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* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Contents:
* The camera class for defining the view on the 3d scene.
* Bugs:
* When the viewport is moved so that some of it is off the screen, the viewport is
* not resized accordingly. This causes rendering off the screen, which crashes.
* To do:
* Consider truncating the viewport's coordinates to integers first, so that there is at
* least half a pixel's worth of room before rounding errors in the clipping produce
* visible artifacts. See also the todo list in the Clip3D.hpp header file.
* Include 'P' in the equation for the field of view. Add comments describing the
* derivation of the equations for field of view to scale factor. Optimise the
* implementation of these. Add assert checking for too large field of view.
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Renderer/Camera.hpp $
* 70 98.06.25 8:46p Mmouni
* Added stuff to support render quality setting.
* 69 5/25/98 12:10a Pkeet
* Added a parent camera pointer and access member functions to it.
* 68 98/02/10 13:15 Speter
* Replaced changed CSArray with CPArray in WorldExtents.
* 67 12/17/97 5:52p Gfavor
* Removed multiply by fInvZAdjust in ProjectPointParallel.
* 66 97/11/15 10:52p Pkeet
* Added the 'fViewWidthRatio' data member to the camera properties.
* 65 11/10/97 6:07p Agrant
* Save/Load functions
* 64 10/27/97 5:27p Mlange
* Added CCamera::vsBoundingSphere() and CCamera::WorldExtents().
* 63 97/10/02 12:19 Speter
* ProjectPointParallel now multiplies screen Z by fInvZAdjust (allows for valid range of Z).
* 62 9/12/97 5:13p Mlange
* Added support for simplified point projections through the tlr2GetProjectPlaneToScreen() and
* rGetProjectPlaneDist() functions.
* 61 8/28/97 4:10p Agrant
* Source Safe Restored to Tuesday, August 26, 1997
* 61 97/08/22 11:21 Speter
* Added bClipNearFar flag to SProperties.
* 60 97/08/11 12:23 Speter
* Made CTransLinear use the * operator, like other transforms.
* 59 97/08/08 15:29 Speter
* fAspectRatio now resides in CCamera::SProperties, and refers to physical aspect ratio. Added
* tf3ToHomogeneousScreen() function.
* 58 97/08/04 6:18p Pkeet
* Added the 'pr3VPresence' member functions.
#include "Lib/EntityDBase/Entity.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/RenderType.hpp"
#include "Lib/Renderer/ScreenRender.hpp"
#include "Lib/Transform/Transform.hpp"
#include "Lib/View/Viewport.hpp"
#include "Lib/Math/FastTrig.hpp"
// Forward declarations.
class CBoundVol;
class CBoundVolCamera;
class CVolSphere;
class CRenderPolygon;
class CPipelineHeap;
class CPredictMovement;
// Class definitions.
class CCamera : public CEntityAttached
// Defines the view on the 3d world.
// Prefix: cam
struct SProperties
// Structure for holding the camera's properties.
// Prefix: camprop
CViewport vpViewport; // Viewport to map the 3d view to. The centre of the viewport defines
// the centre of projection.
bool bPerspective; // Whether this is a perspective-projecting camera.
// Otherwise, it's parallel projecting.
TReal rNearClipPlaneDist; // Distance of the near clipping plane from the camera.
// Must be a value >0.
TReal rFarClipPlaneDist; // Distance of the far clipping plane from the camera.
// Must be a value >rNearClipPlaneDist.
TReal rDesiredFarClipPlaneDist; // Distance of the far clipping plane from the camera.
// Not adjusted for the global quality settigs.
bool bClipNearFar; // Actually clip objects with near and far planes.
// (Otherwise, they just determine scale).
TReal rViewWidth; // Half the width of the camera volume at distance = 1.0.
// For bPerspective = false, this is the width of the view.
// For bPerspective = true, this is the ratio of width to depth,
// or the tangent of half the view angle.
// This value can be set directly, or by the SetAngleOfView()
// function, which sets it based on the current rFarClipPlaneDist,
// for perspective cameras.
float fAspectRatio; // Ratio of width to height in physical view rectangle.
// Defaults to standard monitor aspect ratio of 4/3.
float fZoomFactor; // The amount of zoom. This relates directly to increase in size of the
// view on the scene. For example, a zoom factor of 2.0 doubles the size
// of each shape that is in view. A zoom factor of less than one (but
// greater than zero) is allowed.
float fViewWidthRatio; // Set to vpViewport.scWidth / rViewWidth if bPerspective
// is set, otherwise set to 1.
// Constructor.
