736 lines
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736 lines
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* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Contents:
* Implementation of GUIPipeLine.hpp.
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/GUIApp/GUIPipeline.cpp $
* 103 9/14/98 4:45p Mlange
* Now unselects objects outside of dragging rectangle. Fixed broken 'avoid boundary boxes'
* logic in dragging rectangle select function.
* 102 98/09/12 16:39 Speter
* Now selects animals in preference to bio-boxes.
* 101 98.09.12 12:18a Mmouni
* Changed shape query to render type query.
* 100 9/08/98 3:15p Mlange
* Implemented rectangle select.
* 99 98/09/07 1:48 Speter
* Replaced Settle() function with ActivateSettle(), which queues objects for activation if
* necessary.
// Includes.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/PartitionPriv.hpp"
#include "GUIAppDlg.h"
#include "GUIPipeLine.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Query/QRenderer.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Query/QPhysics.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/Camera.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/Light.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/PipeLine.hpp"
#include "Lib/Math/FastTrig.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/W95/Render.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/Profile.hpp"
#include "Lib/View/LineDraw.hpp"
#include "Shell/WinRenderTools.hpp"
#include "GUITools.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/GameLoop.hpp"
#include "Lib/Physics/PhysicsSystem.hpp"
#include "Lib/Physics/Magnet.hpp"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/RayCast.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/RenderCacheInterface.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/FastHeap.hpp"
#include "Lib/Std/LocalArray.hpp"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
extern CGUIAppDlg* pappdlgMainWindow;
// Constants.
// Distance square from a mouse position to an object's centre on screen to cause selection.
int iClickDistSqr = 36;
bool bGet2DCentreFromShape(const CCamera& cam, const CTransform3<>& tf3_shape_to_world,
int& i_x, int& i_y)
// Transform origin of the shape to camera space and clip.
CVector3<> v3_cam = tf3_shape_to_world.v3Pos * cam.tf3ToNormalisedCamera();
if (cam.pbvcamClipVolume()->esfSideOf(v3_cam) != esfINSIDE)
return false;
CVector3<> v3_projected = cam.ProjectPoint(v3_cam);
i_x = iPosFloatCast(v3_projected.tX);
i_y = iPosFloatCast(v3_projected.tY);
return true;
// Class implementations.
// CCamera implementation.
void CPipeLine::Init()
// Build the light list so that the first element on the list is always
// the ambient light.
// Now done in WDBase::Init()
// wWorld.Add(new CInstance(rptr_cast(CRenderType, rptr_new CLightAmbient(0.2f))));
rptr<CLightAmbient> CPipeLine::pltaGetAmbientLight()
// Iterate through the world database and find the first ambient light.
// The ambient light is always the first one in the list.
CWDbQueryLights wqlt;
// Return the light.
rptr<CLight> plt = ptCastRenderType<CLight>(wqlt.tGet()->prdtGetRenderInfo());
return rptr_static_cast(CLightAmbient, plt);
void CPipeLine::AddObject(CInstance* pins)
// Select the added shape.
void CPipeLine::Paint()
bool CPipeLine::bGetCentreofSelectedObject(int& i_x, int& i_y)
if (pinsSelectedShape == 0)
return false;
ptr<CCamera> pcam = CWDbQueryActiveCamera(wWorld).tGet();
bGet2DCentreFromShape(*pcam, pinsSelectedShape->pr3Presence(), i_x, i_y);
return true;
bool CPipeLine::bSelected(CPartition* ppart)
TSelectedList::iterator itppart = find(lsppartSelected.begin(), lsppartSelected.end(), ppart);
return itppart != lsppartSelected.end();
int CPipeLine::iSelectedCount() const
return lsppartSelected.size();
CPartition* CPipeLine::ppartLastSelected(int i_index)
// Get the asked-for index, if any.
forall (pipeMain.lsppartSelected, TSelectedList, itppart)
if (i_index-- == 0)
return *itppart;
// No such beast.
return 0;
void CPipeLine::Select(CPartition* ppart, bool b_augment)
// Add objects to the front of the list, for easy extraction of most recent.
if (b_augment)
// Toggle selection of object.
if (ppart)
if (bSelected(ppart))
// If already selected, do nothing. (This allows mouse to move selected objects).
CInstance* pins = ptCast<CInstance>(ppart);
if (!bSelected(ppart))
// Make this the sole selected object.
if (pins)
// Auto-select other instances that are attached by magnets.
std::list<CMagnetPair*> lspmp;
NMagnetSystem::GetAttachedMagnets(pins, &lspmp);
forall (lspmp, std::list<CMagnetPair*>, itpmp)
if ((*itpmp)->pinsSlave)
// Whether selected or not, move to front of list.
if (ppart)
// Move to front of list.
