
732 lines
25 KiB

fn MagV vec = (sqrt((vec.x)^2 + (vec.y)^2 + (vec.z)^2))
fn Colinear a b c =
if (MagV (cross (b - a) (c - a))) <= 0.001 then
return true
return false
fn Thresh a b t =
if (distance a b) < t then
return true
return false
fn ClampW CObj =
for j = 1 to CObj.numTVerts do
c1 = getTvert CObj j
if c1.z >= 0.0 and c1.z <= 0.0001 do SetTVert CObj j [c1.x, c1.y, 1]
update CObj
fn CleanIDs o =
if classof o.mat == Multimaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to o.numfaces do
if (iID = getFaceMatID o i) > ns do
setFaceMatID o i (mod iID ns)
if classof o.mat == StandardMaterial do
for i = 1 to o.numfaces do setFaceMatID o i 1
update o
fn MinMax foo a =
mn = a[1]
mx = a[1]
for i = 2 to a.count do
if a[i] > mx do mx = a[i]
if a[i] < mn do mn = a[i]
return #(mn, mx)
fn detectStreakingFaces CObj =
fs = #()
local thresh = 0.00390625
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CTVFace = getTVFace CObj i
vx = getTvert CObj CTVFace.x
vy = getTvert CObj CTVFace.y
vz = getTvert CObj CTVFace.z
du = minMax true #(vx.x, vy.x, vz.x)
dv = minMax true #(vx.y, vy.y, vz.y)
du = abs(du[1] - du[2])
dv = abs(dv[1] - dv[2])
if du < thresh or dv < thresh do append fs i
return fs
fn LegalBitmap BMap =
if BMap.width > 256 or Bmap.width < 8 or BMap.height > 256 or BMap.height < 8 then
return false
return true
fn ClampW CObj =
for j = 1 to CObj.numTVerts do
c1 = getTvert CObj j
if c1.z >= 0.0 and c1.z <= 0.0001 do SetTVert CObj j [c1.x, c1.y, 1]
update CObj
fn ArrayCompare foo a b =
same = true
for i = 1 to a.count do
if a[i] != b[i] do same = false
return same
fn roundTo val n =
local mult = 10.0 ^ n
(floor ((val * mult) + 0.5)) / mult
fn Power_of_two_num num =
validNum = false
if num == 8 do (ValidNum = true)
if num == 16 do (ValidNum = true)
if num == 32 do (ValidNum = true)
if num == 64 do (ValidNum = true)
if num == 128 do (ValidNum = true)
if num == 256 do (ValidNum = true)
return ValidNum
fn Power_of_two_Map BMap =
ValidWidth = Power_of_two_num BMap.width
ValidHeight = Power_of_two_num BMap.height
if (validWidth == true) and (validHeight == true) then return true else return false
Utility BatchDebugger "Batch Debugger"
local CObj, GArray, CMapArray, CMaterialArray, CMultiList, CMapList, PhotoshopFolder, BumpIndices, CenterPivotThresh = 0.10
local debug = false
button ProcessSelection "Process Selection" width:140
checkbox CleanMesh "Auto-Clean Meshes"
label ObjCounter
label foo
group "Checklist Control"
button all "All" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button none "None" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
checkbox DegenFaces "Degenerate Faces" checked:true
checkbox DegenFaceNormals "Degenerate Face Normals" checked:true
checkbox StreakingFaces "Streaking Faces" checked:true
checkbox BadUVs "Bad UVs" checked:true
checkbox BadMaterialIDs "Bad Material IDs" checked:true
checkbox CenteredPivot "Centered Pivot Point" checked:true
checkbox StrayVertices "Stray Vertices" checked:true
checkbox Pof2MapSizes "Power of Two Map Sizes" checked:true
checkbox LegalMapSizes "Legal Map Sizes" checked:true
checkbox UnAssignedSubs "Unassigned SubMaterials" checked:true
checkbox InvalidMapAssignments "Invalid Map Assignments" checked:true
checkbox NetMapPaths "Maps on Network" checked:true
checkbox tooManyProps "Too Many Props" checked:true
on all pressed do
DegenFaces.checked = true
DegenFaceNormals.checked = true
StreakingFaces.checked = true
BadUVs.checked = true
BadMaterialIDs.checked = true
CenteredPivot.checked = true
StrayVertices.checked = true
Pof2MapSizes.checked = true
LegalMapSizes.checked = true
UnAssignedSubs.checked = true
InvalidMapAssignments.checked = true
NetMapPaths.checked = true
TooManyProps.checked = true
on none pressed do
DegenFaces.checked = false
DegenFaceNormals.checked = false
StreakingFaces.checked = false
BadUVs.checked = false
BadMaterialIDs.checked = false
CenteredPivot.checked = false
StrayVertices.checked = false
Pof2MapSizes.checked = false
LegalMapSizes.checked = false
UnAssignedSubs.checked = false
InvalidMapAssignments.checked = false
NetMapPaths.checked = false
TooManyProps.checked = true
-- *******************************************************************
-- * Batch Debug Selection
-- *******************************************************************
on ProcessSelection pressed do
ObjArray = selection as array
GArray = geometry as array
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
if ObjArray[i].name[1] != "!" do
if (findItem GArray ObjArray[i]) != 0 do
sErrorString = ""
error = false
ObjCounter.text = ("Object " + i as string + " of " + oc as string)
CObj = ObjArray[i]
-- does it have a material?
