2020-03-31 11:55:49 +02:00

1753 lines
52 KiB

* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1996
* Contents:
* Implementation of 'Loader.hpp.'
* Bugs:
* To do:
* Use debug macro to disable the writing of a log in release mode.
* When GROFF file supports more complete information, get rid of:
* Use of hack structure for object attributes.
* Special check for "Joint" and "Mesh" names to disable loading.
* Notes:
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Loader/Loader.cpp $
* 304 10/07/98 4:42a Agrant
* Fixed instanced terrain texture sound bug
* 303 9/27/98 2:14a Mmouni
* Fixed load progress to be more consistent.
* 302 9/17/98 8:56p Pkeet
* Clut log is dumped only in GUIApp.
* 301 9/17/98 5:37p Pkeet
* Changed way the main clut is built.
* 300 9/17/98 3:52p Rwyatt
* Removed GRF load filename from the audio system
* Added text props for the text action
* 299 9/13/98 10:55p Kmckis
* clear current object pointer when done loading
* 298 9/11/98 12:38p Agrant
* new symbols
* 297 98.09.09 4:14p Mmouni
* Added switch to turn off GROFF optimization.
* 296 9/08/98 10:24p Pkeet
* Added a text property for dust.
* 295 98.09.07 5:25p Mmouni
* Changed pmshLoadObject to prdtLoadObject and changed instancing to use CRenderType instead
* of CMesh.
* 294 9/05/98 11:10p Agrant
* rotation ratio symbol
* 293 9/05/98 4:39p Agrant
* terrain pathfinding, minor activity changes
* 292 9/04/98 7:38p Agrant
* removed redundant assert- now covered in instance.cpp
* 291 9/04/98 4:35p Agrant
* added the floats text prop
* 290 9/03/98 4:30p Shernd
* Checking for out of disk space
* 289 9/01/98 4:16p Asouth
* Loop variables
* 288 9/01/98 2:53p Rwyatt
* Text props for sound effect action
* 287 9/01/98 1:24p Mlange
* Now AlwaysAsserts (instead of just dout a message) if GROFF class name was not found.
* 286 8/31/98 1:05p Mmouni
* Added esAmmoReallyFull text prop.
* 285 8/28/98 6:09p Agrant
* Query symbol
* 284 8/27/98 1:34p Shernd
* Improved callback updates
* 283 98.08.26 6:58p Mmouni
* Calls FastBumpCleanup when done loading objects.
* Now closes the GRF file as soon as possible.
// Includes.
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Lib/W95/WinInclude.hpp"
#include "Loader.hpp"
#include "Lib/W95/Errors.h"
#include "Lib/Sys/Errors.hpp"
#include "Lib/Std/StringEx.hpp"
#include "Lib/Std/Hash.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/Textout.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/DebugConsole.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/FileEx.hpp"
#include "Lib\Sys\Profile.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/WorldDBase.hpp"
#include "Lib/Groff/GroffIO.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/PhysicsInfo.hpp"
#include "Lib/Physics/InfoBox.hpp"
#include "Game/AI/AIInfo.hpp"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/PartitionSpace.hpp"
#include "Lib/Physics/InfoSkeleton.hpp"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/Skeleton.hpp"
#include "Lib/Groff/ValueTable.hpp"
#include "Lib/Groff/VTParse.hpp"
#include "Lib\Audio\AudioDaemon.hpp"
#include "Lib/View/RasterFile.hpp"
#include "Lib\Loader\LoadTexture.hpp"
#include "Lib\Loader\PlatonicInstance.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/LightBlend.hpp"
#include "TextureManager.hpp"
#include "ImageLoader.hpp"
#include "Game/AI/ActivityEnum.hpp"
#include "Game/AI/ActivityEnum.hpp"
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/MessageTypes/MsgSystem.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <string.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "Lib/W95/Direct3D.hpp"
extern bool bIsTrespasser;
#define OPTIMIZE_GROFF (1)
ZERO: All -00 CInstances and CInstance derivatives, except for triggers
ONE: Pickup and shoulder magnets
TWO: All non-00 CInstances and CInstance derivatives, except for triggers
THREE: All magnets and triggers
// Module variables.
std::map<uint32, SMeshInstance, std::less<uint32> > mapMeshInstances;
float fDefaultBumpiness = 0.025f;
// Global variables.
CConsoleBuffer conLoadLog(180, 1); // Buffer for dumping a load log file.
int iMaxLoaderSelect = 0;
extern uint g_u_Version_Number;
// CLoadWorld implementation.
bool CLoadWorld::bTextures = true;
bool CLoadWorld::bBumps = true;
bool CLoadWorld::bCreateWrap = true;
bool CLoadWorld::bRebuildPartitions = false;
bool CLoadWorld::bVerbose = false;
CGroffObjectName* CLoadWorld::pgonCurrentObject = 0;
CProfileStat psLoader("Loader");
CProfileStat psAudio("Audio", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psRAMGROFF("RAM the GROFF", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psImage("Image", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psObjects("Objects", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psAddToDBase("Add to World", &psObjects);
CProfileStat psPinsCreate("pinsCreate", &psObjects);
CProfileStat psMesh("Mesh", &psPinsCreate);
CProfileStat psPrint("Printing", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psMiscLoad("Misc.", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psGroffGeometry("GROFF Geom", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psCurve("Curve Bumps", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psBumpMatrix("Matrix", &psCurve);
CProfileStat psNormalsNVerts("Alloc Verts", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psFaces("Make Faces", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psMeshConstruction("Mesh Const.", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psMeshMerge("Merge", &psMeshConstruction);
CProfileStat psMeshPolySetup("Poly Setup", &psMeshConstruction);
CProfileStat psMeshVertNormals("Vert Norms", &psMeshConstruction);
CProfileStat psTextures("Textures",&psMesh);
CProfileStat psTextureLookup("Lookup", &psTextures);
CProfileStat psTextureConstruct("Constructor", &psTextures);
CProfileStat psTextureClut("Cluts", &psTextureConstruct);
CProfileStat psMipMap("Mip Map",&psMesh);
CProfileStat psNewRaster("new CRaster", &psMipMap);
CProfileStat psPreImageMip("pre image stuff", &psMipMap);
CProfileStat psShrinkWrap("Shrink Wrap", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psImageTexture("ptexImageTexture", &psMesh);
CProfileStat psImagePalette("Image Palette", &psImageTexture);
CProfileStat psImageRaster("Image Raster", &psImageTexture);
CProfileStat psImageNewTexture("New Texture", &psImageTexture);
CProfileStat psObjectInfo("Obj Info/Vtable", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psObjNameLookup("Name Lookup", &psObjectInfo);
CProfileStat psPartitions("Partitions", &psLoader);
CProfileStat psBumpPack("Bumpmap pack", &psLoader);
// CLoadWorld constructor and destructor.
