2018-01-01 23:07:24 +01:00

298 lines
6.8 KiB

filein "\\\JPII_PC\\Trespass\Art\\Tools\Scripts\HardReset.ms"
fn DetachSelectedFaces m =
ofs = getFaceSelection m -- original selected faces
ofvs = for f in ofs collect getFace m f -- original face verts
-- build an old-to-new vertex map
vmap = #()
i = 0
for f in ofvs do
if vmap[f.x] == undefined do vmap[f.x] = (i += 1)
if vmap[f.y] == undefined do vmap[f.y] = (i += 1)
if vmap[f.z] == undefined do vmap[f.z] = (i += 1)
-- build the new vertex coord array
nv = #()
for i in 1 to vmap.count do
if vmap[i] != undefined do nv[vmap[i]] = getVert m i
-- build the new face array
nf = for f in ofvs collect [vmap[f.x], vmap[f.y], vmap[f.z]]
moo = mesh vertices:nv faces:nf
addmodifier moo (UVWMap())
convertToMesh moo
return moo
fn TotalReset obj =
gc ()
local CObj = obj
ConvertToMesh CObj
CObj.pivot = CObj.center
Props = GetUserPropBuffer CObj
-- Copy the object. Center the pivot.
--local o_pos = obj.pos
--local o_rot = obj.rotation
--local o_scale = obj.scale
-- move the object to the origin, strip off rotation, scale
--obj.pos = [0,0,0]
--obj.rotation = (quat 0 z_axis)
--obj.scale = [1,1,1]
local VertArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numverts collect (getvert CObj i)
local FaceArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (getface CObj i)
local MatIDArray = for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces collect (GetFaceMatID CObj i)
local TVertArray = #()
local i = 0
for i = 1 to FaceArray.count do
CFace = (GetTVFace CObj i)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.x == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.x)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.y == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.y)
if FindItem TVertArray CFace.z == 0 do (append TVertArray CFace.z)
TVertUVArray = (for i = 1 to TVertArray.count collect (GetTvert CObj TVertArray[i]))
local m = mesh vertices:VertArray faces:FaceArray MaterialIDs:MatIDArray
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetEdgeVis m i 1 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 1)
SetEdgeVis m i 2 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 2)
SetEdgeVis m i 3 (GetEdgeVis CObj i 3)
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
SetFaceSmoothGroup m i (getFaceSmoothGroup CObj i)
addmodifier m (uvwMap maptype:1)
ConvertToMesh m
local Ntv = getNumTVerts CObj
SetNumTverts m Ntv true
for i = 1 to CObj.numfaces do
setTVFace m i (GetTVFace CObj i)
update m
for i = 1 to Ntv do
SetTvert m i (GetTvert CObj i)
m.name = (CObj.name + "_regen")
m.pivot = m.center
-- do not fix location of new object- leave it zeroed.
--m.scale = o_scale
--m.rotation = o_rot
--m.pos = o_pos
-- other stuff
m.wirecolor = CObj.wirecolor
update m
if CObj.mat != undefined do
m.mat = CObj.mat
local oname = CObj.name
delete CObj
m.name = oname
setUserPropBuffer m Props
return m;
fn Volume obj =
local v3Min = GetVert obj 1
local v3Max = GetVert obj 1
local MyVert = v3Max
-- returns the volume of the axis aligned bounding box around obj
for i = 1 to obj.numverts do
MyVert = GetVert obj i
if (v3Min.x > MyVert.x) do
v3Min.x = MyVert.x
if (v3Min.y > MyVert.y) do
v3Min.y = MyVert.y
if (v3Min.z > MyVert.z) do
v3Min.z = MyVert.z
if (v3Max.x < MyVert.x) do
v3Max.x = MyVert.x
if (v3Max.y < MyVert.y) do
v3Max.y = MyVert.y
if (v3Max.z < MyVert.z) do
v3Max.z = MyVert.z
-- extents = obj.max - obj.min;
local extents = v3Max - v3Min
return extents.x * extents.y * extents.z;
fn Random11 =
return Random -1.0 1.0;
fn RandomQuaternion =
return (quat (random 0 180) [Random11(),Random11(),Random11()]);
fn RandomRotate obj =
-- Randomly rotates obj, and returns the rotation.
