Michael 289d9fe0e7 ScreenRender.hpp: init v3Cam instead of iYScr
- add static_assert to ensure we init the biggest union member
2020-04-03 22:01:31 +02:00

1096 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Contents:
* CScreenRender Provides interface to rasterising functions.
* CRenderDesc Describes and creates a CScreenRender.
* CArrayRenderDesc Contains list of all CRenderDescs.
* Bugs:
* To do:
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Renderer/ScreenRender.hpp $
* 121 98.09.24 1:40a Mmouni
* Shrunk CRenderPolygon by a large amount.
* Multiple list depth sort stuff is now on a compile switch.
* 120 98.09.19 12:39a Mmouni
* Added "forceinline" to many small inline functions.
* Inlined some functions for speed.
* 119 8/17/98 4:50p Pkeet
* Added the 'ehwFluid' enumeration. The 'FastInit' member function of 'CRenderPolygon' now sets
* the hardware enumeration data member for software by default.
* 118 8/16/98 3:09p Pkeet
* Added the 'bTargetMainScreen' member function.
* 117 8/03/98 4:31p Pkeet
* Added the 'bPrerasterized' flag.
* 116 8/02/98 9:23p Pkeet
* Added the 'u4D3DFog' to 'CRenderVertex.'
* 115 8/02/98 8:37p Pkeet
* Added the 'SetHardwareOut' member function.
* 114 8/01/98 11:11p Pkeet
* Added the 'fMaxLevel' data member to 'CRenderPolygon.'
* 113 8/01/98 4:41p Pkeet
* Added the 'pixSetBackground' member function.
* 112 7/29/98 1:56p Pkeet
* Added a parameter to the 'SetMipLevel' member function of 'CRenderPolygon' to reduce the
* burden on the VM loader by making VM requests only when the Direct3D version is required and
* is present.
* 111 7/28/98 8:24p Pkeet
* Added the 'EAddressMode' type.
* 110 7/24/98 3:08p Pkeet
* Added the 'pshOwningShape' backpointer to 'CRenderPolygon.'
* 109 7/23/98 6:22p Pkeet
* Added a member function to detect if the destination target is hardware. Added more hardware
* polygon types.
* 108 98.06.18 3:55p Mmouni
* Added software alpha switch.
* 107 6/14/98 2:48p Pkeet
* Added the 'fGetFarthestZ' member function.
* 106 6/09/98 3:52p Pkeet
* Added a flag to 'SetD3DFlagForPolygons' to use Direct3D or not.
* 105 6/08/98 8:08p Pkeet
* Modified the 'SetD3DFlagForPolygons' parameters to work in the pipeline.
* 104 6/02/98 11:12a Pkeet
* Added the 'SetD3DFlagForPolygons' member function.
* 103 98.05.21 11:31p Mmouni
* Added validate function to CRenderPolygon.
* 102 98/03/02 21:42 Speter
* Combined SetAccept() into ReduceFeatures().
* 101 98/02/26 13:52 Speter
* Moved seterfFeatures to CTexture from SSurface, removing redundant flags.
* 100 98/02/10 13:17 Speter
* Changed original CSArray to CMSArray.
* 99 98/02/04 14:44 Speter
* Removed fGetRoughScreenArea().
* 98 2/03/98 6:35p Mlange
* Moved assertion failure avoidance to CRenderPolygon::InitFast().
* 97 1/25/98 3:39p Pkeet
* Added the 'SetAccept' and 'ReduceFeatures' member functions.
* 96 1/23/98 5:40p Pkeet
* Added the 'fArea' member variable and the 'SetArea' member function to the screen polygon
* class.
* 95 97/12/08 17:44 Speter
* Made sole virtual function non-virtual, and added Assert for no vtbl (because of fast-init
* polygons).
* 94 1/23/96 4:37p Pkeet
* Initializes the 'cvFace' data member to prevent later debug build asserts.
* 93 1/23/96 2:00p Pkeet
* Added an 'AlwaysAssert' in place of the pure virtual function 'DrawPolygon' so that an error
* will return control to the debugger instead of crashing.
* 92 97/11/19 18:10 Speter
* Added CRenderPolygon::InitFast().
* 91 11/09/97 10:07p Gfavor
* Eliminated SetPlane3DX.
* 90 97/11/08 4:48p Pkeet
* Removed Z buffer parameters.
