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fn MagV vec = (sqrt((vec.x)^2 + (vec.y)^2 + (vec.z)^2))
fn GetLowIndex a =
low = a[1]
LIndex = 1
for i = 1 to a.count do
if a[i] < low do
low = a[i]
LIndex = i
return LIndex
fn sort2 a b =
local Na = #(), Nb = #()
local LowA = 999
local LowI = -1
for j = 1 to a.count do
for i = 1 to a.count do
if a[i] < LowA then
LowA = a[i]
LowI = i
) else (
format "% is larger than %::%\n" a[i] LowA (a[i] > LowA)
append Na a[LowI]
append Nb b[LowI]
a[LowI] = 999
return #(Na, Nb)
fn crossP2 a b = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
fn Intersect r oMesh =
local nf = oMesh.numfaces
local debug = false
local rPoint, rNormal, rIndex, rUV
-- first get t (where t > 0) for all faces in the object
TArray = #()
TIndices = #()
for i = 1 to nf do
-- get the vertex indices of the current face
CFace = getFace oMesh i
-- get the vertex positions of the vace
V0 = (getVert oMesh CFace.x)
-- get the normal of the face
N = getFaceNormal oMesh i
d = -(dot V0 N)
t = -((d + (dot N r.pos)) / (dot N r.dir))
if t > 0.0 do
append TArray t
append TIndices i
if TArray.count != 0 do
-- i = 1 to TArray.count do
for i = 1 to TIndices.count do
iLowIndex = GetLowIndex TArray
t = TArray[iLowIndex]
N = getFaceNormal oMesh TIndices[iLowIndex]
CFace = getFace oMesh TIndices[iLowIndex]
V0 = (getVert oMesh CFace.x)
V1 = (getVert oMesh CFace.y)
V2 = (getVert oMesh CFace.z)
CTVFace = getTVFace oMesh TIndices[iLowIndex]
uv0 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.x)
uv1 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.y)
uv2 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.z)
if (dot N r.dir) != 0 do
P0 = r.pos.x + r.dir.x * t
P1 = r.pos.y + r.dir.y * t
P2 = r.pos.z + r.dir.z * t
P = [P0, P1, P2]
P0 = r.pos.x + r.dir.x * t
P1 = r.pos.y + r.dir.y * t
P2 = r.pos.z + r.dir.z * t
P = [P0, P1, P2]
c1 = (crossP2 (V1 - V0) (P - V0))
c2 = (crossP2 (V2 - V1) (P - V1))
c3 = (crossP2 (V0 - V2) (P - V2))
-- if c1, c2, and c3 are all positive, the point is inside the triangle
if c1 >= 0 and c2 >= 0 and c3 >= 0 do
-- Polygon Intersection!
rPoint = P
rNormal = N
rIndex = iLowIndex
-- calculate the new uv coordinate of the intersection point
CTVFace = getTVFace oMesh rIndex
TV0 = getTVert oMesh CTVFace.x
TV1 = getTVert oMesh CTVFace.y
TV2 = getTVert oMesh CTVFace.z
UScale = (V1 - V0).x / P.x
VScale = (V2 - V0).y / P.y
format "P:%\n" P
format "1:%\t2:%\t3:%\n" V0 V1 V2
format "% %\n" UScale VScale
return #(rPoint, rNormal, rIndex, rUV)
TArray[iLowIndex] = 99999.9
) |