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synced 2024-12-18 14:41:56 +00:00
464 lines
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464 lines
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-- **********************************************************************************************
-- *
-- * Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997
-- *
-- * Contents:
-- * implementation of caustics.ms
-- *
-- * Bugs:
-- *
-- * To do:
-- *
-- * Notes:
-- * Caustics is a simple script raytracer that generates bitmaps from a water object,
-- * a terrain object and a light
-- *
-- **********************************************************************************************
fileIn "SortFns.ms"
fn MaxComp N =
m = (abs N.x)
i = 1
if (abs N.y) > m do
m = (abs N.y)
i = 2
if (abs N.z) > m do
m = (abs N.z)
i = 3
return i
fn Intersect r oMesh =
local nf = oMesh.numfaces
local debug = false
local rPoint, rNormal, rIndex, rUV
fi = false
-- first get t (where t > 0) for all faces in the object
TmpArray = #()
TmpIndices = #()
TArray = #()
TIndices = #()
for i = 1 to nf do
-- get the vertex indices of the current face
CFace = getFace oMesh i
-- get the vertex positions of the vace
V0 = (getVert oMesh CFace.x)
-- get the normal of the face
N = getFaceNormal oMesh i
d = -(dot V0 N)
t = -((d + (dot N r.pos)) / (dot N r.dir))
if t > 0.0 do
append TmpArray t
append TmpIndices i
if TmpArray.count != 0 do
aTemp = (SortUp2 TmpArray TmpIndices)
TArray = aTemp[1]
TIndices = aTemp[2]
for i = 1 to TIndices.count do
t = TArray[i]
if debug do format "\n\nFace:%\n" TIndices[i]
-- get the vertex indices of the current face
CFace = getFace oMesh TIndices[i]
-- get the vertex positions of the vace
V0 = (getVert oMesh CFace.x)
V0 = #(V0.x, V0.y, V0.z)
V1 = (getVert oMesh CFace.y)
V1 = #(V1.x, V1.y, V1.z)
V2 = (getVert oMesh CFace.z)
V2 = #(V2.x, V2.y, V2.z)
local V = #(V0, V1, V2)
-- First Rejection test (t>0)
if t > 0.0 then
N = getFaceNormal oMesh TIndices[i]
-- second rejection test, are the normals parallel?
if (dot N r.dir) != 0 do
inter = false
P0 = r.pos.x + r.dir.x * t
P1 = r.pos.y + r.dir.y * t
P2 = r.pos.z + r.dir.z * t
P = #(P0, P1, P2)
if debug do
format "Intersection Point = %\n" [p0,p1,p2]
s = sphere()
s.radius = .25
s.pos = [p0,p1,p2]
-- determine the max component of N
i0 = MaxComp N
if debug do format "Maximum component:%\n" i0
if i0 == 1 do (i1 = 2;i2 = 3)
if i0 == 2 do (i1 = 3;i2 = 1)
if i0 == 3 do (i1 = 1;i2 = 2)
u0 = P[i1] - V[1][i1]
v0 = P[i2] - V[1][i2]
u1 = V[2][i1] - V[1][i1]
u2 = V[3][i1] - V[1][i1]
v1 = V[2][i2] - V[1][i2]
v2 = V[3][i2] - V[1][i2]
if debug do format "u0:%\t\tu1:%\t\tu2:%\nv0:%\t\tv1:%\t\tv2:%\n" u0 u1 u2 v0 v1 v2
if u1 == 0 then
beta = u0/u2 as float
if debug do format "beta:%\n" beta
if (beta >= 0.0) and (beta <= 1.0) do
alpha = (v0 - beta * v2) / v1
if debug do format "alpha:%\n" alpha
if ((alpha >= 0) and ((alpha + beta) <=1)) do
CTVFace = getTVFace oMesh TIndices[i]
-- get the TVerts of the face
tv0 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.x)
tv1 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.y)
tv2 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.z)
local tv = #(tv0, tv1, tv2)
rUV = ((tv0 * (1 - (alpha + beta))) + (tv1 * alpha) + (tv2 * beta))
rPoint = [P[1], P[2], P[3]]
-- get the normal of the face
rN = N
rIndex = TIndices[i]
fi = true
if debug do format "FOUND INTERSECTION\n"
return #(rPoint, rN, rIndex, rUV)
) else (
beta = ((v0 * u1) - (u0 * v1)) / ((v2 * u1) - (u2 * v1))
if debug do format "Beta:%\n" beta
if ((beta >= 0.0) and (beta <= 1.0)) do
alpha = (u0 - (beta * u2)) / u1
if debug do format "Alpha:%\n" alpha
if ((alpha >= 0) and ((alpha + beta) <=1)) do
CTVFace = getTVFace oMesh TIndices[i]
-- get the TVerts of the face
tv0 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.x)
