
559 lines
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FILE: mesh.h
DESCRIPTION: Main include file for triangle meshes.
CREATED BY: Don Brittain
*> Copyright (c) 1994, All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef _MESH_H_
#define _MESH_H_
#include "channels.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include <ioapi.h>
#include "export.h"
#include "vedge.h" //DS
typedef unsigned short MtlID;
// This a UV coordinate. These cound be Point2s
typedef Point3 UVVert;
#define MESH_MULTI_PROCESSING TRUE // TRUE turns on mp vertex transformation
class ISave;
class ILoad;
#define NEWMESH
class RNormal {
RNormal() { smGroup = mtlIndex = 0; }
void setNormal(const Point3 &nor) { normal = nor; }
void addNormal(const Point3 &nor) { normal += nor; }
void normalize(void) { normal = Normalize(normal); }
Point3 & getNormal(void) { return normal; }
void setSmGroup(DWORD g) { smGroup = g; }
void addSmGroup(DWORD g) { smGroup |= g; }
DWORD getSmGroup(void) { return smGroup; }
void setMtlIndex(MtlID i){ mtlIndex = i; }
MtlID getMtlIndex(void) { return mtlIndex; }
void setRGB(Point3 &clr) { rgb = clr; };
Point3 & getRGB(void) { return rgb; }
Point3 normal;
DWORD smGroup;
MtlID mtlIndex;
Point3 rgb;
// RVertex flags: contain clip flags, number of normals at the vertex
// and the number of normals that have already been rendered.
// fine PLANE_MASK 0x00003f00UL -- now in gfx.h
#define NORCT_MASK 0x000000ffUL
#define SPECIFIED_NORMAL 0x00004000UL
#define OUT_LEFT 0x00010000UL
#define OUT_RIGHT 0x00020000UL
#define OUT_TOP 0x00040000UL
#define OUT_BOTTOM 0x00080000UL
#define RECT_MASK 0x000f0000UL
#define RND_MASK 0xfff00000UL
#define RND_NOR0 0x00100000UL
#define RND_NOR(n) (RND_NOR0 << (n))
class RVertex {
RVertex() { rFlags = 0; ern = NULL; }
DllExport ~RVertex();
DWORD rFlags;
union {
int iPos[3];
float fPos[3];
RNormal rn;
RNormal *ern;
// Face Flags:
// 3 LSBs hold the edge visibility flags
// Bit 3 indicates the presence of texture verticies
// if bit is 1, edge is visible
#define EDGE_VIS 1
#define EDGE_INVIS 0
// first edge-visibility bit field
#define VIS_BIT 0x0001
#define VIS_MASK 0x0007
#define EDGE_A (1<<0)
#define EDGE_B (1<<1)
#define EDGE_C (1<<2)
#define FACE_HIDDEN (1<<3)
#define HAS_TVERTS (1<<4)
#define FACE_WORK (1<<5) // used in various algorithms
// The mat ID is stored in the HIWORD of the face flags
class Face {
DWORD v[3];
DWORD smGroup;
DWORD flags;
Face() { flags = 0; }
MtlID getMatID() {return (int)((flags>>FACE_MATID_SHIFT)&FACE_MATID_MASK);}
void setMatID(MtlID id) {flags &= 0xFFFF; flags |= (DWORD)(id<<FACE_MATID_SHIFT);}
void setSmGroup(DWORD i) { smGroup = i; }
DWORD getSmGroup(void) { return smGroup; }
void setVerts(DWORD *vrt){ memcpy(v, vrt, 3*sizeof(DWORD)); }
void setVerts(int a, int b, int c) { v[0]=a; v[1]=b; v[2]=c; }
DllExport void setEdgeVis(int edge, int visFlag);
DllExport void setEdgeVisFlags(int va, int vb, int vc);
int getEdgeVis(int edge){ return flags & (VIS_BIT << edge); }
DWORD getVert(int index) { return v[index]; }
DWORD * getAllVerts(void) { return v; }
BOOL Hidden() {return flags&FACE_HIDDEN?TRUE:FALSE;}
void Hide() {flags|=FACE_HIDDEN;}
void Show() {flags&=~FACE_HIDDEN;}
void SetHide(BOOL hide) {if (hide) Hide(); else Show();}
class TVFace {
DWORD t[3]; // indices into tVerts
TVFace() {}
TVFace(DWORD a, DWORD b, DWORD c) {t[0]=a; t[1]=b; t[2]=c;}
void setTVerts(DWORD *vrt){ memcpy(t, vrt, 3*sizeof(DWORD)); }
void setTVerts(int a, int b, int c) { t[0]=a; t[1]=b; t[2]=c; }
DWORD getTVert(int index) { return t[index]; }
DWORD * getAllTVerts(void) { return t; }
// Flag definitions
#define MESH_EDGE_LIST 1
#define COMP_TRANSFORM 0x0001 // forces recalc of model->screen transform; else will attempt to use cache
#define COMP_IGN_RECT 0x0002 // forces all polys to be rendered; else only those intersecting the box will be
#define COMP_LIGHTING 0x0004 // forces re-lighting of all verts (as when a light moves); else only relight moved verts
#define COMP_ALL 0x00ff
// If this bit is set then the node being displayed by this mesh is selected.
