mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:11:57 +00:00
740 lines
23 KiB
740 lines
23 KiB
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- *
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
-- string Class = "Player";
-- int NumJoints = 19;
-- int PVA = 3;
-- detects stray vertices in the mesh
fn hasStrayVerts CObj =
ConvertToMesh CObj
StrayVertArray = (for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect i)
UsedVerts = #()
NewVertSelection = #()
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
CFace = (getface CObj i)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.x) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.x)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.y) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.y)
if (findItem UsedVerts CFace.z) == 0 do (append UsedVerts CFace.z)
for i = 1 to StrayVertArray.count do
if (findItem UsedVerts i) == 0 do (append NewVertSelection i)
if NewVertSelection.count > 0 then
setvertselection CObj NewVertSelection
return true
) else (
return false
-- makes a copy of a string without it's references
fn CopyString str =
NewString = ""
for i = 1 to str.count do NewString += str[i]
return NewString
-- returns the start positions from the user Prop buffer of all #include statements
fn GetIncludePositions CBuffer =
NBuffer = CopyString Cbuffer
StartPositions = #()
foundPos = true
while foundPos do
if (StartPos = findString NBuffer "#include <") != undefined then
append StartPositions StartPos
NBuffer = replace NBuffer StartPos 1 "@"
) else (
foundPos = false
return StartPositions
-- returns an array of .oal #include objects
fn GetIncludes obj =
-- #include "[Object.name]"
local IncludeObjects = #()
local StartPos, EndPos
CBuffer = GetUserPropBuffer obj
if (StartPositions = GetIncludePositions CBuffer) != #() then
for i = 1 to StartPositions.count do
StartPos = StartPositions[i]
EndPos = 0
for i = (StartPos + 10) to Cbuffer.count do
if CBuffer[i] == ">" do
EndPos = i
-- print EndPos
if EndPos > 0 do
local CName = (substring CBuffer (StartPos + 10) (EndPos - (StartPos + 10)))
-- print CName
for o in objects do
if o.name == CName do
append IncludeObjects o
return IncludeObjects
-- returns the keyname of an object
fn KeyName CName =
if classof CName == String then
local DashPos = -1
for i = 1 to CName.count do
if CName[i] == "-" do
DashPos = i
if DashPos == -1 then
-- check and see if the object is an oal object
if (iOAL = findString CName ".oal") != undefined then
return (substring CName 1 (iOAL - 3))
return CName
) else (
return (substring CName 1 (DashPos - 1))
) else (
return undefined
-- returns a cumlative props buffer
fn ReadProps obj =
if (Objarray = (GetIncludes obj)) == #() then
return (getUserPropBuffer obj)
NBuffer = getUserPropBuffer obj
for i = 1 to ObjArray.count do
NBuffer += getUserPropBuffer ObjArray[i]
return (PruneIncludes NBuffer)
-- removes the #include statements from a props buffer
fn PruneIncludes CBuffer =
if (StartPos = findString CBuffer "#include <") != undefined then
EndPos = 0
for i = (StartPos + 10) to Cbuffer.count do
if CBuffer[i] == ">" do
EndPos = i
if EndPos > 0 do
Prefix = substring CBuffer 1 (StartPos - 1)
Suffix = substring Cbuffer (EndPos + 1) (CBuffer.count - EndPos)
CBuffer = Prefix + Suffix
-- recurse it
PruneIncludes CBuffer
) else (
return CBuffer
fn MungePropsBuffer o kn =
CBuffer = getUserPropBuffer o
if Cbuffer.count > 500 then
ObjIndex = 1
while (getUserPropBuffer o).count > 500 do
CBuffer = getUserPropBuffer o
SplitIndex = 0
for i = 400 to Cbuffer.count do
if (substring CBuffer i 3) == "\r\r\n" do
SplitIndex = i + 3
-- format "Split Index:%\n" SplitIndex
Buffer1 = substring CBuffer 1 (SplitIndex - 1)
Buffer2 = substring CBuffer SplitIndex (Cbuffer.count - SplitIndex + 1)
h = hedra()
h.radius = 0.05
h.name = (kn + "_" + (ObjIndex as string) + ".oal")
if h.name[1] == "$" do h.name = (substring h.name 2 (h.name.count - 1))
h.pos = o.pos
h.wirecolor = (color 0 255 155)
setUserPropBuffer o (Buffer1 + "#include <" + h.name + ">\r\r\n")
