
422 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1996
* Contents:
* Implementation of "DialogObject.h."
* Bugs:
* To do:
* Notes:
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/GUIApp/DialogObject.cpp $
* 30 7/20/98 10:12p Rwyatt
* Remove description text in final mode
* 29 7/03/98 10:46p Agrant
* expand description buffer
* 28 98/05/18 19:43 Speter
* Changed GetMaterialType to smatGetMaterialType.
* 27 5/01/98 4:42p Rwyatt
* Added mass to the dialog
* 26 4/24/98 5:44p Rwyatt
* Added sound material hash value to dialog
* 25 3/22/98 5:02p Rwyatt
* New binary audio collisions
* New binary instance hashing with new instance naming
* 24 3/13/98 4:36p Agrant
* added a distance stat to the object properties dlg
* 23 1/26/98 11:27a Agrant
* Show box sizes in world units, rather than normalized units.
* 22 12/14/97 11:32a Agrant
* Description field in object props dlg
* 21 97/10/30 15:14 Speter
* CPhysicsInfo::pbvGetBoundVol() now returns const CBoundVol*.
* 20 97/09/29 16:33 Speter
* All bounding volumes are now positionless. Removed v3Pos from Box and Sphere.
* 19 97/09/26 16:47 Speter
* Separated PhysicsInfo.hpp into additional InfoBox.hpp and InfoSkeleton.hpp.
* 18 97/07/09 16:37 Speter
* Removed all CPointIterator stuff.
* 17 6/02/97 4:50p Rwyatt
* Will noshow the sound Properties for an object if ID is in the current sound database. If
* the ID is not in the current databse then the ID in hex form is shown.
* 16 5/29/97 4:09p Rwyatt
* Sound materials are now hashed into binary form s cannot be displayed. I need to search in
* the material database for the hashed number and retrieve its textual name.
* 15 97/05/21 18:11 Speter
* Dialog now shows both Face and Triangle count.
* 14 97/05/13 13:44 Speter
* Changed iNumTriangles() to iNumPolygons().
* 13 97-05-09 13:47 Speter
* Converted typeid().name() to strTypeName() calls.
* 12 97-05-05 11:52 Speter
* Changed display of all class info to use typeid().name() function.
* 11 97-05-01 18:28 Speter
* Added, then commented out, some test code.
* 10 4/16/97 2:04p Agrant
* Defaults for bounding box display for non-box physics infos.
* 9 97-04-14 12:11 Speter
* Changed access of removed CBoundVolBox::v3Pos to v3GetOrigin().
* Commented out CBoundVolCompound.
* 8 97/03/19 14:53 Speter
* Added #Points to object dialog.
* 7 3/11/97 3:19p Blee
* Revamped trigger system.
* 6 97/01/17 17:32 Speter
* Updated for moved iNumPoints() and iNumVertices() functions.
* 5 97/01/07 12:10 Speter
* Made all CRenderTypes use rptr<>.
* 4 96/12/15 18:12 Speter
* Updated for new iterator, added i_num_points variable.
* 3 12/13/96 6:06p Pkeet
* Cleaned things up a bit.
// Includes.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DialogObject.h"
#include "Lib/Renderer/Camera.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/Light.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/FilterIterator.hpp"
#include "GUIPipeLine.hpp"
#include "LightProperties.hpp"
#include "GUITools.hpp"
#include "GUIApp.h"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Instance.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Animate.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Animal.hpp"
#include "Game/DesignDaemon/Player.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/RenderType.hpp"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/Shape.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/GeomTypes.hpp"
#include "Lib/Trigger/Trigger.hpp"
#include "Lib/Std/StringEx.hpp"
#include "Lib/Audio/Material.hpp"
#include "Lib/Physics/InfoBox.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
CDialogObject::CDialogObject(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CDialogObject::IDD, pParent)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
pinsObject = 0;
void CDialogObject::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDialogObject, CDialog)
void CDialogObject::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus)
CDialog::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus);
void CDialogObject::SetInstance(CInstance* pins)
pinsObject = pins;
void CDialogObject::DisplayText
// Sets the text in static controls to reflect object parameters.
// Display the name of the object.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_NAME, pinsObject->strGetInstanceName() );
// Display type information about the object.
// Gather information about the object.
// Default values.
uint u_num_faces = 0; // Number of faces in the mesh.
uint u_num_tris = 0;
uint u_num_vertices = 0; // Number of vertices in the mesh.
uint u_num_points = 0; // Number of points in the mesh.