#include "Texture.hpp"
#include "Lib/View/RasterVid.hpp"
#include "Lib/GeomDBase/Plane.hpp"
#include "Lib\Math\FastInverse.hpp"
// Forward class declarations.
class CCamera;
class CSortList;
class CSortListNode;
class CShape;
// Constants.
extern float fMaxAreaCull;
extern float fMaxAreaCullTerrain;
// Enumerations.
// Enumeration of hardware rendering types.
enum EHWRenderType
ehwSoftware, // Non-hardware.
ehwTerrain, // Terrain.
ehwCache, // Cache hardware.
ehwWater, // Water.
ehwAlphaCol, // Alpha colour (e.g., alpha lights).
ehwFill, // Colour fill.
ehwRegularOpaque, // Regular opaque polygon.
ehwRegularTransparent, // Regular transparent polygon.
ehwRegularAlpha, // Regular alpha polygon.
ehwFluid // Vertex blended alpha.
// Enumeration of addressing modes for hardware.
enum EAddressMode
class CSortKey
// Key used for depth sorting polygons.
// Prefix: key
uint32 u4SubKey;
static uint32 u4UniqueSubKeyUp;
static uint32 u4UniqueSubKeyDown;
static uint32 u4UniqueSubKeyStep;
// Member functions.
static void Reset
uint32 u4_step = 1 << 16,
uint32 u4_start = 1 << 31
u4UniqueSubKeyStep = u4_step;
u4UniqueSubKeyUp = u4_start + u4_step;
u4UniqueSubKeyDown = u4_start;
void SetKeyUp
u4SubKey = u4UniqueSubKeyUp;
u4UniqueSubKeyUp += u4UniqueSubKeyStep;
void SetKeyDown
u4SubKey = u4UniqueSubKeyDown;
u4UniqueSubKeyDown -= u4UniqueSubKeyStep;
bool bSetKeyMid
CSortKey key_0,
CSortKey key_1
// Sets the key value at the midpoint of the two provide key values, and returns 'true' if
// the key is unique.
u4SubKey = (key_0.u4SubKey + key_1.u4SubKey) >> 1;
return u4SubKey != key_0.u4SubKey && u4SubKey != key_1.u4SubKey;
void SetKeyMid
CSortKey key_0,
CSortKey key_1
// Sets the key value at the midpoint of the two provide key values, and returns 'true' if
// the key is unique.
u4SubKey = (key_0.u4SubKey + key_1.u4SubKey) >> 1;
bool operator()(const CSortKey& key_0, const CSortKey& key_1) const
// Returns 'true' if the farthest (smallest) inverse Z value of the first polygon is
// closer (larger) than the farthest inverse z value of the second polygon.
// Return the results of the comparision.
return key_0.u4SubKey < key_1.u4SubKey;
struct SRenderCoord
// The coordinate portion of a vertex type internal to the rendering pipeline.
// Prefix: rnc
// Notes:
// Currently the structure keeps the camera space coordinates for depth sorting and
// occlusion.
CVector3<> v3Cam; // The position in normalised camera space.
int iYScr; // Truncated screen coordinate (used in rasteriser only).
CVector3<> v3Screen; // Screen X, Y and 1/Z coords.
SRenderCoord() : v3Cam()
static_assert(sizeof(v3Cam) >= sizeof(iYScr)); //Ensure we init the biggest union member
struct SRenderVertex: SRenderCoord
// A vertex type internal to the rendering pipeline. It combines the information from various
// stages in one type for quick access and manipulation.
// Prefix: rv
// Notes:
// Currently the structure keeps the camera space coordinates for depth sorting and
// occlusion.
TClutVal cvIntensity; // Clut index value at this point.
ptr< CDir3<> > pdir3Normal; // Optional pointer to the vertex normal.
CTexCoord tcTex; // Texture coords, in range [0,1].
uint32 u4D3DFog; // Direct3D fog value.
// Constructors.
// Interpolation constructor.
const SRenderVertex& rv_0, // Two vertices to interpolate.
const SRenderVertex& rv_1,
TReal r_t, // Interpolation parameter.
bool b_perspective = true // Whether to interpolate the screen coords as projected.
// Definitions for CRenderPolygon.
// The maximum number of sort lists a polygon can belong to.
#define iMAX_SORT_LISTS (1)
class CRenderPolygon
// Prefix: rpoly
// A general polygon in renderable format. Used by CScreenRender below.
