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synced 2024-12-19 23:21:56 +00:00
- std::* treatment - use correct Assert macro - use correct pointer types - add missing variable/type declaration
403 lines
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403 lines
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* Copyright (c) 1996 DreamWorks Interactive, 1996
* Contents: Class definitions for managing bitmaps in a general way.
* Bugs:
* To do:
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Tools/GroffExp/Bitmap.hpp $
* 4 12/16/96 11:22a Gstull
* Made changes to support quantization to a single palette.
* 3 11/15/96 11:08a Gstull
* Added substantial changes to the GroffExporter including for support of mutiple section
* files.
* 2 11/06/96 7:29p Gstull
* Added new location for the logfiles.
* 1 11/04/96 7:02p Gstull
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "StandardTypes.hpp"
#define MAX_BITMAP_WIDTH 100000
#define MAX_BITMAP_HEIGHT 100000
class CBitmapInfo;
class CBitmapImage;
class CBitmapIO;
class CBitmap;
struct SColor24
// Prefix: c24
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to manage and object which
// exists in the scene.
uint8 u1Blue;
uint8 u1Green;
uint8 u1Red;
// Prefix: fmt
enum EBitmapFormat {
EFMT_UNDEFINED, // No file format has been selected.
EFMT_BMP, // Windows BMP bitmap format.
EFMT_GROFF // GROFF bitmap format.
class CBitmapInfo
// Prefix: bmi
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to manage and object which
// exists in the scene.
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128
EBitmapFormat fmtFileFormat;
uint uBitmapWidth;
uint uBitmapHeight;
uint uBitmapDepth;
float fBitmapAspect;
float fBitmapGamma;
// For paletted bitmaps there is the following additional information.
uint uBitmapPaletteSize;
uint uBitmapPaletteEntries;
// Information on the name of the bitmap and any user specified information.
char strBitmapName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char* strBitmapDescription;
// Constructor/Destructor functions.
void Name(const char* str_bitmap_name);
bool bDescription(const char* str_description);
void BitmapFormat(EBitmapFormat fmt_file_format);
void Width(uint u_width);
void Height(uint u_height);
void Depth(uint u_depth);
void PaletteEntries(uint u_palette_entries);
void Gamma(float f_gamma);
void Aspect(float f_aspect);
const char* strName() const;
const char* strDescription() const;
EBitmapFormat fmtBitmapFormat() const;
uint uWidth() const;
uint uHeight() const;
uint uDepth() const;
uint uPaletteSize() const;
uint uPaletteEntries() const;
float fGamma() const;
float fAspect() const;
void Initialize();
bool bIsValidDefinition() const;
bool bIsValidRepresentation() const;
CBitmapInfo& operator =(CBitmapInfo& bi_src);
class CBitmapImage
// Prefix: bmi
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to manage the storage
// of palette and raw image data associated with a bitmap.
#define MAX_PALETTE_SIZE 256
CBitmapInfo biImageBitmapInfo;
uint uBufferSize; // The size of the buffer containing the pixel data.
// For representation of 24 bit, true color bitmaps.
SColor24* ac24TruePixels;
// For representation of 8 bit paletted bitmaps.
uint8* au1PalettedPixels;
SColor24 ac24Palette[MAX_PALETTE_SIZE];
bool bRangeCheckAndClip(uint u_width, uint u_x, uint& u_length);
void Initialize();
bool bCreate(CBitmapInfo& pbi_bitmap_info, bool b_initialize);
void bDestroy();
uint uGetTruePixels(uint u_x, uint u_y, uint u_count, SColor24* ac24_pixels);
uint uSetTruePixels(uint u_x, uint u_y, uint u_count, SColor24* ac24_pixels);
uint uGetPalettedPixels(uint u_x, uint u_y, uint u_count, uint8* au1_pixels);
uint uSetPalettedPixels(uint u_x, uint u_y, uint u_count, uint8* au1_pixels);
uint uGetPaletteEntries(uint u_start, uint u_count, SColor24* ac24_user_palette);
uint uSetPaletteEntries(uint u_start, uint u_count, SColor24* ac24_user_palette);
// Allow the user to modify a couple of the bitmap properties. (Name, Description, Format).
bool bBitmapInfo(CBitmapInfo& bi_bitmap_info);
CBitmapInfo& biBitmapInfo();
bool bIsPaletted() const; // Is the current image a paletted bitmap?
bool bIsValidImage(); // Is the current image a valid image?
void* Data() const;
CBitmapImage& operator =(CBitmapImage& bmi_src);
class CBitmapIO
// Prefix: bio
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to manage the storage
// of palette and raw image data associated with a bitmap.