// Constructor requiring a filename.
CLoadWorld::CLoadWorld(const char* str_filename, PFNWORLDLOADNOTIFY pfnWorldNotify, uint32 ui32_NotifyParam)
i4Error = 0;
// Reset D3D memory requirements.
// Disable scene saving for asserts.
bAutoSaveScene = false;
CCycleTimer ctmr_total;
CCycleTimer ctmr;
TCycles cyc_temp = 0;
// Have not selected anything yet!
iNumSelected = 0;
// Attempt to open the 'Groff' file.
dout << "Open File: " << str_filename << "\n";
gioFile.pfnWorldNotify = pfnWorldNotify;
gioFile.ui32_NotifyParam = ui32_NotifyParam;
if (!gioFile.bOpenFile(str_filename))
// Output error message.
TerminalError(ERROR_UNABLETO_OPENGROFF, true, str_filename);
i4Error = -1;
dout << "Open File: \t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// Image loader (.swp file)
// Cretae the virtual image loader class. If we are using the virtual loader the
// drive that contains the GRF file is now free as the GRF file is in memory.
// Therefore we are free the thread the function that creates the local swap file,
// this is a real advanatge as we hide the decompress and copy time within the
// groff load time.
// Create a local class who's scope is valid for the whole load process. This class
// can be used by any part of the load system trough the classes static members.
dout << "Image Loader: " << str_filename << "\n";
CLoadImageDirectory lidImageDir(str_filename, pfnWorldNotify, ui32_NotifyParam);
dout << "Image Loader: \t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
if (lidImageDir.i4Error < 0)
i4Error = lidImageDir.i4Error;
// Object header stuff.
dout << "GROFF version: " << g_u_Version_Number << '\n';
dout << "Load Object Info and vtable: \n";
// Attempt to load the Groff object information.
if (!gioFile.bObjectInfo(goiInfo, vtableTable))
// Output error message.
TerminalError(ERROR_UNABLETO_READGROFFINFO, true, str_filename);
dout << "Load Object Info and vtable: \t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// A bunch of random debug info and other stuff.
dout << "Miscellaneous:\n";
// Add this to our scene list.
// Remove current pure spatial partitions and flatten the partition tree.
// Open a log file with default settings.
conLoadLog.OpenFileSession("LoadLog.txt", true);
conLoadLog.Print("Loading file ");
// Cache the file name for error reporting.
// Change to the directory of the file, so that texture loading will work correctly.
char str_path[_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR], str_dir[_MAX_DIR], str_name[_MAX_FNAME];
_splitpath(str_filename, str_path, str_dir, str_name, 0);
strcat(str_path, str_dir);
CPushDir pshd(str_path);
// Set the mipmap directory path.
// Do this even if we have an image, because then we can snag any mips missing from the .swp file conventionally if we need to.
bool bMipCreated;
bMipCreated = SetMipDirectory(str_name);
// Make a filename: "Map\Name.lst"
char str_no_suffix[_MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME];
strcpy(str_no_suffix, "Map\\");
strcat(str_no_suffix, str_name);
strcat(str_no_suffix, ".lst");
CConsoleBuffer conListFile(180, 1); // Buffer for dumping a load log file.
if (bMipCreated)
conListFile.OpenFileSession(str_no_suffix, true);
CHandle h_handle;
// Loop through all the objects and setup their valuetable entries.
uint u_handle;
for (u_handle = 0; u_handle < goiInfo.uObjectCount; u_handle++)
// Is this a version 12 GROFF file?
if (g_u_Version_Number == 11)
// Must use version 12!
// Need multiple passes to handle weird stuff like magnets and triggers for now...
// This needs a better method.
CGroffObjectName* pgon = &goiInfo.gonObjectList[u_handle];
pgon->bDoneLoading = false;
char buffer[256];
// Is this an ideal object?
if (bGetPlatonicIdealName(pgon->strObjectName, buffer))
// Send object name to .lst file.
conListFile.Print("%s\n", pgon->strObjectName);
// Resolve all symbol handles.
dout << "Miscellaneous:\t";
dout << ctmr() * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
bool b_done = true;
// The actual object loader.
int32 icObjects = 0;
if (pfnWorldNotify)
// Show completion 15%-90%
int i_percent = 15 + (icObjects * 75) / goiInfo.uObjectCount;
(pfnWorldNotify)(ui32_NotifyParam, 1, i_percent, 100);
// Make sure we don't loop infinitely.
dout << "Objects: \n";
iLoadPass = 0;
// Reset the flag.
b_done = true;
char str_dots[] = "..............................";
int i_max_dots = strlen(str_dots) - 1;
char *str_end_dots = str_dots + i_max_dots - 1;
if (i_max_dots > goiInfo.uObjectCount)
i_max_dots = goiInfo.uObjectCount + 1;
float f_meshes_per_dot = goiInfo.uObjectCount / (float)i_max_dots;
int i_dots = i_max_dots;
float f_meshes = 0.0f;
// Loop through all the objects and load them.
for (u_handle = 0; u_handle < goiInfo.uObjectCount; u_handle++)
// Only try to load if we haven't loaded it already.
if (!goiInfo.gonObjectList[u_handle].bDoneLoading)
//CMemCheck mem("Object Load", MEM_DIFF_STATS|MEM_DIFF_DUMP);
CCycleTimer ctr_object;
// Assume that we are going to succeed. If we fail in a way that a later pass
// will help, this flag will be unset deep inside the loader.
goiInfo.gonObjectList[u_handle].bDoneLoading = true;
// Load the object to the world database.
// If the object load failed, try again next pass.
if (!goiInfo.gonObjectList[u_handle].bDoneLoading)
b_done = false;
AlwaysAssert(iLoadPass < 5);
if (pfnWorldNotify)
// Show completion 15%-90%
int i_percent = 15 + (icObjects * 75) / goiInfo.uObjectCount;
(pfnWorldNotify)(ui32_NotifyParam, 1, i_percent, 100);
uint32 u4_cycles = ctr_object();
if (u4_cycles * ctr_object.fSecondsPerCycle() > 1.0f)
dout << goiInfo.gonObjectList[u_handle].strObjectName << " is too slow: " << u4_cycles * ctr_object.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// dout a fake status bar.
f_meshes += 1.0f;
while (f_meshes > f_meshes_per_dot)
// Let the viewer know that we're closer.
