2018-01-01 23:07:24 +01:00

216 lines
8.2 KiB

-- **********************************************************************************************
-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- * Implementation of BumpMapManager
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- compares two arrays - element by element - note that it only goes one level deep
fn ArrayCompare foo a b =
same = true
for i = 1 to a.count do
if a[i] != b[i] do same = false
return same
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- * Start Utility
-- **********************************************************************************************
Utility BumpMapManager "BumpMapManager"
local MaterialArray, DiffuseMapArray,
Props_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Props\Maps\\",
Structure_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Structure\Maps\\",
Terrain_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Terrain\Maps\\",
Animal_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Animal\Maps\\",
Vegetation_Maps_dir = "\\\JPII_PC\Trespass\Art\Vegetation\Maps\\",
temp_Maps_dir = "d:\\temp\\"
local debug = false
checkbox GenNewTextures "Generate New Textures" checked:true
button SearchScene "Search Scene"
on SearchScene pressed do
MaterialArray = #()
DiffuseMapArray = #()
for o in objects do
if (substring o.name (o.name.count - 2) 3) == "-00" do
-- Standard Material definition
if classOf o.mat == standardmaterial do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename)
if classOf o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename)
if classOf o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename)
found = false
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if (ArrayCompare true CMat MaterialArray[j]) == true do found = true
if found == false do
append DiffuseMapArray (FilenamefromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename)
append MaterialArray CMat
-- Multi-Material definition
if classOf o.mat == multimaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for i = 1 to ns do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf o.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
if classOf o.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].opacitymap.filename)
if classOf o.mat[i].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].bumpmap.filename)
found = false
for j = 1 to MaterialArray.count do
if (ArrayCompare true CMat MaterialArray[j]) == true do found = true
if found == false do
append DiffuseMapArray (FilenamefromPath o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename)
append MaterialArray CMat
NewModDiffuseArray = #()
ModDiffuseArray = #()
ModMatArray = #()
for i = 1 to DiffuseMapArray.count do
CName = DiffuseMapArray[i]
for j = 1 to DiffuseMapArray.count do
if i != j do
if CName == DiffuseMapArray[j] do
append ModDiffuseArray CName
ModMatArray[ModDiffuseArray.count] = MaterialArray[i]
if debug do format "Found bad definition at: %\n" j
if debug do
for i = 1 to ModMatArray.count do
format "%: %\n" i ModMatArray[i]
format "%\n" ModDiffuseArray
for i = 1 to ModDiffuseArray.count do
CMapName = ModDiffuseArray[i]
-- first, let's see if this texturemap is used in a meterial definition alone
if ModMatArray[i][1] == CMapName do
if ModMatArray[i][2] == "" and ModMatArray[i][3] == "" do
if debug do format "Detected % being used in Material definition % ALONE\n" CMapName ModMatArray[i]
if GenNewtextures.checked do
-- note that we're assuming "<name>##t2.bmp" naming convention for the creation of this new name
NewMapName = ((substring CMapName 1 (CMapName.count - 6)) + "Xt2.bmp")
NewPath = undefined
-- "D" type maps are debugging maps
if NewMapName[1] == "d" or NewMapName[1] == "D" do NewPath = Temp_Maps_dir
-- "D" type maps are debugging maps
if NewMapName[1] == "s" or NewMapName[1] == "S" do NewPath = Structure_Maps_dir
if NewMapName[1] == "p" or NewMapName[1] == "P" do NewPath = Props_Maps_dir
if NewMapName[1] == "a" or NewMapName[1] == "A" do NewPath = Animal_Maps_dir
if NewMapName[1] == "t" or NewMapName[1] == "T" do NewPath = Terrain_Maps_dir
if NewMapName[1] == "v" or NewMapName[1] == "V" do NewPath = Vegetation_Maps_dir
if NewPath != undefined then
NewMapName = (NewPath + NewMapName)
if debug do format "NewMapName: %\n" NewMapName
DeleteFile NewMapName
copyFile (NewPath + CMapName) NewMapName
NewModDiffuseArray[i] = NewMapName
format "Unable to determine Map type from filename \"%\"\n" NewMapName
if debug do format "NewModDiffuseArray: %\n" NewModDiffuseArray
ModObjects = 0
ModMaps = 0
format "\n*********************** Start Log *************************\n"
for i = 1 to NewModDiffuseArray.count do
if NewModDiffuseArray[i] != undefined do
for o in objects do
CMod = false
-- Standard Material
if classOf o.mat == standardmaterial do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename)
if classOf o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename)
if classOf o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename)
-- if we have a match, modify the material
if (ArrayCompare true CMat ModMatArray[i]) == true do
if debug do format "Found Match - modifying material....\n"
o.mat.diffusemap.filename = NewModDiffuseArray[i]
ModMaps += 1
Cmod = true
format "Object \"%\"'s diffuse bitmap \"%\"was changed to \"%\"\n" o.name CMat[1] (FileNameFromPath NewModDiffuseArray[i])
-- MultiMaterial
if classOf o.mat == multiMaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
for j = 1 to ns do
CMat = #("","","")
if classOf o.mat[j].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[1] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[j].diffusemap.filename)
if classOf o.mat[j].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[2] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[j].opacitymap.filename)
if classOf o.mat[j].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
CMat[3] = (FilenamefromPath o.mat[j].bumpmap.filename)
-- if we have a match, modify the material
if (ArrayCompare true CMat ModMatArray[i]) == true do
if debug do format "Found Match - modifying material....\n"
o.mat[j].diffusemap.filename = NewModDiffuseArray[i]
ModMaps += 1
Cmod = true
format "Object \"%\"'s SubMaterial# % DiffuseBitmap \"%\" was changed to \"%\"\n" o.name j CMat[1] (FilenameFromPath NewModDiffuseArray[i])
if CMod == true do ModObjects += 1
format "*********************** End Log *************************\n"
MessageBox (ModMaps as string + " bitmaps have been modified\nacross " + ModObjects as string + " objects.\nPlease see the Listener Window for more details.")