/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32f4xx_dsi.h * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.6.0 * @date 10-July-2015 * @brief Header file of DSI module. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM32F4xx_DSI_H #define __STM32F4xx_DSI_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32f4xx.h" /** @addtogroup STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup DSI * @{ */ #if defined(STM32F469_479xx) /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief DSI Init Structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t AutomaticClockLaneControl; /*!< Automatic clock lane control This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Automatic_Clk_Lane_Control */ uint32_t TXEscapeCkdiv; /*!< TX Escape clock division The values 0 and 1 stop the TX_ESC clock generation */ uint32_t NumberOfLanes; /*!< Number of lanes This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Number_Of_Lanes */ }DSI_InitTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI PLL Clock structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t PLLNDIV; /*!< PLL Loop Division Factor This parameter must be a value between 10 and 125 */ uint32_t PLLIDF; /*!< PLL Input Division Factor This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_PLL_IDF */ uint32_t PLLODF; /*!< PLL Output Division Factor This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_PLL_ODF */ }DSI_PLLInitTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI Video mode configuration */ typedef struct { uint32_t VirtualChannelID; /*!< Virtual channel ID */ uint32_t ColorCoding; /*!< Color coding for LTDC interface This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Color_Coding */ uint32_t LooselyPacked; /*!< Enable or disable loosely packed stream (needed only when using 18-bit configuration). This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LooselyPacked */ uint32_t Mode; /*!< Video mode type This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Video_Mode_Type */ uint32_t PacketSize; /*!< Video packet size */ uint32_t NumberOfChunks; /*!< Number of chunks */ uint32_t NullPacketSize; /*!< Null packet size */ uint32_t HSPolarity; /*!< HSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_HSYNC_Polarity */ uint32_t VSPolarity; /*!< VSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_VSYNC_Polarity */ uint32_t DEPolarity; /*!< Data Enable pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_DATA_ENABLE_Polarity */ uint32_t HorizontalSyncActive; /*!< Horizontal synchronism active duration (in lane byte clock cycles) */ uint32_t HorizontalBackPorch; /*!< Horizontal back-porch duration (in lane byte clock cycles) */ uint32_t HorizontalLine; /*!< Horizontal line duration (in lane byte clock cycles) */ uint32_t VerticalSyncActive; /*!< Vertical synchronism active duration */ uint32_t VerticalBackPorch; /*!< Vertical back-porch duration */ uint32_t VerticalFrontPorch; /*!< Vertical front-porch duration */ uint32_t VerticalActive; /*!< Vertical active duration */ uint32_t LPCommandEnable; /*!< Low-power command enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_Command */ uint32_t LPLargestPacketSize; /*!< The size, in bytes, of the low power largest packet that can fit in a line during VSA, VBP and VFP regions */ uint32_t LPVACTLargestPacketSize; /*!< The size, in bytes, of the low power largest packet that can fit in a line during VACT region */ uint32_t LPHorizontalFrontPorchEnable; /*!< Low-power horizontal front-porch enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_HFP */ uint32_t LPHorizontalBackPorchEnable; /*!< Low-power horizontal back-porch enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_HBP */ uint32_t LPVerticalActiveEnable; /*!< Low-power vertical active enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_VACT */ uint32_t LPVerticalFrontPorchEnable; /*!< Low-power vertical front-porch enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_VFP */ uint32_t LPVerticalBackPorchEnable; /*!< Low-power vertical back-porch enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_VBP */ uint32_t LPVerticalSyncActiveEnable; /*!< Low-power vertical sync active enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_VSYNC */ uint32_t FrameBTAAcknowledgeEnable; /*!< Frame bus-turn-around acknowledge enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_FBTA_acknowledge */ }DSI_VidCfgTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI Adapted command mode configuration */ typedef struct { uint32_t VirtualChannelID; /*!< Virtual channel ID */ uint32_t ColorCoding; /*!< Color coding for LTDC interface This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Color_Coding */ uint32_t HorizontalLine; /*!