
698 lines
22 KiB

fn IsMaster2 CName =
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
return true
if (substring CName (DashPos) 3) == "-00" then
return true
return false
fn RemBumps o =
local NMat
if classof o.mat == standardMaterial do
OMats = #(o.mat.diffuseMap, o.mat.opacityMap)
NMat = standardMaterial()
NMat.name = o.mat.name
NMat.diffusemap = o.mat.diffusemap
if Omats[2] != undefined do NMat.opacityMap = OMats[2]
if classOf o.mat == MultiMaterial do
NMat = MultiMaterial()
NMat.name = o.mat.name
ns = o.mat.numsubs
NMat.numsubs = ns
for i = 1 to ns do
NMat[i] = standardMaterial()
NMat[i].name = o.mat[i].name
NMat[i].diffuseMap = o.mat[i].diffuseMap
if o.mat[i].opacityMap != undefined do NMat[i].opacityMap = o.mat[i].opacityMap
return NMat
fn CleanIDs o =
if classof o.mat == Multimaterial do
local ns = o.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to o.numfaces do
if (local iID = getFaceMatID o i) > ns do
setFaceMatID o i (mod iID ns)
if classof o.mat == StandardMaterial do
for i = 1 to o.numfaces do setFaceMatID o i 1
update o
Utility BitmapTools "Bitmap Tools"
local SubMaterialView, SubMatNameArray = #(), CNumsubs = 1, MaterialArray, CObj, CFaceArray,
NFaceArray, Cnf, WackyIDs, NMat, CSub, CMat, NewIDs, CID, OldBitmap, NewBitmap
local debug = false
group "Map Path Info"
radiobuttons infotype labels:#("All", "Selected")
button getMapInfo "Get Bitmap Info" width:140
label MapPathInfoLabel1 "Map Paths are Displayed"
label MapPathInfoLabel2 "in Listener Window"
group "Map Path Remapper"
checkbox WDialogs "Show Warning Dialogs" checked:true
button RemapSelected "Remap Selected" width:140
group "Multi-Sub Manager"
pickButton pickObject "Pick Object" width:140 enabled:false
button RebuildSelected "Rebuild Selected" width:140
button RemBumpsSel "Remove Bump Maps" width:140
group "Map Replacement"
label b1label "Old:" align:#left
button b1 width:100 align:#right offset:[5,-20]
label b2label "New:" align:#left
button b2 width:100 align:#right offset:[5,-20]
button remapSelection "Remap Selection"
on RemBumpsSel pressed do
ObjArray = selection as array
oc = ObjArray.count
ocInv = (1.0 / oc) * 100
ProgressStart "Removing Bumps...."
for i = 1 to oc do
ProgressUpdate (ocInv * i)
CObj = ObjArray[i]
CObj.mat = RemBumps CObj
if debug do print heapfree
on b1 pressed do
if (OldBitmap = selectBitmap()) != undefined then
b1.text = (FileNameFromPath OldBitmap.filename)
) else (
OldBitmap = undefined
on b2 pressed do
if (NewBitmap = selectBitmap()) != undefined then
b2.text = (FileNameFromPath NewBitmap.filename)
) else (
NewBitmap = undefined
on remapSelection pressed do
if OldBitmap != undefined and NewBitmap != undefined then
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
oc = ObjArray.count
SearchName = (FilenameFromPath OldBitmap.filename)
for i = 1 to oc do
o = ObjArray[i]
if ClassOf o.mat == standardmaterial do
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat.diffusemap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat.opacitymap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
if classof o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat.bumpmap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
if ClassOf o.mat == Multimaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for j = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[j].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat[j].diffusemap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat[j].diffusemap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
if classof o.mat[j].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat[j].opacitymap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat[j].opacitymap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
if classof o.mat[j].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
Cname = (FileNamefromPath o.mat[j].bumpmap.filename)
if CName == SearchName do
o.mat[j].bumpmap.filename = NewBitMap.filename
messageBox "Done"
) else (
MessageBox "Bitmaps are not defined"
on BitmapTools open do SubMatNameArray = #()
on BitmapTools close do removeRollout SubMaterialView
on PickObject Picked obj do
removeRollout SubMaterialView
SubMatNameArray = #()
CFaceArray = #()
NFaceArray = #()
if classof obj != editable_mesh then
if (querybox "Object is not an EditableMesh, do you want to Collapse?\n\n If you click No, a copy of the object will be made") == true then
ConvertToMesh Obj
CObj = obj
) else (
CObj = copy Obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.name = (Obj.name + "-Copy")
) else (
CObj = obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
Cnf = CObj.numfaces
NMat = undefined
-- build FaceID Array
for i = 1 to Cnf do (CFaceArray[i] = (getfaceMatID CObj i))
if classof CObj.mat == MultiMaterial then
CNumSubs = CObj.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to CNumSubs do (append SubMatNameArray (i as string + ": " +(CObj.mat[i]).name))
addrollout SubMaterialView rolledup:false
) else (
messagebox "Picked Object does not have\n a MultiMaterial assigned to it!"