if CObj.mat != undefined then
hasMaterial = true
hasMaterial = false
-- convert it to a mesh only if it has a material and also has UV's
if hasMaterial then
ConvertToMesh CObj
isMesh = true
) else (
isMesh = false
if isMesh then
if CObj.numTverts == 0 then
hasUVs = false
hasUVs = true
) else (
hasUVs = false
sErrorString += ("\n*******************************************************\nObject: \"" + CObj.name + "\"\n")
if hasUVs and hasMaterial and isMesh do
if StreakingFaces.checked do
if (sf = detectStreakingFaces CObj).count > 0 do
error = true
sErrorString += ("Warning... " + sf.count as string + " streaking faces detected, please check visually...\n")
if sf.count > 0 do setFaceSelection CObj sf
BadFaces = False
df = #() -- Degenerate Faces
-- *********************************************************
-- * Degenerate Faces
-- *********************************************************
if isMesh do
if DegenFaces.checked do
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
Cface = getface CObj i
NewX = getvert CObj Cface.x
NewY = getvert CObj Cface.y
NewZ = getvert CObj Cface.z
if (Thresh NewX NewY 0.001) do
if findItem df i == 0 do (append df i)
BadFaces = true
if (Thresh NewX NewZ 0.001) do
if findItem df i == 0 do (append df i)
BadFaces = true
if (Thresh NewZ NewY 0.001) do
if findItem df i == 0 do (append df i)
BadFaces = true
-- if (colinear NewX NewY NewZ) do
-- (
-- if findItem df i == 0 do (append df i)
-- BadFaces = true
-- )
if BadFaces do
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Degenerate Polygons\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Degenerate Face normals
-- *********************************************************
if isMesh do
if DegenFaceNormals.checked do
-- check for degenerate face normals
BadFaces = false
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
if (GetFaceNormal CObj i) == [0,0,0] do
if findItem df i == 0 do (append df i)
BadFaces = true
if BadFaces do
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Degenerate Face Normals\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Delete Degenerate Faces
-- *********************************************************
if isMesh do
if df.count > 0 do
setFaceSelection CObj df
update CObj
if CleanMesh.checked and (DegenFaces.checked or DegenFaceNormals.checked) do
error = true
df = getFaceSelection CObj
for i = df.count to 1 by -1 do
deleteFace CObj df[i]
update CObj
sErrorString += "Degenerate Polygons were Cleaned\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Bad UV coordinates
-- *********************************************************
if isMesh do
if BadUVs.checked do
-- Test for BadUVWs
BadUVWs = false
if CObj.numTVerts > 0 then
for i = 1 to CObj.numTVerts do
CTVert = (GetTVert CObj i).z
if CTVert >= 0.0 and CTVert <= 0.0001 do BadUVWs = true
for i = 1 to CObj.numTVerts do
CTVert = GetTVert CObj i
if (abs CTVert.x) > 128 do BadUVWs = true
if (abs CTVert.y) > 128 do BadUVWs = true
if (abs CTVert.z) > 128 do BadUVWs = true
if BadUVWs do
if CleanMesh.checked then
error = true
ClampW CObj
addmodifier CObj (UVW_Cleanup())
convertToMesh CObj
sErrorString += "Bad UV's were Fixed\n"
) else (
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Bad UV's\n"
) else (
error = true
sErrorString += "Does not have mapping coordinates...\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Bad Material IDs
-- *********************************************************
if BadMaterialIDs.checked do
if hasMaterial and isMesh do
BadMatIDs = false
if classof CObj.mat == multiMaterial do
NumMats = CObj.mat.numsubs
nf = CObj.numfaces
BadMatIDs = false
for i = 1 to nf do
if (getfacematid CObj i) > NumMats do BadMatIDs = true
if classof CObj.mat == StandardMaterial do
nf = CObj.numfaces
BadMatIDs = false
for i = 1 to nf do
if (getfacematid CObj i) != 1 do
BadMatIDs = true
if BadMatIDs == true do
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Bad Material ID's\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Centered Pivot Point
-- *********************************************************
if CenteredPivot.checked do
-- Test for centered pivot point
CPivot = CObj.pivot
CCenter = CObj.center
if (distance CPivot CCenter) >= CenterPivotThresh do
error = true
sErrorString += "Does not have it's pivot point centered\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Stray Vertices
-- *********************************************************
if StrayVertices.checked do
if isMesh do