AlwaysAssert(i_dots >= 0);
f_meshes -= f_meshes_per_dot;
char *str_dots_substring = str_end_dots - i_dots;
AlwaysAssert(str_dots_substring[0] == '.');
dout << str_dots_substring << '\n';
dout << "LOAD PASS " << iLoadPass << '\n';
while (!b_done);
dout << "Objects: \t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// Free up any temporary memory allocated by the bump maps.
// Attempt to save the optimized GRF under new name.
char str_newname[_MAX_PATH];
strcpy(str_newname, str_filename);
// Strip off file extension && add stuff on.
int i_ext = strlen(str_newname);
while (i_ext > 0 && str_newname[i_ext] != '.')
strcpy(str_newname+i_ext, ".gop");
// Attemp to save it.
if (gioFile.bSaveOptimizedFile(str_newname))
// Close the GRF file.
char str_oldname[_MAX_PATH];
strcpy(str_oldname, str_filename);
strcpy(str_oldname+i_ext, ".old");
// Delete old file if it exists.
// Rename to current groff to .old.
dout << "Renaming " << str_filename << " to " << str_oldname << "\n";
rename(str_filename, str_oldname);
// Rename optimized groff to .grf.
dout << "Renaming " << str_newname << " to " << str_filename << "\n";
rename(str_newname, str_filename);
// Probably we already have an optimzed GRF. Go ahead and close the
// file now even thought it would be closed later so that we free up
// the memory taken by the GRF image earlier.
// Restore original directory.
// Clear the error cache.
// Rebuild the partitions.
dout << "Building partitions:\n";
if (bRebuildPartitions)
CCycleTimer ctr;
// Remove current pure spatial partitions and flatten the partition tree.
dout << "Flattening partitions: \n";
dout << "Flattening partitions: \t";
dout << ctr() * ctr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// Also reset the pure spatial partition heap.
// Build the partition tree using a fast system.
dout << "Building partition: \n";
dout << "Building partition: \t";
dout << ctr() * ctr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
dout << "Building terrain partition: \n";
dout << "Building terrain partition: \t" << ctr() * ctr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
dout << "Building trigger partition: \n";
dout << "Building trigger partition: \t" << ctr() * ctr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
dout << "Partitions:\t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// pack any bump maps that have just been loaded
dout << "Pack bump maps:\t";
dout << "Pack bump maps:\t";
cyc_temp = ctmr();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
// Summary info
dout << "Total:\t";
cyc_temp = ctmr_total();
dout << cyc_temp * ctmr_total.fSecondsPerCycle() << " seconds.\n";
dout << "# Instances Loaded: " << wWorld.ppartPartitionList()->iCountInstances() << " \n";
dout << "# Terrain Instances Loaded: " << wWorld.ppartTerrainPartitionList()->iCountInstances() << " \n";
dout << "Time in find obj: " << CGroffObjectInfo::fSecsInFindObject() << " secs.\n";
// Now dump the profile stats-
CStrBuffer strbuf(2000);
dout << strbuf;
// Enable scene saving for asserts.
bAutoSaveScene = true;
dout << strbuf;
// Destructor.
// Close the log file.
conLoadLog.Print("\nFinished loading!");
// Zero the current object pointer for safety.
pgonCurrentObject = 0;
// Send out message informing the system a GROFF file has finished loading.
CMessageSystem msgsys(escGROFF_LOADED);
// Insert code to remove unused meshes here.
bool b_done = false;
int i_discarded_meshes = 0;
dout << "Total unique meshes: " << mapMeshInstances.size() << "\n";
std::map<uint32, SMeshInstance, std::less<uint32> >::iterator i;
// If nothing happens, we're done.
b_done = true;
i = mapMeshInstances.begin();
for (; i != mapMeshInstances.end(); ++i)
if ((*i).second.prdtMesh->uRefs == 1)
b_done = false;
dout << "Discarded Meshes: " << i_discarded_meshes << "\n";
extern std::map< uint32, rptr<CTexture>, std::less<uint32> > mapTextures;
dout << "Total unique textures: " << mapTextures.size() << "\n";
// Write the names of the loaded textures.
int i_discarded_textures = 0;
std::map< uint32, rptr<CTexture>, std::less<uint32> >::iterator i_tex;
b_done = false;
// If nothing happens, we're done.
b_done = true;
i_tex = mapTextures.begin();
for (; i_tex != mapTextures.end(); ++i_tex)
if ((*i_tex).second->uRefs == 1)
b_done = false;
dout << "Discarded Textures: " << i_discarded_textures << "\n";
if (!bIsTrespasser)
// CLoadWorld member functions.
void CLoadWorld::PurgeMeshes()
mapMeshInstances.erase(mapMeshInstances.begin(), mapMeshInstances.end());
// CLoadWorld protected member functions.
void CLoadWorld::LoadObjectToWorld
CGroffObjectName& gon // Object to load.
// Loads an object from the groff file.
// Notes:
// Bug! Do not copy a CGroffObjectName value; copy references only
// Otherwise it will delete stuff twice.
CCycleTimer ctmr;
pgonCurrentObject = &gon;
// HACK HACK HACK remove me after text prop mesh loading is in.
// Warning! This uses hard-coded strings to check for which kinds of meshes to load.
if (CBeginsWith(gon.strObjectName) == strSUBOBJECT_PREFIX)
// These are special sub-objects that are loaded when the main object is loaded.
// Do not load them here.
CInstance* pins = 0;
// First, perform name-based instancing duties.
char ac_platonic_ideal[256];
bool b_is_ideal = bGetPlatonicIdealName(gon.strObjectName, ac_platonic_ideal);
uint32 u4_platonic_hash = 0;
// If this object has a platonic ideal already in the list, instance it.
if (ac_platonic_ideal[0] != '\0')
u4_platonic_hash = u4Hash(ac_platonic_ideal,0,true);
// Then this object has a platonic ideal!
TMapHashPins::iterator i = tmPlatonicIdeal.find(u4_platonic_hash);
if (i != tmPlatonicIdeal.end())
// Loading a cheap copy.
