mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
1310 lines
64 KiB
1310 lines
64 KiB
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- * Implementation of Asset_Submission.ms
-- * "Art Asset Submission & Tracking Utility"
-- *
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Functions
-- **********************************************************************************************
fn Thumb_Worthy o =
renderable = true
if classof o == omnilight do (renderable = false)
if classof o == directionallight do (renderable = false)
if classof o == targetspot do (renderable = false)
if classof o == targetobject do (renderable = false)
if classof o == freespot do (renderable = false)
if classof o == targetcamera do (renderable = false)
if classof o == freecamera do (renderable = false)
if classof o == dummy do (renderable = false)
if classof o == point do (renderable = false)
if classof o == tape do (renderable = false)
if classof o == grid do (renderable = false)
if classof o == spaceripple do (renderable = false)
if classof o == bomb do (renderable = false)
if classof o == spacewave do (renderable = false)
if classof o == gravity do (renderable = false)
if classof o == wind do (renderable = false)
if classof o == spacedisplace do (renderable = false)
if classof o == deflector do (renderable = false)
if classof o == bone do (renderable = false)
if classof o == combustion do (renderable = false)
if classof o == line do (renderable = false)
if classof o == donut do (renderable = false)
if classof o == circle do (renderable = false)
if classof o == arc do (renderable = false)
if classof o == helix do (renderable = false)
if classof o == ngon do (renderable = false)
if classof o == rectangle do (renderable = false)
if classof o == ellipse do (renderable = false)
if classof o == star do (renderable = false)
if classof o == text do (renderable = false)
return renderable
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Start Utility
-- **********************************************************************************************
NetLogFileLocation = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\LogFiles\\",
NetLogFileLocation2 = "\\\JPII_PC\JPII_PC\Users\Galvan\HockeyJunk\\",
NetLogFileLocation3 = "\\\JPII_PC\JPII_PC\Users\Galvan\HockeyJunk\Working\\",
Temp_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Temp\\",
Props_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Props\Maps\\",
Props_Source_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Props\Maps\Source\\",
Props_Meshes_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Props\Meshes\\",
MProps_Meshes_dir = "\\\Trespasser\SiteB\Completed Assets\Props\\",
-- Structure
Structure_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Structure\Maps\\",
Structure_Source_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Structure\Maps\Source\\",
Structure_Meshes_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Structure\Meshes\\",
MStructure_Meshes_dir = "\\\Trespasser\SiteB\Completed Assets\Structures\\",
-- Terrain
Terrain_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Terrain\Maps\\",
Terrain_Source_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Terrain\Maps\Source\\",
Terrain_Meshes_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Terrain\Meshes\\",
MTerrain_Meshes_dir = "\\\Trespasser\SiteB\Completed Assets\Terrain\\",
-- Animal
Animal_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Animal\Maps\\",
Animal_Source_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Animal\Maps\Source\\",
Animal_Meshes_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Animal\Meshes\\",
MAnimal_Meshes_dir = "\\\Trespasser\SiteB\Completed Assets\Animal\\",
-- Vegetation
Vegetation_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Vegetation\Maps\\",
Vegetation_Source_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Vegetation\Maps\Source\\",
Vegetation_Meshes_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Vegetation\Meshes\\"
MVegetation_Meshes_dir = "\\\Trespasser\SiteB\Completed Assets\Vegetation\\"
Utility Asset_Submission "Submit Assets"
-- Setup Asset Submission Paths
-- Props
local maps_exist_count = 0, GameArea, o, f = undefined
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Interface Code
-- **********************************************************************************************
group "Scene Test"
button test_scene "Test Scene" width:135
label tr "Test Results:" align: #left
label error " -- none --" align: #left
label tr1 "" align:#left
group "Asset Tracking"
DropDownList ArtStaff "Submitter:" items:#(" ","Alan", "Austin", "Brady", "Brian M", "Brian R", "Jay", "Jenny", "Jon P", "Kyle", "Lonnie", "Phil", "Rich", "Rolf", "AssetTeam") selection:1 height:7
label desc1 "Please enter a description,"
label desc2 "and any comments you have."