< Horizontal line duration (in lane byte clock cycles) */ uint32_t CommandSize; /*!< Maximum allowed size for an LTDC write memory command */ uint32_t TearingEffectSource; /*!< Tearing effect source This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_TearingEffectSource */ uint32_t TearingEffectPolarity; /*!< Tearing effect pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_TearingEffectPolarity */ uint32_t HSPolarity; /*!< HSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_HSYNC_Polarity */ uint32_t VSPolarity; /*!< VSYNC pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_VSYNC_Polarity */ uint32_t DEPolarity; /*!< Data Enable pin polarity This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_DATA_ENABLE_Polarity */ uint32_t VSyncPol; /*!< VSync edge on which the LTDC is halted This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_Vsync_Polarity */ uint32_t AutomaticRefresh; /*!< Automatic refresh mode This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_AutomaticRefresh */ uint32_t TEAcknowledgeRequest; /*!< Tearing Effect Acknowledge Request Enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_TE_AcknowledgeRequest */ }DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI command transmission mode configuration */ typedef struct { uint32_t LPGenShortWriteNoP; /*!< Generic Short Write Zero parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteNoP */ uint32_t LPGenShortWriteOneP; /*!< Generic Short Write One parameter Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteOneP */ uint32_t LPGenShortWriteTwoP; /*!< Generic Short Write Two parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteTwoP */ uint32_t LPGenShortReadNoP; /*!< Generic Short Read Zero parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadNoP */ uint32_t LPGenShortReadOneP; /*!< Generic Short Read One parameter Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadOneP */ uint32_t LPGenShortReadTwoP; /*!< Generic Short Read Two parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadTwoP */ uint32_t LPGenLongWrite; /*!< Generic Long Write Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPGenLongWrite */ uint32_t LPDcsShortWriteNoP; /*!< DCS Short Write Zero parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPDcsShortWriteNoP */ uint32_t LPDcsShortWriteOneP; /*!< DCS Short Write One parameter Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPDcsShortWriteOneP */ uint32_t LPDcsShortReadNoP; /*!< DCS Short Read Zero parameters Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPDcsShortReadNoP */ uint32_t LPDcsLongWrite; /*!< DCS Long Write Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPDcsLongWrite */ uint32_t LPMaxReadPacket; /*!< Maximum Read Packet Size Transmission This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_LP_LPMaxReadPacket */ uint32_t AcknowledgeRequest; /*!< Acknowledge Request Enable This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_AcknowledgeRequest */ }DSI_LPCmdTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI PHY Timings definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t ClockLaneHS2LPTime; /*!< The maximum time that the D-PHY clock lane takes to go from high-speed to low-power transmission */ uint32_t ClockLaneLP2HSTime; /*!< The maximum time that the D-PHY clock lane takes to go from low-power to high-speed transmission */ uint32_t DataLaneHS2LPTime; /*!< The maximum time that the D-PHY data lanes takes to go from high-speed to low-power transmission */ uint32_t DataLaneLP2HSTime; /*!< The maximum time that the D-PHY data lanes takes to go from low-power to high-speed transmission */ uint32_t DataLaneMaxReadTime; /*!< The maximum time required to perform a read command */ uint32_t StopWaitTime; /*!< The minimum wait period to request a High-Speed transmission after the Stop state */ }DSI_PHY_TimerTypeDef; /** * @brief DSI HOST Timeouts definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t TimeoutCkdiv; /*!< Time-out clock division */ uint32_t HighSpeedTransmissionTimeout; /*!< High-speed transmission time-out */ uint32_t LowPowerReceptionTimeout; /*!< Low-power reception time-out */ uint32_t HighSpeedReadTimeout; /*!< High-speed read time-out */ uint32_t LowPowerReadTimeout; /*!< Low-power read time-out */ uint32_t HighSpeedWriteTimeout; /*!< High-speed write time-out */ uint32_t HighSpeedWritePrespMode; /*!< High-speed write presp mode This parameter can be any value of @ref DSI_HS_PrespMode */ uint32_t LowPowerWriteTimeout; /*!< Low-speed write time-out */ uint32_t BTATimeout; /*!