// Must wait until pass 2 to allow all pickup magnets to load.
if (iLoadPass < 2)
gon.bDoneLoading = false;
// Already here! Instance it.
pins = (*i).second->pinsCopy();
// Did the copy work?
if (pins)
// Yes! Finish the instance by loading PRS.
CPresence3<> pr3 = ::pr3Presence(gon);
if (ptCast<CTerrainObj>(pins))
pr3.v3Pos.tZ = 0;
// DEBUG assistance crap to set up marker system.
extern CInstance *pinsMasterMarker;
if (pinsMasterMarker == (*i).second)
// We are copying the marker master.
extern int iMaxMarker;
// Get the object number after the dash.
char *str = gon.strObjectName + strlen(gon.strObjectName);
int i_num = 0;
while(str > gon.strObjectName && *str != '-')
str = str - 1;
Assert(*str = '-');
sscanf(str, "%d", &i_num);
AlwaysAssert(i_num > 0);
AlwaysAssert(i_num < 10000);
if (iMaxMarker < i_num)
iMaxMarker = i_num;
// No. Construct an instance.
pins = CInstance::pinsCreate(&gon, this, gon.hAttributeHandle, &vtableTable, (*i).second->pinfoGetInfo());
else if (!b_is_ideal)
// If we don't have the base instance yet, complain.
if (iLoadPass > 1)
// We cannot wait any longer!
dout << "Missing " << ac_platonic_ideal << "! Cannot instance " << gon.strObjectName << ".\n";
// Now fall through and load it.
// The object's ideal is not yet loaded, and it is not itself ideal. Try again later.
gon.bDoneLoading = false;
dout << "Cannot instance " << gon.strObjectName << ", no ideal name.\n";
// Either the object is ideal, or it has no ideal, or it has already been insatnced
if (!pins) //if not instanced, make a new one.
pins = CInstance::pinsCreate(&gon, this, gon.hAttributeHandle, &vtableTable, 0);
// Add the shape to the world database.
if (pins != pinsINVALID)
if (pins)
// If the instance is an object that always faces the camera, adjust its
// bounding volume.
// Set a unique value representing the object.
// Notes: Currently the SetUniqueHandle function generates a handle value
// automatically from instance data. This will changed to a value from Groff.
// Add to the world database.
if (pins->bIsBackdrop())
// Add to the backdrop partition.
// Add to the object partition.
if (iNumSelected < iMaxLoaderSelect)
wWorld.Select(pins, true);
// If ideal, add the object to the ideal list.
if (b_is_ideal)
AddToIdealList(u4_platonic_hash, pins);
if (g_u_Version_Number > 11)
// Class or handle not found in the new and improved pinsCreate!
dout << "Class Not Found! Cannot create " << gon.strObjectName << '\n';
// The rest of this is so that classes which have not been converted will work.
rptr<CMesh> CLoadWorld::pmshLoadMesh
const CGroffObjectName& gon, // Mesh to load.
CPresence3<>* ppr3_adjust, // Adjustment to mesh's presence (due to biomesh uncentering).
bool b_animating
// Returns mesh from a 'Groff' file.
return rptr0;
int CLoadWorld::iFindSymbol(const CEasyString& estr)
CNewSymbolTable* psym = &vtableTable;
CHandle h_symbol = (*psym)[estr];
for (int i = esEND - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (h_symbol == hSymbol(ESymbol(i)))
return i;
return -1;
void CLoadWorld::InitHandleTable()
int i;
for (i = esEND - 1; i>= 0; i--)
abSymbolInit[i] = false;
InitHandle(esClass, "Class");
InitHandle(esMesh, "Mesh");
InitHandle(esPhysics, "Physics");
InitHandle(esMin, "Min");
InitHandle(esMax, "Max");
InitHandle(esInitialState, "InitialState");
InitHandle(esMinHighTime, "MinHighTime");
InitHandle(esMaxHighTime, "MaxHighTime");
InitHandle(esMinLowTime, "MinLowTime");
InitHandle(esMaxLowTime, "MaxLowTime");
InitHandle(esToggle, "Toggle");
InitHandle(esClose, "Close");
InitHandle(esDecay, "Decay");
InitHandle(esSpangCount, "SpangCount");
InitHandle(esArmour, "Armour");
InitHandle(esDamageMultiplier, "DamageMultiplier");
InitHandle(esDamagePerSecond, "DamagePerSecond");
InitHandle(esMass, "Mass");
InitHandle(esDensity, "Density");
InitHandle(esElasticity, "Elasticity");
InitHandle(esFloats, "Floats");
InitHandle(esFriction, "Friction");
InitHandle(esFrozen, "Frozen");
InitHandle(esFile, "File");
InitHandle(esImpulse, "Impulse");
InitHandle(esLocation, "Location");
InitHandle(esMaterial, "Material");
InitHandle(esMoveable, "Moveable");
InitHandle(esPlanted, "Planted");
InitHandle(esOpen, "Open");
InitHandle(esRatio, "Ratio");
InitHandle(esRotationRatio, "RotationRatio");
InitHandle(esReset, "Reset");
InitHandle(esShadow, "Shadow");
InitHandle(esSmall, "Small");
InitHandle(esSoundMaterial, "SoundMaterial");
InitHandle(esSubstitute, "Substitute");
InitHandle(esTangible, "Tangible");
InitHandle(esTarget, "Target");
InitHandle(esType, "Type");
InitHandle(esValue, "Value");
InitHandle(esHintID, "HintID");
InitHandle(esVolume, "Volume");
InitHandle(esScale, "Scale");
InitHandle(esMinScale, "MinScale");
InitHandle(esMaxScale, "MaxScale");
InitHandle(esScaleLimit, "ScaleLimit");
InitHandle(esFogNear, "FogNear");
InitHandle(esFogFar, "FogFar");
InitHandle(esWindSpeedX, "WindSpeedX");
InitHandle(esWindSpeedY, "WindSpeedY");
InitHandle(esSubDivision, "SubDivision");
InitHandle(esFillScreen, "FillScreen");
// Animal combat hit point stuff
InitHandle(esCriticalHit, "CriticalHit");
InitHandle(esHitPoints, "HitPoints");
InitHandle(esMaxHitPoints, "MaxHitPoints");
InitHandle(esRegeneration, "Regeneration");
InitHandle(esReallyDie, "ReallyDie");
InitHandle(esDieRate, "DieRate");
InitHandle(esOuch, "Ouch");
InitHandle(esFall, "Fall");
// Distance culling parameters.