label desc "Asset Description/Comments:" align:#left
EditText AssetDesc "" Width: 300 offset:[-4,0]
Label AreaLabel "Game Area:" align: #Left
DropDownList Area items: #("Beach", "Jungle Road", "Platation House", "Industrial Jungle", "InGEN Town", "Plains", "PineValley", "Shore", "InGEN Lab", "Ascent", "Summit", "Gun", "Animal", "Jungle Vegetation", "Pine Vegetation", "Plains Vegetation", "Mountain Vegetation", "Rocks & Boulders", " ") selection:19 height:15
checkbox handpacked "maps to be hand-packed"
radiobuttons SubmitType "Submission Type:" labels:#("Art", "Physics", "Sound","Detail Reduction") align:#left
group "Scene Submit"
checkbox overwritemaps "Overwrite Existing Maps" checked:true
checkbox generateThumbnail "Generate Thumbnails"
checkbox generateLogFile "Generate Logfile" checked:true
button submit "Submit Scene" width:145
button GenerateLog "Generate logfile only" width:145
label status0 "Submit Status:" align:#left
label status1 "" align:#left
label status2 "" align:#left
on generateLogFile changed state do
if generateLogFile.state == off then
ArtStaff.enabled = false
desc.enabled = false
AssetDesc.enabled = false
AreaLabel.enabled = false
Area.enabled = false
handpacked.enabled = false
) else (
ArtStaff.enabled = true
desc.enabled = true
AssetDesc.enabled = true
AreaLabel.enabled = true
Area.enabled = true
handpacked.enabled = true
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Generate LogFile only
-- **********************************************************************************************
on GenerateLog pressed do
Description = AssetDesc.text
-- Who is submitting?
if ArtStaff.selection == 1 do (ArtistName = undefined)
if ArtStaff.selection == 2 do (ArtistName = "Alan Hickey")
if ArtStaff.selection == 3 do (ArtistName = "Austin Grossman")
if ArtStaff.selection == 4 do (ArtistName = "Brady Bell")
if ArtStaff.selection == 5 do (ArtistName = "Brian Moore")
if ArtStaff.selection == 6 do (ArtistName = "Brian Reed")
if ArtStaff.selection == 7 do (ArtistName = "Jay Jang")
if ArtStaff.selection == 8 do (ArtistName = "Jenny Hansen")
if ArtStaff.selection == 9 do (ArtistName = "Jon Paquette")
if ArtStaff.selection == 10 do (ArtistName = "Kyle McKisic")
if ArtStaff.selection == 11 do (ArtistName = "Lonnie Kraatz")
if ArtStaff.selection == 12 do (ArtistName = "Phil Salas")
if ArtStaff.selection == 13 do (ArtistName = "Richard Wyckoff")
if ArtStaff.selection == 14 do (ArtistName = "Rolf Mohr")
if ArtStaff.selection == 15 do (ArtistName = "Asset Team")
-- What Area?
if Area.selection == 1 then GameArea = "Beach"
if Area.selection == 2 then GameArea = "Jungle Road"
if Area.selection == 3 then GameArea = "Plantation House"
if Area.selection == 4 then GameArea = "Industrial Jungle"
if Area.selection == 5 then GameArea = "InGEN Town"
if Area.selection == 6 then GameArea = "Plains"
if Area.selection == 7 then GameArea = "Pine Valley"
if Area.selection == 8 then GameArea = "Shore"
if Area.selection == 9 then GameArea = "InGEN Lab"
if Area.selection == 10 then GameArea = "Ascent"
if Area.selection == 11 then GameArea = "Summit"
if Area.selection == 12 then GameArea = "Gun"
if Area.selection == 13 then GameArea = "Animal"
if Area.selection == 14 then GameArea = "Jungle Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 15 then GameArea = "Pine Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 16 then GameArea = "Plains Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 17 then GameArea = "Mountain Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 18 then GameArea = "Rocks & Boulders"
if GameArea != undefined then
if Description.count != 0 then
if ArtistName != undefined then
if SubmitType.state == 1 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_A")
if SubmitType.state == 2 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_P")
if SubmitType.state == 3 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_S")
if SubmitType.state == 4 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_A")
save_filename = (NetLogFileLocation + LogName + ".dat")
f = createfile save_filename
save_filename2 = (NetLogFileLocation2 + LogName + ".dat")
f2 = createfile save_filename2
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" MAXFileName to:f
format "Objects:\t\t" to:f
for o in objects do
if classof o == editable_mesh do
format "% (% faces/% verts), " o.name o.numverts o.numfaces to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "Artist:\t\t%\n" ArtistName to:f
format "GameArea:\t%\n" GameArea to:f
format "Date/Time:\t% \n" LocalTime to:f
format "Description:\t%\n" Description to:f
if handpacked.checked then
format "My bitmaps will be hand packed.\n" to:f
format "My bitmaps will NOT be hand packed, make sure to check me on it!!!\n" to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "I posted this asset without using the submit tool because I know what I'm doing.\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 1 do format "Submitted as ART\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 2 do format "Submitted as PHYSICS\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 3 do format "Submitted as SOUND\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 4 do format "Submitted as ART\n" to:f
close f
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" MAXFileName to:f2
format "Objects:\t\t" to:f2
for o in objects do
if classof o == editable_mesh do
format "% (% faces/% verts), " o.name o.numverts o.numfaces to:f2
format "\n" to:f2
format "Artist:\t\t%\n" ArtistName to:f2
