mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
120 lines
3.9 KiB
120 lines
3.9 KiB
fn IsMaster CName =
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
return false
if (substring CName (DashPos) 3) == "-00" then
return true
return false
Utility FindInMat "Find In Materials"
edittext SearchString "Search for:"
CheckBox SearchMatName "Material Names"
CheckBox SearchMapNames "Bitmap Names" checked:true
checkbox SearchTexture "Texture Maps" offset:[10,0] checked:true
checkbox SearchOpacity "Opacity Maps" offset:[10,0]
checkbox SearchBump "Bump Maps" offset:[10,0]
button Search "Search" width:100
on SearchMapNames changed state do
if SearchMapNames.checked then
SearchTexture.enabled = SearchOpacity.enabled = SearchBump.enabled = true
SearchTexture.enabled = SearchOpacity.enabled = SearchBump.enabled = false
on search pressed do
if SearchString.text != "" then
count = objects.count
MAX Select none
ProgressStart "Searching...."
Cnt = 0
o = geometry as array
ObjArray = #()
for i = 1 to o.count do
if (IsMaster o[i].name) do
append ObjArray o[i]
o = undefined
for o in ObjArray do
Cnt += 1
ProgressUpdate ((Cnt/count as float) * 100)
-- Standard Material **********************************************************************************
if classOf o.mat == standardMaterial do
if SearchMatName.checked do
if (findstring o.mat.name SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchMapNames.checked do
if SearchTexture.checked do
if classof o.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat.diffusemap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchOpacity.checked do
if classof o.mat.opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat.opacitymap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchBump.checked do
if classof o.mat.bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat.bumpmap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
-- Multi Material ***************************************************************************************
if classOf o.mat == multimaterial do
ns = o.mat.numsubs
if SearchMatName.checked do
if (findstring o.mat.name SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
for i = 1 to ns do
if (findstring o.mat[i].name SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchMapNames.checked do
if SearchTexture.checked do
for i = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[i].diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat[i].diffusemap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchOpacity.checked do
for i = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[i].opacitymap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat[i].opacitymap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if SearchBump.checked do
for i = 1 to ns do
if classof o.mat[i].bumpmap == bitmaptexture do
if (findstring (FilenameFromPath o.mat[i].bumpmap.filename) SearchString.text) != undefined do
selectmore o
if heapfree < 2000000 do heapsize += 4000000
) else (
messageBox "No search text is defined!"
) |