InitHandle(esCulling, "Culling");
InitHandle(esShadowCulling, "ShadowCulling");
InitHandle(esCullingMaxDist, "CullMaxDist");
InitHandle(esCullingMaxRadius, "CullMaxRadius");
InitHandle(esCullingMaxDistShadow, "CullMaxDistShadow");
InitHandle(esCullingMaxRadiusShadow, "CullMaxRadiusShadow");
InitHandle(esPriority, "Priority");
// Direct3D parameters.
InitHandle(esD3DHardwareOnly, "HardwareOnly");
InitHandle(esD3DSoftwareOnly, "SoftwareOnly");
InitHandle(esD3DNoLowRes, "NoLowRes");
// Rendering paramaters.
InitHandle(esCameraFOV, "CameraFOV");
InitHandle(esPixelError, "PixelError");
InitHandle(esSubdivisionLen, "SubdivisionLen");
InitHandle(esAltPixelError, "AltPixelError");
InitHandle(esAltSubdivisionLen, "AltSubdivisionLen");
// Object rendering parameters.
InitHandle(esAlwaysFace, "AlwaysFace");
// Image caching parameters.
InitHandle(esNoCache, "NoCache");
InitHandle(esNoCacheAlone, "NoCacheAlone");
InitHandle(esCacheMultiplier, "CacheMul");
// Teleport trigger parameters.
InitHandle(esTeleportDestObjectName, "TeleportDestObjectName");
InitHandle(esHeightRelative, "HeightRelative");
InitHandle(esOnTerrain, "OnTerrain");
InitHandle(esSetPosition, "SetPosition");
InitHandle(esSetOrientation, "SetOrientation");
// Trigger parameters.
// InitHandle(esCTrigger, "CTrigger");
InitHandle(esTFireDelay, "FireDelay");
InitHandle(esTFireCount, "FireCount");
InitHandle(esTFireExpression, "FireExpression");
InitHandle(esTProb, "Probability");
InitHandle(esTFireZero, "FireAtZero");
InitHandle(esTResetFire, "ResetFire");
InitHandle(esTProcessStyle, "ProcessStyle");
InitHandle(esTRepeatPeriod, "RepeatPeriod");
InitHandle(esTBoundVol, "BoundVol");
InitHandle(esTSequenceDelayMin, "SequenceDelayMin");
InitHandle(esTSequenceDelayMax, "SequenceDelayMax");
// Collision trigger properties
InitHandle(esElement1, "Element1");
InitHandle(esElement2, "Element2");
InitHandle(esSoundMaterial1, "SoundMaterial1");
InitHandle(esSoundMaterial2, "SoundMaterial2");
InitHandle(esMinVelocity, "MinVelocity");
InitHandle(esMaxVelocity, "MaxVelocity");
InitHandle(esCreatureDie, "CreatureDie");
InitHandle(esCreatureWake, "CreatureWake");
InitHandle(esCreatureSleep, "CreatureSleep");
InitHandle(esCreatureCriticalDamage, "CreatureCriticalDamage");
InitHandle(esCreatureDamagePoints, "CreatureDamagePoints");
InitHandle(esEvaluateAll, "EvaluateAll");
InitHandle(esTMasterVolumeMin, "MasterVolumeMin");
InitHandle(esTMasterVolumeMax, "MasterVolumeMax");
InitHandle(esTActionType, "ActionType");
InitHandle(esTActionSample, "Sample");
InitHandle(esTActionSpatial, "SpatialType");
InitHandle(esTActionVolume, "Volume");
InitHandle(esTActionStopAfterFade, "StopAfterFade");
InitHandle(esTActionAtten, "Attenuation");
InitHandle(esTActionMaxVolDist, "MaxVolDistance");
InitHandle(esTActionEmitter, "Emitter");
InitHandle(esTActionFrustum, "Frustum");
InitHandle(esTActionMute, "Mute");
InitHandle(esTActionOutsideVol, "OutsideVolume");
InitHandle(esTActionSampleLoop, "Looped");
InitHandle(esTActionLoopCount, "LoopCount");
InitHandle(esTActionMaxDist, "MaximumDistance");
InitHandle(esTActionVolFade, "VolumeFader");
InitHandle(esTActionAttach, "Attach");
InitHandle(esTActionBitmap, "Bitmap");
InitHandle(esTActionCenter, "Center");
InitHandle(esTActionDiscard, "Discard");
InitHandle(esTActionXP, "XPos");
InitHandle(esTActionYP, "YPos");
InitHandle(esTActionFogType, "FogType");
InitHandle(esTActionFogPower, "FogPower");
InitHandle(esTActionFogHalf, "FogHalf");
InitHandle(esTActionAmbientLight, "AmbientLight");
InitHandle(esTActionFarClipPlane, "FarClipPlane");
InitHandle(esTActionNearClipPlane, "NearClipPlane");
InitHandle(esUseObject, "UseObject");
InitHandle(esPickUpObject, "PickUpObject");
InitHandle(esPutDownObject, "PutDownObject");
InitHandle(esTriggerName, "TriggerName");
// Terrain parameters.
InitHandle(esTActionTrrPixelTol, "TrrPixelTol");
InitHandle(esTActionTrrPixelTolFar, "TrrPixelTolFar");
InitHandle(esTrrNoShadowDist, "TrrNoShadowDist");
InitHandle(esTrrNoTextureDist, "TrrNoTextureDist");
InitHandle(esTrrNoDynTextureDist, "TrrNoDynTextureDist");
InitHandle(esTrrMovingShadows, "TrrMovingShadows");
// Depth Sort parameters.
InitHandle(esTActionNearTolerance, "NearTolerance");
InitHandle(esTActionFarTolerance, "FarTolerance");
InitHandle(esTActionNearZ, "NearZ");
InitHandle(esTActionFarZ, "FarZ");
InitHandle(esTActionFarZNo, "FarZNo");
InitHandle(esTActionSortPixelTol, "SortPixelTol");
InitHandle(esTActionMaxNumToSort, "MaxNumToSort");
InitHandle(esTActionSort2PartAt, "Sort2PartAt");
InitHandle(esTActionSort4PartAt, "Sort4PartAt");
InitHandle(esTActionTerrNearTolerance, "TerrNearTolerance");
InitHandle(esTActionTerrFarTolerance, "TerrFarTolerance");
InitHandle(esTActionTerrNearZ, "TerrNearZ");
InitHandle(esTActionTerrFarZ, "TerrFarZ");
InitHandle(esTActionUseSeperateTol, "UseSeperateTol");
// Image cache parameters.
