
221 lines
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FILE: iparamb.h
DESCRIPTION: Interface to Parameter blocks
CREATED BY: Rolf Berteig
HISTORY: created 1/25/95
*> Copyright (c) 1994, All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __IPARAMB__
#define __IPARAMB__
class UserType : public ReferenceTarget {
virtual ~UserType() {};
virtual Control* CreateController()=0;
virtual BOOL operator==( const UserType &t )=0;
virtual UserType& operator=( const UserType &t )=0;
// Built in data types
enum ParamType {
// We can add types up to 32 total.
// Chunk IDs for loading/saving
#define PB_COUNT_CHUNK 0x0001
#define PB_PARAM_CHUNK 0x0002
#define PB_INDEX_CHUNK 0x0003
#define PB_ANIMATABLE_CHUNK 0x0004
#define PB_VERSION_CHUNK 0x0005
#define PB_FLOAT_CHUNK (TYPE_FLOAT + 0x100)
#define PB_INT_CHUNK (TYPE_INT + 0x100)
#define PB_RGBA_CHUNK (TYPE_RGBA + 0x100)
#define PB_POINT3_CHUNK (TYPE_POINT3 + 0x100)
#define PB_BOOL_CHUNK (TYPE_BOOL + 0x100)
#define PB_TYPE_CHUNK 0x0200
// When a client of a param block receives the REFMSG_GET_PARAM_NAME
// message, the partID field is set to point at one of these structures.
// The client should fill in the parameter name.
class GetParamName {
TSTR name;
int index;
GetParamName(TSTR n,int i) { name=n;index=i; }
// When a client of a param block receives the REFMSG_GET_PARAM_DIM
// message, the partID field is set to point at one of these structs.
// The client should set dim to point at it's dim descriptor.
class GetParamDim {
ParamDimension *dim;
int index;
GetParamDim(int i) {index=i;dim=NULL;}
// To create a parameter block, pass an array of these descriptors
// into the Create function.
// Items in the parameter block can be refered to by index. The
// index is derived from the order in which the descriptors appear
// in the array. If a parameter is a UserType, then a pointer to a
// new UserType must be passed in. The parameter block will be responsible
// for deleting it when it is done with it.
class ParamBlockDesc {
ParamType type;
UserType *user;
BOOL animatable;
// This version of the descriptor has an ID for each parameter.
class ParamBlockDescID {
ParamType type;
UserType *user;
BOOL animatable;
class IParamBlock;
// This class represents a virtual array of parameters.
// Parameter blocks are one such implementation of this class, but
// it can also be useful to implement a class that abstracts non-
// parameter block variables.
// The ParamMap class (see IParamM.h) uses this base class so that
// a ParamMap can be used to control UI for not only parameter blocks
// but variables stored outside of parameter blocks.
class IParamArray {
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, float v ) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, int v ) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Point3& v ) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, float &v, Interval &ivalid ) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, int &v, Interval &ivalid ) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Point3 &v, Interval &ivalid ) {return FALSE;}
// If it is a param block, this will get a pointer to it, otherwise it will return NULL.
// Note that casting won't work because of multiple iheritance.
virtual IParamBlock *GetParamBlock() {return NULL;}
class IParamBlock :
public ReferenceTarget,
public IParamArray {
// Get's the super class of a parameters controller
virtual SClass_ID GetAnimParamControlType(int anim)=0;
// one for each known type
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, float v )=0;
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, int v )=0;
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Point3& v )=0;
virtual BOOL SetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Color& v )=0; // uses Point3 controller
// one for each known type
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, float &v, Interval &ivalid )=0;
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, int &v, Interval &ivalid )=0;
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Point3 &v, Interval &ivalid )=0;
virtual BOOL GetValue( int i, TimeValue t, Color &v, Interval &ivalid )=0; // uses Point3 Controller
virtual Color GetColor(int i, TimeValue t=0)=0;
virtual Point3 GetPoint3(int i, TimeValue t=0)=0;
virtual int GetInt(int i, TimeValue t=0)=0;
virtual float GetFloat(int i, TimeValue t=0)=0;
virtual DWORD GetVersion()=0;
virtual int NumParams()=0;
virtual void RemoveController(int i)=0;
virtual Control* GetController(int i)=0;
virtual void SetController(int i, Control *c, BOOL preserveFrame0Value=TRUE)=0;
virtual void SwapControllers(int j, int k )=0;
// Given the parameter index, what is the refNum?
virtual int GetRefNum(int paramNum)=0;
// Given the parameter index what is the animNum?
virtual int GetAnimNum(int paramNum)=0;
// Given the animNum what is the parameter index?
virtual int AnimNumToParamNum(int animNum)=0;
// Inherited from IParamArray
IParamBlock *GetParamBlock() {return this;}
CoreExport IParamBlock *CreateParameterBlock(ParamBlockDesc *pdesc, int count);
CoreExport IParamBlock *CreateParameterBlock(ParamBlockDescID *pdesc, int count,DWORD version);
// This creates a new parameter block, based on an existing parameter block of
// a later version. The new parameter block inherits any parameters from
// the old parameter block whose parameter IDs match.
CoreExport IParamBlock *UpdateParameterBlock(
ParamBlockDescID *pdescOld, int oldCount, IParamBlock *oldPB,
ParamBlockDescID *pdescNew, int newCount, DWORD newVersion);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// A handy post load call back for fixing up parameter blocks.
// This structure describes a version of the parameter block.
class ParamVersionDesc {
ParamBlockDescID *desc;
int count;
DWORD version;
ParamVersionDesc(ParamBlockDescID *d,int c,int v) {desc=d;count=c;version=v;}
// This will look up the version of the loaded callback and
// fix it up so it matches the current version.
// NOTE: this thing deletes itself when it's done.
class ParamBlockPLCB : public PostLoadCallback {
ParamVersionDesc *versions;
int count;
ParamVersionDesc *cur;
ReferenceTarget *targ;
int pbRefNum;
ParamVersionDesc *v,int cnt,ParamVersionDesc *c,
ReferenceTarget *t,int refNum)
CoreExport void proc(ILoad *iload);