setUserPropBuffer h ("//OAL bject used by \"" + o.name + "\"\r\r\n" + Buffer2)
ObjIndex += 1
o = h
return true
) else (
return undefined
fn joint_Flt obj = findstring obj.name "$J" == 1
fn getVerts o =
a = getVertSelection o
b = for i = 1 to a.count collect (a[i] - 1)
return b
fn DoubleDigitNum num =
NumString = ""
if num >= 0 and num <= 9 then
numString = ("0" + (num as integer) as string)
numString = (num as integer) as string
return NumString
fn vertInside v mn mx =
if v.x > mn.x and v.x < mx.x and v.y > mn.y and v.y < mx.y and v.z > mn.z and v.z < mx.z then
return true
return false
Utility BioMeshUtil "BioMesh"
local CBioMesh, AssignmentData, AssignedVerts, j1, j2, c
-- the AssignmentData#() array is in the following structure:
-- #(<Joint#>, <Joint#>, <Joint#>...)
-- where <Joint#> = #(<vert#>, <vert#>, <vert#>, <vert#>...)
group "BioMesh Initialization"
label BiomeshLabel "BioMesh:" align:#left offset:[-5,0]
pickbutton ChooseBioMesh width:90 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
radiobuttons BioMeshType "Class:" labels:#("Player", "CAnimal") align:#left columns:2
dropdownList BioType "Physics Type:" items:#("Player", "Biped", "Quadped")
spinner NumJoints "# Joints: " range:[1,40,19] type:#integer fieldwidth:35
button InitilaizeBioMesh "Initilaize BioMesh" width:140
group "Bio Boxes"
pickButton CreateBoxFromVerts "Box from Vert Selection" width:140 filter:joint_Flt
button AssignFromBioBoxes "Assign Scene BioBoxes" width:140
group "Assignments/Selections"
pickButton AssignSelection "Assign Selection" width:140 filter:joint_Flt
pickbutton GetSelFromJoint "Get Sel From Joint" width:140 filter:joint_Flt
button SelUnassigned "Select Unassigned Verts" width:140
group "Status"
label NumVerts "NumVerts:" align:#left
Label VertsAssigned "Verts Assigned:" align:#left
label VertsUnAssigned "Verts UnAssigned: " align:#left
button WritePropsToJoints "Write to Joints" width:140
button MungeJoints "Munge Joints" width:140
button ClearJoints "Clear Joints" width:140
button writeProperties "Write Properties" width:140
spinner PVA "PVA #: " type:#integer fieldwidth:45 range:[0,9999,0]
spinner AssignUnassigned "Unassigned -> joint:" fieldwidth:35 type:#integer
checkbox modProps "Write Props to BioMesh"
button LoadBioMesh "Load" width:70 offset:[-37,0]
button SaveBioMesh "Save" width:70 offset:[37,-26]
group "Joint Influences"
label j1Label "Joint 1: " align:#left offset:[-5,0]
pickbutton GetJoint1 align:#right width:100 offset:[5,-20]
label j2Label "Joint 2: " align:#left offset:[-5,0]
pickbutton GetJoint2 align:#right width:100 offset:[5,-20]
label cjLabel "Center: " align:#left offset:[-5,0]
pickbutton GetCenterJoint align:#right width:100 offset:[5,-20]
spinner Percentage "%: "
on ClearJoints pressed do
for o in objects do
if ((findString o.name "$J") == 1) do
setUserPropBuffer o ""
d = #()
for o in objects do
if ((findString o.name "J" == 1) and (findString o.name ".oal" != 0)) do
append d o
delete d
on GetJoint1 picked obj do
j1 = obj
GetJoint1.text = j1.name
on GetJoint2 picked obj do
j2 = obj
GetJoint2.text = j2.name
on GetCenterJoint picked obj do
c = obj
GetCenterJoint.text = c.name
on Percentage changed state do
if j1 != undefined and j2 != undefined and c != undefined do
v = normalize (j2.pos - j1.pos)
p = Percentage.value * 0.01
d = (distance j2.pos j1.pos) * p
c.pos = (j1.pos + v * d)
on MungeJoints pressed do
j = #()
for o in objects do
if findString o.name "$J" == 1 do
append j o
if j.count > 0 do
for i = 1 to j.count do
kn = (KeyName j[i].name)
MungePropsBuffer j[i] kn
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * generate the vertex assignments from !BioBoxes
-- ************************************************************************************************
on AssignFromBioBoxes pressed do
bioBoxes = #()
-- identify the bioboxes from the scene
for o in objects do
if o.name.count >= 7 do
if (substring o.name 1 7) == "!BioBox" do
append bioBoxes o
if bioBoxes.count > 0 do
-- format "% bio boxes located...\n" bioBoxes.count