// Certain display flags only activate when this bit is set.
#define COMP_OBJSELECTED (1<<8)
typedef int (*INTRFUNC)();
DllExport void setMeshIntrFunc(INTRFUNC fn);
class MeshSubHitRec {
MeshSubHitRec *next;
DWORD dist;
int index;
DWORD flags;
MeshSubHitRec(DWORD dist, int index, MeshSubHitRec *next)
{this->dist = dist; this->index = index; this->next = next;}
MeshSubHitRec(DWORD dist, int index, DWORD flags, MeshSubHitRec *next)
{this->dist = dist; this->index = index; this->next = next;this->flags = flags;}
MeshSubHitRec *Next() { return next; }
class SubObjHitList {
MeshSubHitRec *first;
SubObjHitList() { first = NULL; }
~SubObjHitList() {
MeshSubHitRec *ptr = first, *fptr;
while (ptr) {
fptr = ptr;
ptr = ptr->Next();
delete fptr;
first = NULL;
MeshSubHitRec *First() { return first; }
void AddHit( DWORD dist, int index ) {
first = new MeshSubHitRec(dist,index,first);
// Flags for sub object hit test
// NOTE: these are the same bits used for object level.
#define SUBHIT_SELONLY (1<<0)
#define SUBHIT_UNSELONLY (1<<2)
#define SUBHIT_ABORTONHIT (1<<3)
#define SUBHIT_SELSOLID (1<<4)
#define SUBHIT_USEFACESEL (1<<23) // When this bit is set, the sel only and unsel only tests will use the faces selection when doing a vertex level hit test
#define SUBHIT_VERTS (1<<24)
#define SUBHIT_FACES (1<<25)
#define SUBHIT_EDGES (1<<26)
// Display flags
#define DISP_VERTTICKS (1<<0)
#define DISP_SELVERTS (1<<10)
#define DISP_SELFACES (1<<11)
#define DISP_SELEDGES (1<<12)
#define DISP_SELPOLYS (1<<13)
// Selection level bits.
#define MESH_OBJECT (1<<0)
#define MESH_VERTEX (1<<1)
#define MESH_FACE (1<<2)
#define MESH_EDGE (1<<3)
class MeshOpProgress;
class MeshRenderData {
virtual void DeleteThis()=0;
class Mesh {
friend class Face;
static int refCount;
static HANDLE xfmThread;
static HANDLE xfmMutex;
static HANDLE xfmStartEvent;
static HANDLE xfmEndEvent;
friend DWORD WINAPI xfmFunc(LPVOID ptr);
static HANDLE fNorThread;
static HANDLE fNorMutex;
static HANDLE fNorStartEvent;
static HANDLE fNorEndEvent;
friend DWORD WINAPI fNorFunc(LPVOID ptr);
// derived data-- can be regenerated
RVertex *rVerts; // <<< instance specific.
GraphicsWindow *cacheGW; // identifies rVerts cache
Point3 *faceNormal; // object space--depends on geom+topo
Box3 bdgBox; // object space--depends on geom+topo
int numVisEdges; // depends on topo
int edgeListHasAll; // depends on topo
VEdge *visEdge; // depends on topo
// Vertex and face work arrays -- for snap code
int snapVCt;
int snapFCt;
char *snapV;
char *snapF;
// -------------------------------------
long flags; // work flags-
float norScale; // scale of normals -- couldn't this be done
// automatically relative to bdgBox?
