Update HistoryV1.2.2 / 27-February-2015Main
- stm32f30x.h
- Update the STM32F30x supported devices list.
- Add missing bits definition in the EXTI IMR, EMR, RTSR, FTSR, SWIER and PR registers.
- Add bits definition for the EXTI IMR2, EMR2, RTSR2, FTSR2, SWIER2 and PR2 registers.
V1.2.1 / 31-October-2014Main
- stm32f30x.h
- Add bit definition for HSI Prediv clock selected as PLL entry clock source.
- update the legacy STM32F30X to be defined before the definition of STM32F3xx devices.
V1.2.0 / 24-July-2014Main
- Add the support of the STM32F303xE devices.
- stm32f30x.h
- Update IRQn enum to support the STM32F303xE devices.
- Add Aliases
for IRQn and IRQHandler .
- Add bits
definition for new bits added in RCC registers.
- Add bits
definition for new bits added in SYSCFG registers.
- Add address and bits
definition for FMC.
- Add address and bits
definition for TIM20.
- Add base addresses for GPIOH and GPIOG.
- Add new
startup files.startup_stm32f303xe.s for the STM32F303xE
devices for the
supported compilers.
V1.1.1 / 28-March-2014Main
- Add new startup files for the STM32F302x8 and STM32F334x8 devices for TrueSTUDIO toolchain.
- Update startup files for EWARM toolchain to cope with compiler enhancement of the V7.10 version.
V1.1.0 / 27-February-2014Main
- Add the support of the STM32F302x8 and the STM32F334x8 devices.
- Update devices names definition to be in line with the new new STM32F30x family devices names.
- STM32F30X replaced by STM32F303xC.
- stm32f30x.h
- Upddate to support the new STM32F30x family devices names.
- STM32F30X replaced by STM32F303xC
- Update IRQn enum to support the STM32F302x8 and STM32F334x8 devices.
- Add HRTIM peripheral registers and bits definitons.
- Add CFGR3 registers in the SYSCFG_TypeDef structure.
- Update peripheral base addresses to support the added peripherals: DAC2, I2C3, HRTIM.
- Update ADC_SQR4 register bit definition.
- Remove ADC34_CCR_TSEN and ADC34_CCR_VBATEN bits definitions.
- Add new startup files for the STM32F302x8 and STM32F334x8 devices for the supported compilers
- Replace startup_stm32f30x.s by startup_stm32f303xc.s file.
- startup_stm32f30x.s file is maintained for legacy purpose.
V1.0.0 / 04-September-2012Main
- First official release for STM32F30x devices
under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); You may not use
this package
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
complete documentation on STM32 Microcontrollers visit www.st.com/STM32