rollout SubMaterialView "Sub Materials"
listbox SubMatList "Sub Materials:" height:10 items:SubMatNameArray
button RemoveSubMaterial "Remove" width:145
button MoveUp "Bump Up" width:70 offset:[-37,0] enabled:false
button MoveDown "Bump Down" width:70 offset:[37,-26] enabled:false
button RebuildMat "Rebuild Material" width:145
button SimplifyMaterial "Simplify Material" width:145
label status1
-- *********************************************************************************************
-- Simplify Material
-- *********************************************************************************************
on SimplifyMaterial pressed do
MaterialArray = #()
CMat = CObj.mat
-- build the array of material definitions
for i = 1 to CNumSubs do
MaterialArray[i] = #("","","")
if classof CMat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][1] = (filenameFromPath CObj.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
if classof CMat[i].OpacityMap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][2] = (filenameFromPath CObj.mat[i].OpacityMap.filename)
if classof CMat[i].BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][3] = (filenameFromPath CObj.mat[i].BumpMap.filename)
NewIDs = #()
for i = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
NewIDs[i] = #(-1)
CMat = MaterialArray[i]
if (CMat[1] == "") and (CMat[2] == "") and (CMat[3] == "") then
1 == 1
) else (
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if i != j do
if (CMat[1] == MaterialArray[j][1]) and (CMat[2] == MaterialArray[j][2]) and (CMat[3] == MaterialArray[j][3]) do
format "Found Match: i = %; j = %\n" i j
append NewIDs[i] j
-- clear out that MaterialArray#() index
MaterialArray[j] = #("", "", "")
for i = 1 to NewIDs.count do
if NewIDs[i].count > 1 do
for j = 2 to NewIDs[i].count do
for k = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CID = getfaceMatID CObj k
if CID == NewIDs[i][j] do (setFaceMatID CObj k i)
update CObj
on RemoveSubMaterial pressed do
CSub = SubMatList.selection
CMat = CObj.mat
-- build the new Multi Material
NMat = MultiMaterial()
NMat.name = CMat.name
NMat.numsubs = (CNumSubs - 1)
NMat.name = CMat.name
for i = 1 to NMat.numsubs do
if i >= CSub do (NMat[i] = CMat[i+1])
if i < CSub do (NMat[i] = CMat[i])
-- Modify CObj's face Mat ID's
WackyIDs = false
for i = 1 to CFaceArray.count do
Cid = CFaceArray[i]
if Cid == CSub do
CFaceArray[i] = 1000
WackyIDs = true
if Cid > CSub do (CFaceArray[i] = (Cid - 1))
-- apply the FaceMatID Array back to the object
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
setfaceMatid CObj i CFaceArray[i]
-- Apply the new material to CObj
CObj.mat = NMat
-- Update all the interface stuff
removeRollout SubMaterialView
CNumSubs = CObj.mat.numsubs
SubMatNameArray = #()
for i = 1 to CNumSubs do
append SubMatNameArray (i as string + ": " +(CObj.mat[i]).name)
AddRollout SubMaterialView
if WackyIDs == true do (MessageBox "Faces found in object that have\nthe Material ID of the deleted Sub Material.\nSuch faces now have the\nMaterial ID of 1000")
on RebuildMat pressed do
FaceIDArray = #()
UniqueFaceIDArray = #()
ns = CObj.mat.numsubs
nf = CObj.numfaces
NMat = MultiMaterial()
FaceIDArray = for i = 1 to nf collect getFaceMatID CObj i
for i = 1 to nf do
if finditem UniqueFaceIDArray FaceIDArray[i] == 0 do (append UniqueFaceIDArray FaceIDArray[i])
NMat = MultiMaterial()
NMat.name = CObj.mat.name
NMat.numsubs = UniqueFaceIDArray.count
NewSubMatCount = 0
for i = 1 to ns do
status1.text = i as string
if findItem FaceIDArray i != 0 then
NewSubMatCount = NewSubMatCount + 1
for j = 1 to nf do
