159 lines
5.5 KiB
159 lines
5.5 KiB
* DESCRIPTION: DLL Plugin classes
* AUTHOR: Dan Silva
* HISTORY: 11/30/94 Started coding
typedef unsigned long ulong;
#include <plugapi.h>
// This is the interface to a DLL
// Each DLL may implement any number of classes.
class DllDesc {
TSTR fname;
const TCHAR* (*vDescription)(); // copy of this string can be stored in the DLL dir
int (*vNumClasses)(); // How many classes does this DLL implement?
ClassDesc* (*vClassDesc)(int i); // Hands back a ClassDesc for the ith class
CoreExport DllDesc();
CoreExport void Free() { FreeLibrary(handle); }
CoreExport const TCHAR* Description() { return (*vDescription)(); };
CoreExport int NumberOfClasses() { return (*vNumClasses)(); };
ClassDesc* operator[](int i) { return (*vClassDesc)(i); };
int operator==( const DllDesc& dd ) const { return 0; }
We will build one big DllDir on startup.
As we do this, we will build a set of lists, one for each SuperClass.
For a given super class, we want to
(a) Enumerate all public subclasses
(b) Enumerate all subclasses
(c) Find the subClass for a given subClass ID.
class ClassEntry {
int dllNumber; // index into the master Dll list
int classNum; // index of the class within the DLL
int isPublic;
int useCount; // used for enumerating classes in summary info
Class_ID classID;
TSTR name;
TSTR category;
ClassDesc *cd;
// The following are use to store the last rollup state for a
// given class. 'scroll' is the scroll amount of the command panel
// and pageState is the open close state for up to 32 rollup pages. (when the bit is set that means the rollup page is closed)
int scroll;
DWORD pageState;
CoreExport ClassEntry();
CoreExport ClassEntry(const ClassEntry &ce);
CoreExport ClassEntry(ClassDesc *cld, int dllN, int index);
CoreExport void Set(ClassDesc *cld, int dllN, int index);
int DllNumber() { return dllNumber; }
int IsPublic() { return isPublic; }
Class_ID ClassID() { return classID; }
TSTR &ClassName() { return name; }
TSTR &Category() { return category; }
int GetScroll() {return scroll;}
void SetScroll(int s) {scroll = s;}
BOOL GetPageState(int i) {return (pageState&(1<<i))?TRUE:FALSE;}
void SetPageState(int i,BOOL state) {if (state) pageState |= (1<<i); else pageState &= ~(1<<i);}
int UseCount() { return useCount; }
void IncUseCount () { useCount++; }
void SetUseCount(int i) { useCount = i; }
ClassDesc *CD() { return cd; }
CoreExport int ClassEntry::IsAccType(int accType);
CoreExport ClassEntry& operator=( const ClassEntry &ce );
int operator==( const ClassEntry &ce ) const { return 0; }
// access type.
#define ACC_PUBLIC 1
#define ACC_PRIVATE 2
typedef ClassEntry* PClassEntry;
typedef Tab<PClassEntry> SubClassTab;
class SubClassList {
int iEnum;
ulong superID;
SubClassTab subClList;
CoreExport ~SubClassList();
SubClassList(ulong sid=0) { superID = sid; }
ClassEntry& operator[](int i){ return(*subClList[i]);}
CoreExport int FindClass(Class_ID subClassID); // Get a class by its class ID
CoreExport int FindClass(const TCHAR *name); // Get a class by its class name
CoreExport void AddClass(ClassDesc *cld, int dllNum, int index);
CoreExport int Count(int accType);
ulong SuperID() { return superID; }
int operator==(const SubClassList &sl) {return(0);}
// Enumerate.
CoreExport int GetFirst(int accType); // get first ClassDesc of accType
CoreExport int GetNext(int accType); // get next ClassDesc of accType (NULL for End)
int operator==( const SubClassList& lst ) const { return 0; }
typedef SubClassList* PSubClassList;
typedef Tab<PSubClassList> ListOfClassLists;
/* ClassDirectory: A list of SubClassLists, one for each pluggable
super class */
class ClassDirectory {
ListOfClassLists cl;
CoreExport ~ClassDirectory();
CoreExport SubClassList* GetClassList(SClass_ID superClassID);
CoreExport ClassDesc* FindClass(SClass_ID superClassID, Class_ID subClassID);
CoreExport ClassEntry *FindClassEntry(SClass_ID superClassID, Class_ID subClassID);
SubClassList& operator[](int i){ return(*cl[i]);}
CoreExport void AddSuperClass(SClass_ID superClassID);
// returns 0 if class already exists
// returns -1 if superclass was unknown
CoreExport int AddClass(ClassDesc *cdesc, int dllNum, int index);
int Count() { return cl.Count(); }
/* DllDirectory: A list DllDescriptors, one for every DLL loaded
Also contains the ClassDirectory of all classes implemented in these
DLL's */
typedef DllDesc *PDllDesc;
class DllDir {
Tab<PDllDesc> dll; // list of Descriptors for all the loaded DLL's
ClassDirectory classDir; // All the classes implemented in these DLL's
int AddDll(const DllDesc *dllDesc);
CoreExport ~DllDir();
CoreExport void UnloadAllDlls();
int Count() { return dll.Count(); }
DllDesc& operator[](int i) { return(*dll[i]); }
CoreExport int LoadDllsFromDir(TCHAR *directory, TCHAR * wildcard, HWND hwnd=NULL);
ClassDirectory& ClassDir() { return classDir; }