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synced 2024-12-18 14:41:56 +00:00
240 lines
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240 lines
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-- **********************************************************************************************
-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- * Implementation of replace.ms.ms
-- *
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
fn KeyName CName =
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
return CName
return (substring CName 1 (DashPos - 1))
fn GetInstances CObj =
local SelArray = #()
CKeyName = KeyName CObj.name
for o in objects where o != CObj do
if (Keyname o.name) == CKeyName do
append SelArray o
return SelArray
fn PropagateSelection =
KeyNameArray = #()
for obj in selection do
if findItem KeyNameArray (KeyName obj.name) == 0 do
append KeyNameArray (KeyName obj.name)
oc = 1 / objects.count as float
cnt = 0
ProgressStart "Generating Selection...."
sel = #()
for o in objects where o.isselected == false do
cnt += 1
progressUpdate ((cnt * oc) * 100)
if findItem KeyNameArray (KeyName o.name) != 0 do
if o.isHidden do unhide o
append Sel o
selectmore sel
fn getObjNames foo a = (for i = 1 to a.count collect a[i].name)
fn RemArrayItem Index a =
b = #()
for i = 1 to a.count do
if i != index do
append b a[i]
return b
fn findInGroup o g =
local found = false
for i = 1 to g.count do
if (findItem g[i] o) != 0 do
found = true
return found
Utility BatchReplaceObj "Batch Replace"
local ReplaceObject, Sel, ReplWireColor,
SourceObjectArray = #(),
GroupArray = #(),
GroupData = #()
local debug = false
group "Batch Replace"
listBox SourceObjectList "Source Object List:" height:5
PickButton AddSourceObject "Add" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button RemoveSourceObject "Remove" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
ListBox ReplaceGroupList "Replace Group List:" height:10
button AddGroup "Add Sel" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button AddInstances "Add Inst." width:70 offset:[37,-26]
button ClearGroup "Clear" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button RemoveGroupItem "Remove" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
checkbox AcquireProps "Aquire Replacee props"
button BatchReplace "Batch Replace" width:145
button Propagate "Propagate to Instances" width:145
label status1
on Propagate pressed do PropagateSelection()
on BatchReplaceSelection pressed do
on AddSourceObject picked obj do
CSource = obj
if (finditem SourceObjectArray CSource) == 0 and (findInGroup CSource GroupArray) == false then
append SourceObjectArray CSource
append GroupArray #()
ObjectList = SourceObjectList.items
append ObjectList (((ObjectList.count + 1) as string) + ": " + CSource.name)
SourceObjectList.items = ObjectList
SourceObjectList.selection = ObjectList.count
ReplaceGroupList.items = #()
) else (
messagebox "this object is already used in this tool."
on RemoveSourceObject pressed do
s = SourceObjectList.selection
SourceObjectArray = (RemArrayItem s SourceObjectArray)
SourceObjectList.items = RemArrayItem s SourceObjectList.items
GroupArray[s] = #()
ReplaceGroupList.items = #()
on AddGroup pressed do
-- what source object index is selected?
s = SourceObjectList.selection
CGroup = GroupArray[s]
ObjArray = selection as array
oc = ObjArray.count
for i =1 to oc do
if (finditem CGroup ObjArray[i]) == 0 do
append CGroup ObjArray[i]
GroupArray[s] = CGroup
ReplaceGroupList.items = (getObjNames true CGroup)
on AddInstances pressed do
-- what source object index is selected?
s = SourceObjectList.selection
CGroup = GroupArray[s]
ObjArray = GetInstances SourceObjectArray[s]
oc = ObjArray.count
for i =1 to oc do
if (finditem CGroup ObjArray[i]) == 0 do
append CGroup ObjArray[i]
GroupArray[s] = CGroup
ReplaceGroupList.items = (getObjNames true CGroup)
on RemoveGroupItem pressed do
s = SourceObjectList.selection
GroupArray[s] = (RemArrayItem ReplaceGroupList.selection GroupArray[s])
ReplaceGroupList.items = RemArrayItem ReplaceGroupList.selection ReplaceGroupList.items
on ClearGroup pressed do
GroupArray[SourceObjectList.selection] = #()
ReplaceGroupList.items = #()
on SourceObjectList selected s do
ReplaceGroupList.items = (getObjNames true GroupArray[s])
on BatchReplace pressed do
GroupData = #()
-- Collect all the position rotation and scale data from the objets we need to replace.
for i = 1 to GroupArray.count do
append GroupData #()
CGroup = GroupArray[i]
local CData
if debug do CHeap = heapFree
for j = 1 to CGroup.count do
CData = #(CGroup[j].pos, CGroup[j].rotation, CGroup[j].scale, CGroup[j].wirecolor,(getUserPropBuffer CGroup[i]))
append GroupData[i] CData
if debug do format "Heap Used:%\n" ((CHeap - HeapFree) as float / 1024)
MAX select none
status1.text = ("Selecting...")
for i = 1 to GroupArray.count do selectmore GroupArray[i]
status1.text = ("Deleting...")
MAX delete
sc = SourceObjectArray.count
status1.text = ("Replacing...")
for i = 1 to sc do
status1.text = ("Replacing Source Object " + i as string + " of " + sc as string)
CSource = SourceObjectArray[i]
ProgressStart "Replacing...."
if debug do
format "GroupData: %\n" GroupData
gcount = GroupData[i].count
gcInv = (1.0 / gcount) * 100
for j = 1 to gcount do
ProgressUpdate (j * gcInv)
CObj = instance CSource
CObj.rotation = GroupData[i][j][2]
CObj.scale = GroupData[i][j][3]
CObj.pos = GroupData[i][j][1]
CObj.wirecolor = GroupData[i][j][4]
if AcquireProps.checked do setUserPropBuffer CObj GroupData[i][j][5]
status1.text = ""
SourceObjectList.items = #()
ReplaceGroupList.items = #()
SourceObjectArray = #()
GroupArray = #()
GroupData = #()
) -- Utility End |