if FaceIDArray[j] == i do (SetFaceMatID CObj j NewSubMatCount) -- reset the face material ID
NMat[NewSubMatCount] = CObj.mat[i] -- toss the new Sub Material into the new MM
) else (
1 == 1
standard = false
if NMat.numsubs == 1 do
NMat2 = StandardMaterial()
NMat2.name = NMat.name
NMat2.diffusemap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.diffusemap = NMat[1].diffusemap
if NMat[1].OpacityMap == bitmaptexture do
NMat2.Opacitymap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.opacitymap = NMat[1].OpacityMap
if NMat[1].BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
NMat2.Bumpmap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.BumpMap = NMat[1].Bumpmap
NMat = NMat2
NMat.name = NMat2.name
standard = true
CObj.mat = NMat -- asign the new material to CObj
if CObj.mat.name == "" do
CObj.mat.name = CObj.name
-- rebuild the interface
removeRollout SubMaterialView
if standard == false do
CNumSubs = CObj.mat.numsubs
SubMatNameArray = #()
for i = 1 to CNumSubs do
append SubMatNameArray (i as string + ": " +(CObj.mat[i]).name)
AddRollout SubMaterialView
) -- end rollout
-- *******************************************************************
-- * Rebuild Selection
-- *******************************************************************
on RebuildSelected pressed do
ObjArray = #()
-- make sure we're only getting geometry into the tool
g = geometry as array
for obj in selection do
if (findItem g obj) != 0 do
append ObjArray obj
oc = ObjArray.count
ocInv = (1.0 / oc) * 100 -- ProgressUpdate() scalar
HeapNow = heapFree
ProgressStart ("Rebuilding..." + oc as string)
for i = 1 to oc do
CObj = ObjArray[i]
HeapBefore = HeapNow
HeapNow = heapFree
-- if (mod i 10) == 0 do gc()
CleanIDs CObj -- fn call to CleanIDs()
MaterialArray = #()
CMat = CObj.mat
if CMat != undefined do
ProgressUpdate (i * ocInv)
if classof CMat == MultiMaterial do
CNumSubs = CMat.numsubs
for i = 1 to CNumSubs do
local submat = CMat[i]
if submat != undefined do
MaterialArray[i] = #("","","")
if classof submat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][1] = (filenameFromPath submat.diffusemap.filename)
if classof submat.OpacityMap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][2] = (filenameFromPath submat.OpacityMap.filename)
if classof submat.BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
MaterialArray[i][3] = (filenameFromPath submat.BumpMap.filename)
NewIDs = #()
for i = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
NewIDs[i] = #(-1)
local Mat = MaterialArray[i]
if (Mat[1] != "") or (Mat[2] != "") or (Mat[3] != "") do
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if i != j do
if (Mat[1] == MaterialArray[j][1]) and (Mat[2] == MaterialArray[j][2]) and (Mat[3] == MaterialArray[j][3]) do
append NewIDs[i] j
-- clear out that MaterialArray#() index
MaterialArray[j] = #("", "", "")
for i = 1 to NewIDs.count do
if NewIDs[i].count > 1 do
for j = 2 to NewIDs[i].count do
for k = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CID = getfaceMatID CObj k
if CID == NewIDs[i][j] do (setFaceMatID CObj k i)
update CObj
FaceIDArray = #()
UniqueFaceIDArray = #()
CMat = CObj.mat
ns = CMat.numsubs
nf = CObj.numfaces
FaceIDArray = for i = 1 to nf collect getFaceMatID CObj i
for i = 1 to nf do
if finditem UniqueFaceIDArray FaceIDArray[i] == 0 do (append UniqueFaceIDArray FaceIDArray[i])
NMat = MultiMaterial()
NMat.name = CMat.name
NMat.numsubs = UniqueFaceIDArray.count
NewSubMatCount = 0
local smats = for m in CMat collect m
for i = 1 to ns do
if findItem FaceIDArray i != 0 do
NewSubMatCount = NewSubMatCount + 1
for j = 1 to nf do
if FaceIDArray[j] == i do (SetFaceMatID CObj j NewSubMatCount) -- reset the face material ID