< BTA time-out */ }DSI_HOST_TimeoutTypeDef; /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup DSI_DCS_Command * @{ */ #define DSI_ENTER_IDLE_MODE 0x39 #define DSI_ENTER_INVERT_MODE 0x21 #define DSI_ENTER_NORMAL_MODE 0x13 #define DSI_ENTER_PARTIAL_MODE 0x12 #define DSI_ENTER_SLEEP_MODE 0x10 #define DSI_EXIT_IDLE_MODE 0x38 #define DSI_EXIT_INVERT_MODE 0x20 #define DSI_EXIT_SLEEP_MODE 0x11 #define DSI_GET_3D_CONTROL 0x3F #define DSI_GET_ADDRESS_MODE 0x0B #define DSI_GET_BLUE_CHANNEL 0x08 #define DSI_GET_DIAGNOSTIC_RESULT 0x0F #define DSI_GET_DISPLAY_MODE 0x0D #define DSI_GET_GREEN_CHANNEL 0x07 #define DSI_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT 0x0C #define DSI_GET_POWER_MODE 0x0A #define DSI_GET_RED_CHANNEL 0x06 #define DSI_GET_SCANLINE 0x45 #define DSI_GET_SIGNAL_MODE 0x0E #define DSI_NOP 0x00 #define DSI_READ_DDB_CONTINUE 0xA8 #define DSI_READ_DDB_START 0xA1 #define DSI_READ_MEMORY_CONTINUE 0x3E #define DSI_READ_MEMORY_START 0x2E #define DSI_SET_3D_CONTROL 0x3D #define DSI_SET_ADDRESS_MODE 0x36 #define DSI_SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS 0x2A #define DSI_SET_DISPLAY_OFF 0x28 #define DSI_SET_DISPLAY_ON 0x29 #define DSI_SET_GAMMA_CURVE 0x26 #define DSI_SET_PAGE_ADDRESS 0x2B #define DSI_SET_PARTIAL_COLUMNS 0x31 #define DSI_SET_PARTIAL_ROWS 0x30 #define DSI_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT 0x3A #define DSI_SET_SCROLL_AREA 0x33 #define DSI_SET_SCROLL_START 0x37 #define DSI_SET_TEAR_OFF 0x34 #define DSI_SET_TEAR_ON 0x35 #define DSI_SET_TEAR_SCANLINE 0x44 #define DSI_SET_VSYNC_TIMING 0x40 #define DSI_SOFT_RESET 0x01 #define DSI_WRITE_LUT 0x2D #define DSI_WRITE_MEMORY_CONTINUE 0x3C #define DSI_WRITE_MEMORY_START 0x2C /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Video_Mode_Type * @{ */ #define DSI_VID_MODE_NB_PULSES 0 #define DSI_VID_MODE_NB_EVENTS 1 #define DSI_VID_MODE_BURST 2 #define IS_DSI_VIDEO_MODE_TYPE(VideoModeType) (((VideoModeType) == DSI_VID_MODE_NB_PULSES) || \ ((VideoModeType) == DSI_VID_MODE_NB_EVENTS) || \ ((VideoModeType) == DSI_VID_MODE_BURST)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Color_Mode * @{ */ #define DSI_COLOR_MODE_FULL 0 #define DSI_COLOR_MODE_EIGHT DSI_WCR_COLM #define IS_DSI_COLOR_MODE(ColorMode) (((ColorMode) == DSI_COLOR_MODE_FULL) || ((ColorMode) == DSI_COLOR_MODE_EIGHT)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_ShutDown * @{ */ #define DSI_DISPLAY_ON 0 #define DSI_DISPLAY_OFF DSI_WCR_SHTDN #define IS_DSI_SHUT_DOWN(ShutDown) (((ShutDown) == DSI_DISPLAY_ON) || ((ShutDown) == DSI_DISPLAY_OFF)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_Command * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_COMMAND_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_COMMAND_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPCE #define IS_DSI_LP_COMMAND(LPCommand) (((LPCommand) == DSI_LP_COMMAND_DISABLE) || ((LPCommand) == DSI_LP_COMMAND_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_HFP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_HFP_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_HFP_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPHFPE #define IS_DSI_LP_HFP(LPHFP) (((LPHFP) == DSI_LP_HFP_DISABLE) || ((LPHFP) == DSI_LP_HFP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_HBP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_HBP_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_HBP_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPHBPE #define IS_DSI_LP_HBP(LPHBP) (((LPHBP) == DSI_LP_HBP_DISABLE) || ((LPHBP) == DSI_LP_HBP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_VACT * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_VACT_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_VACT_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPVAE #define IS_DSI_LP_VACTIVE(LPVActive) (((LPVActive) == DSI_LP_VACT_DISABLE) || ((LPVActive) == DSI_LP_VACT_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_VFP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_VFP_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_VFP_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPVFPE #define IS_DSI_LP_VFP(LPVFP) (((LPVFP) == DSI_LP_VFP_DISABLE) || ((LPVFP) == DSI_LP_VFP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_VBP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_VBP_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_VBP_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPVBPE #define IS_DSI_LP_VBP(LPVBP) (((LPVBP) == DSI_LP_VBP_DISABLE) || ((LPVBP) == DSI_LP_VBP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_VSYNC * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_VSYNC_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_VSYNC_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_LPVSAE #define IS_DSI_LP_VSYNC(LPVSYNC) (((LPVSYNC) == DSI_LP_VSYNC_DISABLE) || ((LPVSYNC) == DSI_LP_VSYNC_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_FBTA_acknowledge * @{ */ #define DSI_FBTAA_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_FBTAA_ENABLE DSI_VMCR_FBTAAE #define IS_DSI_FBTAA(FrameBTAAcknowledge) (((FrameBTAAcknowledge) == DSI_FBTAA_DISABLE) || ((FrameBTAAcknowledge) == DSI_FBTAA_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_TearingEffectSource * @{ */ #define DSI_TE_DSILINK 0 #define DSI_TE_EXTERNAL DSI_WCFGR_TESRC #define IS_DSI_TE_SOURCE(TESource) (((TESource) == DSI_TE_DSILINK) || ((TESource) == DSI_TE_EXTERNAL)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_TearingEffectPolarity * @{ */ #define DSI_TE_RISING_EDGE 0 #define DSI_TE_FALLING_EDGE DSI_WCFGR_TEPOL #define IS_DSI_TE_POLARITY(TEPolarity) (((TEPolarity) == DSI_TE_RISING_EDGE) || ((TEPolarity) == DSI_TE_FALLING_EDGE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Vsync_Polarity * @{ */ #define DSI_VSYNC_FALLING 0 #define DSI_VSYNC_RISING DSI_WCFGR_VSPOL #define IS_DSI_VS_POLARITY(VSPolarity) (((VSPolarity) == DSI_VSYNC_FALLING) || ((VSPolarity) == DSI_VSYNC_RISING)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_AutomaticRefresh * @{ */ #define DSI_AR_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_AR_ENABLE DSI_WCFGR_AR #define IS_DSI_AUTOMATIC_REFRESH(AutomaticRefresh) (((AutomaticRefresh) == DSI_AR_DISABLE) || ((AutomaticRefresh) == DSI_AR_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_TE_AcknowledgeRequest * @{ */ #define DSI_TE_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_TE_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_TEARE #define IS_DSI_TE_ACK_REQUEST(TEAcknowledgeRequest) (((TEAcknowledgeRequest) == DSI_TE_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE) || ((TEAcknowledgeRequest) == DSI_TE_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_AcknowledgeRequest * @{ */ #define DSI_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_ARE #define IS_DSI_ACK_REQUEST(AcknowledgeRequest) (((AcknowledgeRequest) == DSI_ACKNOWLEDGE_DISABLE) || ((AcknowledgeRequest) == DSI_ACKNOWLEDGE_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteNoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSW0P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSW0P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSW0TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSW0P(LP_GSW0P) (((LP_GSW0P) == DSI_LP_GSW0P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSW0P) == DSI_LP_GSW0P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteOneP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSW1P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSW1P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSW1TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSW1P(LP_GSW1P) (((LP_GSW1P) == DSI_LP_GSW1P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSW1P) == DSI_LP_GSW1P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortWriteTwoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSW2P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSW2P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSW2TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSW2P(LP_GSW2P) (((LP_GSW2P) == DSI_LP_GSW2P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSW2P) == DSI_LP_GSW2P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadNoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSR0P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSR0P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSR0TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSR0P(LP_GSR0P) (((LP_GSR0P) == DSI_LP_GSR0P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSR0P) == DSI_LP_GSR0P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadOneP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSR1P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSR1P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSR1TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSR1P(LP_GSR1P) (((LP_GSR1P) == DSI_LP_GSR1P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSR1P) == DSI_LP_GSR1P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenShortReadTwoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GSR2P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GSR2P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GSR2TX #define IS_DSI_LP_GSR2P(LP_GSR2P) (((LP_GSR2P) == DSI_LP_GSR2P_DISABLE) || ((LP_GSR2P) == DSI_LP_GSR2P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPGenLongWrite * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_GLW_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_GLW_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_GLWTX #define IS_DSI_LP_GLW(LP_GLW) (((LP_GLW) == DSI_LP_GLW_DISABLE) || ((LP_GLW) == DSI_LP_GLW_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPDcsShortWriteNoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_DSW0P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_DSW0P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_DSW0TX #define IS_DSI_LP_DSW0P(LP_DSW0P) (((LP_DSW0P) == DSI_LP_DSW0P_DISABLE) || ((LP_DSW0P) == DSI_LP_DSW0P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPDcsShortWriteOneP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_DSW1P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_DSW1P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_DSW1TX #define IS_DSI_LP_DSW1P(LP_DSW1P) (((LP_DSW1P) == DSI_LP_DSW1P_DISABLE) || ((LP_DSW1P) == DSI_LP_DSW1P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPDcsShortReadNoP * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_DSR0P_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_DSR0P_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_DSR0TX #define IS_DSI_LP_DSR0P(LP_DSR0P) (((LP_DSR0P) == DSI_LP_DSR0P_DISABLE) || ((LP_DSR0P) == DSI_LP_DSR0P_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPDcsLongWrite * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_DLW_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_DLW_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_DLWTX #define IS_DSI_LP_DLW(LP_DLW) (((LP_DLW) == DSI_LP_DLW_DISABLE) || ((LP_DLW) == DSI_LP_DLW_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LP_LPMaxReadPacket * @{ */ #define DSI_LP_MRDP_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_LP_MRDP_ENABLE DSI_CMCR_MRDPS #define IS_DSI_LP_MRDP(LP_MRDP) (((LP_MRDP) == DSI_LP_MRDP_DISABLE) || ((LP_MRDP) == DSI_LP_MRDP_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_HS_PrespMode * @{ */ #define DSI_HS_PM_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_HS_PM_ENABLE DSI_TCCR4_PM /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Automatic_Clk_Lane_Control * @{ */ #define DSI_AUTO_CLK_LANE_CTRL_DISABLE 0 #define DSI_AUTO_CLK_LANE_CTRL_ENABLE DSI_CLCR_ACR #define IS_DSI_AUTO_CLKLANE_CONTROL(AutoClkLane) (((AutoClkLane) == DSI_AUTO_CLK_LANE_CTRL_DISABLE) || ((AutoClkLane) == DSI_AUTO_CLK_LANE_CTRL_ENABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Number_Of_Lanes * @{ */ #define DSI_ONE_DATA_LANE 0 #define DSI_TWO_DATA_LANES 1 #define IS_DSI_NUMBER_OF_LANES(NumberOfLanes) (((NumberOfLanes) == DSI_ONE_DATA_LANE) || ((NumberOfLanes) == DSI_TWO_DATA_LANES)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_FlowControl * @{ */ #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_CRC_RX DSI_PCR_CRCRXE #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_ECC_RX DSI_PCR_ECCRXE #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_BTA DSI_PCR_BTAE #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_EOTP_RX DSI_PCR_ETRXE #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_EOTP_TX DSI_PCR_ETTXE #define DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_ALL (DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_CRC_RX | DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_ECC_RX | \ DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_BTA | DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_EOTP_RX | \ DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_EOTP_TX) #define IS_DSI_FLOW_CONTROL(FlowControl) (((FlowControl) | DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_ALL) == DSI_FLOW_CONTROL_ALL) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Color_Coding * @{ */ #define DSI_RGB565 ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< The values 0x00000001 and 0x00000002 can also be used for the RGB565 color mode configuration */ #define DSI_RGB666 ((uint32_t)0x00000003) /*!< The value 0x00000004 can also be used for the RGB666 color mode configuration */ #define DSI_RGB888 ((uint32_t)0x00000005) #define IS_DSI_COLOR_CODING(ColorCoding) ((ColorCoding) <= 5) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LooselyPacked * @{ */ #define DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED_ENABLE DSI_LCOLCR_LPE #define DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED_DISABLE 0 #define IS_DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED(LooselyPacked) (((LooselyPacked) == DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED_ENABLE) || ((LooselyPacked) == DSI_LOOSELY_PACKED_DISABLE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_HSYNC_Polarity * @{ */ #define DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH 0 #define DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW DSI_LPCR_HSP #define