InitHandle(esTActionPixelRatio, "PixelRatio");
InitHandle(esTActionMinPixels, "MinPixels");
InitHandle(esTActionCacheAge, "CacheAge");
InitHandle(esTActionCacheIntersect, "CacheIntersect");
// InitHandle(esCLocationTrigger, "CLocationTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTEnterCount, "CreatureEnterCount");
InitHandle(esLTLeaveCount, "CreatureLeaveCount");
InitHandle(esLTPlayerIn, "PlayerInTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTPlayerLeave, "PlayerLeaveTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTPlayerEnter, "PlayerEnterTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTObjectIn, "ObjectInTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTObjectLeave, "ObjectLeaveTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTObjectEnter, "ObjectEnterTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTCreatureIn, "CreatureInTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTCreatureLeave, "CreatureLeaveTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTCreatureEnter, "CreatureEnterTrigger");
InitHandle(esLTTriggerActivate, "TriggerActivate");
InitHandle(esLTPointTrigger, "PointTrigger");
// Stuff need for water trigger, plus generally usefull.
InitHandle(esObjectName, "ObjectName");
InitHandle(esEnable, "Enable");
InitHandle(esQuery, "Query");
InitHandle(esLevelName, "LevelName");
InitHandle(esAnimationName, "AnimationName");
// For sequence trigger.
InitHandle(esSequenceListenNames, "SequenceListenNames");
InitHandle(esSequenceOrderNames, "SequenceOrderNames");
InitHandle(esSequenceEvalNowNames, "SequenceEvalNowNames");
InitHandle(esSequenceFalseTriggerName, "SequenceFalseTriggerName");
// Coordinate symbols.
InitHandle(esX, "X");
InitHandle(esY, "Y");
InitHandle(esZ, "Z");
// Magnet symbols.
InitHandle(esBreakable, "Breakable");
InitHandle(esBreakStrength, "BreakStrength");
InitHandle(esDelta, "Delta");
InitHandle(esDrive, "Drive");
InitHandle(esDelay, "Delay");
InitHandle(esAngleMin, "AngleMin");
InitHandle(esAngleMax, "AngleMax");
InitHandle(esCMagnet, "CMagnet");
InitHandle(esInstance, "Instance");
InitHandle(esGender, "Gender");
InitHandle(esMagnet, "Magnet");
InitHandle(esMasterObject, "MasterObject");
InitHandle(esRestoreStrength, "RestoreStrength");
InitHandle(esSlaveMagnet, "SlaveMagnet");
InitHandle(esSlaveObject, "SlaveObject");
InitHandle(esXTFree, "XTFree");
InitHandle(esYTFree, "YTFree");
InitHandle(esZTFree, "ZTFree");
InitHandle(esXFree, "XFree");
InitHandle(esYFree, "YFree");
InitHandle(esZFree, "ZFree");
InitHandle(esHandPickup, "HandPickup");
InitHandle(esShoulderHold, "ShoulderHold");
// Water object.
InitHandle(esResolutionRatio, "ResolutionRatio");
// Disturbance symbols
InitHandle(esStrength, "Strength");
InitHandle(esInterval, "Interval");
InitHandle(esRadius, "Radius");
InitHandle(esAudioEnvironment, "AudioEnvironment");
InitHandle(esReverbVolume, "ReverbVolume");
InitHandle(esReverbDecay, "ReverbDecay");
InitHandle(esReverbDamping, "ReverbDamping");
// Mesh Symbols
InitHandle(esBumpiness, "Bumpiness");
InitHandle(esBumpmaps, "Bumpmaps");
InitHandle(esCacheIntersecting, "CacheIntersecting");
InitHandle(esDetail1, "Detail1");
InitHandle(esDetail2, "Detail2");
InitHandle(esDetail3, "Detail3");
InitHandle(esDetail4, "Detail4");
InitHandle(esDetailShadow, "DetailShadow");
InitHandle(esDiffuse, "Diffuse");
InitHandle(esEmissive, "Emissive");
InitHandle(esTexture, "Texture");
InitHandle(esMerge, "Merge");
InitHandle(esNormals, "Normals");
InitHandle(esCurved, "Curved");
InitHandle(esNumDoubleJoints, "NumDoubleJoints");
InitHandle(esNumJoints, "NumJoints");
InitHandle(esPRadius, "PRadius");
InitHandle(esPVA, "PVA");
InitHandle(esReflect, "Reflect");
InitHandle(esRefract, "Refract");
InitHandle(esRefractIndex, "RefractIndex");
InitHandle(esSpecular, "Specular");
InitHandle(esSpecularAngle, "SpecularAngle");
InitHandle(esSplit, "Split");
InitHandle(esVisible, "Visible");
InitHandle(esWrap, "Wrap");
InitHandle(esUnlit, "Unlit");
// Clut control.
InitHandle(esClutStartColor, "ClutStartColor");
InitHandle(esClutStopColor, "ClutStopColor");
InitHandle(esClutReflectionColor, "ClutReflectionColor");
InitHandle(esDefaultClutStartColor, "DefaultClutStartColor");
InitHandle(esDefaultClutStopColor, "DefaultClutStopColor");
// Alpha water clut values.
InitHandle(esAlphaWaterProperties, "AlphaWaterProperties");
InitHandle(esNonAlphaWaterProperties, "NonAlphaWaterProperties");
// Dino helpers
InitHandle(esBody, "Body");
InitHandle(esFoot, "Foot");
InitHandle(esLeftFoot, "LeftFoot");
InitHandle(esRightFoot, "RightFoot");
InitHandle(esLeftRearFoot, "LeftRearFoot");
InitHandle(esRightRearFoot, "RightRearFoot");
InitHandle(esHand, "Hand");
InitHandle(esHead, "Head");
InitHandle(esNeck, "Neck");
InitHandle(esTail, "Tail");
InitHandle(esReverseKnees, "ReverseKnees");
// SubMaterial names.
int i2;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < iMAX_SUBMATERIALS; ++i2)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "SubMaterial%0.2d", i2+1);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esSubMaterial01+i2), str_symbol);
InitHandle(esSubMaterialEnd, "SubMaterialEnd");
// Animation names.