for i = 1 to bioBoxes.count do
CJointNum = (substring bioboxes[i].name (bioBoxes[i].name.count - 1) 2) as integer
s = #()
minBox = bioBoxes[i].min
maxBox = bioBoxes[i].max
for j = 1 to CBioMesh.numverts do
CVert = getVert CBiomesh j
if (vertInside CVert minBox maxBox) do
AssignedVerts[j] = true
if (FindItem AssignmentData[CJointNum + 1] j) == 0 do
append AssignmentData[CJointNum + 1] j
-- remove any vert assignments from other joints that may
for k = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
if k != (CJointNum + 1) do
if (ItemIndex = finditem AssignmentData[k] j) != 0 do
deleteItem AssignmentData[k] ItemIndex
NumAssigned = 0
for i = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
NumAssigned = NumAssigned + AssignmentData[i].count
NumVerts.text = ("NumVerts: " + CBioMesh.numverts as string)
VertsAssigned.text = ("Verts Assigned: " + NumAssigned as string)
VertsUnAssigned.text = ("Verts UnAssigned: " + (CBioMesh.numverts - NumAssigned) as string)
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Create a Box from a vertex selection
-- ************************************************************************************************
on CreateBoxFromVerts picked obj do
if CBiomesh != undefined do
sel = getVertSelection CBioMesh
if sel.count > 0 do
CJointNum = (substring obj.name (Obj.name.count - 1) 2)
format "%\n" CJointNum
-- find the min and max vertices
minPoint = getVert CBiomesh sel[1]
maxPoint = getVert CBiomesh sel[1]
for i = 1 to Sel.count do
CVert = getVert CBiomesh sel[i]
if CVert.x > maxPoint.x do maxPoint.x = CVert.x
if CVert.x < minPoint.x do minPoint.x = CVert.x
if CVert.y > maxPoint.y do maxPoint.y = CVert.y
if CVert.y < minPoint.y do minPoint.y = CVert.y
if CVert.z > maxPoint.z do maxPoint.z = CVert.z
if CVert.z < minPoint.z do minPoint.z = CVert.z
buffer = 0.01
x = maxPoint.x - minPoint.x
y = maxPoint.y - minPoint.y
z = maxPoint.z - minPoint.z
b = box()
b.width = x + buffer
b.length = y + buffer
b.height = z + buffer
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = (minPoint + maxPoint) / 2
addModifier b (NormalModifier())
b.modifiers[1].flip = true
convertToMesh b
b.wirecolor = (color 238 13 78)
b.name = ("!BioBox" + CJointNum)
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Write Properties to Joints
-- ************************************************************************************************
on WritePropsToJoints pressed do
if (AssignmentData.count > 0) and (AssignmentData.count != undefined) do
-- Write the user properties to the UserPropBuffer
if modProps.checked do
if BioMeshType.state == 1 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"Player\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = -2;")
if BioMeshType.state == 2 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"CAnimal\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = -2;")
if BioMeshType.state == 3 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"CInstance\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = -2;")
setUserPropBuffer CBioMesh ObjPropsString
for i = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
CJoint = undefined
-- Find the Joint
for o in objects do
if (findString o.name "$J") == 1 and (findstring o.name (DoubleDigitNum (i - 1))) != undefined do
CJoint = o
if CJoint != undefined do
-- Setup the assignment data
CPropsString = ""
for j = 1 to AssignmentData[i].count do
CPropsString = (CPropsString + "int A" + (DoubleDigitNum (j - 1)) + " = " + ((AssignmentData[i][j] - 1) as integer) as string + ";\r\r\n")
SetUserPropBuffer CJoint CPropsString
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Set Selection to unassigned verts
-- ************************************************************************************************
on SelUnassigned pressed do
CSel = #()
for i = 1 to AssignedVerts.count do
if AssignedVerts[i] == false do
append CSel i
if CSel.count > 0 then
setvertselection CBioMesh CSel
update CBioMesh
) else (
MessageBox "All Verts are assigned!"