IS_DSI_HSYNC_POLARITY(HSYNC) (((HSYNC) == DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH) || ((HSYNC) == DSI_HSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_VSYNC_Polarity * @{ */ #define DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH 0 #define DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW DSI_LPCR_VSP #define IS_DSI_VSYNC_POLARITY(VSYNC) (((VSYNC) == DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH) || ((VSYNC) == DSI_VSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_DATA_ENABLE_Polarity * @{ */ #define DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_HIGH 0 #define DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_LOW DSI_LPCR_DEP #define IS_DSI_DE_POLARITY(DataEnable) (((DataEnable) == DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_HIGH) || ((DataEnable) == DSI_DATA_ENABLE_ACTIVE_LOW)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_PLL_IDF * @{ */ #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV1 ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV2 ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV3 ((uint32_t)0x00000003) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV4 ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5 ((uint32_t)0x00000005) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV6 ((uint32_t)0x00000006) #define DSI_PLL_IN_DIV7 ((uint32_t)0x00000007) #define IS_DSI_PLL_IDF(IDF) (((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV1) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV2) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV3) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV4) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV5) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV6) || \ ((IDF) == DSI_PLL_IN_DIV7)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_PLL_ODF * @{ */ #define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV1 ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV2 ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV4 ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV8 ((uint32_t)0x00000003) #define IS_DSI_PLL_ODF(ODF) (((ODF) == DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV1) || \ ((ODF) == DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV2) || \ ((ODF) == DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV4) || \ ((ODF) == DSI_PLL_OUT_DIV8)) #define IS_DSI_PLL_NDIV(NDIV) ((10 <= (NDIV)) && ((NDIV) <= 125)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Flags * @{ */ #define DSI_FLAG_TE DSI_WISR_TEIF #define DSI_FLAG_ER DSI_WISR_ERIF #define DSI_FLAG_BUSY DSI_WISR_BUSY #define DSI_FLAG_PLLLS DSI_WISR_PLLLS #define DSI_FLAG_PLLL DSI_WISR_PLLLIF #define DSI_FLAG_PLLU DSI_WISR_PLLUIF #define DSI_FLAG_RRS DSI_WISR_RRS #define DSI_FLAG_RR DSI_WISR_RRIF #define IS_DSI_CLEAR_FLAG(FLAG) (((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_TE) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_ER) || \ ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_PLLL) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_PLLU) || \ ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_RR)) #define IS_DSI_GET_FLAG(FLAG) (((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_TE) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_ER) || \ ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_BUSY) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_PLLLS) || \ ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_PLLL) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_PLLU) || \ ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_RRS) || ((FLAG) == DSI_FLAG_RR)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Interrupts * @{ */ #define DSI_IT_TE DSI_WIER_TEIE #define DSI_IT_ER DSI_WIER_ERIE #define DSI_IT_PLLL DSI_WIER_PLLLIE #define DSI_IT_PLLU DSI_WIER_PLLUIE #define DSI_IT_RR DSI_WIER_RRIE #define IS_DSI_IT(IT) (((IT) == DSI_IT_TE) || ((IT) == DSI_IT_ER) || \ ((IT) == DSI_IT_PLLL) || ((IT) == DSI_IT_PLLU) || \ ((IT) == DSI_IT_RR)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_SHORT_WRITE_PKT_Data_Type * @{ */ #define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0 ((uint32_t)0x00000005) /*!< DCS short write, no parameters */ #define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1 ((uint32_t)0x00000015) /*!< DCS short write, one parameter */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0 ((uint32_t)0x00000003) /*!< Generic short write, no parameters */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1 ((uint32_t)0x00000013) /*!< Generic short write, one parameter */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P2 ((uint32_t)0x00000023) /*!