local quaternion = randomQuaternion();
obj.rotation = quaternion;
return quaternion;
fn BoxMe obj count =
convertToMesh obj
local rot = obj.rotation;
local vsmall = volume obj;
local qsmall = rot;
-- temp variables
local q = rot;
local v = vsmall;
for i = 1 to (count as integer) do
q = RandomRotate obj;
v = volume obj;
if v < vsmall do
vsmall = v;
qsmall = q;
delta = rot - qsmall;
obj.rotation = qsmall;
-- obj.rotation = qsmall + delta;
local foo = TotalReset obj;
foo.rotation = delta;
return delta
-- ***********************************
-- * Start Utility
-- ***********************************
Utility BoundBox "Bounding Box"
group "Options"
spinner NumTries "Num tries: " range:[1,99999,1000] type:#integer
checkbox genBox "Generate Box Geometry"
checkbox fromFaces "From Face Selection"
PickButton GetObject "Pick Object" width:120
group "Local space Boxes"
pickButton BoxFromBBox "Box from BBox" width:120
button BoxFromBBoxSel "Boxes from Selection" width:120
on BoxFromBBox picked obj do
oRot = obj.rotation
oPos = obj.pos
oOffset = obj.pivot - obj.center
obj.rotation = (quat 0 0 0 1)
obj.pos = oPos
b = box height:((obj.max).z - (obj.min).z) width:((obj.max).x - (obj.min).x) length:((obj.max).y - (obj.min).y)
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = obj.center
b.pivot = obj.pivot
b.rotation = oRot
b.pos = oPos
b.name = obj.name
obj.rotation = oRot
obj.pos = oPos
on BoxFromBBoxSel pressed do
ObjArray = selection as array
oc = ObjArray.count
for i = 1 to oc do
obj = ObjArray[i]
oRot = obj.rotation
oPos = obj.pos
oOffset = obj.pivot - obj.center
obj.rotation = (quat 0 0 0 1)
obj.pos = oPos
b = box height:((obj.max).z - (obj.min).z) width:((obj.max).x - (obj.min).x) length:((obj.max).y - (obj.min).y)
b.pivot = b.center
b.pos = obj.center
b.pivot = obj.pivot
b.rotation = oRot
b.pos = oPos
b.name = ("F" + obj.name)
obj.rotation = oRot
obj.pos = oPos
on GetObject picked obj do
if fromFaces.checked then
CObj = (DetachSelectedFaces obj)
CObj.name = (obj.name + "_submesh")
) else (
CObj = obj
CObj = TotalReset CObj
TName = CObj.name
BoxRot = BoxMe CObj NumTries.value
if genBox.checked do
for o in objects do
if o.name == TName do CObj = o
TObj = copy CObj
-- give the object no rotation (identity quat)
TObj.rotation = (quat 0 [0,0, 0])
TObj = TotalReset TObj
v3Min = GetVert Tobj 1
v3Max = GetVert Tobj 1
for i = 1 to TObj.numverts do
MyVert = GetVert TObj i
if (v3Min.x > MyVert.x) do v3Min.x = MyVert.x
if (v3Min.y > MyVert.y) do v3Min.y = MyVert.y
if (v3Min.z > MyVert.z) do v3Min.z = MyVert.z
if (v3Max.x < MyVert.x) do v3Max.x = MyVert.x
if (v3Max.y < MyVert.y) do v3Max.y = MyVert.y
if (v3Max.z < MyVert.z) do v3Max.z = MyVert.z
format "Max:%\nMin%\n" v3Max v3Min
b = box height:(v3Max.z - v3Min.z) width:(v3Max.x - v3Min.x) length:(v3Max.y - v3Min.y) mapcoords:true
b.pivot = b.center
b = (hardReset b)
b.pos = TObj.center
delete TObj
b.rotation = BoxRot
b.name = (TName + "_Bbox")
if fromFaces.checked do delete CObj