format "GameArea:\t%\n" GameArea to:f2
format "Date/Time:\t% \n" LocalTime to:f2
format "Description:\t%\n" Description to:f2
if handpacked.checked then
format "My bitmaps will be hand packed.\n" to:f2
format "My bitmaps will NOT be hand packed, make sure to check me on it!!!\n" to:f2
format "\n" to:f2
format "I posted this asset without using the submit tool because I know what I'm doing.\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 1 do format "Submitted as ART\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 2 do format "Submitted as PHYSICS\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 3 do format "Submitted as SOUND\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 4 do format "Submitted as ART (Detail Reduction)\n" to:f2
close f2
status1.text = "log file generated"
status2.text = ""
) else (
MessageBox "You must choose yourself from the Artist list!"
) else (
MessageBox "You must type in a description first!"
) else (
MessageBox "You must choose a game area first!"
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Test Scene
-- **********************************************************************************************
on test_scene pressed do
ExitCode = 1
status1.text = ""
status2.text = ""
MapArray = #()
maps_exist_count = 0;
for o in objects do
if o.mat != undefined do
if classof o.mat == MultiMaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for sub_mat_count = 1 to ns do
-- Process Diffuse Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
format "Map: % was found . . .\n" (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
-- Process Opacity Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
format "Map: % was found . . .\n" (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
-- Process Bump Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
format "Map: % was found . . .\n" (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
if classof o.mat == StandardMaterial do
-- Process Diffuse Map
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
-- Process Opacity Map
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = FileNameFromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
-- Process Bump Map
if classof o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = FileNameFromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- test for maps that exist
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 1 do
if findItem MapArray Map_name == 0 do
append MapArray Map_Name
maps_exist_count = (maps_exist_count + 1)
error.text = ((maps_exist_count as string) + " map instances already exist")
New_Meshes_location = undefined
if MaxFilename[1] == "V" do (New_Meshes_location = Vegetation_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "v" do (New_Meshes_location = Vegetation_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "T" do (New_Meshes_location = Terrain_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "t" do (New_Meshes_location = Terrain_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "A" do (New_Meshes_location = Animal_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "a" do (New_Meshes_location = Animal_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "P" do (New_Meshes_location = Props_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "p" do (New_Meshes_location = Props_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "S" do (New_Meshes_location = Structure_Meshes_dir)
if MaxFilename[1] == "s" do (New_Meshes_location = Structure_Meshes_dir)
if New_Meshes_location == undefined do (messagebox ("File \"" + MaxFilename + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your MAX File and try again\n\n Your file MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n\n Remember! MAX Files have similar naming conventions as the maps!\n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!")
) -- end Scene Testing
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- Submit Scene
-- **********************************************************************************************
on submit pressed do
-- delete the lihts, cameras, and helpers
for l in lights do delete l
for c in cameras do delete c
-- for h in helpers do
-- if h.children.count == 0 do delete h
-- What Area?
if Area.selection == 1 then GameArea = "Beach"
if Area.selection == 2 then GameArea = "Jungle Road"
if Area.selection == 3 then GameArea = "Plantation House"
if Area.selection == 4 then GameArea = "Industrial Jungle"
if Area.selection == 5 then GameArea = "InGEN Town"
if Area.selection == 6 then GameArea = "Plains"
if Area.selection == 7 then GameArea = "Pine Valley"
if Area.selection == 8 then GameArea = "Shore"
if Area.selection == 9 then GameArea = "InGEN Lab"
if Area.selection == 10 then GameArea = "Ascent"
if Area.selection == 11 then GameArea = "Summit"
if Area.selection == 12 then GameArea = "Gun"
if Area.selection == 13 then GameArea = "Animal"
if Area.selection == 14 then GameArea = "Jungle Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 15 then GameArea = "Pine Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 16 then GameArea = "Plains Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 17 then GameArea = "Mountain Vegetation"
if Area.selection == 18 then GameArea = "Rocks & Boulders"
if generateLogFile.checked == false do
GameArea = ""
if GameArea != undefined then
Description = AssetDesc.text
if generateLogFile.checked == false do
Description = "foo"
if Description.count > 25 then
-- Who is submitting?
