*.i *.o *.a *.elf *.hex *.bin *.dfu *.map *.log #*.net *.raw *.swp .DS_Store .depend *.list *.out *.pyc *.jdebug *.jdebug.user .vscode/* tools/pycrc* tools/__pycache__/ sim/sim sim/plot stmblx *.ngc # Ignore list for Eagle, a PCB layout tool # Backup files *.s#? *.b#? *.l#? *.lck # kicad bak files hw/kicad/*.bak hw/kicad/*/*.bak hw/kicad/*/*/*.bak hw/kicad/*/*-bak # Eagle project file # It contains a serial number and references to the file structure # on your computer. # comment the following line if you want to have your project file included. eagle.epf # CAM files *.$$$ *.cmp *.ly2 *.l15 *.sol *.plc *.stc *.sts *.crc *.crs *.dri *.drl *.gpi *.pls *.drd *.drd.* *.info *.eps obj_* conf_templates.c commandslist.h hal_tbl.c toolchain-user.mak build/