// Rolf: these are instance specific and should be pulled out of here,
// and just passed in from the Node.
int dspNormals; // display surface normals--- put in flags?
int dspAllEdges; // shows hidden edges ---- put in flags?
int renderFace(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD index, int *custVis=NULL);
int renderEdge(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD face, DWORD edge);
void calcNormal(int i);
void checkRVertsAlloc(void);
void setCacheGW(GraphicsWindow *gw) { cacheGW = gw; }
GraphicsWindow *getCacheGW(void) { return cacheGW; }
void buildFaceNormals();
void checkNormals(int illum);
void freeVerts();
void freeFaces();
void freeFaceNormals();
void freeRVerts();
void freeTVerts();
void freeT3DVerts();
void freeTVFaces();
void freeSnapData();
int buildSnapData(GraphicsWindow *gw,int verts,int edges);
// Topology
int numVerts;
int numFaces;
Face * faces;
// Geometry
Point3 * verts;
// Texture Coord assignment
int numTVerts;
UVVert * tVerts;
TVFace * tvFace;
Point3 * t3DVerts; // Snap shot of regular vertices before a deformation
// Material assignment
MtlID mtlIndex; // object material
MtlID * faceMtlIndex; // material index per face.
// Selection
BitArray vertSel; // selected vertices
BitArray faceSel; // selected faces
BitArray edgeSel; // selected edges, identified as 3*faceIndex + edgeIndex
BitArray vertHide; // Hide flags for vertices
// Display attribute flags
DWORD dispFlags;
// Selection level
DWORD selLevel;
// true if normals have been built for the current mesh
int normalsBuilt;
MeshRenderData* renderData; // used by the renderer
DllExport Mesh();
DllExport Mesh(const Mesh& fromMesh);
DllExport ~Mesh();
void Init();
DllExport Mesh& operator=(const Mesh& fromMesh);
DllExport BOOL setNumVerts(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE);
int getNumVerts(void) const { return numVerts; }
DllExport BOOL setNumFaces(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE);
int getNumFaces(void) const{ return numFaces; }
DllExport BOOL setNumTVerts(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE);
int getNumTVerts(void) const { return numTVerts; }
// These are parallel to faces and vertices (repectively)
// These are called from setNumVets()/Faces() to maintain the same count.
// If they are NULL and keep = TRUE they stay NULL.
// If they are NULL and keep = FALSE they are allocated (3D verts also init themselves from the main vert array)
// If they are non-NULL and ct = 0 they are set to NULL (and freed)
// NOTE that T3DVerts are always initialized to either thier previous value (keep=1) or the vertex array
// The old count is the length of the existing array (usually equal to numVerts but not if verts have just been resized also)
DllExport BOOL setNumTVFaces(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0);
DllExport BOOL setNumT3DVerts(int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0);
void setVert(int i, const Point3 &xyz) { verts[i] = xyz; }
void setVert(int i, float x, float y, float z) { verts[i].x=x; verts[i].y=y; verts[i].z=z; }
void setTVert(int i, const UVVert &xyz) { tVerts[i] = xyz; }
void setTVert(int i, float x, float y, float z) { tVerts[i].x=x; tVerts[i].y=y; tVerts[i].z=z; }
DllExport void setNormal(int i, const Point3 &xyz);
DllExport Point3 & getNormal(int i);
void setFaceNormal(int i, const Point3 &xyz) { faceNormal[i] = xyz; }
Point3 & getFaceNormal(int i) { return faceNormal[i]; }
Point3 & getVert(int i) { return verts[i]; }
Point3 * getVertPtr(int i) { return verts+i; }
UVVert & getTVert(int i) { return tVerts[i]; }
UVVert * getTVertPtr(int i) { return tVerts+i; }
RVertex & getRVert(int i) { return rVerts[i]; }
RVertex * getRVertPtr(int i) { return rVerts+i; }
void setMtlIndex(MtlID i) { mtlIndex = i; }
MtlID getMtlIndex(void) { return mtlIndex; }
// Face MtlIndex list methods;
DllExport void createFaceMtlIndexList();
void freeFaceMtlIndexList();
DllExport MtlID getFaceMtlIndex(int i); // { return faceMtlIndex? faceMtlIndex[i]: mtlIndex; }
DllExport void setFaceMtlIndex(int i, MtlID id);
DllExport void buildNormals();
DllExport void buildRenderNormals(); // like buildNormals, but ignores mtlIndex
DllExport void render(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, RECT *rp, int compFlags, int numMat=1);
DllExport BOOL select(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, int abortOnHit = FALSE, int numMat=1);
DllExport void snap(GraphicsWindow *gw, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, Matrix3 &tm);
DllExport BOOL SubObjectHitTest(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr,
DWORD flags, SubObjHitList& hitList, int numMat=1 );
void displayNormals(int b, float sc) { dspNormals = b; if(sc != (float)0.0) norScale = sc; }
void displayAllEdges(int b) { dspAllEdges = b; }
DllExport void buildBoundingBox(void);
DllExport Box3 getBoundingBox(Matrix3 *tm=NULL); // RB: optional TM allows the box to be calculated in any space.
// NOTE: this will be slower becuase all the points must be transformed.