for (i2 = 0; i2 < iMAX_ANIMATION_FRAMES; ++i2)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "Anim%0.2d", i2);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esAnim00+i2), str_symbol);
sprintf(str_symbol, "AnimB%0.2d", i2);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esAnimB00+i2), str_symbol);
InitHandle(esFrame, "Frame");
InitHandle(esFreezeFrame, "FreezeFrame");
InitHandle(esTrackTwo, "TrackTwo");
InitHandle(esDeltaX, "DeltaX");
InitHandle(esDeltaY, "DeltaY");
InitHandle(esAnimSubMaterial, "AnimSubMaterial");
// Vertex names.
for (i2 = 0; i2 < iMAX_VERTICES; ++i2)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "Vertex%0.3d", i2);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esVertex000+i2), str_symbol);
// Model names.
for (i2 = 0; i2 < iMAX_MODELS; ++i2)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "Model%0.2d", i2);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esModel00+i2), str_symbol);
// Array names.
for (i2 = 0; i2 < iMAX_A; ++i2)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "A%0.2d", i2);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esA00+i2), str_symbol);
InitHandle(esCTerrainObj, "CTerrainObj");
InitHandle(esHeight, "Height");
// Alpha symbols
InitHandle(esAlpha, "Alpha");
InitHandle(esR, "R");
InitHandle(esG, "G");
InitHandle(esB, "B");
InitHandle(esAlphaChannel, "AlphaChannel");
// MipMap symbols
InitHandle(esMipMap, "MipMap");
// Sky Symbols
InitHandle(esSkyFlatColour, "SkyFlatColour");
// Light symbols
InitHandle(esIntensity, "Intensity");
// Gun symbols
InitHandle(esAmmo, "Ammo");
InitHandle(esMaxAmmo, "MaxAmmo");
InitHandle(esROF, "ROF");
InitHandle(esAutoFire, "AutoFire");
InitHandle(esAltAmmoCount, "AltAmmoCount");
InitHandle(esAmmoPickup, "AmmoPickup");
InitHandle(esAmmoAlmostEmpty, "AmmoAlmostEmpty");
InitHandle(esAmmoHalfFull, "AmmoHalfFull");
InitHandle(esAmmoFull, "AmmoFull");
InitHandle(esAmmoReallyFull, "AmmoReallyFull");
InitHandle(esDamage, "Damage");
InitHandle(esTranqDamage, "TranqDamage");
InitHandle(esEmptyClipSample, "EmptyClipSample");
InitHandle(esRingSample, "RingSample");
InitHandle(esRange, "Range");
InitHandle(esKick, "Kick");
InitHandle(esPush, "Push");
InitHandle(esBarrel, "Barrel");
InitHandle(esRecoilOrg, "RecoilOrg");
InitHandle(esRecoilForce, "RecoilForce");
InitHandle(esMFlashOrg, "MFlashOrg");
InitHandle(esMFlashDuration, "MFlashDuration");
InitHandle(esRandomRotate, "RandomRotate");
for (int imf = 0; imf < iMAX_MUZZLE_FLASH; ++imf)
char str_symbol[32];
sprintf(str_symbol, "MFlashObject%d", imf);
InitHandle(ESymbol(esMFlashObject0+imf), str_symbol);
char* str_activity_table[iMAX_ACTIVITIES];
int i_act;
for (i_act = iMAX_ACTIVITIES - 1; i_act >= 0; --i_act)
str_activity_table[i_act] = "BOGUS";
str_activity_table[eatEAT] = "ActEat";
str_activity_table[eatBITE] = "ActBite";
// str_activity_table[eatCLAW] = "ActClaw";
str_activity_table[eatJUMP_N_BITE] = "ActJumpBite";
// str_activity_table[eatJUMP_N_CLAW] = "ActJumpClaw";
str_activity_table[eatFEINT] = "ActFeint";
str_activity_table[eatHEAD_BUTT] = "ActRam";
str_activity_table[eatDRINK] = "ActDrink";
str_activity_table[eatSHOULDER_CHARGE] = "ActShoulderCharge";
str_activity_table[eatTAIL_SWIPE] = "ActTailSwipe";
// str_activity_table[eatGRAB] = "ActGrab";
// str_activity_table[eatTHROW] = "ActThrow";
// str_activity_table[eatSHAKE] = "ActShake";
str_activity_table[eatOUCH] = "ActOuch";
str_activity_table[eatHELP] = "ActHelp";
str_activity_table[eatHOWL] = "ActHowl";
str_activity_table[eatSNARL] = "ActSnarl";
str_activity_table[eatCROON] = "ActCroon";
str_activity_table[eatDIE] = "ActDie";
str_activity_table[eatLOOK_AT] = "ActLookAt";
str_activity_table[eatTASTE] = "ActTaste";
str_activity_table[eatSNIFF_TARGET] = "ActSniffTarget";
str_activity_table[eatCOCK_HEAD] = "ActCockHead";
// str_activity_table[eatLIFT_TAIL] = "ActLiftTail";
str_activity_table[eatMOVE_TOWARD] = "ActMoveToward";
str_activity_table[eatJUMP] = "ActJump";
// str_activity_table[eatMOVE_HERD] = "ActMoveHerd";
str_activity_table[eatMOVE_AWAY] = "ActMoveAway";
str_activity_table[eatDONT_TOUCH] = "ActDontTouch";
str_activity_table[eatWANDER] = "ActWander";
str_activity_table[eatSTALK] = "ActStalk";
str_activity_table[eatCIRCLE] = "ActCircle";
str_activity_table[eatPURSUE] = "ActPursue";
str_activity_table[eatFLEE] = "ActFlee";
str_activity_table[eatSTAY_NEAR] = "ActStayNear";
str_activity_table[eatSTAY_AWAY] = "ActStayAway";
str_activity_table[eatJUMP_BACK] = "ActJumpBack";
str_activity_table[eatGET_OUT] = "ActGetOut";
str_activity_table[eatDASH] = "ActDash";
str_activity_table[eatAPPROACH] = "ActApproach";
str_activity_table[eatMOVE_BY] = "ActMoveBy";
str_activity_table[eatREAR_BACK] = "ActRearBack";
str_activity_table[eatBACK_AWAY] = "ActBackAway";
str_activity_table[eatCOWER] = "ActCower";
// str_activity_table[eatLASH_TAIL] = "ActLashTail";
str_activity_table[eatGLARE] = "ActGlare";
// str_activity_table[eatSLEEP] = "ActSleep";
// str_activity_table[eatSCRATCH] = "ActScratch";
// str_activity_table[eatLIE_DOWN] = "ActLieDown";
str_activity_table[eatSNIFF] = "ActSniff";
str_activity_table[eatLOOK_AROUND] = "ActLookAround";
str_activity_table[eatNOTHING] = "ActNothing";
str_activity_table[eatTEST_HEAD_COCK] = "ActTestHeadCock";
str_activity_table[eatTEST_HEAD_ORIENT] = "ActTestHeadOrient";
str_activity_table[eatTEST_WAG_TAIL] = "ActTestWagTail";
str_activity_table[eatTEST_HEAD_POSITION] = "ActTestHeadPosition";
str_activity_table[eatTEST_MOUTH] = "ActTestMouth";
AlwaysAssert(eatEND < iMAX_ACTIVITIES);
for (i_act = iMAX_ACTIVITIES - 1; i_act >= 0; --i_act)
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActBASE + i_act), str_activity_table[i_act]);
// fill the action array
for (i_act = iMAX_ACTIONS - 1; i_act >= 0; --i_act)
char str[128];
InitHandle(ESymbol(esTAction00 + i_act), str);
// Fill the rating feeling symbols for each activity.
