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213 lines
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-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- * Implementation of TerrainSplitter.ms
-- *
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
fn detach_selected_faces m count =
ofs = getFaceSelection m
ofvs = for f in ofs collect getFace m f
vmap = #()
i = 0
for f in ofvs do
(if vmap[f.x] == undefined do vmap[f.x] = (i += 1)
if vmap[f.y] == undefined do vmap[f.y] = (i += 1)
if vmap[f.z] == undefined do vmap[f.z] = (i += 1))
nv = #()
for i in 1 to vmap.count do
if vmap[i] != undefined do nv[vmap[i]] = getVert m i
nf = for f in ofvs collect [vmap[f.x], vmap[f.y], vmap[f.z]]
mesh name:("TerrainSection" + (count as string)) vertices:nv faces:nf
fn resettransform obj =
local otm = obj.transform
obj.transform = matrix3 1
local xf = xform()
addmodifier obj xf
xf.gizmo.transform = otm
Utility TerrainSplitter "Terrain Splitter"
local TerrainObj, TerrainObjDimX, TerrainObjDimY, TerrainObjDimZ, SplitResolution, NumBoxesX,
NumBoxesY, NewBoxName, boxcount = 1, NewPosition, OriginOffsetx, OriginOffsety, newx, newy,
CurrentBox, GizmoOffset, TerrainObjVol, OffsetY, OffsetX, facearray, vertarray, SelVertarray,
m, CurrentFaceSel, Vertarrayall, taperay, SectionBox, TerrainOriginOffsetx, TerrainOriginOffsety,
numstepsx, numstepsy, ProgScale, TerrainSections, BoundingBoxes, ZPos, DataPointCount;
group "Detail Levels"
Label dlbtns1 "Specify Split Detail Level:" align: #Left
radiobuttons DetailLvl_btns labels: #("32 Meters", "64 Meters", "128 Meters", "256 Meters", "512 Meters", "1024 Meters") default:2
label labelblank1 ""
label ExportDetail "Specify Export Detail:" align: #left
radiobuttons ExportDetailLvl_btns labels: #("1/4 Meter", "1/2 Meter", "1 Meter", "2 Meters", "4 Meters", "8 Meters", "16 Meters", "32 Meters") default:6
group "Split and Export"
pickbutton pick_tape "Choose Tape"
label tape_name "--none--"
pickbutton PickSplitObject_btn "Split up Terrain"
label terrainobjname "-- no object --"
checkbox exportchk "Export Terrain?" checked:true
group "Export Progress"
label prog1 ""
label prog2 ""
on pick_tape picked obj do
(tapeobj = obj
tape_name.text = tapeobj.name
taperay = obj as ray
taperay.dir = [0,0,-1]
on PickSplitObject_btn picked obj do
format "Starttime: %\n" localtime
terrainobj = obj
terrainobjname.text = terrainobj.name
if exportchk.checked == true do (save_filename = getsavefilename caption:"Specify Data Dump File");
OriginOffsetx = (TerrainObj.min).x
OriginOffsety = (TerrainObj.min).y
TerrainObjDimX = ((TerrainObj.max).x - (TerrainObj.min).x)
TerrainObjDimY = ((TerrainObj.max).y - (TerrainObj.min).y)
TerrainObjDimZ = ((TerrainObj.max).z - (TerrainObj.min).z)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 1 do (SplitResolution = 32)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 2 do (SplitResolution = 64)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 3 do (SplitResolution = 128)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 4 do (SplitResolution = 256)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 5 do (SplitResolution = 512)
if DetailLvl_btns.state == 6 do (SplitResolution = 1024)
NumBoxesX = (TerrainObjDimX / SplitResolution)
NumBoxesY = (TerrainObjDimY / SplitResolution)
BoxX = (TerrainObjDimX / NumBoxesX)
BoxY = (TerrainObjDimY / NumBoxesY)
NumBoxes = (NumBoxesX * NumBoxesY)
newy = (OriginOffsety + (SplitResolution / 2))
ProgressStart "Splitting up Mesh"
Boxcountz = 0
for j = 1 to NumBoxesY do
Newx = (OriginOffsetx + (SplitResolution / 2))
for i = 1 to NumBoxesX do
Boxcountz = Boxcountz +1
prog1.text = ("Box# " + Boxcountz as string + " of " + NumBoxes as string)