if ArtStaff.selection == 1 do (ArtistName = undefined)
if ArtStaff.selection == 2 do (ArtistName = "Alan Hickey")
if ArtStaff.selection == 3 do (ArtistName = "Austin Grossman")
if ArtStaff.selection == 4 do (ArtistName = "Brady Bell")
if ArtStaff.selection == 5 do (ArtistName = "Brian Moore")
if ArtStaff.selection == 6 do (ArtistName = "Brian Reed")
if ArtStaff.selection == 7 do (ArtistName = "Jay Jang")
if ArtStaff.selection == 8 do (ArtistName = "Jenny Hansen")
if ArtStaff.selection == 9 do (ArtistName = "Jon Paquette")
if ArtStaff.selection == 10 do (ArtistName = "Kyle McKisic")
if ArtStaff.selection == 11 do (ArtistName = "Lonnie Kraatz")
if ArtStaff.selection == 12 do (ArtistName = "Phil Salas")
if ArtStaff.selection == 13 do (ArtistName = "Richard Wyckoff")
if ArtStaff.selection == 14 do (ArtistName = "Rolf Mohr")
if ArtStaff.selection == 15 do (ArtistName = "Asset Team")
if generateLogFile.checked == false do
ArtistName = "The Unknown Artist"
if ArtistName != undefined then
ExitCode = 1
status1.text = ""
status2.text = ""
if generateLogFile.checked then
if SubmitType.state == 1 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_A")
if SubmitType.state == 2 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_P")
if SubmitType.state == 3 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_S")
if SubmitType.state == 4 do LogName = ((substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4)) + "_A")
save_filename = (NetLogFileLocation + LogName + ".dat")
save_filename2 = (NetLogFileLocation2 + LogName + ".dat")
f = createfile save_filename
f2 = createfile save_filename2
if SubmitType.state == 4 then
mfn = ((substring maxFileName 1 (maxFileName.count - 4)) + "_D.max")
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" mfn to:f
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" mfn to:f2
) else (
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" MAXFileName to:f
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" MAXFileName to:f2
format "Objects:\t\t" to:f
) else (
LogName = (substring MAXFileName 1 (MAXFileName.count - 4))
save_filename3 = (NetLogFileLocation3 + LogName + ".dat")
f3 = createfile save_filename3
format "MAX FileName:\t%\n" MAXFileName to:f3
format "%\n" localTime to:f3
format "\nI'm Submitting this asset without writing a logfile....\n" to:f3
close f3
for o in objects do
convertToMesh o
if generateLogFile.checked do
format "% (% faces/% verts), " o.name o.numverts o.numfaces to:f
format "% (% faces/% verts), " o.name o.numverts o.numfaces to:f2
if o.mat != undefined do
if classof o.mat == MultiMaterial do
for sub_mat_count = 1 to o.mat.numsubs do
-- Process Diffuse Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
if overwritemaps.checked == true then
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
CopyFile o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename (New_Source_location + Map_name)
) else (
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat[sub_mat_count].diffusemap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
-- Process Opacity Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename)
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
if overwritemaps.checked == true then
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename) (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name);
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
) else (
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat[sub_mat_count].opacitymap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name);
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
-- Process Bump Map
if classof o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
if overwritemaps.checked == true then
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename) (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name);
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
) else (
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat[sub_mat_count].bumpmap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name);
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
if classof o.mat == StandardMaterial do
-- Process Diffuse Map
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == false do
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile o.mat.diffusemap.filename (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile o.mat.diffusemap.filename (New_Source_location + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == true do
CopyFile (o.mat.diffusemap.filename) (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat.diffusemap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name);
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat.diffusemap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat.diffusemap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat.diffusemap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name);
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
-- Process Opacity Map
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == false do
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat.opacitymap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat.opacitymap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == true do
CopyFile (o.mat.opacitymap.filename) (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat.opacitymap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name);
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat.opacitymap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile (o.mat.opacitymap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat.opacitymap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name);
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
-- Process Bump Map
if classof o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
map_name = (FileNameFromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename);