// Member functions.
CAngle angGetAngleOfView() const;
void SetAngleOfView
CAngle ang
void SetFarClipFromDesired
// Set the far clip distance from the desired far clip distance and the
// global quality settings.
SProperties campropCurrent; // The current properties of this camera.
ptr<CBoundVol> pbvVolume; // The bounding volume of the camera.
ptr<CBoundVolCamera> pbvcamClipVolume_;
// Object used to clip polygons.
CTransform3<> tf3Normalise; // The normalising transform that converts from camera space to the canonical view volume.
CTransLinear2<> tlr2Project; // Linear transformation used to convert norm coords to screen space.
TReal rNormNearClipDist; // Distance to the near clipping plane after the view normalisation has been applied.
TReal rNormFarClipDist; // Distance to the far clipping plane after the view normalisation has been applied.
TReal rProjectPlaneDist; // The distance of the projection plane from the camera.
float fInvZAdjust; // The ratio of the near to far clipping planes.
CPredictMovement* ppmPrediction;// Object to predict movement.
const CCamera* pcamParent; // Pointer to the parent camera.
// Constructors and destructor.
// Default constructor.
// Initialiser constructor.
CCamera(const CPresence3<>& pr3, const SProperties& camprop);
// Destructor.
// Member functions.
void SetProperties
const CCamera::SProperties& camprop // New properties for this camera.
// Update the properties of this camera.
const CCamera* pcamGetParent
) const
// Returns the parent camera of this camera.
return pcamParent;
void SetParentCamera
const CCamera* pcam
// Sets the parent camera of this camera.
pcamParent = pcam;
virtual bool bCanHaveChildren
// Returns 'false.'
virtual void UpdatePrediction
// Updates the prediction object. If no prediction object is currently created, this
// function creates one.
virtual CPredictMovement* ppmGetPrediction
// Returns a pointer to the prediction object. If no prediction object is currently
// created, this function creates one.
CPresence3<> pr3GetStandardPrediction
// Returns a presence giving the predicted position and orientation using the default
// lookahead value.
virtual void ClearPrediction
// Clears the prediction object's tracking.
const CCamera::SProperties& campropGetProperties
) const
// Obtain the current properties of the camera.
// Returns:
// The current properties of the camera.
return campropCurrent;
CTransform3<> tf3ToNormalisedCamera
) const;
// Returns:
// The transform from world space to normalised camera space.
// Notes:
// To construct a shape-to-normalised camera transform, concatenate the inverse of the
// shape's placement with this transform.
CTransform3<> tf3ToHomogeneousScreen
) const;
// Returns:
// The transform from world space to screen space, without the perspective divide.
// Notes:
// This transform can be used to go from world to screen space in one go, when the
// intermediate normalised camera space is not needed. For perspective cameras, the
// division by Z is still needed.
// Example:
// CVector3<> v3_screen = v2_world * cam.tf3ToHomogeneousScreen();
// if (cam.campropGetProperties().bPerspective)
// {
// v3_screen.tZ = 1.0 / v3_screen.tZ;
// v3_screen.tX *= v3_screen.tZ;
// v3_screen.tY *= v3_screen.tZ;
// }
CTransLinear2<> tlr2GetProjectPlaneToScreen
) const
// Returns:
// The mapping from projection plane to screen space coordinates.
// Notes:
// Together with the rGetProjectPlaneDist() function this can be used to implement a
// simplified point projection.
// Example (assuming the points are in world space units but have been translated and
// rotated relative to the camera's world position and orientation) :
// Yscreen = (Zworld * D * Sy) / Yworld + Ty
// Where D = rGetProjectPlaneDist()
// Sy = tlr2GetProjectPlaneToScreen().tlrY.tScale
// Ty = tlr2GetProjectPlaneToScreen().tlrY.tOffset
return tlr2Project;
TReal rGetProjectPlaneDist
) const
// Returns:
// The distance of the projection plane from the camera as a scale factor applied to
// world space X and Z.
// Notes:
// Valid for perspective cameras only!
// The derivation of this scale factor assumes that the centre of projection is at the
// centre of the viewport and ignores the aspect ratio of the display.
// See also: tlr2ProjectPlaneToScreen().
return rProjectPlaneDist;
CVector3<> ProjectPoint
const CVector3<>& v3_cam // A normalised camera-space point to project to screen space.
) const
// Returns:
// The point, projected, scaled, and axis-transformed to screen space.
