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synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
351 lines
8.2 KiB
351 lines
8.2 KiB
fn round num = (num + 0.5) as integer
fn InstanceNum CName =
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
return undefined
Num = (substring CName (DashPos + 1) (CName.count - DashPos))
return Num
fn KeyName CName =
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
return CName
return (substring CName 1 (DashPos - 1))
fn ValidTrnObj obj =
update obj
local Valid = true
for i = 1 to obj.numfaces do
if (GetFaceNormal obj i) != [0,0,1] do
Valid = false
return Valid
fn Sel0 =
for o in objects do
if (substring o.name (o.name.count - 2) 3) == "-00" do
selectmore o
fn MakeTrnObjValid obj =
convertToMesh obj
local Cntr = obj.center.z
for i = 1 to obj.numverts do
CVert = getVert obj i
setVert obj i [CVert.x, Cvert.y, Cntr]
update obj
-- *********************************************************************
-- Start Utility
-- *********************************************************************
Utility SceneBuildingUltils "Scene Utils"
local c, p, PKeyName, CKeyName, XYThresh
local debug = false
group "Activate/Deactivate"
button DeactivateSelected "Deactivate Selection" width:140
button ActivateSelected "Activate Selection" width:140
group "Multiple Object Placement"
button clearspinners "Clear Spinners"
spinner XPos "X: " range:[-10000,10000,0] offset:[-20,0]
checkbutton UseX align:#right offset:[0,-23] checked:true
spinner YPos "Y: "range:[-10000,10000,0] offset:[-20,0]
checkbutton UseY align:#right offset:[0,-23] checked:true
spinner ZPos "Z: " range:[-10000,10000,0] offset:[-20,0]
checkbutton UseZ align:#right offset:[0,-23] checked:true
button RePosSelection "Reposition Selection" width:140
group "Terrain Textures"
button SelectInvalids "Sel Bad Terrain Textures"
CheckBox AutoFixTrns "Auto Fix Terrain Textures" checked:true
group "Match Maker"
label PLabel "Parent:" align:#left offset:[-4,0]
pickbutton GetParent width:100 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
label CLabel "Child:" align:#left offset:[-4,0]
pickbutton GetChild width:100 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
checkbox MatchStragglers "Match Straglers"
button match "Match Names" width:140
group "Wire Color!"
colorPicker StartColor "Start:" color:(color 240 10 230) offset:[-45,0]
colorPicker EndColor "End:" color:(color 228 128 10) offset:[30,-25]
button ReColorSelection "Recolor Selection" width:140
group " Object Xform Mods"
button ProcessSelection "Process Selection" width:140
checkbox rot "Rotation" checked:true
checkbox scale "Scale"
on ProcessSelection pressed do
Objarray = selection as array
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
o = ObjArray[i]
oPos = o.pos
if rot.checked do
o.rotation = (quat 0 0 0 1)
if scale.checked do
o.scale = [1,1,1]
o.pos = oPos
on ReColorSelection pressed do
sel = selection as array
sc = sel.count
RedOffset = ((StartColor.color.r - EndColor.color.r) as float / sc)
GreenOffset = ((StartColor.color.g - EndColor.color.g) as float / sc)
BlueOffset = ((StartColor.color.b - EndColor.color.b) as float / sc)
for i = 1 to sc do
NewRed = round (StartColor.color.r - RedOffset * i)
NewGreen = round (StartColor.color.g - GreenOffset * i)
NewBlue = round (StartColor.color.b - BlueOffset * i)
nwc = (color NewRed NewGreen NewBlue)
sel[i].wirecolor = nwc
on GetParent Picked obj do
p = obj
PKeyName = keyname p.name
if PKeyName != GetChild.text then
GetParent.text = PKeyName
) else (
GetParent.text = ""
p = PKeyName = undefined
Messagebox "Parent and Child objects\nmust be different"
on GetChild Picked obj do
c = obj
CKeyName = keyname c.name
if CKeyName != GetParent.text then
GetChild.text = CKeyName
xyMin = [c.min.x, c.min.y]
xyMax = [c.max.x, c.max.y]
XYThresh = (distance xyMin xyMax) * 0.5
) else (
GetChild.text = ""
c = CKeyName = XYThresh = undefined
MessageBox "Parent and Child objects\nmust be different"
on Match pressed do
ParentList = #()
ChildList = #()
UsedChildren = #()
UsedParents = #()
-- find the valid parents and children in the scene
ProgressStart "Matching...."
for o in objects do
if (KeyName o.name) == CKeyName do
append ChildList o
append UsedChildren #Free
if (KeyName o.name) == PKeyName do
append ParentList o
append UsedParents #Free
cnt = 0
ocInv = (1.0 / ParentList.count) * 100
for i = 1 to ParentList.count do
ProgressUpdate (i * ocInv)
CParent = ParentList[i]
PNum = InstanceNum CParent.name
CParentPos = CParent.pos
co = -1
CIndex = -1
sd = 9999999.1
for j = 1 to ChildList.count do
CChild = ChildList[j]
CChildPos = CChild.pos
-- get the smallest distance from the parent to the child
if ((cd = distance [CParentPos.x, CParentPos.y] [CChildPos.x, CChildPos.y]) <= sd) do
co = CChild
sd = cd
CIndex = j
if UsedChildren[CIndex] == #Free do
co.name = CKeyName + "-" + PNum
UsedChildren[CIndex] = #Used
UsedParents[i] = #Used
cnt += 1
if MatchStragglers.checked do
ProgressStart "Matching Stragglers"
ocInv = (1.0 / UsedParents.count) * 100
for i = 1 to UsedParents.count do
ProgressUpdate (i * ocInv)
if UsedParents[i] == #Free do
for j = 1 to UsedChildren.count do
if UsedChildren[j] == #Free do
PNum = InstanceNum ParentList[i].name
ChildList[j].name = ((KeyName ChildList[j].name) + "-" + PNum)
UsedParents[i] = #Used
UsedChildren[j] = #Used
cnt += 1
MessageBox ((cnt * 2) as string + " object's names were re-matched")
on SelectInvalids pressed do
TrnObjs = #()
-- Identify the terrain texture objects in the scene
for o in geometry do
CBuffer = getUserPropBuffer o
if findstring CBuffer "CTerrainObj" != undefined do
append TrnObjs o
-- check 'em
if TrnObjs.count > 0 do
for i = 1 to TrnObjs.count do
if (ValidTrnObj TrnObjs[i]) == false do
selectmore TrnObjs[i]
if AutoFixTrns.checked do (MakeTrnObjValid TrnObjs[i])
select TrnObjs
on ClearSpinners pressed do
XPos.value = YPos.value = ZPos.value = 0
UseX.checked = UseY.checked = UseZ.checked = true
on RePosSelection pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
for i = 1 to ObjArray.count do
CObj = Objarray[i]
NewPos = [0,0,0]
if UseX.checked then
NewPos.x = XPos.value
NewPos.x = CObj.pos.x
if UseY.checked then
NewPos.y = YPos.value
NewPos.y = CObj.pos.y
if UseZ.checked then
NewPos.z = ZPos.value
NewPos.z = CObj.pos.z
CObj.pos = NewPos
on DeactivateSelected pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
o = ObjArray[i]
CName = o.name
if (substring CName 1 1) != "!" do
CName = ("!" + CName)
o.name = CName
on ActivateSelected pressed do
ObjArray = for obj in selection collect obj
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
o = ObjArray[i]
CName = o.name
if (substring CName 1 1) == "!" do
CName = (substring CName 2 (CName.count - 1))
o.name = CName
) |