tv1 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.y)
tv2 = (getTVert oMesh CTVFace.z)
local tv = #(tv0, tv1, tv2)
rUV = ((tv0 * (1 - (alpha + beta))) + (tv1 * alpha) + (tv2 * beta))
rPoint = [P[1], P[2], P[3]]
-- get the normal of the face
rN = N
rIndex = TIndices[i]
fi = true
if debug do format "FOUND INTERSECTION\n"
return #(rPoint, rN, rIndex, rUV)
if fi == false do
return undefined
-- returns the magnitude of a vector
fn MagV vec = (sqrt((vec.x)^2 + (vec.y)^2 + (vec.z)^2))
-- returns a normalized vector between two objects
fn GetNormalDirVec o1 o2 = normalize (o2.pos - o1.pos)
-- returns a non-normalized vector between two objects
fn GetDirVec o1 o2 = (o2.pos - o1.pos)
-- returns a ray from one object to another
fn CreateRay o1 o2 =
return (ray o1.pos (GetNormalDirVec o2 o1))
Utility Caustics "Caustics"
local WaterObject, L, Terrain, CTexture,
BrightenValue = 0.1 -- value that get's added to each pixel each time a ray hits it
group "Debug Options"
checkbox debugMode "Debug Mode" checked:true
checkbox GenerateRays "Generate Rays"
checkbox GenerateTerrainInts "Generate Terrain Ints"
Group "New Bitmap Options"
spinner Width "Width:" range:[0,256,32] type:#integer
spinner Height "Height:" range:[0,256,32] type:#integer
group "Refraction Parameters"
spinner sampleFreqX "Sample Freq X:" range:[1,2048,16] fieldwidth:35 type:#integer
spinner sampleFreqY "Sample Freq Y:" range:[1,2048,16] fieldwidth:35 type:#integer
spinner SourceRefraction "Source IoR:" range:[0,4,1.0] fieldwidth:35
spinner DestRefraction "Destination IoR:" range:[0,4,1.33] fieldwidth:35
group "Image Filtering Options"
radiobuttons FilterMethod labels:#("No Filtering", "Barlett Window")
group "Animation"
checkbox AnimateCaustic "Animate" checked:true
spinner StartFrame "Start Frame: " type:#integer range:[0,30,0]
spinner EndFrame "End Frame: " type:#integer range:[0,30,30]
spinner FrameStep "Frame Step: " type:#integer range:[1,100,1]
editText SubStr "SubStr: " text:"MyBitmap"
label TerrainLabel "Terrain:" align:#left offset:[-10,0]
pickbutton GetTerrain width:80 align:#right offset:[5,-20]
label waterLabel "Water Object:" align:#left offset:[-10,0]
pickbutton GetWater width:80 align:#right offset:[5,-20]
label LightLabel "Light:" align:#left offset:[-10,0]
pickbutton GetLight width:80 align:#right offset:[5,-20]
label blank00
button RenderBitmap "Render Caustic Map"
label status1
label status2
on GetTerrain picked obj do
Terrain = obj
GetTerrain.text = Terrain.name
on GetLight picked obj do
L = -(obj.dir) -- lights shine in the negative Z direction
GetLight.text = obj.name
format "Light Direction: %\n" L
on GetWater picked obj do
WaterObject = obj
GetWater.text = WaterObject.name
on RenderBitmap pressed do
-- determine the size of the water object
if WaterObject != undefined then
if Terrain != undefined then
if animateCaustic.checked do
if (SavePath = (GetSavePath caption:"Give me path...now!") + "\\") != undefined do
if classof terrain.mat == standardMaterial do
if classof terrain.mat.diffusemap == bitmaptexture do
CTexture = (openbitmap terrain.mat.diffusemap.filename)
-- format the start time to the listener window
format "Start:%\n" localTime
for t = StartFrame.value to EndFrame.value by FrameStep.value do
status2.text = ("t = " + t as string)
-- Generate a new bitmap of the size specified in the interface
CausticMap = bitmap width.value height.value
if debugMode.checked do
format "t = %\n" t
-- Determine the scale of the terrain
TerrainSize = (Terrain.max - Terrain.min)
at time t
-- Determine the scale of the water
WaterSize = (WaterObject.max - WaterObject.min)
-- get the Caustic map array ready and filled with zeros
CausticMapArray = #()
for i = 1 to Height.value do
CausticMapArray[i] = #()
for j = 1 to width.value do