// Also, make physically active.
if (pins)
void CPipeLine::Select(const CPoint& pnt_a, const CPoint& pnt_b)
int i_min_x = Min(pnt_a.x, pnt_b.x);
int i_max_x = Max(pnt_a.x, pnt_b.x);
int i_min_y = Min(pnt_a.y, pnt_b.y);
int i_max_y = Max(pnt_a.y, pnt_b.y);
// Iterate through the list of shapes.
ptr<CCamera> pcam = CWDbQueryActiveCamera(wWorld).tGet();
for (CWDbQueryRenderTypesAndMagnets wqrtm; wqrtm.bIsNotEnd(); wqrtm++)
CPartition* ppart_curr = wqrtm.tGet().ppart;
// Skip boundary boxes.
if (ptCast<CBoundaryBox>(ppart_curr))
int i_x_s, i_y_s;
bool b_within_rect = bGet2DCentreFromShape(*pcam, ppart_curr->pr3Presence(), i_x_s, i_y_s) &&
bWithin(i_x_s, i_min_x, i_max_x) && bWithin(i_y_s, i_min_y, i_max_y);
if (b_within_rect)
if (!bSelected(ppart_curr))
Select(ppart_curr, true);
if (bSelected(ppart_curr))
bool CPipeLine::bSelect(int i_x, int i_y, bool b_augment)
// Iterate through the list of shapes.
CPartition* ppart_selected = 0;
ptr<CCamera> pcam = CWDbQueryActiveCamera(wWorld).tGet();
for (CWDbQueryRenderTypesAndMagnets wqrtm; wqrtm.bIsNotEnd(); wqrtm++)
int i_x_s, i_y_s;
if (bGet2DCentreFromShape(*pcam, wqrtm.tGet().ppart->pr3Presence(), i_x_s, i_y_s))
i_x_s -= i_x;
i_y_s -= i_y;
if (i_x_s * i_x_s + i_y_s * i_y_s <= iClickDistSqr)
ppart_selected = wqrtm.tGet().ppart;
if (!ptCast<CBoundaryBox>(ppart_selected))
// If it wasn't a bio boundary box, finish.
// Otherwise, continue to see if something else is selected in the same position.
Select(ppart_selected, b_augment);
return ppart_selected != 0;
void CPipeLine::UnselectAll()
lsppartSelected.erase(lsppartSelected.begin(), lsppartSelected.end());
// Colours used for marking objects.
static CColour clrSPHERE_INSIDE (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Green.
static CColour clrSPHERE_INTERSECT (1.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Yellow.
static CColour clrSPHERE_OUTSIDE (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Red.
static CColour clrEDGE_FLAT (0.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Cyan.
static CColour clrEDGE_CURVED (1.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Magenta.
static CColour clrNORMAL_FLAT (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Blue.
static CColour clrNORMAL_CURVED (1.0, 0.0, 0.5); // Purple.
bool bDrawPartitions = false;
void CPipeLine::MarkObjects(rptr<CRasterWin> pras,
bool b_draw_crosshairs, bool b_draw_bounds, bool b_draw_wire, bool b_draw_pins)
CCycleTimer ctmr;
ptr<CCamera> pcam = CWDbQueryActiveCamera(wWorld).tGet();
// Iterate through the list of shapes to render.
if (b_draw_crosshairs)
for (CWDbQueryRenderTypes wqrt(pcam); wqrt.bIsNotEnd(); wqrt++)
int i_x, i_y;
if (bGet2DCentreFromShape(*pcam, wqrt->ppart->pr3Presence(), i_x, i_y))
if (!(pappdlgMainWindow->bCrosshairRadius && // don't draw if.... using radius
(wqrt->ppart->v3Pos() - pcam->v3Pos()).tLenSqr() // and really far away
> pappdlgMainWindow->rCrosshairRadius * pappdlgMainWindow->rCrosshairRadius))
if (pappdlgMainWindow->bCrosshairVegetation || // draw if not filtering vegetation
((CInstance*)wqrt->ppart)->strGetInstanceName()[0] != 'V') // or if name doesn't start with 'V'
DrawCrosshair(rptr_cast(CRaster, pras), i_x, i_y, false);
forall (pipeMain.lsppartSelected, TSelectedList, itppart)
// Draw crosshairs for selected objects!
