2018-01-01 23:07:24 +01:00

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* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Implementation of AppShell.hpp.
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Shell/AppShell.cpp $
* 14 4/28/98 11:31p Agrant
* Porting code for world database reset
* 13 2/05/98 7:31p Agrant
* More porting code for world database
* 12 96/11/08 18:45 Speter
* Added AddMenuItem(), hmenuAddSubMenu(), and bContinuous() functions.
* 11 96/11/06 11:48 Speter
* Reordered data to make WindowsEvent overridable again. Now AppShell handles the key states,
* and WindowsEvent calls CAppShell::RawKeyPress.
* 10 96/11/05 17:43 Speter
* Changed Repaint back to old version, where it explicitly calls WinShell's PaintWindow.
* Hand bKeyState() call off to function in AppEvent.
* 9 96/10/30 15:18 Speter
* Resurrected AppEvent.cpp (but not AppEvent.hpp), moved WindowsEvent() from AppShell.cpp to
* AppEvent.cpp. This allows WindowsEvent to be redefined in another module
* 8 96/10/28 14:51 Speter
* Merged AppEvent module into AppShell. Now, both regular and virtual shell-handling functions
* are handled through single CAppShell class.
* 7 96/10/25 14:33 Speter
* Changed repainting strategy. Now repaint on WM_PAINT message, ignore WM_ERASEBKGROUND.
* AppShell::Repaint() function invalidates the window, generating WM_PAINT. This allows
* Repaint() to be called during any handler function.
* 6 7/19/96 10:58a Pkeet
* Changed include files for shell files moved to 'Shell.'
* 5 7/18/96 3:16p Pkeet
* Altered to rely on 'Render.hpp' instead of 'WinShell.hpp.'
* 4 7/16/96 11:29a Mlange
* Moved several files to different directories, updated includes.
* 3 96/05/30 17:48 Speter
* Added HideCursor function.
* 2 96/05/16 18:19 Speter
* Added separate version of TerminateShell to namespace.
* Corrected some comments.
* 1 96/05/16 16:47 Speter
// Includes.
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Lib/W95/WinInclude.hpp"
#include "AppShell.hpp"
#include "AppEvent.hpp"
#include "WinShell.hpp"
#include "Lib/Sys/W95/Render.hpp"
// CAppShell implementation.
static char acKeyState[256];
static CPArray<char> pacKeyState(256, acKeyState);
void CAppShell::SetContinuous(bool b_continuous)
pwnsWindowsShell->bContinuous = b_continuous;
bool CAppShell::bContinuous()
return pwnsWindowsShell->bContinuous && !pwnsWindowsShell->bPause;
void CAppShell::HideCursor(bool b_hide)
void CAppShell::Repaint()
void CAppShell::TerminateShell()
// Call the WinShell version.
void CAppShell::RawKeyPress(int i_key)
// Store the state of the key, then call the virtual function KeyPress.
if (i_key > 0)
pacKeyState[i_key] = 1;
pacKeyState[-i_key] = 0;
bool CAppShell::bKeyState(int i_key)
// It would be nice if the GetKeyState() function worked, but like most things in Windows,
// it doesn't.
return pacKeyState[i_key];
void CAppShell::AddMenuItem(HMENU hmenu, char* str_text, int i_id, bool* pb_variable)
if (!hmenu)
hmenu = GetMenu(pwnsWindowsShell->hwndMain);
str_text ? (MF_STRING | (pb_variable && *pb_variable ? MF_CHECKED : 0)) : MF_SEPARATOR,
// Remember the variable in the menu item info.
minf.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
minf.fMask = MIIM_DATA;
minf.dwItemData = (DWORD) pb_variable;
Verify(SetMenuItemInfo(hmenu, i_id, false, &minf));
HMENU CAppShell::hmenuAddSubMenu(HMENU hmenu, char* str_text)
if (!hmenu)
hmenu = GetMenu(pwnsWindowsShell->hwndMain);
HMENU hmenu_sub = CreateMenu();
(uint) hmenu_sub,
return hmenu_sub;
// Porting code.
void* hwndGetMainHwnd()
return pwnsWindowsShell->hwndMain;
// Porting code.
HINSTANCE hinstGetMainHInstance()
return pwnsWindowsShell->hinsAppInstance;
// Porting code.
void ResetAppData()
// Clears all data that needs clearing on a world dbase reset.