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Get Vertex Selection from a picked joint
-- ************************************************************************************************
on GetSelFromJoint picked obj do
if (substring obj.name 1 2) == "$J" then
CJointNum = (substring obj.name (Obj.name.count - 1) 2) as integer
SetVertSelection CBioMesh AssignmentData[CJointNum + 1]
update CBioMesh
) else (
MessageBox "Not a valid joint!"
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Write Properties
-- ************************************************************************************************
on writeProperties pressed do
if (AssignmentData.count > 0) and (AssignmentData.count != undefined) do
-- Write the user properties to the UserPropBuffer
-- determine it
if modProps.checked do
if BioMeshType.state == 1 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"Player\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = " + (PVA.value as integer) as string + ";")
if BioMeshType.state == 2 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"CAnimal\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = " + (PVA.value as integer) as string + ";")
if BioMeshType.state == 3 do
ObjPropsString = ("string Class = \"CInstance\";\r\r\nint NumJoints = " + (NumJoints.value as integer) as string + ";\r\r\nint PVA = " + (PVA.value as integer) as string + ";")
-- Determine the biomesh type
if BioType.selection == 1 do TypeString = "Player"
if BioType.selection == 2 do TypeString = "Raptor"
if BioType.selection == 3 do TypeString = "TRex"
ObjPropsString = ObjPropsString + ("\r\r\nstring Type = \"" + TypeString + "\";")
-- write it
setUserPropBuffer CBioMesh ObjPropsString
format "AlwaysAssert(pau_joint_links.uLen == %);\n" CBioMesh.numverts
for i = 1 to AssignedVerts.count do
if AssignedVerts[i] == false do
format "pau_joint_links[%] = %;\n" (i - 1) ((AssignUnassigned.value as integer) as string)
for i = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
for j = 1 to AssignmentData[i].count do
format "pau_joint_links[%] = %;\n" (AssignmentData[i][j] - 1) (i - 1)
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * BioMesh Initialization
-- ************************************************************************************************
on InitilaizeBioMesh pressed do
if CBioMesh != undefined then
KName = substring CBioMesh.name 1 (CBioMesh.name.count - 3)
AssignedVerts = #()
for i = 1 to CBioMesh.numverts do
AssignedVerts[i] = false
AssignmentData = #()
for i = 1 to NumJoints.value do append AssignmentData #()
-- messageBox ("Initializations:\nBioMesh: " + CBioMesh.name + "\nJoints: " + AssignmentData.count as string)
NumJoints.enabled = InitilaizeBioMesh.enabled = BiomeshLabel.enabled = ChooseBioMesh.enabled = BioMeshType.enabled = BioType.enabled = false
MessageBox "BioMesh not defined!"