CBitmapIO() {};
~CBitmapIO() {};
bool bLoad(const char* str_bitmap_name, CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
bool bSave(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
bool bCopy(const char* str_dst, const char* str_src);
class CBitmapUtil
// Prefix: butil
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to perform general purpose
// operations on the bitmaps.
Quantizer* pqQuantizer; // Quantization structures.
uint uPaletteSize; // The maximum user palette size.
ColorPacker* *pcpColorPacker; // The pixel color packing structure.
SColor24* ac24Palette; // Local palette for quantization purposes.
bool bTransparency; // Boolean indicating whether transparency is in use.
// Method to determine whether a bitmap exists or not.
bool bExists(const char* str_bitmap_name);
// Method to copy the bitmap.
bool bCopy(const char* str_dst, const char* str_src);
// Methods for quantizing and converting bitmaps from 24 bit to 8 bit paletted bitmaps.
bool bConfigureQuantizer(uint u_maximum_palette_entries);
bool bQuantizePixels(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
bool bPalettizeBitmap(CBitmapImage& bmi_dst, CBitmapImage& bmi_dst& u1_palette_size);
// Method to merge a texture map and an opacity map. This method requires an
// 8 bit bitmap.
bool bMerge(CBitmapImage& bmi_dst, CBitmapImage& bmi_texture, CBitmap bmi_opacity);
// Method to flip a bitmap in upto two directions simultaneously.
bool bFlip(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image, bool b_vertical, bool b_horizontal);
// Method to return the mean color of a bitmap.
bool bMeanColor(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image, SColor24& c24_mean_color);
class CBmpBitmap
// Prefix: bmpbm
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to load and store the various
// kinds of windows DIB bitmaps.
// Make sure all fields are packed together even though it is slower to access.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// Define the structural representations for Windows DIB files.
// Prefix: fh
struct SFileHeader
uint16 u2FileType; // Windows DIB files.
uint uFileSize; // The size of the file.
uint16 uReserved1; // Reserved.
uint16 uReserved2; // Reserved.
uint uBitmapOffset; // The offset to the bitmap data in bytes.
// Prefix: bmh
struct SBitmapHeader
uint uHeaderSize; // The size of this head in bytes.
long lWidth; // The width of the header in pixels.
long lHeight; // The height of the header in pixels.
uint16 u2Planes; // The number of planes in the image.
uint16 u2BitsPerPixel; // The number of bits per pixel.
uint uCompression; // Compression methods used.
uint uBitmapSize; // The size of the bitmap when decompressed.
uint uHorizRes; // Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter.
uint uVerticalRes; // Vertical resolution in pixels per meter.
uint uColorsUsed; // The number of colors in the palette.
uint uColorsReqd; // The number of pixels required for reasonable image quality.
// Prefix: bple
struct SPaletteEntry
uint8 u1Blue;
uint8 u1Green;
uint8 u1Red;
uint8 u1Reserved;
// Prefix: bpxe
struct SPixelEntry
uint8 u1Blue;
uint8 u1Green;
uint8 u1Red;
#pragma pack(pop)
CBmpBitmap() {};
~CBmpBitmap() {};
bool bDetectBitmap(const char* str_bitmap_name);
bool bRead(const char* str_bitmap_name, CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
bool bWrite(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
class CGrfBitmap
// Prefix: groffbm
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures to load and store the various
// kinds of windows DIB bitmaps.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#pragma pack(pop)
CGrfBitmap() {};
~CGrfBitmap() {};
bool bDetectBitmap(const char* str_bitmap_name);
bool bRead(const char* str_bitmap_name, CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
bool bWrite(CBitmapImage& bmi_bitmap_image);
class CBitmapUtil
// Prefix: bu
// This class provides methods which perform logical operations on bitmaps.
// bool bResize(int i_width, int i_height);
// bool bPalettize(int i_palette_size);
class CQuantize
// Prefix: qn
// This class provides the functions and internal data structures for quantizing 24 bit color
// images to paletted images.
uint u_palette;
void ColorTableSize(uint u_count);
void AddPixels(const SColor24* pc24_buffer, const uint u_count);
uint8* pu1Quantize(uint8* pu1_dstconst SColor24* pc24_buffer, const uint u_count);
CQuantize& operator =(CQuantize& src);
#endif |