if ProgressUpdate ((Boxcountz/NumBoxes) *100) == false then exit
CurrentBox = box name: ("BoundingBox" + (Boxcountz as string)) Width:BoxX Length:BoxY Height:(2*(TerrainObjDimZ)) pos:[newx,newy,0]
--reset transform on Current Box
o_pos =CurrentBox.pos
CurrentBox.pos = [0,0,0]
resettransform CurrentBox
CurrentBox.pos = o_pos
ConvertToMesh CurrentBox
-- start volume selection
addmodifier CurrentBox (volumeSelect())
addmodifier terrainobj (volumeSelect())
TerrainObj.modifiers[1].level = 2
TerrainObj.modifiers[1].type = 1
TerrainObjVol = TerrainObj.modifiers[1]
BoxObjVol = CurrentBox.modifiers[1]
BoxObjVol.gizmo.pos = [0,0,0]
CurrentBox.pivot = TerrainObj.pivot
PivotOffset = (CurrentBox.pivot - CurrentBox.center)
TerrainObjVol.gizmo.scale = BoxObjVol.gizmo.scale
GizmoOffset = (TerrainObj.pos - CurrentBox.pos)
TerrainObjVol.gizmo.pos = TerrainObj.ObjectOffsetPos * -1
TerrainObjVol.gizmo.pos = -(PivotOffset)
-- detach Selected Faces
ConvertToMesh TerrainObj
update TerrainObj
detach_selected_faces TerrainObj Boxcountz
newx = (newx + SplitResolution)
setfaceselection TerrainObj #()
update TerrainObj
newy = newy + SplitResolution
if exportchk.checked do
TerrainSections = for obj in $TerrainSection* collect obj
for i in 1 to TerrainSections.count do (TerrainSections[i].pivot = TerrainSections[i].center)
BoundingBoxes = for obj in $BoundingBox* collect obj
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 1 do (resolution = 0.25)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 2 do (resolution = 0.5)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 3 do (resolution = 1)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 4 do (resolution = 2)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 5 do (resolution = 4)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 6 do (resolution = 8)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 7 do (resolution = 16)
if ExportDetailLvl_btns.state == 8 do (resolution = 32)
numstepsx = (BoxX/resolution) as integer
numstepsy = (BoxY/resolution) as integer
ProgressStart "Exporting. . . "
f = createfile save_filename
format "%\n" (terrainobj.max.x - terrainobj.min.x) to:f
format "%\n" (terrainobj.max.y - terrainobj.min.y) to:f
format "%\n" (terrainobj.min).x to:f
format "%\n" (terrainobj.min).y to:f
format "%\n" resolution to:f
format "%\n" ((((TerrainObjDimX / resolution)+2) * (((TerrainObjDimY / resolution))+2) as integer)) to:f
DataPointCount = 0
TSc = TerrainSections.count
for i = 1 to TSc do
prog1.text = "Splitting Done"
prog2.text = ("Section " + i as string + " of " + TSc as string)
SectionObject = Terrainsections[i]
taperay.pos = [(SectionObject.pos).x, (SectionObject.pos).y, 10000]
for j = 1 to BoundingBoxes.count do (if (intersectray BoundingBoxes[j] taperay) != undefined do (SectionBox = BoundingBoxes[j]))
TerrainOriginOffsetx = (SectionBox.min).x
TerrainOriginOffsety = (SectionBox.min).y
newx = TerrainOriginOffsetx
newy = TerrainOriginOffsety
progscale = (100.0 /numstepsx)
for x = 0 to numstepsx do
if ProgressUpdate (x * progscale) == false then exit
newx = TerrainOriginOffsetx + (x * resolution)
for y = 0 to numstepsy do
newy = TerrainOriginOffsety + (y * resolution)
taperay.pos = [(newx as float), (newy as float),10000.0]
format "% % " newx newy to:f
while (intersectray SectionObject TapeRay) == undefined do
taperay.pos = [(newx as float), (newy as float),10000.0]
taperay.pos += [(random -0.1 0.1 ),(random -0.1 0.1 ), 10000.0]
if ProgressUpdate == false then exit
ZPos = (intersectray SectionObject TapeRay);
format "%\n" ((Zpos.pos).z) to:f
DataPointCount = (DataPointCount +1)
close f;
format "DataPointCount = %\n" DataPointCount
prog2.text = "Exporting Done"
format "EndTime: %\n" localtime