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synced 2024-12-18 14:41:56 +00:00
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123 lines
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fn LowestVert obj =
-- returns the index of the vertex with the lowest pos.z value
local LowVertPos = obj.max.z
local LowestVert = -1
nv = obj.numverts
for i = 1 to nv do
local Cvert = getvert obj i
if Cvert.z < LowVertPos do
LowVertPos = Cvert.z
LowestVert = i
return LowestVert
Utility BGTrees "BG Trees Manager"
local Terrain, ViewPoint, ViewPos
label TerrainLabel "Terrain:" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
pickbutton ChooseTerrain width:90 offset:[8,-20] align:#right
label ViewerLabel "Player Pos:" align:#left offset:[-8,0]
pickbutton ChooseViewPoint width:90 offset:[8,-20] align:#right
group "Placement Options"
checkbox Attract "Attract to Player" enabled:false
checkbox IgnoreZ "Ignore Z" offset:[10,0] enabled:false
checkbox ScaleViaDistance "Scale for Distance"
spinner StartScale "Start:" range:[10,200,100] enabled:false
spinner EndScale "End:" range:[10,400,100] enabled:false
button Place "Place BG Objects" width:140
on Attract changed state do
if Attract.checked then
IgnoreZ.enabled = true
IgnoreZ.enabled = false
on ScaleViaDistance changed state do
if ScaleViaDistance.checked then
StartScale.enabled = EndScale.enabled = true
StartScale.enabled = EndScale.enabled = false
on ChooseViewPoint picked obj do
ViewPoint = obj
ChooseViewPoint.text = ViewPoint.name
on ChooseTerrain picked obj do
Terrain = obj
ChooseTerrain.text = Terrain.name
on Place pressed do
if Terrain != undefined and ViewPoint != undefined do
ViewPos = ViewPoint.pos
tapeRay = ray [0,0,0] [0,0,-1]
Sel = selection as array
KeyObjects = #()
KeyNames = #()
MAXDist = -1
sc = (1.0 / Sel.count) * 100.0
ProgressStart "Placing...."
if ScaleViaDistance.checked do
for i = 1 to Sel.count do
if (CDist = distance ViewPos Sel[i].pos) > MAXDist do
MAXDist = CDist
MAXDist = 1.0 / MAXDist
MAXScale = EndScale.value - StartScale.value
ap = ViewPoint.pos
for i = 1 to Sel.count do
ProgressUpdate (i * sc)
CObj = Sel[i]
if Attract.checked do
CPos = CObj.pos
CScale = CObj.scale
if IgnoreZ.checked do CPos = [CPos.x, CPos.y, ap.z]
CObj.dir = (ap - Cpos)
CDir = CObj.dir
if Cdir.x < 0 do in coordsys local rotate CObj 180 z_axis
CObj.scale = CScale
if ScaleViaDistance.checked do
-- get the distance as a percentage from the tree to the viewer position
CDist = (distance ViewPos CObj.pos)
p = (CDist * MAXDist)
NScale = (MAXScale * p + StartScale.value) * 0.01
CObj.scale = [NScale, NScale, NScale]
LowVertPos = (getvert CObj (LowestVert CObj))
LowVertOffset = (LowVertPos - CObj.pivot)
Taperay.pos = [LowVertPos.x, LowVertPos.y, 10000.0]
if (ir = intersectray terrain tapeRay) != undefined do
ObjHeightOffset =((CObj.pivot).z - LowVertPos.z)
CObj.pos = [(ir.pos).x - LowVertOffset.x, (ir.pos).y - LowVertOffset.y, ((ir.pos).z + ObjHeightOffset)]