mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
248 lines
10 KiB
248 lines
10 KiB
Utility TrnCreate "Terrain Creator"
button Float_it "Float it"
rollout TerrainCreator "Trespasser Terrain Creator"
local TessMaps = #(), DisplaceMaps = #(), SecTessMaps = #(), SecDisplaceMaps = #(),
GameAreaPositions = #([-1792,-768,0], [-1792,0,0], [-1024,256,0], [0,512,0], [0,-256,0], [256,-768,0], [768,1024,0], [768,1024,0], [1792,0,0], [1024, 512, 0])
local DefaultArea = 4
local debug = false
DropDownList GameArea "Game Area:" items:#("Beach", "Jungle Road", "Platation House", "Industrial Jungle", "InGEN Town", "Plains", "PineValley", "Shore", "*InGEN Lab", "Ascent", "Summit") selection:DefaultArea
label TessFileLabel "Tesselation File:" align:#left
button ChooseTessFile width:150 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
label DisplaceFileLabel "Displace File:" align:#left
button ChooseDisplaceFile width:150 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
label SecTessFileLabel "Sec Tesselation File:" align:#left
button SecChooseTessFile width:150 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
label SecDisplaceFileLabel "Sec Displace File:" align:#left
button SecChooseDisplaceFile width:150 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
spinner DispStr "Displacement Map Strength:" fieldwidth:50 range:[0,1000,174.57]
spinner SecDispStr "Secondary Map Strength:" fieldwidth:50 range:[0,1000, 20]
button GenerateTerrain "Generate Terrain" width:250 height:30
button ProcessSecondary "Process Secondary Displacements" width:250 height:30
label status1
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Load the Tessellation map list
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on ChooseTessFile pressed do
if (TessFile = getOpenFilename "Choose Tesselation Map List:") != undefined do
TessMaps = #()
WorkingFolder = getFilenamePath TessFile
ChooseTessFile.text = FilenameFromPath TessFile
f = openFile TessFile
while not eof f do
CLine = readline f
-- ";" is a commented line
if CLine[1] != ";" do
-- prune off the newline character if it's there
if (substring CLine CLine.count 1) == "\n" do CLine = (substring CLine 1 (CLine.count - 1))
append TessMaps (WorkingFolder + CLine)
if debug do format "Added \"%\" to Tessellation Map Array\n" (WorkingFolder + CLine)
close f
print TessMaps
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Load the Tessellation map list
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on SecChooseTessFile pressed do
if (SecTessFile = getOpenFilename "Choose Tesselation Map List:") != undefined do
SecTessMaps = #()
WorkingFolder = getFilenamePath SecTessFile
SecChooseTessFile.text = FilenameFromPath SecTessFile
f = openFile SecTessFile
while not eof f do
CLine = readline f
-- ";" is a commented line
if CLine[1] != ";" do
-- prune off the newline character if it's there
if (substring CLine CLine.count 1) == "\n" do CLine = (substring CLine 1 (CLine.count - 1))
append SecTessMaps (WorkingFolder + CLine)
if debug do format "Added \"%\" to Tessellation Map Array\n" (WorkingFolder + CLine)
close f
print SecTessMaps
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Load the Displacement map list
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on SecChooseDisplaceFile pressed do
if (SecDisplaceFile = getOpenFilename "Choose Secondary Map List:") != undefined do
SecDisplaceMaps = #()
WorkingFolder = getFilenamePath SecDisplaceFile
SecChooseDisplaceFile.text = FilenameFromPath SecDisplaceFile
f = openFile SecDisplaceFile
while not eof f do
CLine = readline f
-- ";" is a commented line
if CLine[1] != ";" do
-- prune off the newline character if it's there
if (substring CLine CLine.count 1) == "\n" do CLine = (substring CLine 1 (CLine.count - 1))
append SecDisplaceMaps (WorkingFolder + CLine)
if debug do format "Added \"%\" to Displacement Map Array\n" (WorkingFolder + CLine)
close f
print SecDisplaceMaps
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Load the Displacement map list
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on ChooseDisplaceFile pressed do
if (DisplaceFile = getOpenFilename "Choose Displacement Map List:") != undefined do
DisplaceMaps = #()
WorkingFolder = getFilenamePath DisplaceFile
ChooseDisplaceFile.text = FilenameFromPath DisplaceFile
