mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
139 lines
4.4 KiB
139 lines
4.4 KiB
Utility ObjPropsSelect "Obj Props Select"
local SearchArray = #(),
-- ***********************************************************************************
-- ***********************************************************************************
SelectionDefaults = #(\
#("CInstance", "Tangible = true", "Moveable = true"),\
#("CTerrainObj", "Height = 1"),\
#("CTerrainObj", "Height = 2"),\
#("CTerrainObj", "Height = 3"),\
#("CTerrainObj", "Height = 4")\
-- ***********************************************************************************
-- ***********************************************************************************
DropDownList Defaults "Default Sets:" items:#(\
"Tangible Moveable",\
"Terrain Tex Level 1",\
"Terrain Tex Level 2",\
"Terrain Tex Level 3",\
"Terrain Tex Level 4"\
DropDownList ObjectType "Object Classes: " items:#("CInstance Object", "Player", "Terrain Texture Object", "Terrain Extents Object", "Terrain Placement Object", "Animal","Magnet","Trigger", "Settings", "Water Object", "Water Disturbance", "Light", "Sky", "Gun") selection:3
ListBox SearchList "Search List:"
EditText SearchString
button AddToList "Add" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button RemoveFromList "Remove" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
button ClearList "Clear" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button Foo "Read Mind" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
checkbox AutoUnhide "Auto Unhide" checked:true
checkbox KeepSelection "Keep Current Selection"
button GenerateSelection "Generate Selection" width:140
label Status1
on Foo pressed do
MessageBox "Unknown System Exception" title:"MAX Script Fatal Error"
MessageBox "Please place your head\ncloser to the monitor\nand try again"
MessageBox "ha"
on SearchList selected s do
SearchString.text = SearchList.items[s]
on Defaults selected s do
SearchArray = SelectionDefaults[s]
SearchList.items = SearchArray
SearchString.text = SearchList.items[SearchList.selection]
on ClearList pressed do
SearchArray = #()
SearchList.items = SearchArray
SearchString.text = ""
on AddToList pressed do
CString = SearchString.text
if CString != "" do
if FindItem SearchArray CString == 0 do
append SearchArray CString
SearchList.items = SearchArray
on ObjectType selected s do
ObjTypeString = ""
if s == 1 do ObjTypeString = "CInstance"
if s == 2 do ObjTypeString = "Player"
if s == 3 do ObjTypeString = "CTerrainObj"
if s == 4 do ObjTypeString = "TerrainExtent"
if s == 5 do ObjTypeString = "TerrainPlacement"
if s == 6 do ObjTypeString = "CAnimal"
if s == 7 do ObjTypeString = "CMagnet"
if s == 8 do ObjTypeString = "CLocationTrigger"
if s == 9 do ObjTypeString = "Settings"
if s == 10 do ObjTypeString = "CEntityWater"
if s == 11 do ObjTypeString = "CWaterDisturbance"
if s == 12 do ObjTypeString = "CLightDirectional"
if s == 13 do ObjTypeString = "CSky"
if s == 14 do ObjTypeString = "CGun"
if FindItem SearchArray ObjTypeString == 0 do
append SearchArray ObjTypeString
SearchList.items = SearchArray
on RemoveFromList pressed do
s = SearchList.selection
NList = #()
for i = 1 to SearchArray.count do
if i != s do
append NList SearchArray[i]
SearchList.items = NList
SearchArray = SearchList.items
NewText = SearchList.items[SearchList.selection]
if NewText == undefined do NewText = ""
SearchString.text = NewText
on GenerateSelection pressed do
if KeepSelection.checked == false do
MAX Select None
oc = objects.count
cnt = 0
ProgressStart "Generating Selection..."
for o in objects do
cnt += 1
if (progressUpdate ((cnt / oc as float) * 100)) == false do Exit
CBuffer = GetUserPropBuffer o
SelectObj = true
for i = 1 to SearchArray.count do
if (FindString CBuffer SearchArray[i]) == undefined do SelectObj = false
if SelectObj == true do
if AutoUnhide.checked do if o.isHidden do unhide o
selectmore o
Status1.text = (selection.count as string + " objects selected")