NMat[NewSubMatCount] = smats[i] -- toss the new Sub Material into the new MultiMaterial
NewSubMatCount = FaceIDArray = UniqueFaceIDArray = ns = nf = i = undefined
if NMat.numsubs == 1 do
NMat2 = StandardMaterial()
NMat2.name = NMat.name
NMat2.diffusemap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.diffusemap = NMat[1].diffusemap
if NMat[1].OpacityMap == bitmaptexture do
NMat2.Opacitymap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.opacitymap = NMat[1].OpacityMap
if NMat[1].BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
NMat2.Bumpmap = bitmaptexture()
NMat2.BumpMap = NMat[1].Bumpmap
NMat = NMat2
NMat.name = NMat2.name
CObj.mat = NMat -- asign the new material to CObj
NMat = NMat2 = undefined
if CObj.mat.name == "" do CObj.mat.name = CObj.name
MaterialArray = CMat = NMat = NewSubMatCount = CNumSubs = undefined
-- gc()
on getMapInfo pressed do
ObjArray = #()
if infotype.state == 1 do (ObjArray = for o in objects collect o)
if infotype.state == 2 do (ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj)
numObj = ObjArray.count
for o in objArray do
if (isMaster2 o.name) do
format "Object: %\n" o.name
if classof o.mat == standardmaterial do
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat.diffusemap.filename)
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat.opacitymap.filename)
if classof o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat.bumpmap.filename)
if classof o.mat == multimaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
if classof o.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat[i].opacitymap.filename)
if classof o.mat[i].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do (format "%\n" o.mat[i].bumpmap.filename)
on RemapSelected pressed do
Objarray = for obj in selection collect obj
oc = ObjArray.count
if oc >= 1 then
if (SaveLoc = getsavePath caption:"Specify map folder") != undefined do
for i = 1 to oc do
o = ObjArray[i]
MapNotFound = false
-- if we have a standard material
if classof o.mat == StandardMaterial do
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat.diffusemap.filename = NewFileName
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat.OpacityMap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat.OpacityMap.filename = NewFilename
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
if classof o.mat.BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat.BumpMap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat.BumpMap.filename = NewFilename
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
-- if we have a multi material
if classof o.mat == MultiMaterial do
MaterialArray = #()
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename = NewFilename
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
if classof o.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].OpacityMap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat[i].OpacityMap.filename = NewFilename
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
if classof o.mat[i].BumpMap == bitmaptexture do
MapName = FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].BumpMap.filename
NewFileName = (SaveLoc + "\\" + MapName)
if (getfiles NewFileName).count != 0 then
o.mat[i].BumpMap.filename = NewFilename
) else (
MapNotFound = true
if WDialogs.checked do
Messagebox ("Bitmap " + MapName + " was not found\nin the specified location.")
if MapNotfound == true do format "Some maps in object % were not re-mapped\n" o.name
MessageBox "Done!"
) else (
MessageBox "Nothing Selected!\nPlease note the name of this tool...\n\n\"Remap SELECTED\""