-- Find Stray Vertices
StrayVertArray = (for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect i)
StrayVertArrayCopy = (for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect i)
UsedVerts = #()
NewVertSelection = #()
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CFace = (getface CObj i)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.x) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.x)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.y) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.y)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.z) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.z)
for i = 1 to StrayVertArray.count do
if (findItem UsedVerts i) == 0 do (append NewVertSelection i)
if NewVertSelection.count > 0 do
setvertselection CObj NewVertSelection
NewVertSelection = getVertSelection CObj
if CleanMesh.checked then
for i = NewVertSelection.count to 1 by -1 do deleteVert CObj NewVertSelection[i]
update CObj
error = true
sErrorString += "Stray Vertices were cleaned\n"
) else (
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Stray Vertices\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Check Materials
-- *********************************************************
-- Check the materials
CMapArray = #()
CMapList = #()
ns = -1
if CObj.mat != undefined then
if classof CObj.mat == MultiMaterial do
BumpIndices = #()
ns = CObj.mat.numsubs
for j = 1 to ns do
append CMapArray #()
append CMapList #()
if CObj.mat[j] != undefined do
if (classof CObj.mat[j].diffusemap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[j].diffusemap.filename != "") then
CMapArray[j][1] = (openbitmap CObj.mat[j].diffusemap.filename)
CMapList[j][1] = CObj.mat[j].diffusemap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[j][1] = undefined
CMapList[j][1] = " "
if (classof CObj.mat[j].opacityMap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[j].OpacityMap.filename != "") then
CMapArray[j][2] = (openbitmap CObj.mat[j].OpacityMap.filename)
CMapList[j][2] = CObj.mat[j].Opacitymap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[j][2] = undefined
CMapList[j][2] = " "
if (classof CObj.mat[j].bumpmap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[j].bumpmap.filename != "") then
append BumpIndices j
CMapArray[j][3] = (openbitmap CObj.mat[j].bumpmap.filename)
CMapList[j][3] = CObj.mat[j].bumpmap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[j][3] = undefined
CMapList[j][3] = " "
if classof CObj.mat == StandardMaterial do
ns = 0
append CMapArray #()
append CMapList #()
if (classof CObj.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename != "") then
CMapArray[1][1] = (openbitmap CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename)
CMapList[1][1] = CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[1][1] = undefined
CMapList[1][1] = " "
if (classof CObj.mat.opacityMap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.opacityMap.filename != "") then
CMapArray[1][2] = (openbitmap CObj.mat.OpacityMap.filename)
CMapList[1][2] = CObj.mat.Opacitymap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[1][2] = undefined
CMapList[1][2] = " "
if (classof CObj.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename != "") then
BumpIndices = #(1)
CMapArray[1][3] = (openbitmap CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename)
CMapList[1][3] = CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename
) else (
CMapArray[1][3] = undefined
CMapList[1][3] = " "
Pof2 = true
for k = 1 to CMapArray.count do
for m = 1 to 3 do
if CMapArray[k][m] != undefined do
if Pof2MapSizes.checked do
if (Power_of_two_Map CMapArray[k][m]) == false do
error = true
sErrorString += (CMapList[k][m] + "\n")
if LegalMapSizes.checked do
if (LegalBitmap CMapArray[k][m]) == false do
error = true
sErrorString += (CMapList[k][m] + "\n")
) else (
error = true
sErrorString += "Does not have a material defined\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Check for unassigned Submaterials
-- *********************************************************
-- Check for Unassigned SubMaterials
if UnAssignedSubs.checked do
if ns != -1 and isMesh do
UAS = false
if ns == 0 then
for j = 1 to cObj.numfaces do
if getFaceMatID CObj j != 1 do
UAS = true
) else (
for j = 1 to ns do
for k = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
if j == (GetFaceMatID CObj k) then Exit
if k == CObj.numfaces do UAS = true
if UAS == true then Exit
if UAS == true do