// Get mesh information.
rptr_const<CRenderType> prdt = pinsObject->prdtGetRenderInfo();
if (prdt)
rptr_const<CShape> psh = rptr_const_dynamic_cast(CShape, prdt);
if (psh)
u_num_faces = psh->iNumPolygons();
u_num_tris = psh->iNumTriangles();
u_num_vertices = psh->iNumVertices();
u_num_points = psh->iNumPoints();
// Display information about the object.
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_STATIC_FACES, u_num_faces);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_STATIC_TRIANGLES, u_num_tris);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_STATIC_VERTICES, u_num_vertices);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_STATIC_POINTS, u_num_points);
char pc_buffer[1024];
pinsObject->iGetDescription(pc_buffer, 1024);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_DESCRIPTION, pc_buffer);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_DESCRIPTION, "No description");
// Get and display the physics information associated with the object.
const CPhysicsInfo* pphi = pinsObject->pphiGetPhysicsInfo();
if (pphi)
// Display presence info.
void CDialogObject::DisplayType
// Sets the text in static controls to reflect object parameters.
// Display type name data string.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_TYPE, strTypeName(*pinsObject));
void CDialogObject::DisplayPhysicsBoundingVolume
const CBoundVol* pbv
// Displays the physics bounding volume information about the object.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_PHYSICS_BV, strTypeName(*pbv));
void CDialogObject::DisplayPhysicsBoundingBox
const CBoundVolBox* pbvb
// Displays the physics bounding box information about the object.
CVector3<> v3_dim(0,0,0); // Dimensions.
CVector3<> v3_pos(0,0,0); // Position.
// Change values from the default if it is a box bounding volume.
if (pbvb)
v3_pos = CVector3<>(0, 0, 0);
v3_dim = (*pbvb)[0];
v3_dim = v3_dim * 2.0f;
// Write dimensions.
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_DIM_X, v3_dim.tX * pinsObject->fGetScale());
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_DIM_Y, v3_dim.tY * pinsObject->fGetScale());
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_DIM_Z, v3_dim.tZ * pinsObject->fGetScale());
// Write positions.
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_POS_X, v3_pos.tX);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_POS_Y, v3_pos.tY);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BV_POS_Z, v3_pos.tZ);
void CDialogObject::DisplayPhysicsInfo
const CPhysicsInfo* pphi
// Displays the physics information about the object.
char str_flags[256];
// Display the object type.
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_PHYSICS_TYPE, strTypeName(*pphi));
// Display information about the bounding volume.
const CBoundVol* pbv = pphi->pbvGetBoundVol();
if (pbv)
// Display the sound material type.
TSoundMaterial tmat = pphi->smatGetMaterialType();
wsprintf(str_flags,"%x", tmat);
// the sound material is in binary form so we need to search the material database..
*str_flags = 0;
// Display the physics flags.
CSet<EPhysicsFlags> epf = ((CPhysicsInfo*)pphi)->epfPhysicsFlags();
if (epf[epfTANGIBLE])
strcat(str_flags, "Tangible ");
if (epf[epfMOVEABLE])
strcat(str_flags, "Moveable ");
SetDlgItemText(IDC_PHYSICS_FLAGS, str_flags);
// Display physics box information.
void CDialogObject::DisplayPhysicsInfoBox
const CPhysicsInfo* pphi
// Displays the physics box information about the object.
float f_density = 0.0f; // The density of the object, what units?
float f_friction = 0.0f; // The frictive quality of the object, 0 to 1.
float f_elasticity = 0.0f; // The elastic quality of the object (for collisions) 0 to 1.
float f_mass = 0.0f; // Mass of the object
if (pphi)
const CPhysicsInfoBox* pphib = pphi->ppibCast();
if (pphib)
f_density = pphib->fDensity;
f_friction = pphib->fFriction;
f_elasticity = pphib->fElasticity;
f_mass = pphi->fMass(pinsObject);
// Display the information.
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BOX_DENSITY, f_density);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BOX_FRICTION, f_friction);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BOX_ELASTICITY, f_elasticity);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PHYSICS_BOX_MASS, f_mass);
void CDialogObject::DisplayPresenceInfo
const CPresence3<>& pr3
// Displays the presence information about the object.
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PRES_POS_X, pr3.v3Pos.tX);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PRES_POS_Y, pr3.v3Pos.tY);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PRES_POS_Z, pr3.v3Pos.tZ);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PRES_SCALE, pr3.rScale);
SetDlgItemFloat(this, IDC_PRES_DISTANCE, (pr3.v3Pos - pcamGetCamera()->v3Pos()).tLen());