New_Maps_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Maps_location = Vegetation_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Maps_location = Terrain_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Maps_location = Animal_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Maps_location = Props_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Maps_location = Structure_Maps_dir)
New_Source_location = undefined
if map_name[1] == "V" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "v" do (New_Source_location = Vegetation_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "T" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "t" do (New_Source_location = Terrain_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "A" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "a" do (New_Source_location = Animal_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "P" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "p" do (New_Source_location = Props_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "S" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if map_name[1] == "s" do (New_Source_location = Structure_Source_dir)
if New_Maps_Location == undefined do
messagebox ("Bitmap \"" + map_name + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your map and try again\n\n Your map MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
-- Copy Maps to their new locations
status1.text = ("MapFile:" + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == false do
if (getfiles (New_Maps_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat.bumpmap.filename) (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
if (getfiles (New_Source_location + Map_name)).count == 0 do
CopyFile (o.mat.bumpmap.filename) (New_Source_location + Map_name)
if overwritemaps.checked == true do
CopyFile o.mat.bumpmap.filename (Temp_dir + Map_name)
o.mat.bumpmap.filename = (Temp_dir + Map_name);
DeleteFile (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
CopyFile o.mat.bumpmap.filename (New_Maps_location + Map_name)
DeleteFile (New_Source_location + Map_name)
CopyFile o.mat.bumpmap.filename (New_Source_location + Map_name)
-- Reset Map Path to point to correct Network location and delete Temp files
o.mat.bumpmap.filename = (New_Maps_location + Map_name);
deletefile (Temp_dir + Map_name)
New_Meshes_location = undefined
MNew_Meshes_location = undefined
if MaxFilename[1] == "V" do New_Meshes_location = Vegetation_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "v" do New_Meshes_location = Vegetation_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "T" do New_Meshes_location = Terrain_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "t" do New_Meshes_location = Terrain_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "A" do New_Meshes_location = Animal_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "a" do New_Meshes_location = Animal_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "P" do New_Meshes_location = Props_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "p" do New_Meshes_location = Props_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "S" do New_Meshes_location = Structure_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "s" do New_Meshes_location = Structure_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "V" do MNew_Meshes_location = MVegetation_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "v" do MNew_Meshes_location = MVegetation_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "T" do MNew_Meshes_location = MTerrain_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "t" do MNew_Meshes_location = MTerrain_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "A" do MNew_Meshes_location = MAnimal_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "a" do MNew_Meshes_location = MAnimal_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "P" do MNew_Meshes_location = MProps_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "p" do MNew_Meshes_location = MProps_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "S" do MNew_Meshes_location = MStructure_Meshes_dir
if MaxFilename[1] == "s" do MNew_Meshes_location = MStructure_Meshes_dir
if New_Meshes_location == undefined do
messagebox ("File \"" + MaxFilename + "\" is not named correctly\n Please rename your MAX File and try again\n\n Your file MUST begin with one of these letters:\n\n A V P S T \n\n Asset Submission is exiting...") title:"Trespasser Asset Submission Error!"
ExitCode = 0
if ExitCode != 0 do
status1.text = "Saving MAX File"
if SubmitType.state == 4 then
mfn = ((substring maxFileName 1 (maxFileName.count - 4)) + "_D.max")
SaveMaxFile (New_Meshes_Location + mfn);
) else (
SaveMaxFile (New_Meshes_Location + maxFileName)
if SubmitType.state == 3 do SaveMaxFile (MNew_Meshes_Location + maxFileName)
if generateLogFile.checked do
format "\n" to:f
format "Artist:\t\t%\n" ArtistName to:f
format "GameArea:\t%\n" GameArea to:f
format "Date/Time:\t% \n" LocalTime to:f
format "Description:\t%\n" Description to:f
if handpacked.checked then
format "Maps will be hand packed\n" to:f
format "Maps will NOT be hand packed, so check me on my map sizes!\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 1 do format "Submitted as ART\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 2 do format "Submitted as PHYSICS\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 3 do format "Submitted as SOUND\n" to:f
if SubmitType.state == 4 do format "Submitted as ART (Detail Reduction)\n" to:f
format "\n" to:f2
format "Artist:\t\t%\n" ArtistName to:f2
format "GameArea:\t%\n" GameArea to:f2
format "Date/Time:\t% \n" LocalTime to:f2
format "Description:\t%\n" Description to:f2
if handpacked.checked then
format "Maps will be hand packed\n" to:f2
format "Maps will NOT be hand packed, so check me on my map sizes!\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 1 do format "Submitted as ART\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 2 do format "Submitted as PHYSICS\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 3 do format "Submitted as SOUND\n" to:f2
if SubmitType.state == 4 do format "Submitted as ART (Detail Reduction)\n" to:f2
close f
close f2
if ExitCode == 0 then
-- Failure!!!