// It can have an arbitrary number of SRenderVertexes, referenced by paprvPolyVertices.
CPArray<SRenderVertex*> paprvPolyVertices; // Points to a list of vertex pointers.
// This list must be maintained elsewhere.
CSet<ERenderFeature> seterfFace; // Rendering features enabled for this face.
ptr_const<CTexture> ptexTexture; // The texture data.
TClutVal cvFace; // Lighting value for entire face, if not shading.
SBumpLighting Bump;
int iFogBand; // Fog band triangle falls in.
int iMipLevel; // Mip level for the polygon.
float fArea; // Area of the polygon.
// Depth sorting variables.
CPlane plPlane; // Triangle's plane.
TReal rPlaneTolerance; // Tolerance for clipping to the plane.
CVector2<int> v2ScreenMinInt; // Minimum screen coordinates as an integer.
CVector2<int> v2ScreenMaxInt; // Maximum screen coordinates as an integer.
float fMinZ; // Minimum Z value for the polygon.
float fMaxZ; // Maximum Z value for the polygon.
TReal rMaxLevel; // The maximum Z value for this point in the
// z-sorted list.
// moved in the depth sort list.
CSortKey keySort; // Key value for depth sorting.
void* pvNodeItMain; // Pointer to the node iterator.
bool bMovedInList; // Flag to indicate if the polygon has been moved.
bool bAccept; // Flag to accept or cull polygon.
// Hardware rasterizaion support.
bool bFullHardware; // Flag for using full hardware acceleration.
bool bPrerasterized; // Indicates a polygon already rasterized in hardware.
EHWRenderType ehwHardwareFlags; // Flags for hardware rendering.
EAddressMode eamAddressMode; // Address mode for filtering.
// Stuff used for the partitoning depht sort.
#if (iMAX_SORT_LISTS > 1)
int iNumSortLists; // Number of sort lists the polygon belongs to.
CSortList* pslMemberOf[iMAX_SORT_LISTS]; // Sort lists the polygon is a member of.
void* pvNodeIt[iMAX_SORT_LISTS]; // Pointer to the node iterator.
// Stuff that is helpfull for debugging.
bool bClippedByDepthSort; // Flag to indicate polygon was clipped by the
// depth sort routine.
int iClipped; // The number of times this polygon has been
// clipped in the depthsort algorithm.
CShape* pshOwningShape; // Pointer to the shape that owns the polygon.
// Constructors.
// Default constructor.
CRenderPolygon& operator =(const CRenderPolygon& rpoly)
return *this;
// Member functions.
void InitFast()
// Initialise the bare minimum necessary for this polygon.
// This can be used after creating an uninitialised polygon (i.e. one that hasn't had
// its default constructor invoked). The various stages of the pipeline are then responsible
// for setting those values necessary for the particular rendering features enabled.
// Set everything to a probably invalid value, so we can be sure that anything
// needing initialising is explicitly initialised.
memset(this, 0xFF, sizeof(*this));
// Make sure we don't have a vtbl, by checking the address of the first member.
Assert((char*)&paprvPolyVertices == (char*)this);
// Avoid an assertion failure on the copy constructor. We must make sure we have
// a valid (normalised) plane normal before the copy.
plPlane = CPlane(CDir3<>(1, 0, 0), 1);
// Prevent an undefined lighting value.
cvFace = 0.0f;
// This must be initialised, or the CDir3<> copy constructor will Assert.
Bump.d3Light = d3ZAxis;
// Software polygon by default.
ehwHardwareFlags = ehwSoftware;
void SetPlane
// Sets the plane of the triangle and its tolerance.
bool bCalculateScreenExtents
bool b_cull_tiny = true // Whether to reject tiny polygons.
// Initializes the screen space bounding box, and related members.
// Returns 'true' if the polygon spans at least a single screen pixel.
bool bScreenNoOverlap
CRenderPolygon* prpoly // Pointer to the polygon that should lay to the front.
) const
// Returns 'true' if the screen space bounding rectangles do not overlap, or if this
// polygon lay entirely behind the polygon given by the argument.
// Notes:
// This test incorporates the first two ambiguity resolution steps for depth sorting.