CausticMapArray[i][j] = 0.0
YLimit = CausticMapArray.count
XLimit = CausticMapArray[1].count
CausticIndexSize = [(TerrainSize.x / width.value as float), (TerrainSize.y / Height.value as float)]
InvCausticIndexSize = [(1 / CausticIndexSize.x), (1 / CausticIndexSize.y)]
-- precalculate the index of refraction (n1/n2)
Index = (SourceRefraction.value / DestRefraction.value)
-- Create a ray
r = ray [0,0,0] [0,0,-1]
-- the PosZ value is precalculated for the z position of the ray, as it gets moved around
PosZ = (WaterObject.max.z + 1.0)
-- determine the pixel size and sampling width and height for
-- stepping over the water object
pixelsize = [(WaterSize.x / sampleFreqX.value), (WaterSize.y / sampleFreqY.value)]
StartPosition = [(WaterObject.min.x + (pixelsize.x * 0.5)), (WaterObject.max.y - (pixelsize.x * 0.5))]
-- print out some debug information to the Listener
if debugMode.checked do
format "Water Scale: % % %\n" WaterSize.x WaterSize.y WaterSize.z
format "Pixel Size: % %\n" pixelsize.x pixelsize.y
format "Start Point: % %\n" StartPosition.x StartPosition.y
format "x:%\ny:%\n" (sampleFreqX.value - 1) (sampleFreqY.value - 1)
-- now we start stepping through the water, calculating everything
ProgressStart "Rendering Caustic Texture Map..."
for x = 0 to (sampleFreqX.value - 1) do
status1.text = (x as string + " / " + (sampleFreqX.value - 1) as string)
ProgValue = (x / sampleFreqX.value) * 100
if (progressUpdate ProgValue) == false then Exit
for y = (sampleFreqY.value - 1) to 0 by -1 do
-- find the new position to look at
NewPos = [(StartPosition.x + (x * pixelsize.x)), (StartPosition.y - (y * pixelsize.y))]
-- move the ray there
r.pos = [NewPos.x, NewPos.y, PosZ]
-- find the intersect ray between the ray and the water
if (ir = IntersectRay WaterObject r) != undefined then
-- if (ir = Intersect r WaterObject) != undefined then
N = ir.dir
-- test to see if ir is facing away from the lightsource
-- if it is, we skip the rest of this and go on to the
-- next casting position
if (DotLN = (dot L N)) < 0.0 then
-- Index = n1/n2
sinTheta = Index * (sqrt (1 - (dot L N)^2))
-- q = (n1/n2 * L)
q = [(Index * L.x), (Index * L.y), (Index * L.z)]
Stuff = (sqrt(1 - sinTheta^2) + Index * DotLN)
TransRay = ray ir.pos (q - [(Stuff * N.x), (Stuff * N.y), (Stuff * N.z)])
if GenerateRays.checked do
c = cylinder()
c.pos = TransRay.pos
c.dir = TransRay.dir
c.height = 20
c.sides = 3
c.radius = 0.01
-- now that we have the transmitted ray,we intersect it with
-- the terrain to find out where it's hitting. If it's undefined
-- we'll assume that it's refracting off the terrain surface.
if (tr = intersect TransRay Terrain) != undefined then
p3IntersectUV = tr[4]
iFaceIndex = tr[3]
iMatID = getFaceMatID terrain iFaceIndex
-- determine the pixel in the source texture we hit
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) else (
if debugMode.checked do
format "Trans Ray undefined!!!\n"
) else (
if DebugMode.checked do
format "Skipped...\n"
) else (
format "undefined intersectRay!\n"
for y = 1 to CausticMapArray.count do
Brightpoint = 0.0
for y = 1 to CausticMapArray.count do
for x = 1 to CausticMapArray[y].count do
if CausticMapArray[y][x] > BrightPoint do
BrightPoint = CausticMapArray[y][x]
BrightnessScalar = 1 / BrightPoint
CRow = #()
for x = 1 to CausticMapArray[y].count do
c = (CausticMapArray[y][x] * BrightnessScalar) * 255
if c > 255 do c = 255
c = (color c c c)
append CRow c
setpixels CausticMap [0,(y - 1)] CRow
NewFileName = (SavePath + Substr.text + t as string + ".bmp")
CausticMap.filename = NewFileName
save CausticMap
status1.text = ""
-- if debugMode.checked do
display CausticMap
format "End:%\n" localTime
status1.text = ""
) else (
messageBox "Terrain object is not defined!!!"
) else (
messageBox "Water object is not defined!!!"
) -- end Utility |