* Add GXT string for the Nintendo Switch Controller
* Add frontend and button textures for Nintendo Switch controllers
* Fix wrong #ifndef when hiding screen resolution option on GTA_HANDHELD
- Spanish: restoring LCS's name of the Red Light District. Thanks to ForeverL for pointing it out.
- Spanish: Adding strings for the new controller menu.
- French, German, Italian: copypastingthe official strings from the old controller menu into the new one.
- Adding the Radio Off string (thank you!) to the Spanish translation.
- Added translations for the new languages to the French/German/Italian translations (using WordReference, no automated translation) as well as the Radio Off string (taken from LCS's official translations and uppercased). It's a bandaid, I know.
- Recompiled the GXT files. Russian will probably have differences, but since the last recompilation was rejected because of Russian, I've removed its binary version.
This is an original issue. It seems that certain cutscenes had a white color control code in their subtitles when
- It's not needed for subtitles.
- The ~w~ control code isn't pure white, but light gray, so those subtitles look different than the rest.
I've also fixed a couple of unwanted spaces found in French and German, and also tweaked one string in Spanish and added the translation for the new Waypoint string.
- Replaced a few strings to unify them with reVC.
- Fixed some translations on debug and re-exclusive strings.
- Fixed the translation of "IMAGING" in the credits.
Did one last proofread/editing pass, but also a full test of the game's main story and some side missions.
Here's a list of the most relevant changes:
- Changed a few terms to match later games (Wanted level, Paramedic, dollar sign order, Insane Stunt, Wasted!...)
- Changed all the control help messages from "Press the X button" to "Press X", as the PC version can display more than one key/input per control. That way, both a single button and multiple buttons won't read wrong.
- Added some missing accents on demostrative pronouns and the word "solo" (following the old RAE grammar rules from 1999, this is a stylistic choice to respect the translations of the era).
- Fixed a couple of Latin American dialogues.
- Fixed some strings from the credits cutting into two lines and blocking the next text.
- Overall fine-tuning and naturalization of the text.
Alright, this is the big mother update.
This commit includes a ton of changes and fixes to the original Spanish translation. Some have been taken from the iOS version (which was just a cleanup), others were done by myself.
I've reorganized the entire file per missions and sections just so I could know where I was looking at.
There's too much changes to list them, so here's the short version:
- Retranslated and naturalized a lot of overly literal translations.
- Fixed some uppercasing and lowercasing issues in the menus.
- Shortened some subtitle translations that appear in a very short span of time so they are readable by the player.
- This translation is European Spanish based, just like the original one and following Rockstar's policy up until GTAV. However, I tried to "neutralize" characters that are Latino American (El Burro, Catalina, Miguel, the Colombians...). If someone wants to do a fully Neutral Spanish translation, it should use a new file instead of overwriting this one in a translation war.