitions may must use multi-material type." IDS_SUB_MTL_COUNT "\nSub-material count: %d\n\n" IDS_SUB_MTL_NUM "Sub-material number %d\n" IDS_MM_DIF_BMP_MISSING "MultiMaterial: Slot %d of the multi-material definition was found to be missing a\ndiffuse bitmap. A diffuse bitmap is required in each every slot of a multi-material definition." IDS_MM_DIF_MTL_INVALID_BMP "MultiMaterial: Slot %d of the multi-material definition contains a diffuse bitmap name\nwhich is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_EXP_FILENAME "\nExport file name: %s\n" IDS_MM_DIF_BMP_ID "\nMultiMaterial: Slot %d, diffuse channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MM_OP_BMP_ID "\nMultiMaterial: Slot %d, opacity channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_MM_OP_MTL_INVALID_BMP "MultiMaterial: Slot %d of the multi-material definition contains an opacity bitmap name\nwhich is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_MM_BU_BMP_ID "\nMultiMaterial: Slot %d, bump channel bitmap class ID: High part: 0x%X, Low part: 0x%X\n" IDS_MM_BU_MTL_INVALID_BMP "MultiMaterial: Slot %d of the multi-material definition contains a bump bitmap name\nwhich is not a valid bitmap.\n" IDS_INVALID_EXP_OBJ_TYPE "Unrecognized internal object type detected in exporter." IDS_NO_ENUMERATED_INODES "No enumerated objects exist for exporting." IDS_JP2_ABOUT_BOX "Jurassic Park II: Trespasser Scene Exporter Plugin\nWritten by: Greg Stull 3D Sudio conscript 1997." IDS_JP2_ABOUT_TITLE "About..." IDS_GEN_LOGFILES "Export operation completed successfully. All logfiles were\nsuccessfully generated for this scene." IDS_QUANTIZE_BMPS "Export operation completed successfully. Quantization of all\nbitmaps in this scene completed successfully." IDS_QUANT_AND_GEN_LOGS "Export operation completed successfully. Quantization of all bitmaps in the\nscene completed successfully and logfiles were successfully generated." IDS_BBOX_TITLE "\n----- BOUNDING BOX INFORMATION -----" IDS_BBOX_LOWER_COORD "Bounding box lower coordinate:" IDS_BBOX_UPPER_COORD "\nBounding box upper coordinate:" IDS_BBOX_CENTER_COORD "\nBounding box center of extents:" IDS_OBJ_BBOX "Object bounding box:" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED