mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 14:41:56 +00:00
866 lines
24 KiB
866 lines
24 KiB
fn HardReset obj =
gc ()
local CObj = obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.pivot = CObj.center
Props = GetUserPropBuffer CObj
-- Copy the object. Center the pivot.
local o_pos = obj.pos
local o_rot = obj.rotation
local o_scale = obj.scale
-- move the object to the origin, strip off rotation, scale
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = (quat 0 z_axis)
obj.scale = [1,1,1]
local VertArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect (getvert CObj i)
local FaceArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (getface CObj i)
local MatIDArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (GetFaceMatID CObj i)
local TVertArray = #()
local i = 0
for i = 1 to FaceArray.count do
CFace = (GetTVFace CObj i)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.x == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.x)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.y == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.y)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.z == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.z)
TVertUVArray = (for i = 1 to TVertArray.count collect (GetTvert CObj TVertArray[i]))
local m = mesh vertices:VertArray faces:FaceArray MaterialIDs:MatIDArray
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetEdgeVis m i 1 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 1)
SetEdgeVis m i 2 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 2)
SetEdgeVis m i 3 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 3)
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetFaceSmoothGroup m i (getFaceSmoothGroup CObj i)
addmodifier m (uvwMap maptype:1)
ConvertToMesh m
local Ntv = getNumTVerts CObj
SetNumTverts m Ntv true
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
setTVFace m i (GetTVFace CObj i)
update m
for i = 1 to Ntv do
SetTvert m i (GetTvert CObj i)
m.name = (CObj.name + "_regen")
m.pivot = m.center
-- fix location of new object
m.scale = o_scale
m.rotation = o_rot
m.pos = o_pos
-- other stuff
m.wirecolor = CObj.wirecolor
update m
if CObj.mat != undefined do
m.mat = CObj.mat
local oname = CObj.name
delete CObj
m.name = oname
setUserPropBuffer m Props
return m
fn roundTo val n =
local mult = 10.0 ^ n
(floor ((val * mult) + 0.5)) / mult
fn MinMax foo a =
mn = a[1]
mx = a[1]
for i = 2 to a.count do
if a[i] > mx do mx = a[i]
if a[i] < mn do mn = a[i]
return #(mn, mx)
fn Min foo a =
local mn = a[1]
for i = 2 to a.count do
if a[i] < mn do mn = a[i]
return mn
fn ClampW CObj =
for j = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CFace = (GetTVFace cObj j)
c1 = getTvert CObj CFace.x
c2 = getTvert CObj CFace.y
c3 = getTvert CObj CFace.z
if c1.z >= 0.0 and c1.z <= 0.0001 do SetTVert CObj CFace.x [c1.x, c1.y, 1]
if c2.z >= 0.0 and c2.z <= 0.0001 do SetTVert CObj CFace.y [c2.x, c2.y, 1]
if c3.z >= 0.0 and c3.z <= 0.0001 do SetTVert CObj CFace.z [c3.x, c3.y, 1]
update CObj
fn reset_transform obj =
-- local xf = xform ()
-- local pos = obj.pos
-- xf.gizmo.transform = matrix3 1
-- addModifier obj xf
-- obj.pos = pos
------------------old reset code-------------
-- grab current transform, reset it, add a new xform
-- modifier & set the xform's tm to the object's original tm
local ftm = obj.transform
obj.transform = matrix3 1
local xf = xform ()
addModifier obj xf
xf.gizmo.transform = ftm
Utility MeshTools "Mesh Tools"
group "UV Editing Tools"
button ClampSelected "Clamp Selected" width:145
spinner ClampThresh "UV Coord Thresh: " range:[0, 1, 0.1] fieldwidth:35
checkbox clampFaceSelection "Clamp Face Selection"
button NormalizeTVerts "Normalize TVerts" width:145
button NumTiles "Num Tiles" width:145
group "Material ID's"
pickbutton PickObjectMatID "Select out of range ID's" width:145
button set_face_ids_btn "Set Selected Mat ID's" width: 145
group "Coplanar Test"
pickbutton ChooseCoplanar "Choose Object" width:145
group "Pivots/Transforms"
button CenterPivot "Center Pivots Only" width:145
button CenterSelection "Cntr Pivots w/Reset Xform" width:145 enabled:false
button ResetSelection "Reset Transform Only" width:145 enabled:false
button HardResetSelection "Hard Reset-Save First!" width:145 enabled:true
group "General tools"
button Collapse_Selected_btn "Collapse Selected" width:145
button selectNonObjects "Select Non-Objects" width:145
pickbutton getdegeneratefaces "Select Degenerate Faces" width:145 offset:[-4,0]
group "Vertex Selection"
PickButton SelVertsByThresh "Select by Threshold" width:145
spinner VertSelectionThresh "Threshold (M):" range:[0,1,0.01] type:#float fieldwidth:35
group "SubObject Selection"
spinner Index "Index:" type:#integer range:[1,4096,1] fieldWidth:45
radioButtons SubObjectType "Type:" labels:#("Faces", "Verts") columns:1 align:#left offset:[0,-20]
button Select "Select" width:140
group "Mesh Regenerator"
colorpicker NewWireColor "New WireColor:" color:(color 255 255 0) offset:[20,0]
Label newPosLabel "New Position:" align:#left
spinner PosX "X:" range:[-9999,9999,0] type:#float fieldwidth:45 align:#left
spinner PosY "Y:" range:[-9999,9999,0] type:#float fieldwidth:45 align:#left
spinner PosZ "Z:" range:[-9999,9999,0] type:#float fieldwidth:45 align:#left
checkbox deleteOld "Delete old object"
pickbutton ChooseObject "Choose Object" width:140
group "Migrate Selection"
checkbox ClearSel "Keep initial selection"
radiobuttons fromSel "From:" labels:#("Vertices", "Faces") columns:1 offset:[-40,0] default:1
radiobuttons toSel "To:" labels:#("Vertices", "Faces") columns:1 offset:[40,-50] default:2
label methodlabel "Method:" align:#left
CheckButton MethodWindow "Window" offset:[-37,0] width:70
CheckButton MethodCrossing "Crossing" offset:[37,-26] width:70 checked:true
pickButton PickObject "Pick Object" width:140
group "Object Matrix Info"
button DoScene "Get matrix info for selected" width:145
on Select Pressed do
sel = selection as array
oc = sel.count
for i = 1 to oc do
if SubObjectType.state == 1 do
setFaceSelection sel[i] #(index.value)
if SubObjectType.state == 2 do
setVertSelection sel[i] #(index.value)
on NumTiles pressed do
ObjArray = for o in selection collect o
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
CObj = ObjArray[i]
format "\nObject:%\n" CObj.name
ClampW CObj
if CObj.mat != undefined do
if classOf CObj.mat == standardMaterial do
av3TV = #()
aiTVi = #()
for j = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CFace = (GetTVFace cObj j)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.x == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.x
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.x)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.y == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.y
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.y)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.z == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.z
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.z)
afTVu = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].x
afTVv = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].y
mmu = (MinMax true afTVu)
mmv = (MinMax true afTVv)
MinU = mmu[1]
MaxU = mmu[2]
MinV = mmv[1]
MaxV = mmv[2]
format "\tNumTilesU: %\n" (MaxU - MinU)
format "\tNumTilesV: %\n\n" (MaxV - MinV)
-- do it based on sets of material IDs
if ClassOf CObj.mat == MultiMaterial do
for k = 1 to CObj.mat.numsubs do
av3TV = #()
aiTVi = #()
ValidFace = false
for j = 1 to CObj.numfaces where (getFaceMatID CObj j) == k do
ValidFace = true
CFace = (GetTVFace cObj j)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.x == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.x
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.x)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.y == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.y
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.y)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.z == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.z
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.z)
if ValidFace == true do
afTVu = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].x
afTVv = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].y
mmu = (MinMax true afTVu)
mmv = (MinMax true afTVv)
MinU = mmu[1]
MaxU = mmu[2]
MinV = mmv[1]
MaxV = mmv[2]
format "\tMaterial ID:%\n" k
format "\tNumTilesU: %\n" (MaxU - MinU)
format "\tNumTilesV: %\n\n" (MaxV - MinV)
-- do it based on sets of material IDs
on NormalizeTVerts pressed do
ObjArray = for o in selection collect o
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
CObj = ObjArray[i]
ClampW CObj
av3TV = #()
aiTVi = #()
for j = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CFace = (GetTVFace cObj j)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.x == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.x
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.x)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.y == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.y
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.y)
if FindItem aiTVi CFace.z == 0 do
append aiTVi CFace.z
append av3TV (getTVert CObj CFace.z)
afTVu = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].x
afTVv = for j = 1 to av3TV.count collect av3TV[j].y
MinU = (Min true afTVu)
MinV = (Min true afTVv)
if MinU < 0.0 then
MinU = (MinU as integer) - 1
MinU = (MinU as integer)
if MinV < 0.0 then
MinV = (MinV as integer) - 1
MinV = (MinV as integer)
for j = 1 to av3TV.count do
av3TV[j].x = av3TV[j].x - MinU
av3TV[j].y = av3TV[j].y - MinV
for j = 1 to av3TV.count do
setTVert CObj aiTVi[j] av3TV[j]
on SelVertsByThresh picked obj do
if classOf obj == editable_mesh then
CObj = obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
nv = CObj.numverts
VertSelection = #()
for i = 1 to nv do
SourceVert = (getvert CObj i)
for j = 1 to nv do
if i != j do
CompareVert = (getVert CObj j)
if (distance SourceVert CompareVert) <= VertSelectionThresh.value do
if (findItem VertSelection j) == 0 do (append VertSelection j)
setVertSelection CObj VertSelection
update CObj
) else (
MessageBox "Object needs to be an EditableMesh."
on CenterSelection pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
for i = 1 to ObjArray.count do
CObj = ObjArray[i]
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.pivot = CObj.center
CObjPos = CObj.pos
CObj.pos = [0,0,0]
reset_transform CObj
CObj.pivot = CObj.center
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.pos = CObjPos
on HardResetSelection pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
ProgressStart "Resetting..."
Progscale = 100.0 / ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to ObjArray.count do
if classof ObjArray[i] != dummy do
m = (HardReset ObjArray[i])
if (progressupdate (i * progscale)) == false then exit
on ResetSelection pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
for i = 1 to ObjArray.count do
CObj = ObjArray[i]
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObjPos = CObj.pos
CObj.pos = [0,0,0]
reset_transform CObj
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.pos = CObjPos
on set_face_ids_btn pressed do
ObjSelection = for obj in selection collect obj
ObjCount = ObjSelection.count
for i = 1 to ObjCount do
CObj = ObjSelection[i]
if (CObj = (ConvertToMesh CObj)) != undefined do
if classof CObj.mat == standardMaterial do
nf = CObj.numfaces
for i = 1 to nf do (setfacematid CObj i 1)
on selectNonObjects pressed do
max select none
for o in objects do
if o.numfaces == 0 do (selectmore o)
on getdegeneratefaces picked obj do
o = obj
ConvertToMesh o
setfaceselection o #()
BadFaces = False
for i = 1 to o.numfaces do
currentface = getface o i
NewX = getvert o currentface.x
NewY = getvert o currentface.y
NewZ = getvert o currentface.z
if NewX == NewY do
setfaceselection o #(i) keep:true
BadFaces = true
if NewX == NewZ do
setfaceselection o #(i) keep:true
BadFaces = true
if NewZ == NewY do
setfaceselection o #(i) keep:true
BadFaces = true
if BadFaces == false do
MessageBox "No degenerate faces found!"
if badfaces == true do
MessageBox "Degenerate faces were found!\n Degenerate faces are current sub-object selection"
on CenterPivot pressed do
objs = selection as array
NumObjs = objs.count
for i = 1 to NumObjs do
o = Objs[i]
o.pivot = o.center
on Collapse_Selected_btn pressed do
undo on
ObjSelection = selection as array
ConvertToMesh ObjSelection
for obj in ObjSelection do selectmore obj
on pickObjectMatID picked obj do
CObj = obj
if classof CObj.mat == MultiMaterial then
convertToMesh CObj
setfaceselection CObj #()
ns = CObj.mat.numsubs
nf = CObj.numfaces
FaceSel = #()
OutOfRange = false
for i = 1 to nf do
Cid = (getfacematID cObj i)
if Cid > ns do
append FaceSel i
OutOfRange = true
if OutOfRange == true then
setFaceSelection CObj FaceSel
update CObj
MessageBox "Out of range faces set to\ncurrent SubObject face selection"
) else (
MessageBox "No out of range faces detected"
) else (
MessageBox "Picked Object does not\nhave a Multi Material assigned to it"
on ChooseCoplanar picked obj do
if classof obj == editable_mesh then
CObj = obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
NotCoplanar = false
FaceArray = getFaceSelection CObj
CNormal = GetFaceNormal CObj Facearray[1]
CNormal = [(RoundTo CNormal.x 3),(RoundTo CNormal.y 3),(RoundTo CNormal.z 3)]
format "Checking against: %\n" CNormal
for i = 1 to FaceArray.count do
NewNormal = GetFaceNormal CObj FaceArray[i]
NewNormal = [(RoundTo NewNormal.x 3),(RoundTo NewNormal.y 3),(RoundTo NewNormal.z 3)]
if NewNormal != CNormal do NotCoplanar = true
format "NewNormal: %\n" NewNormal
if NotCoplanar == true then
MessageBox "The selected faces are NOT coplanar."
MessageBox "The selected faces are coplanar!"
) else (
Messagebox "This tool can only use an EditableMesh object.\n Please collapse your mesh."
on ClampSelected pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
for o in ObjArray do
if ClampFaceSelection.checked then
FaceArray = getFaceSelection o
FaceArray = for i = 1 to o.numfaces collect i
-- if there's nothing in the face array, it means they wanted to clamp selection, but there are no selected faces, so clamp all of them
if FaceArray.count == 0 do
FaceArray = for i = 1 to o.numfaces collect i
nf = FaceArray.count
TFaces = for i = 1 to nf collect (gettvface o FaceArray[i])
Tverts = #()
for i = 1 to nf do
if finditem Tverts Tfaces[i].x == 0 do (append Tverts Tfaces[i].x)
if finditem Tverts Tfaces[i].y == 0 do (append Tverts Tfaces[i].y)
if finditem Tverts Tfaces[i].z == 0 do (append Tverts Tfaces[i].z)
for i = 1 to Tverts.count do
CTvert = gettvert o Tverts[i]
if CTvert.x > 1.0 and CTvert.x <= (1.0 + ClampThresh.value) do setTvert o Tverts[i] [1.0,CTVert.y, CTVert.z]
if CTvert.x < 0.0 and CTvert.x >= (0.0 - ClampThresh.value) do setTvert o Tverts[i] [0.0,CTVert.y, CTVert.z]
if CTvert.y > 1.0 and CTvert.y <= (1.0 + ClampThresh.value) do setTvert o Tverts[i] [CTvert.x, 1.0, CTVert.z]
if CTvert.y < 0.0 and CTvert.y >= (0.0 - ClampThresh.value) do setTvert o Tverts[i] [CTvert.x, 0.0, CTVert.z]
update o
on ChooseObject picked Obj do
if classof obj == editable_mesh then
CObj = obj
VertArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect (getvert CObj i)
FaceArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (getface CObj i)
MatIDArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (GetFaceMatID CObj i)
TVertArray = #()
for i = 1 to FaceArray.count do
CFace = (GetTVFace CObj i)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.x == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.x)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.y == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.y)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.z == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.z)
TVertUVArray = (for i = 1 to TVertArray.count collect (GetTvert CObj TVertArray[i]))
m = mesh vertices:VertArray faces:FaceArray MaterialIDs:MatIDArray
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetEdgeVis m i 1 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 1)
SetEdgeVis m i 2 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 2)
SetEdgeVis m i 3 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 3)
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetFaceSmoothGroup m i (getFaceSmoothGroup CObj i)
addmodifier m (uvwMap maptype:1)
ConvertToMesh m
Ntv = getNumTVerts CObj
SetNumTverts m Ntv true
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
setTVFace m i (GetTVFace CObj i)
update m
for i = 1 to Ntv do
SetTvert m i (GetTvert CObj i)
m.name = (CObj.name + "_regen")
m.pivot = m.center
m.pos = [PosX.value,PosY.value,PosZ.value]
m.wirecolor = NewWireColor.color
update m
if CObj.mat != undefined do
m.mat = CObj.mat
if deleteOld.checked do delete CObj
) else (
MessageBox "Needs and Editable Mesh object\n please collapse your mesh"
on MethodWindow changed state do
if MethodWindow.state == on then
MethodCrossing.state = off
MethodCrossing.state = on
on MethodCrossing changed state do
if MethodCrossing.state == on then
MethodWindow.state = off
MethodWindow.state = on
on fromSel changed state do
if fromSel.state == 1 do
toSel.state = 2
MethodWindow.enabled = true
MethodCrossing.enabled = true
MethodCrossing.checked = true
if fromSel.state == 2 do
toSel.state = 1
MethodWindow.checked = false
MethodWindow.enabled = false
MethodCrossing.checked = false
MethodCrossing.enabled = false
on ToSel changed state do
if ToSel.state == 1 do
FromSel.state = 2
MethodWindow.checked = false
MethodWindow.enabled = false
MethodCrossing.checked = false
MethodCrossing.enabled = false
if ToSel.state == 2 do
FromSel.state = 1
MethodWindow.enabled = true
MethodCrossing.enabled = true
MethodCrossing.checked = true
On PickObject picked obj do
o = obj
undo on (
if FromSel.state == 1 do
if MethodCrossing.checked == true then
VertSel = getvertselection o
AllFaces = (for i = 1 to o.numfaces collect (getface o i))
VSc = VertSel.count
AFc = AllFaces.count
if ClearSel.checked == false do (setfaceselection o #())
for i = 1 to VSc do
for j = 1 to AFc do
if VertSel[i] == (Allfaces[j]).x do (setfaceselection o #(j) keep:true)
if VertSel[i] == (Allfaces[j]).y do (setfaceselection o #(j) keep:true)
if VertSel[i] == (Allfaces[j]).z do (setfaceselection o #(j) keep:true)
update o
VertSel = getvertselection o
AllFaces = (for i = 1 to o.numfaces collect (getface o i))
AFc = AllFaces.count
if ClearSel.checked == false do (setfaceselection o #())
for j = 1 to AFc do
Cnt = 0
if (findItem VertSel (AllFaces[j]).x) != 0 do (Cnt = Cnt + 1)
if (findItem VertSel (AllFaces[j]).y) != 0 do (Cnt = Cnt + 1)
if (findItem VertSel (AllFaces[j]).z) != 0 do
Cnt = Cnt + 1
if Cnt == 3 do (setfaceselection o #(j) keep:true)
update o
if FromSel.state == 2 do
faceSel = getfaceselection o
NewVertSel = (for i = 1 to faceSel.count collect (getface o faceSel[i]))
NVSc = NewVertSel.count
if ClearSel.checked == false do (setvertselection o #())
for i = 1 to NVSc do
setvertselection o #((NewVertSel[i]).x) keep:true
setvertselection o #((NewVertSel[i]).y) keep:true
setvertselection o #((NewVertSel[i]).z) keep:true
update o
on DoScene pressed do
save_filename = getsavefilename caption:"Specify Scene Matrix Dump File"
f = createfile save_filename
for o in selection do
format "\n"
format "****************************************************************************\n" to:f
format "Object Data for %\n" o.name to:f
format "****************************************************************************\n" to:f
format "Object Pivot:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.pivot to:f
format "Object Geometrical Center:\t\t%\n" o.center to:f
format "Pivot/Center Offset:\t\t\t%\n" (o.pivot - o.center) to:f
format "Object Position:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.pos to:f
format "Object Extents:\t\t\t\t%\n" (o.max - o.min) to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "Main Node Transformation Matrix:\n" to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.row1 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.row2 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.row3 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.row4 to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "Translation:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.translation to:f
format "Rotation Part:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.rotationpart to:f
format "Translation Part:\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.translationpart to:f
format "Scale\Rotation Part:\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.scalerotationpart to:f
format "Scale Part:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.scalepart to:f
format "Determinant Sign:\t\t\t%\n" o.transform.determinantsign to:f
format "Z Axis direction Vector:\t\t\t%\n" o.dir to:f
format "Object Offset Position:\t\t\t%\n" o.objectoffsetpos to:f
format "Object Offset Rotation:\t\t\t%\n" o.objectoffsetrot to:f
-- (not yet implemented) format "Object Offset Scale: %\n" o.objectoffsetscale to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "Object Transformation Matrix:\n" to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.row1 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.row2 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.row3 to:f
format "\t\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.row4 to:f
format "\n" to:f
format "Translation:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.translation to:f
format "Rotation Part:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.rotationpart to:f
format "Translation Part:\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.translationpart to:f
format "Scale/Rotation Part:\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.scalerotationpart to:f
format "Scale Part:\t\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.scalepart to:f
format "Determinant Sign:\t\t\t%\n" o.objecttransform.determinantsign to:f
close f
) |