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Unassigned Sub Materials\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Check for Invalid Map Assignments
-- *********************************************************
-- Check for tTb cases
if InvalidMapAssignments.checked do
if hasMaterial do
DiffuseMapArray = #()
MaterialArray = #()
if classOf CObj.mat == standardmaterial do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf CObj.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture and CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename != "" do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename)
if classOf CObj.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture and CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename != "" do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename)
if classOf CObj.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture and CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename != "" do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename)
found = false
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if (ArrayCompare true CMat MaterialArray[j]) == true do found = true
if found == false do
append DiffuseMapArray (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename)
append MaterialArray CMat
if classOf CObj.mat == multimaterial do
ns = CObj.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to ns do
if CObj.mat[i] != undefined do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf CObj.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
if classOf CObj.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat[i].opacitymap.filename)
if classOf CObj.mat[i].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat[i].bumpmap.filename)
found = false
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if (ArrayCompare true CMat MaterialArray[j]) == true do found = true
if found == false do
append DiffuseMapArray (FilenamefromPath CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
append MaterialArray CMat
NewModDiffuseArray = #()
ModDiffuseArray = #()
ModMatArray = #()
for i = 1 to DiffuseMapArray.count do
CName = DiffuseMapArray[i]
for j = 1 to DiffuseMapArray.count do
if i != j do
if CName == DiffuseMapArray[j] do
append ModDiffuseArray CName
ModMatArray[ModDiffuseArray.count] = MaterialArray[i]
if ModDiffuseArray.count >= 1 do
error = true
sErrorString += "Has Invalid Map Assignments\n"
-- *********************************************************
-- * Check for Network Map Paths
-- *********************************************************
if NetMapPaths.checked do
MapsOnNet = true
if hasMaterial do
if classof CObj.mat == standardmaterial do
if (classof CObj.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat.diffusemap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if (classof CObj.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat.opacitymap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if (classof CObj.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat.bumpmap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if classof CObj.mat == multimaterial do
ns = CObj.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to ns do
if (classof CObj.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if (classof CObj.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[i].opacitymap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat[i].opacitymap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat[i].opacitymap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat[i].opacitymap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if (classof CObj.mat[i].bumpmap == bitmaptexture) and (CObj.mat[i].bumpmap.filename != "") do
if (CObj.mat[i].bumpmap.filename[1] == "k") == false and (CObj.mat[i].bumpmap.filename[1] == "K") == false and (CObj.mat[i].bumpmap.filename[1] == "\\") == false do
MapsOnNet = false
if MapsOnNet == false do
error = true
sErrorString += "Map Locations are not on the network\n"
if tooManyProps.checked do
CBuffer = getUserPropBuffer CObj
if CBuffer.count > 500 do
error = true
sErrorString += ("Has more than 500 characters in it's Text Properties buffer..." + (CBuffer.count as string) + " characters found.\n")
sErrorString += "*******************************************************\n"
if error == true do format "%" sErrorString
ObjCounter.text = "Complete"
messageBox "Complete.\nCheck the Listener Window for details"
) -- End Utility