// Cross-references:
// Calls either ProjectPointPerspective or ProjectPointParallel (q.v).
if (campropCurrent.bPerspective)
return ProjectPointPerspective(v3_cam);
return ProjectPointParallel(v3_cam);
CVector3<> UnprojectPoint
const CVector3<>& v3_screen // A screen-space point:
// x and y are screen pixel values.
// z is the normalised inverse distance from the camera.
) const;
// Returns:
// The camera-space point, with axes swapped as described in ProjectPoint.
void ProjectVertices
CPArray<SRenderVertex> parv_vertices // Array of vertices to transform in place.
) const;
// Project an array of vertices from normalised camera space to 2d screen space.
// Alter the coordinates in place, and set the fInvZ field as well.
// Runtime requirements:
// The input points must have been clipped to lie within the view fustrum.
// Notes:
// The resulting vertices are in screen space, with 0,0 in the top left and y
// increasing down the screen. Also, the vertices are translated by .5 in the x and y
// directions so that the drawing primitives can simply truncate (instead of round) to
// the centre of an integer pixel.
// The recipocal Z component of the resulting vertex ranges from 1 to
// rNearClipPlaneDist / rFarClipPlaneDist.
void ProjectPointsPerspective
CPArray< CVector3<> > pav3_from, // Array of points to transform.
CPArray< CVector3<> > pav3_to, // Storage for transformed and projected points.
const CTransform3<>& t3f // Shape to camera transform.
) const;
// Project an array of vertices from object space to 2d screen space.
// Notes:
// This function differs from other project vertex functions because it stores the
// new x, y and z values in a second array provided by the user.
void ProjectPointsPerspectiveFast
CPArray< CVector3<> > pav3_from, // Array of points to transform.
CPArray< CVector3<> > pav3_to, // Storage for transformed and projected points.
const CTransform3<>& t3f // Shape to camera transform.
) const;
// Project an array of vertices from object space to 2d screen space.
// Notes:
// Quicker, but less accurate that the regular function.
const CBoundVolCamera* pbvcamClipVolume() const
return pbvcamClipVolume_;
void WorldExtents
CPArray< CVector3<> > pa_extents // Array to initialise.
// Must have size() of (at least) 8.
) const;
// Initialises the given array with eight points defining the world space extents of the
// camera volume.
// Notes:
// Array indices [0..3] define the position of the far clipping plane.
// Array indices [4..7] define the position of the near clipping plane.
// The points are ordered counterclockwise around the view vector, starting at the
// bottom left.
CVolSphere vsBoundingSphere() const;
// Returns:
// A close fitting sphere to the world space camera volume.
// Overrides.
virtual void Cast(CCamera** ppcam)
*ppcam = this;
virtual const CBoundVol* pbvBoundingVol() const
// Returns the bounding volume for the camera's partition.
return pbvVolume;
virtual bool bIncludeInBuildPart() const
return false;
CPresence3<> pr3VPresence
bool b_use_prediction = false // Flag indicates if prediction should be used.
// Returns a reference to the partition's presence.
CPresence3<> pr3VPresence
bool b_use_prediction = false // Flag indicates if prediction should be used.
) const;
// Returns a reference to the partition's presence.
CVector3<> ProjectPointPerspective
const CVector3<>& v3_cam // A camera-space point to project to screen space.
) const
// Returns:
// The point, projected, scaled, and axis-transformed to screen space.
// Notes:
// The axes in each system differ as follows:
// Camera Screen
// right x x
// down z y
// in y z
// The returned point has the following values:
// x = Screen x
// y = Screen y
// z = Raster 1/z
float f_inv_y = 1.0 / v3_cam.tY;
return CVector3<>
(v3_cam.tX * f_inv_y) * tlr2Project.tlrX,
(v3_cam.tZ * f_inv_y) * tlr2Project.tlrY,
f_inv_y * fInvZAdjust
CVector3<> ProjectPointParallel
const CVector3<>& v3_cam // A camera-space point to project to screen space.
) const
// Returns:
// The point, scaled and axis-transformed to screen space.
// Similar to ProjectPointPerspective, but without the perspective divide.
// Also, the resulting Z is proportional to input Y, and the adjust of Z by
// fInvZAdjust is unnecessary.
return CVector3<>
(v3_cam.tX) * tlr2Project.tlrX,
(v3_cam.tZ) * tlr2Project.tlrY,
// Overrides.
virtual char * pcSave(char * pc_buffer) const;
virtual const char * pcLoad(const char * pc_buffer);
// Disable copy and assign (use prdtCopy() below?).
CCamera(const CCamera&);
CCamera& operator =(const CCamera&);
virtual void CreatePrediction();