status2.text = "Errors! Submit Failed"
status1.text = ""
) else (
-- Success!!!
status1.text = " Complete"
if generateLogFile.checked then
status2.text = " Log file generated"
status2.text = ""
-- ******************************************************************************
-- Thumbnails
-- ******************************************************************************
if generateThumbnail.checked do
ThumbExitCode = #good
-- setup save paths
Props_Thumbnail_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\\Thumbnails\\"
Structure_Thumbnail_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\\Thumbnails\\"
Terrain_Thumbnail_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\\Thumbnails\\"
Animal_Thumbnail_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\\Thumbnails\\"
Vegetation_Thumbnail_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\\Thumbnails\\"
for o in objects do hide o -- hide everything
ObjNameList = for o in objects collect o.name
ObjList = for o in objects collect o
TOC = ObjNameList.count
UniqueObjNameList =#()
UniqueObjList =#()
for i = 1 to TOC do
CObjName = ObjNameList[i]
CObj = ObjList[i]
-- find the dash
DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CObjName.count do
if substring CObjName i 1 == "-" do DashPos = i
-- if dash exists grab the substring
if DashPos != -1 then
CObjNamePrefix = substring CObjName 1 (DashPos - 1)
if finditem UniqueObjNameList CObjNamePrefix == 0 do
Append UniqueObjNameList CObjNamePrefix
append UniqueObjList CObj
) else (
-- if not, then stick it into the Unique Array
Append UniqueObjNameList CObjName
append UniqueObjList CObj
ProgressStart "Generating Thumbnails...."
progscale = 100.0 / UniqueObjList.count
for i = 1 to UniqueObjList.count do
o = UniqueObjList[i]
ObjName = o.name
if (Thumb_Worthy o) == true do
GoodObj = false
if ObjName[1] == "V" do (New_Thumbs_location = Vegetation_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "v" do (New_Thumbs_location = Vegetation_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "T" do (New_Thumbs_location = Terrain_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "t" do (New_Thumbs_location = Terrain_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "A" do (New_Thumbs_location = Animal_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "a" do (New_Thumbs_location = Animal_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "P" do (New_Thumbs_location = Props_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "p" do (New_Thumbs_location = Props_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "S" do (New_Thumbs_location = Structure_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if ObjName[1] == "s" do (New_Thumbs_location = Structure_Thumbnail_dir; goodObj = true)
if goodObj == true then
unhide o
theta = 46.826
d = distance o.max o.min
x = (d / (2 * sin(theta / 2))) * 1.0
NewCamera = targetCamera()
NewCamera.fov = 60
NewCamera.target = targetObject()
SourceCenter = o.center
NewCamera.target.pos = SourceCenter
NewCamera.pos = [(SourceCenter.x + 0.5), (SourceCenter.y - .75), (SourceCenter.z + 0.25)]
NewDir = normalize (NewCamera.pos - NewCamera.target.pos)
NewCamera.pos = NewCamera.target.pos + NewDir * x
b = (render camera:NewCamera outputwidth:640 outputheight:480 vfb:off)
b.filename = (New_Thumbs_location + "\\" + o.name + ".jpg")
save b
delete NewCamera.target
delete NewCamera
hide o
if ProgressUpdate (i * progscale) == false then exit
) else (
ThumbExitCode = #bad
for o in objects do unhide o
if ThumbExitCode == #bad do (MessageBox "Some objects were NOT thumbnailed because of improper names")
) else (
MessageBox "You must choose your name from the Artists list!"
) else (
MessageBox "You must enter a description at least\n25 characters long for your asset!"
) else (
MessageBox "You must define a game area first!"
) -- end submit