< Generic short write, two parameters */ #define IS_DSI_SHORT_WRITE_PACKET_TYPE(MODE) (((MODE) == DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P0) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P1) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_WRITE_P2)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_LONG_WRITE_PKT_Data_Type * @{ */ #define DSI_DCS_LONG_PKT_WRITE ((uint32_t)0x00000039) /*!< DCS long write */ #define DSI_GEN_LONG_PKT_WRITE ((uint32_t)0x00000029) /*!< Generic long write */ #define IS_DSI_LONG_WRITE_PACKET_TYPE(MODE) (((MODE) == DSI_DCS_LONG_PKT_WRITE) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_LONG_PKT_WRITE)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_SHORT_READ_PKT_Data_Type * @{ */ #define DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_READ ((uint32_t)0x00000006) /*!< DCS short read */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P0 ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< Generic short read, no parameters */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P1 ((uint32_t)0x00000014) /*!< Generic short read, one parameter */ #define DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P2 ((uint32_t)0x00000024) /*!< Generic short read, two parameters */ #define IS_DSI_READ_PACKET_TYPE(MODE) (((MODE) == DSI_DCS_SHORT_PKT_READ) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P0) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P1) || \ ((MODE) == DSI_GEN_SHORT_PKT_READ_P2)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Error_Data_Type * @{ */ #define DSI_ERROR_NONE 0 #define DSI_ERROR_ACK ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< acknowledge errors */ #define DSI_ERROR_PHY ((uint32_t)0x00000002) /*!< PHY related errors */ #define DSI_ERROR_TX ((uint32_t)0x00000004) /*!< transmission error */ #define DSI_ERROR_RX ((uint32_t)0x00000008) /*!< reception error */ #define DSI_ERROR_ECC ((uint32_t)0x00000010) /*!< ECC errors */ #define DSI_ERROR_CRC ((uint32_t)0x00000020) /*!< CRC error */ #define DSI_ERROR_PSE ((uint32_t)0x00000040) /*!< Packet Size error */ #define DSI_ERROR_EOT ((uint32_t)0x00000080) /*!< End Of Transmission error */ #define DSI_ERROR_OVF ((uint32_t)0x00000100) /*!< FIFO overflow error */ #define DSI_ERROR_GEN ((uint32_t)0x00000200) /*!< Generic FIFO related errors */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Lane_Group * @{ */ #define DSI_CLOCK_LANE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_DATA_LANES ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define IS_DSI_LANE_GROUP(Lane) (((Lane) == DSI_CLOCK_LANE) || ((Lane) == DSI_DATA_LANES)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Communication_Delay * @{ */ #define DSI_SLEW_RATE_HSTX ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_SLEW_RATE_LPTX ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define DSI_HS_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define IS_DSI_COMMUNICATION_DELAY(CommDelay) (((CommDelay) == DSI_SLEW_RATE_HSTX) || ((CommDelay) == DSI_SLEW_RATE_LPTX) || ((CommDelay) == DSI_HS_DELAY)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_CustomLane * @{ */ #define DSI_SWAP_LANE_PINS ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_INVERT_HS_SIGNAL ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define IS_DSI_CUSTOM_LANE(CustomLane) (((CustomLane) == DSI_SWAP_LANE_PINS) || ((CustomLane) == DSI_INVERT_HS_SIGNAL)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_Lane_Select * @{ */ #define DSI_CLOCK_LANE ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_DATA_LANE0 ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define DSI_DATA_LANE1 ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define IS_DSI_LANE(Lane) (((Lane) == DSI_CLOCK_LANE) || ((Lane) == DSI_DATA_LANE0) || ((Lane) == DSI_DATA_LANE1)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup DSI_PHY_Timing * @{ */ #define DSI_TCLK_POST ((uint32_t)0x00000000) #define DSI_TLPX_CLK ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define DSI_THS_EXIT ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define DSI_TLPX_DATA ((uint32_t)0x00000003) #define DSI_THS_ZERO ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define DSI_THS_TRAIL ((uint32_t)0x00000005) #define DSI_THS_PREPARE ((uint32_t)0x00000006) #define DSI_TCLK_ZERO ((uint32_t)0x00000007) #define DSI_TCLK_PREPARE ((uint32_t)0x00000008) #define IS_DSI_PHY_TIMING(Timing) (((Timing) == DSI_TCLK_POST ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_TLPX_CLK ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_THS_EXIT ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_TLPX_DATA ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_THS_ZERO ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_THS_TRAIL ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_THS_PREPARE ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_TCLK_ZERO ) || \ ((Timing) == DSI_TCLK_PREPARE)) /** * @} */ #define IS_DSI_ALL_PERIPH(PERIPH) ((PERIPH) == DSI) /* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialization and Configuration functions *********************************/ void DSI_DeInit(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_Init(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx,DSI_InitTypeDef* DSI_InitStruct, DSI_PLLInitTypeDef *PLLInit); void DSI_StructInit(DSI_InitTypeDef* DSI_InitStruct, DSI_HOST_TimeoutTypeDef* DSI_HOST_TimeoutInitStruct); void DSI_SetGenericVCID(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t VirtualChannelID); void DSI_ConfigVideoMode(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, DSI_VidCfgTypeDef *VidCfg); void DSI_ConfigAdaptedCommandMode(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, DSI_CmdCfgTypeDef *CmdCfg); void DSI_ConfigLowPowerCommand(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, DSI_LPCmdTypeDef *LPCmd); void DSI_ConfigFlowControl(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t FlowControl); void DSI_ConfigPhyTimer(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, DSI_PHY_TimerTypeDef *PhyTimers); void DSI_ConfigHostTimeouts(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, DSI_HOST_TimeoutTypeDef *HostTimeouts); void DSI_PatternGeneratorStart(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Orientation); void DSI_PatternGeneratorStop(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_Start(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_Stop(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_Refresh(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_ColorMode(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t ColorMode); void DSI_Shutdown(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t Shutdown); /* Data transfers management functions ****************************************/ void DSI_ShortWrite(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t ChannelID, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Param1, uint32_t Param2); void DSI_LongWrite(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t ChannelID, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t NbParams, uint32_t Param1, uint8_t* ParametersTable); void DSI_Read(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t ChannelNbr, uint8_t* Array, uint32_t Size, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t DCSCmd, uint8_t* ParametersTable); /* Low Power functions ********************************************************/ void DSI_EnterULPMData(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_ExitULPMData(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_EnterULPM(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_ExitULPM(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx); void DSI_SetSlewRateAndDelayTuning(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t CommDelay, uint32_t Lane, uint32_t Value); void DSI_SetLowPowerRXFilter(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t Frequency); void DSI_SetSDD(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, FunctionalState State); void DSI_SetLanePinsConfiguration(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t CustomLane, uint32_t Lane, FunctionalState State); void DSI_SetPHYTimings(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t Timing, FunctionalState State, uint32_t Value); void DSI_ForceTXStopMode(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t Lane, FunctionalState State); void DSI_ForceRXLowPower(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, FunctionalState State); void DSI_ForceDataLanesInRX(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, FunctionalState State); void DSI_SetPullDown(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, FunctionalState State); void DSI_SetContentionDetectionOff(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, FunctionalState State); /* Interrupts and flags management functions **********************************/ void DSI_ITConfig(DSI_TypeDef* DSIx, uint32_t DSI_IT, FunctionalState NewState); FlagStatus DSI_GetFlagStatus(DSI_TypeDef* DSIx, uint16_t DSI_FLAG); void DSI_ClearFlag(DSI_TypeDef* DSIx, uint16_t DSI_FLAG); ITStatus DSI_GetITStatus(DSI_TypeDef* DSIx, uint32_t DSI_IT); void DSI_ClearITPendingBit(DSI_TypeDef* DSIx, uint32_t DSI_IT); void DSI_ConfigErrorMonitor(DSI_TypeDef *DSIx, uint32_t ActiveErrors); #endif /* STM32F469_479xx */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __STM32F4xx_DSI_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/