if (b_draw_crosshairs)
int i_x, i_y;
if (bGet2DCentreFromShape(*pcam, (*itppart)->pr3Presence(), i_x, i_y))
DrawCrosshair(rptr_cast(CRaster, pras), i_x, i_y, true);
if (b_draw_wire || b_draw_pins)
forall (pipeMain.lsppartSelected, TSelectedList, itppart)
CInstance* pins = ptCast<CInstance>(*itppart);
if (!pins)
// Here come vertex normals on selected shapes only, drawn with a mini-renderer.
rptr_const<CShape> psh = ptCastRenderType<CShape>(pins->prdtGetRenderInfo());
if (psh)
psh = psh->pshGetProperShape
CDraw draw(pras);
// Build the shape to camera space transformation.
CTransform3<> tf3_shape_camera = (*itppart)->pr3Presence() * pcam->tf3ToNormalisedCamera();
// Obtain the position of the camera in local object space.
CVector3<> v3_cam_obj_pos = pcam->v3Pos() * ~(*itppart)->pr3Presence();
// Length of normals to draw (in object space).
TReal r_normal_len = 1.0 / sqrt(float(psh->iNumPolygons()));
// We have a shape. Iterate through polygons and vertices.
aptr<CShape::CPolyIterator> ppi = psh->pPolyIterator(pins, 0);
// Create an array of transformed points/outcodes for each unique shape point.
CLArray(SClipPoint, paclpt_points, psh->iNumPoints());
ppi->TransformPoints(tf3_shape_camera, *pcam, paclpt_points, true);
for (CShape::CPolyIterator& pi = *ppi; pi.bNext(); )
// Access only front-facing polygons.
if (pi.plPlane().rDistance(v3_cam_obj_pos) > 0)
for (uint u_v = 0; u_v < pi.iNumVertices(); u_v++)
if (b_draw_wire)
uint u_v2 = (u_v + 1) % pi.iNumVertices();
if (Fuzzy(pi.d3Normal(u_v)) == pi.d3Normal(u_v2))
// Draw polygon outlines.
if (b_draw_pins)
if (Fuzzy(pi.d3Normal(u_v)) == pi.d3Normal())
// Get 2 points to draw in object space.
// Set length of line based on object nominal size of 1.
CVector3<> v3_1 = pi.v3Point(u_v);
CVector3<> v3_2 = (pi.v3Point(u_v) + pi.d3Normal(u_v) * r_normal_len);
// Project the points, then wack'em on the screen.
pcam->ProjectPoint(v3_1 * tf3_shape_camera),
pcam->ProjectPoint(v3_2 * tf3_shape_camera)
if (b_draw_bounds)
CDraw draw(pras);
// For each selected object, draw bounding volume of it and all children.
forall (pipeMain.lsppartSelected, TSelectedList, itppart)
CWDbQueryAllChildren wqac(*itppart);
if (bDrawPartitions)
// Add ancestor partitions to list.
CPartition* ppart_parent = *itppart;
while (ppart_parent = ppart_parent->ppartGetParent())
// Add ppart to list. Give it the INTERSECT flag so it shows in a different colour.
SPartitionListElement ple = {ppart_parent, esfINTERSECT};
for (; wqac.bIsNotEnd(); wqac++)
if (!wqac->ppart->bNoSpatialInfo())
switch (wqac->esfView)
case esfINSIDE:
case esfINTERSECT:
case esfOUTSIDE:
CInstance* pins;
if (pins = ptCast<CInstance>(wqac->ppart))
// Hack for finding detail level.
rptr_const<CShape> psh = ptCastRenderType<CShape>(pins->prdtGetRenderInfo());
if (psh)
rptr_const<CShape> psh_shape = psh->pshGetProperShape
if (psh_shape == psh)
else if (psh_shape == psh->pshCoarser)
draw.Colour(CColour(0.0, 0.5, 0.5));
draw.Colour(CColour(0.0, 0.0, 0.1));
// Draw the crosshairs.
// Get the points defining the bounding volume.
CPArray< CVector3<> > pav3 = psh_shape->pav3GetWrap();
CLArray(CVector3<>, pav3_proj, pav3.uLen);
// Build the shape to camera space transformation.