Assert(fMinZ >= 0.0f);
Assert(prpoly->fMaxZ >= 0.0f);
// X Overlap.
if (v2ScreenMinInt.tX >= prpoly->v2ScreenMaxInt.tX)
return true;
if (v2ScreenMaxInt.tX <= prpoly->v2ScreenMinInt.tX)
return true;
// Y Overlap.
if (v2ScreenMinInt.tY >= prpoly->v2ScreenMaxInt.tY)
return true;
if (v2ScreenMaxInt.tY <= prpoly->v2ScreenMinInt.tY)
return true;
// Z Overlap.
if (u4FromFloat(fMinZ) >= u4FromFloat(prpoly->fMaxZ))
return true;
// All attempts at trivial rejection failed, return 'true.'
return false;
bool bBehind
const CRenderPolygon* prpoly // Pointer to the polygon that should lay to the front.
) const;
// Returns 'true' if this polygon is behind the polygon referred to by the argument. This
// test assumes that a trivial Z extent test has been done, and only uses the planes of
// the polygons to determine order.
// Notes:
// This test incorporates the third and fourth ambiguity resolution steps for depth
// sorting. As a slight optimization, the fourth test is done before the third.
bool bInFrontOf
const CRenderPolygon* ppoly // Pointer to the polygon that should lay to the back.
) const;
// Returns 'true' if this polygon is entirely in front of the polygon referred to by the
// argument.
// Notes:
// This test represents the reversed step three and four test for ambiguity resolution
// for depth sorting.
void SetArea
// Sets the area of the polygon.
void ReduceFeatures
// Turns features off wherever possible. Also sets bAccept and fArea.
void FindBestSlope
int& ri_best_vert_a, // Index of first vertex.
int& ri_best_vert_b // Index of second index.
) const;
// Finds the pair of vertices that subdivides the polygon with the least horizontal
// slope.
void BuildVertexArray
CRenderPolygon& rpoly_new, // Polygon to fill with vertices.
int i_from, // Index of first vertex.
int i_to, // Index of second index.
CPArray<SRenderVertex*> paprv_scratch // Array usable for rpoly's vertices.
) const;
float fGetAverageZ
) const;
// Returns the average z value for the polygon.
float fGetFarthestZ
) const;
// Returns the average z value for the polygon.
void SetMipLevel
bool b_target_hardware
// Determines the mip level for this polygon by setting 'iMipLevel.'
void Validate
// Make sure that this polygon is ready to render.
void Grow
float f_amount // Amount to grow outward by.
// Grows the polygon outward by a specified amount.
// Inlined for speed.
forceinline float CRenderPolygon::fGetAverageZ() const
float f_average_z = 0.0f;
// Sum the z values of the vertices.
for (int i = 0; i < paprvPolyVertices.size(); ++i)
f_average_z += paprvPolyVertices[i]->v3Cam.tY;
// Return the average value.
return f_average_z * fUnsignedInverseInt(paprvPolyVertices.size());
forceinline void CRenderPolygon::SetArea()
Assert(paprvPolyVertices.uLen >= 3);
fArea = 0.0f;
// Break the polygon into triangles and sum their area.
for (uint u_3 = 2; u_3 < paprvPolyVertices.uLen; ++u_3)
uint u_1 = 0;
uint u_2 = u_3 - 1;
// Formula:
// Area = (x2 - x1) * (x3 - x1) - (y3 - y1) * (y2 - y1)
// ---------------------------------------------
// 2
// Note the reverse order of the screen vertices. Also note that the CVector2D cross
// product could be used here.
float f_sub_area = (paprvPolyVertices[u_2]->v3Screen.tX - paprvPolyVertices[u_3]->v3Screen.tX) *
(paprvPolyVertices[u_1]->v3Screen.tY - paprvPolyVertices[u_3]->v3Screen.tY) -
(paprvPolyVertices[u_1]->v3Screen.tX - paprvPolyVertices[u_3]->v3Screen.tX) *
(paprvPolyVertices[u_2]->v3Screen.tY - paprvPolyVertices[u_3]->v3Screen.tY);
// Sum the areas.
fArea += fabs(f_sub_area);
// Divide by two.
fArea *= 0.5f;
class CScreenRender
// Prefix: scren
// An interface class for the rasteriser.
// Implemented by a derived class, e.g. our native rasteriser, or Direct3D.
struct SSettings
// Prefix: screnset
// Screen renderer settings.
// Publicly changeable settings.