for (i_act = iMAX_ACTIVITIES - 1; i_act >= 0; --i_act)
char buffer[128];
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Fear");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptFEAR), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Love");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptLOVE), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Anger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptANGER), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Curiosity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptCURIOSITY), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Hunger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptHUNGER), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Thirst");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptTHIRST), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Fatigue");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptFATIGUE), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Pain");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptPAIN), buffer);
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", str_activity_table[i_act], "Solidity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esActRATINGS_BASE + i_act * eptEND + eptSOLIDITY), buffer);
InitHandle(esArchetype, "Archetype");
InitHandle(esAIType, "AIType");
InitHandle(esAIMass, "AIMass");
InitHandle(esDanger, "Danger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptFEAR), "Fear");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptLOVE), "Love");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptANGER), "Anger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptCURIOSITY), "Curiosity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptHUNGER), "Hunger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptTHIRST), "Thirst");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptFATIGUE), "Fatigue");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptPAIN), "Pain");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esParameter00 + eptSOLIDITY), "Solidity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptFEAR), "HumanFear");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptLOVE), "HumanLove");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptANGER), "HumanAnger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptCURIOSITY), "HumanCuriosity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptHUNGER), "HumanHunger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptTHIRST), "HumanThirst");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptFATIGUE), "HumanFatigue");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptPAIN), "HumanPain");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esHumanParameter00 + eptSOLIDITY), "HumanSolidity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptFEAR), "DamageFear");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptLOVE), "DamageLove");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptANGER), "DamageAnger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptCURIOSITY), "DamageCuriosity");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptHUNGER), "DamageHunger");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptTHIRST), "DamageThirst");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptFATIGUE), "DamageFatigue");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptPAIN), "DamagePain");
InitHandle(ESymbol(esDamageParameter00 + eptSOLIDITY), "DamageSolidity");
InitHandle(esBravery, "Bravery");
InitHandle(esTeam, "Team");
InitHandle(esSpeed, "Speed");
InitHandle(esMouth, "Mouth");
InitHandle(esAI, "AI");
InitHandle(esClimb, "Climb");
InitHandle(esDinosaur, "Dinosaur");
InitHandle(esPathfind, "Pathfind");
InitHandle(esVocal, "Vocal");
InitHandle(esSenseTerrain, "SenseTerrain");
InitHandle(esSenseObjects, "SenseObjects");
InitHandle(esSenseAnimates, "SenseAnimates");
InitHandle(esWakeUp, "WakeUp");
InitHandle(esSleep, "Sleep");
InitHandle(esStayNearMax, "StayNearMax");
InitHandle(esStayNearOK, "StayNearOK");
InitHandle(esStayNearTarget, "StayNearTarget");
InitHandle(esStayAwayMin, "StayAwayMin");
InitHandle(esStayAwayOK, "StayAwayOK");
InitHandle(esStayAwayTarget, "StayAwayTarget");
InitHandle(esBiteTargetDistance, "BiteTargetDistance");
InitHandle(esFeintTargetDistance, "FeintTargetDistance");
InitHandle(esWidth, "Width");
InitHandle(esHeadReach, "HeadReach");
InitHandle(esTailReach, "TailReach");
InitHandle(esClawReach, "ClawReach");
InitHandle(esJumpDistance, "JumpDistance");
InitHandle(esJumpUp, "JumpUp");
InitHandle(esJumpDown, "JumpDown");
InitHandle(esWalkOver, "WalkOver");
InitHandle(esWalkUnder, "WalkUnder");
InitHandle(esJumpOver, "JumpOver");
InitHandle(esCrouchUnder, "CrouchUnder");
InitHandle(esMoveableMass, "MoveableMass");
InitHandle(esUpAngle, "UpAngle");
InitHandle(esDownAngle, "DownAngle");
InitHandle(esNodesPerSec, "NodesPerSec");
InitHandle(esMaxNodes, "MaxNodes");
InitHandle(esTimeToForgetNode, "TimeToForgetNode");
InitHandle(esTimeToForgetInfluence, "TimeToForgetInfluence");
InitHandle(esMaxPathLength, "MaxPathLength");
InitHandle(esMaxAStarSteps, "MaxAStarSteps");
InitHandle(esSolid, "Solid");
InitHandle(esDust, "Dust");
InitHandle(esLog, "Log");
InitHandle(esNumber, "Number");
InitHandle(esVelocity, "Velocity");
InitHandle(esLifespan, "Lifespan");
InitHandle(esSize, "Size");
InitHandle(esLength, "Length");
InitHandle(esGravity, "Gravity");
InitHandle(esStuckGravity, "StuckGravity");
InitHandle(esSpread, "Spread");
InitHandle(esThreshold, "Threshold");
InitHandle(esTextPosition, "TextPosition");
InitHandle(esTextDisplayTime, "TextDisplayTime");
InitHandle(esTextAtTop, "TextAtTop");
InitHandle(esOverlayText, "OverlayText");
InitHandle(esResourceID, "ResourceID");
// Make sure all symbols are defined.
for (i = esEND - 1; i>= 0; i--)
ESymbol es = ESymbol(i);
void CLoadWorld::InitHandle(ESymbol es, char *str)
Assert(es >= 0);
Assert(es < esEND);
// Make sure the symbol is not multiply defined.
AlwaysAssert(abSymbolInit[es] == false);
ahSymbols[es] = vtableTable.hSymbol(str);
abSymbolInit[es] = true;