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Interface Manipulation
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- on BioType selected s do
-- (
-- if s == 1 do NumJoints.value = 19
-- if s == 2 do NumJoints.value = 21
-- if s == 3 do NumJoints.value = 29
-- )
on JointNum changed state do if JointNum.value > NumJoints.value do JointNum.value = NumJoints.value
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Load BioMesh
-- ************************************************************************************************
on LoadBioMesh pressed do
if (OpenFilename = getOpenFileName caption:"Choose BioMesh File:") != undefined do
f = OpenFile OpenFilename
CLine = readline f
if CLine[CLine.count] == "\n" then CLine = replace CLine CLine.count 1 ""
loadMAXFile CLine
CLine = readLine f
if CLine[CLine.count] == "\n" then CLine = replace CLine CLine.count 1 ""
nv = 0
for o in objects do
if o.name == CLine do
ChooseBioMesh.text = o.name
nv = o.numverts
CBioMesh = o
AssignmentData = #()
AssignedVerts = #()
nj = readvalue f
for i = 1 to nj do
AssignmentData[i] = #()
if nv != 0 do
for i = 1 to nv do
append AssignedVerts false
while not eof f do
cj = readvalue f
cv = readvalue f
append AssignmentData[cj] cv
AssignedVerts[cv] = true
close f
NumJoints.enabled = InitilaizeBioMesh.enabled = false
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Save BioMesh
-- ************************************************************************************************
on SaveBioMesh pressed do
if CBioMesh != undefined then
if (Save_Filename = getsavefilename caption:"Choose BioMesh File [.BM]") != undefined do
f = createfile Save_Filename
format "%%\n" MAXFilePath MAXFilename to:f
format "%\n" CBioMesh.name to:f
format "%\n" (NumJoints.value as integer) to:f
for i = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
for j = 1 to AssignmentData[i].count do
if j != 0 do
format "% %\n" i AssignmentData[i][j] to:f
close f
MessageBox "No BioMesh defined!"
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Assign Selection
-- ************************************************************************************************
on AssignSelection picked obj do
if (substring obj.name 1 2) == "$J" then
-- get the joint number
CJointNum = (substring obj.name (Obj.name.count - 1) 2) as integer
-- get the current sub-object vertex seelction from the biomesh
CVertSelection = (getvertSelection CBioMesh)
for i = 1 to CVertSelection.count do
AssignedVerts[CVertSelection[i]] = true
if (FindItem AssignmentData[CJointNum + 1] CVertSelection[i]) == 0 do
append AssignmentData[CJointNum + 1] CVertSelection[i]
-- remove any vert assignments from other joints that may
for i = 1 to CVertSelection.count do
cvi = CVertSelection[i]
for j = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
if j != (CJointNum + 1) do
if (ItemIndex = finditem AssignmentData[j] cvi) != 0 do
deleteItem AssignmentData[j] ItemIndex
-- Update the Interface
NumAssigned = 0
for i = 1 to AssignmentData.count do
NumAssigned = NumAssigned + AssignmentData[i].count
NumVerts.text = ("NumVerts: " + CBioMesh.numverts as string)
VertsAssigned.text = ("Verts Assigned: " + NumAssigned as string)
VertsUnAssigned.text = ("Verts UnAssigned: " + (CBioMesh.numverts - NumAssigned) as string)
) else (
MessageBox "Not a valid joint"
-- ************************************************************************************************
-- * Choose BioMesh
-- ************************************************************************************************
on ChooseBioMesh picked obj do
if ((hasStrayVerts obj) == false) then
if classOf obj == editable_mesh and obj.modifiers.count == 0 then
CBioMesh = obj
ChooseBioMesh.text = CBioMesh.name
NumVerts.text = ("NumVerts: " + CBioMesh.numverts as string)
VertsAssigned.text = "Verts Assigned: 0"
VertsUnAssigned.text = ("Verts UnAssigned: " + CBioMesh.numverts as string)
NumJoints.enabled = InitilaizeBioMesh.enabled = true
cnt = 0
for o in objects do
if (findString o.name ("$J" + CBioMesh.name)) != undefined do
cnt += 1
NumJoints.value = cnt
) else (
messageBox "Needs a collapsed\neditable mesh object."
) else (
messageBox "Stray verts detected!\n They are selected"
) -- End Utility