CSet<ERenderFeature> seterfState; // Which features currently active.
bool bClearBackground; // Whether to clear the background in BeginFrame.
bool bDrawSky; // The renderer has the sky
CColour clrBackground; // The background colour to clear to.
// Also used as sky colour for water rendering.
bool bTestGamma; // Flag to draw gamma test pattern on background.
bool bHalfScanlines; // Flag to render only the even scanlines.
bool bDoubleVertical; // Flag to double the pixels vertically.
bool bSoftwareAlpha; // Flag to do software alpha blending.
// Scene info.
SBumpLighting bltPrimary; // Bump lighting info for primary lighting.
// Supply default constructor only.
CRaster* prasScreen; // Target raster associated with this renderer.
ptr<SSettings> pSettings; // Render settings used by this renderer
// (changeable).
// Constructor and destructor.
SSettings* pscrenset, // Render settings to use.
rptr<CRaster> pras_screen, // Raster for render output.
rptr<CRaster> pras_zbuffer = rptr0 // Raster for z-buffer output.
// Constructs an object that renders to the given screen. If pras_zbuffer is 0,
// an appropriate Z-buffer is constructed internally.
// Note that some implementations of this class may have restrictions such as not allowing
// a Z buffer to be passed, or requiring pras_screen to be a CRasterWin.
virtual ~CScreenRender()
// Member functions.
virtual void UpdateSettings()
// Handles any changes to the settings.
virtual CSet<ERenderFeature> seterfModify()
// Returns:
// Which features are changeable in this driver.
return set0;
virtual void BeginFrame()
// Perform frame setup activities before rendering.
virtual bool bTargetHardware
) const
// Returns 'true' if the target renderer supports Direct3D.
return false;
virtual bool bTargetMainScreen
) const
// Returns 'true' if the target renderer is the main screen.
return false;
virtual void EndFrame()
// Perform frame cleanup activities after rendering, including flipping the screen.
virtual void ClearMemSurfaces()
// Clears the raster memory.
virtual void DrawPolygons
CPArray<CRenderPolygon*> parpoly // Array of polygons to draw.
// Render these here polys.
// Default version calls DrawPolygon for each one.
virtual void SetD3DFlagForPolygons
CPArray<CRenderPolygon> parpoly, // Array of polygons to draw.
bool b_d3d
// Sets software and hardware flag as required.
virtual void DrawPolygon
CRenderPolygon& rpoly // Polygon to render.
// Render this here poly.
// // Disabled default version splits into triangles, calls DrawTriangle.
virtual CScreenRender* psrCreateCompatible
rptr<CRaster> pras_screen // Raster for render output.
// Calls appropriate CScreenRender() constructor.
return 0;
virtual TPixel pixSetBackground
TPixel pix_background // The new background colour.
// Sets the background colour.
// Returns the value of the current background colour.
virtual void SetHardwareOut
bool b_allow_hardware
// Sets the hardware out flag for this device.
virtual CSet<ERenderFeature> seterfDefault()
// Returns:
// Which features are changeable in this driver.
return set0;
void CorrectRenderState
CSet<ERenderFeature>& seterf // Input render state.
// Corrects the render state, enforcing internal consistency, and setting any unmodifiable
// flags to their default state.
virtual void ValidatePolygon
const CRenderPolygon& rpoly // Polygon to check.
// Makes sure it's kosher.
virtual void ValidateVertex
const SRenderVertex& rv // Vertex to check.
// Makes sure it's kosher.
class CRenderDesc
// Prefix: srendesc
// Used to describe a particular ScreenRenderer to the main program. Contains a name for the
// renderer, and a function to create it.
char* strDesc; // Description of the renderer.
// Constructor.
CRenderDesc(char* str)
: strDesc(str)
// Member functions.
virtual CScreenRender* pScreenRenderCreate
CScreenRender::SSettings* pscrenset, // Render settings to use.
rptr<CRaster> pras_screen // Raster for render output.
) = 0;
// Calls appropriate CScreenRender() constructor.
class CArrayRenderDesc: public CMSArray<CRenderDesc*, 5>
// Prefix: sapRenderDesc (like parent)
// A class which is basically just an array of RenderDesc*, with special code to initialise it.
// Constructor.
// When initialised, it fills itself with all known CRenderDescs.
// Global variables.
// The app looks here to find the list of CRenderDescs, and create CScreenRenderers.
extern CArrayRenderDesc sapRenderDesc;