f = openFile DisplaceFile
while not eof f do
CLine = readline f
-- ";" is a commented line
if CLine[1] != ";" do
-- prune off the newline character if it's there
if (substring CLine CLine.count 1) == "\n" do CLine = (substring CLine 1 (CLine.count - 1))
append DisplaceMaps (WorkingFolder + CLine)
if debug do format "Added \"%\" to Displacement Map Array\n" (WorkingFolder + CLine)
close f
print DisplaceMaps
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Generate Terrain
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on GenerateTerrain pressed do
CTerrain = mesh length:2048 width:2048 lengthSegs:8 widthSegs:8
CTerrain.pivot = CTerrain.center
Cterrain.pos = GameAreaPositions[GameArea.selection]
addmodifier CTerrain (UVWMap())
CTerrain.modifiers[1].gizmo.scale = [1.00001, 1.00001, 1.00001]
convertToMesh CTerrain
CTerrain.name = ("!Terrain" + localtime)
CTerrain.wirecolor = (color 76 82 110)
-- Generate the tesselation
for i = 1 to TessMaps.count do
status1.text = ("Tesselating " + i as string + " of " + TessMaps.count as string + " " + filenameFromPath TessMaps[i])
BMS = ("BMS" + i as string) as name
TES = ("TES" + i as string) as name
addmodifier CTerrain (Bitmap_Select())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Bitmap_Select].name = BMS
CTerrain.Modifiers[BMS].bitmap = (openbitmap TessMaps[i])
addmodifier CTerrain (Tessellate())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Tessellate].name = TES
CTerrain.modifiers[TES].tension = 0
ConvertToMesh CTerrain
setFaceSelection CTerrain #()
select CTerrain
max modify mode
-- max subobject sel
-- max subobject sel
-- generate the Displacements
for i = 1 to DisplaceMaps.count do
status1.text = ("Displacing " + i as string + " of " + DisplaceMaps.count as string + " " + filenameFromPath DisplaceMaps[i])
DIS = ("DIS" + i as string) as name
addmodifier CTerrain (displace())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Displace].name = DIS
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].gizmo.scale = [1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001]
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].bitmap = (openbitmap DisplaceMaps[i])
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].strength = DispStr.value
ConvertToMesh CTerrain
select CTerrain
max zoomExt sel all
-- in coordsys local rotate CTerrain 180 z_axis
status1.text = ""
-- collect all that memory back!
-- *****************************************************************************************************
-- * Generate Secondary Terrain modifications
-- *****************************************************************************************************
on ProcessSecondary pressed do
if CTerrain != undefined do
for i = 1 to SecTessMaps.count do
print i
status1.text = ("Tesselating " + i as string + " of " + SecTessMaps.count as string + " " + filenameFromPath SecTessMaps[i])
BMS = ("BMS" + i as string) as name
TES = ("TES" + i as string) as name
addmodifier CTerrain (Bitmap_Select())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Bitmap_Select].name = BMS
CTerrain.Modifiers[BMS].bitmap = (openbitmap SecTessMaps[i])
addmodifier CTerrain (Tessellate())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Tessellate].name = TES
CTerrain.modifiers[TES].tension = 0
ConvertToMesh CTerrain
setFaceSelection CTerrain #()
select CTerrain
max modify mode
-- generate the Displacements
for i = 1 to SecDisplaceMaps.count do
print i
status1.text = ("Displacing " + i as string + " of " + SecDisplaceMaps.count as string + " " + filenameFromPath SecDisplaceMaps[i])
DIS = ("DIS" + i as string) as name
addmodifier CTerrain (displace())
CTerrain.modifiers[#Displace].name = DIS
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].gizmo.scale = [1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001]
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].bitmap = (openbitmap SecDisplaceMaps[i])
CTerrain.modifiers[DIS].strength = SecDispStr.value
ConvertToMesh CTerrain
select CTerrain
max zoomExt sel all
-- in coordsys local rotate CTerrain 180 z_axis
status1.text = ""
-- collect all that memory back!
) -- End Rollout
on Float_it pressed do
Terrain_Creator = newRolloutFloater "Trespasser Terrain Creation" 300 363 110 400
addrollout TerrainCreator Terrain_Creator