CTransform3<> tf3_shape_cam = pins->pr3Presence() * pcam->tf3ToNormalisedCamera();
// Project the points.
pcam->ProjectPointsPerspective(pav3, pav3_proj, tf3_shape_cam);
// Draw the crosshairs.
for (uint u = 0; u < pav3_proj.uLen; ++u)
int i_x = int(pav3_proj[u].tX);
int i_y = int(pav3_proj[u].tY);
DrawCrosshair(rptr_cast(CRaster, pras), i_x, i_y, 1);
// Draw the bounding volume.
const CBoundVolBox* pbvb;
if (pbvb = wqac->ppart->pbvBoundingVol()->pbvbCast())
draw.Box3D(pbvb->tf3Box(wqac->ppart->pr3Presence() * pcam->tf3ToHomogeneousScreen()));
CVolSphere vs(wqac->ppart->pbvBoundingVol()->fMaxExtent(), &wqac->ppart->pr3Presence());
// Transform origin of the shape to camera space and clip.
CVector3<> v3_cam = vs.v3Pos * pcam->tf3ToNormalisedCamera();
if (v3_cam.tY <= 0)
// Find radius offset in world space.
CVector3<> v3_radius = CVector3<>(vs.rRadius, 0, vs.rRadius) * pcam->pr3Presence().r3Rot;
CVector3<> v3_a = pcam->ProjectPoint((vs.v3Pos - v3_radius) * pcam->tf3ToNormalisedCamera());
CVector3<> v3_b = pcam->ProjectPoint((vs.v3Pos + v3_radius) * pcam->tf3ToNormalisedCamera());
if (v3_a.tX > -8000 && v3_b.tX < 8000 &&
v3_a.tY > -8000 && v3_b.tY < 8000)
::Ellipse(draw.hdcScreen, v3_a.tX, v3_a.tY, v3_b.tX, v3_b.tY);
extern CDArray< CVector2<> > pav2Convex;
if (pav2Convex.uLen)
float f_x = (pav2Convex[0].tX * 5.0f + 80.0f);
float f_y = (-pav2Convex[0].tY * 5.0f + 120.0f);
SetMinMax(f_x, 0.0f, 500.0f);
SetMinMax(f_y, 0.0f, 500.0f);
draw.MoveTo(f_x, f_y);
// Draw the crosshairs.
for (uint u = 1; u < pav2Convex.uLen; ++u)
float f_x0 = (pav2Convex[u].tX * 5.0f + 80.0f);
float f_y0 = (-pav2Convex[u].tY * 5.0f + 120.0f);
SetMinMax(f_x0, 0.0f, 500.0f);
SetMinMax(f_y0, 0.0f, 500.0f);
draw.LineTo(f_x0, f_y0);
draw.LineTo(f_x, f_y);
CInstance* CPipeLine::pinsGetLight(CInstance* pins)
// Find a CEntityLight attached to this instance.
for (CWDbQueryLights wqlt; wqlt.bIsNotEnd(); wqlt++)
CEntityAttached* petat;
if (petat = dynamic_cast<CEntityAttached*>(*wqlt))
if (petat->pinsAttached() == pins)
return petat;
return 0;
int CPipeLine::iDeleteSelected()
forall (pipeMain.lsppartSelected, TSelectedList, itppart)
CInstance* pins = ptCast<CInstance>(*itppart);
if (!pins)
// If a light is attached to the shape, remove the light from the light list.
CInstance* pins_light = pinsGetLight(pins);
if (pins_light)
// Remove the light from the world.
// Free the memory associated with the light.
delete pins_light;
// Remove object from the world database.
// Free the memory associated with the shape.
delete pins;
int i = lsppartSelected.size();
// Clear the list.
return i;
// Function implementations.
CCamera* pcamGetCamera()
CCamera* pcam = CWDbQueryActiveCamera().tGet();
return pcam;
void AddInView(CInstance* pins)
// Push the object onto the world database.
// Externally defined variables.
CPipeLine pipeMain;
bool bStaticHandles = false;
// CWorld overrides.
bool CWorld::bSelected(CInstance* pins)
return pipeMain.bSelected(pins);
int CWorld::iSelectedCount() const
return pipeMain.iSelectedCount();
CInstance* CWorld::pinsLastSelected
int i_index // Which object to get from the list.
// 0 means last selected, 1 means next last, etc.
return ptCast<CInstance>(pipeMain.ppartLastSelected(i_index));
void CWorld::Select
CInstance* pins, // Object to select.
bool b_augment // Adds it to list; otherwise, selects exclusively.
pipeMain.Select(pins, b_augment);
bool CWorld::bSelect
int i_x, int i_y, // Position of mouse cursor on screen.
bool b_augment // As above.
return pipeMain.bSelect(i_x, i_y, b_augment);
int iDeleteSelected
return pipeMain.iDeleteSelected();