DllExport void EnableEdgeList(int e);
DllExport void BuildVisEdgeList();
DllExport void DrawVisEdgeList(GraphicsWindow *gw, DWORD flags);
DllExport void HitTestVisEdgeList(GraphicsWindow *gw, int abortOnHit ); // RB
DllExport void InvalidateEdgeList(); // RB
DllExport void InvalidateGeomCache();
DllExport void FreeAll(); //DS
// functions for use in data flow evaluation
DllExport void ShallowCopy(Mesh *amesh, unsigned long channels);
DllExport void DeepCopy(Mesh *amesh, unsigned long channels);
DllExport void NewAndCopyChannels(unsigned long channels);
DllExport void FreeChannels( unsigned long channels, int zeroOthers=1);
// Display flags
void SetDispFlag(DWORD f) { dispFlags |= f; }
DWORD GetDispFlag(DWORD f) { return dispFlags & f; }
void ClearDispFlag(DWORD f) { dispFlags &= ~f; }
// Selection access
BitArray& VertSel() { return vertSel; }
BitArray& FaceSel() { return faceSel; }
// Constructs a vertex selection list based on the current selection level.
DllExport BitArray VertexTempSel();
DllExport IOResult Save(ISave* isave);
DllExport IOResult Load(ILoad* iload);
// RB: added so all objects can easily support the GeomObject method of the same name.
DllExport int IntersectRay(Ray& ray, float& at, Point3& norm);
// RB: I couldn't resist adding these <g>
DllExport Mesh operator+(Mesh &mesh); // Union
DllExport Mesh operator-(Mesh &mesh); // Difference
DllExport Mesh operator*(Mesh &mesh); // Intersection
DllExport void WeldCollinear(BitArray &set);
DllExport void Optimize(
float normThresh, float edgeThresh,
float bias, DWORD flags, MeshOpProgress *prog=NULL);
DllExport void ApplyUVWMap(int type,
float utile, float vtile, float wtile,
int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap,
const Matrix3 &tm);
DllExport void FlipNormal(int i);
DllExport void UnifyNormals(BOOL selOnly);
DllExport void AutoSmooth(float angle,BOOL useSel);
DllExport Edge *MakeEdgeList(int *edgeCount, int flagdbls=0);
DllExport int DeleteFlaggedFaces(); // deletes all faces with FACE_WORK flag set
// Returns TRUE if an equivalent face already exists.
DllExport BOOL DoesFaceExist(DWORD v0, DWORD v1, DWORD v2);
// Removes faces that have two or more equal indices.
// Returns TRUE if any degenerate faces were found
DllExport BOOL RemoveDegenerateFaces();
// Removes faces that have indices that are out of range
// Returns TRUE if any illegal faces were found
DllExport BOOL RemoveIllegalFaces();
DllExport float AngleBetweenFaces(DWORD f0, DWORD f1);
// Compute the barycentric coords of a point in the plane of
// a face relative to that face.
DllExport Point3 BaryCoords(DWORD face, Point3 p);
// Some edge operations
DllExport void DivideEdge(DWORD edge);
DllExport void TurnEdge(DWORD edge);
// used by the renderer
void SetRenderData(MeshRenderData *p) {renderData = p; }
MeshRenderData * GetRenderData() { return renderData; }
// Mapping types passed to ApplyUVWMap()
#define MAP_PLANAR 0
#define MAP_BALL 3
#define MAP_BOX 4
// Optimize flags
#define OPTIMIZE_AUTOEDGE (1<<2)
void DllExport setUseVisEdge(int b);
int DllExport getUseVisEdge();
// a callback to update progress UI while doing a
// lengthy operation to a mesh
class MeshOpProgress {
// called once with the total increments
virtual void Init(int total)=0;
// Called to update progress. % done = p/total
virtual BOOL Progress(int p)=0;
// Boolean operations for meshes:
// mesh = mesh1 op mesh2
// If tm1 or tm2 are non-NULL, the points of the corresponding
// mesh will be transformed by these tm before the bool op
// The mesh will be transformed back by either Inverse(tm1) or
// Inverse(tm2) depending whichInv (0=>tm1, 1=>tm2)
// unless whichInv is -1 in which case it will not be transformed
// back.
int DllExport CalcBoolOp(
Mesh &mesh, Mesh &mesh1, Mesh &mesh2, int op,
MeshOpProgress *prog = NULL,
Matrix3 *tm1 = NULL,
Matrix3 *tm2 = NULL,
int whichInv = 0,
int weld = TRUE);
DllExport void SetSubSelColor(Point3 *clr);
DllExport Point3 GetSubSelColor();
#endif // _MESH_H_