import copy import os import re import json import requests import tarfile import shutil import scss import markdown import bs4 import werkzeug # mainly for isinstance checks import click import flask from flask import flash, abort, redirect app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('defaults') app.config.from_object('config') if 'RESOURCE_DIR' not in app.config: app.config['RESOURCE_DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources') if 'ARTICLE_DIR' not in app.config: app.config['ARTICLE_DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'articles') scss_compiler = scss.Compiler() markdown_compiler = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['tables', 'footnotes']) class ExposedException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, status=500): self.message = message self.status = status def headline_address(text): text = text.lower() text = text.replace(' ', '-') # purge everything that's not 'a' to 'z' or '-' with fire text = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9-]', '', text) return text def replace_thingamabob(value, invite_info, os, client, installer): # FIXME: Brain up a less shitty name for this. # Data preprocessing for invite_main client_info = app.config['CLIENT_INFO'][client] installer_info = app.config['INSTALLER_INFO'][os][installer] if '{invite.uri}' in value: value = value.replace('{invite.uri}', invite_info['uri']) if '{invite.register_url}' in value: value = value.replace('{invite.register_url}', flask.url_for('.invite_register', token=invite_info['token'], client=client)) if '{}' in value: value = value.replace('{}', client_info['title']) if installer_info['url_support']: if os in client_info['installer_magic']: if '{client.url_magic}' in value: value = value.replace('{client.url_magic}', client_info['installer_magic'][os][installer]['url']) if '{client.url_install}' in value: value = value.replace('{client.url_install}', client_info['installer_manual'][os][installer]['url']) if installer_info['pkgname_support']: if '{client.pkgname}' in value: value = value.replace('{client.pkgname}', client_info['installer_manual'][os][installer]['pkgname']) if 'guide' in installer_info: if '{}' in value: value = value.replace('{}', installer_info['guide']) if '{installer.step_install}' in value: if client_info['installer_manual'][os][installer]['gratis']: step = installer_info['step_install']['gratis'] else: step = installer_info['step_install']['paid'] value = value.replace('{installer.step_install}', step) if '{register}' in value: if 'invites' in client_info['features']: text = app.config['REGISTER_INFO']['client'] else: text = app.config['REGISTER_INFO']['web'] value = value.replace('{register}', replace_thingamabob(text, invite_info, os, client, installer)) return value def page(f): template_candidates = [ f"{f.__name__}.jinja", "main.jinja", ] def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): env = { 'claim': app.config['CLAIM'], 'support_address': app.config['SUPPORT_ADDRESS'], 'menu': menu('main'), 'messages': flask.get_flashed_messages(with_categories=True), } try: r = f(*args, **kwargs) except ExposedException as e: app.logger.error(f"Caught error: {e.message}") return flask.render_template('error.jinja', error=e, **env), e.status except Exception as e: app.logger.error(f"Caught unplanned error:") app.log_exception(e) return flask.render_template('error.jinja', error=ExposedException('Something went wrong. :('), **env), 500 if isinstance(r, werkzeug.wrappers.Response): return r # directly pass constructed Responses (like redirects) through if isinstance(r, dict): env.update(r) else: env['content']: r try: rendered = flask.render_template(template_candidates, **env) except Exception as e: app.logger.error(f"Caught templating error.") app.log_exception(e) return flask.render_template('error.jinja', error=ExposedException('Something went wrong because of a broken template. :('), **env) return rendered wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__ # i sure hope this doesn't fuck shit up return wrapper def ensure_token(token): try: invite_info = get_invite_info(token) except ValueError: raise ExposedException("Couldn't get info for this token - are you sure it's valid?", 410) except RuntimeError: raise ExposedException('Something seems to have gone wrong on our side.Sorry…') if invite_info['type'] != 'register': raise ExposedException(f"""You have some kind of invite for this service, but this site doesn't handle this specific invite type: {invite_info['type']}. Feel free to contact {app.config['SUPPORT_ADDRESS']}.""", 204) return invite_info def best_os_guess(request): agent = request.headers["User-Agent"] if "Android" in agent: return "android" elif "iPhone" in agent: return "ios" elif "Windows" in agent: return "windows" elif "Mac OS" in agent: return "macos" elif "Linux" in agent: return "linux" elif "FreeBSD" in agent: return "freebsd" elif "OpenBSD" in agent: return "openbsd" elif "NetBSD" in agent: return "netbsd" return "other" def get_invite_info(token): try: r = requests.get(f"{app.config['API_BASE_URL']}/invite/{token}") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise RuntimeError("Unable to establish connection to XMPP server!") if r.status_code == 200: return json.loads(r.text) elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code <= 499: raise ValueError("Invalid data!") elif r.status_code >= 500 and r.status_code <= 599: raise RuntimeError("Server-side error indicated!") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Non-specific error: {r.text}") def register_with_invite(username, password, token): data = { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'token': token, } payload = json.dumps(data) r ="{app.config['API_BASE_URL']}/register", payload, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) if r.status_code == 200: return elif r.status_code == 409: raise ValueError("A user with this name already exists!") elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code <= 499: raise ValueError("Invalid data!") elif r.status_code >= 500 and r.status_code <= 599: raise RuntimeError("Server-side error indicated!") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Non-specific error: {r.text}") def any_in(value, candidates): return any( map( lambda x: x.lower() in value.lower(), candidates ) ) # ,- words that are considered a match # | # | ,- end of string or nonword # | | char guarantees matched # | | words stand on their own # ↓ ↓ match_good = re.compile('^(good|yes|positive|true)($|\W)', re.IGNORECASE) match_bad = re.compile('^(bad|no|negative|false)($|\W)', re.IGNORECASE) match_meh = re.compile('^(meh|partial|unverified|mild)($|\W)', re.IGNORECASE) def article_load(name): article_path = os.path.join(app.config['ARTICLE_DIR'], name + '.md') if os.path.exists(article_path): with open(article_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as fd: text = text = markdown_compiler.convert(text) markdown_compiler.reset() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') # Extract title and subtitle for specialized presentation header = False title = None subtitle = None scan_offset = 0 for element in soup.children: if isinstance(element, bs4.Tag): if title is None and == 'h1': title = element.text element.decompose() scan_offset += 1 continue # skip to next loop iteration elif title != None and subtitle is None and == 'h2': subtitle = element.text element.decompose() scan_offset += 1 break # terminate loop else: # terminate loop, if first tag isn't h1 we don't have to # scan the rest of the document break # Split rest of content into sections based on h2 elements first_scanned_element = soup.contents[scan_offset] if type(first_scanned_element) == bs4.element.Tag and == 'section': header = str(first_scanned_element) # if the text (after title and subtitle) begins with a
, treat it as dedicated header first_scanned_element.decompose() section = soup.new_tag('section') section['class'] = 'text' soup.contents[scan_offset].insert_before(section) for element in soup.contents[scan_offset:]: if type(element) == bs4.element.Tag: if element != section: if in ['h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']: name = headline_address(element.text) link = soup.new_tag('a') link['name'] = name link['href'] = f'#{name}' link.append(element.text) element.clear() element.append(link) if == 'h2' and len(section): section = soup.new_tag('section') section['class'] = 'text' element.insert_before(section) elif == 'section': # let existing sections stand on their own, start new section afterwards section = soup.new_tag('section') section['class'] = 'text' element.insert_after(section) continue # skip rest of the loop, do not add this section section.append(element.extract()) for td in soup.find_all('td'): if len(td) and isinstance(td.contents[0], bs4.NavigableString): subject = td.contents[0].string else: subject = td.text if match_bad.match(subject): td['class'] = 'bad' elif match_good.match(subject): td['class'] = 'good' elif match_meh.match(subject): td['class'] = 'meh' for a in soup.find_all('a'): if a['href'].startswith('http://'): a['href'] = 'https://' + a['href'][7:] if a['href'].startswith('https://'): a['target'] = '_blank' a['rel'] = 'noreferrer' text = str(soup) return { 'title': title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'header': header, 'text': text } abort(404, "No such content. *sad server noises*") def menu(name=None): links = [ { 'url': '/', 'caption': 'Home', }, { 'url': flask.url_for('.article', name='chatcontrol'), 'caption': 'ChatControl', }, { 'url': flask.url_for('.article', name='x-as-in-freedom'), 'caption': 'X as in freedom', }, { 'url': flask.url_for('.article', name='foss-socialism'), 'caption': 'Why FOSS is Socialism', }, #{ # 'url': flask.url_for('.article', name='adversaries'), # 'caption': 'Adversaries' #}, { 'url': flask.url_for('.clients'), 'caption': 'Supported clients', }, { 'url': flask.url_for('.client'), 'caption': 'Web client', }, ] for link in links: if flask.request.path == link['url']: link['active'] = True # propagates to links[idx]['active'] else: link['active'] = False # dito return flask.render_template('menu.jinja', links=links, name=name) @app.cli.command() @click.option('--version', default='9.1.1') def install_conversejs(version): directory = 'resources/converse' directory_dist = f'{directory}/dist' version_name = f'converse.js-{version}' file_name = f'{version_name}.tgz' file_path = f'{directory}/{file_name}' archive_url = f'{version}/{file_name}' if not os.path.exists(directory): click.secho(f"Created directory {directory}.", fg='green') os.mkdir(directory) if not os.path.isdir(directory): click.secho(f"Not a directory: {directory}", fg='red') click.secho(f"Downloading archive '{file_name}'…") response = requests.get(archive_url) if response.status_code == 200: click.secho("Success!", fg='green') click.secho("Saving…") with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: file.write(response.content) click.secho("Extracting archive…") member_whitelist = [] with as tar: for member in tar.getmembers(): if'package/dist'): member_whitelist.append(member) tar.extractall(directory_dist, members=member_whitelist) for extracted_name in os.listdir(f'{directory_dist}/package/dist'): shutil.move( f'{directory_dist}/package/dist/{extracted_name}', f'{directory_dist}/{extracted_name}' ) shutil.rmtree(f'{directory_dist}/package') @app.route('/resources/') def serve_resource(name): resource_path = os.path.join(app.config['RESOURCE_DIR'], name) if os.path.exists(resource_path): extension = name.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'scss': return flask.Response(scss_compiler.compile(resource_path), mimetype='text/css') return flask.send_file(resource_path) else: return flask.Response("No such resource.", status=404) @app.route('/') @page def home(): return article_load('home') @app.route('/article/') @page def article(name): return article_load(name) @app.route('/clients/') @page def clients(): client_info = {} for client_name, info in app.config['CLIENT_INFO'].items(): #current_client_info = {} current_client_info = info if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.config['RESOURCE_DIR'], 'third-party-logos', f'{client_name}.svg')): current_client_info['logo'] = f'/resources/third-party-logos/{client_name}.svg' client_info[client_name] = current_client_info os_info = {} for os_name, info in app.config['OS_INFO'].items(): current_os_info = info if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.config['RESOURCE_DIR'], 'third-party-logos', f'{os_name}.svg')): current_os_info['logo'] = f'/resources/third-party-logos/{os_name}.svg' os_info[os_name] = current_os_info return { 'client_info': client_info, 'feature_info': app.config['FEATURE_INFO'], 'installer_info': app.config['INSTALLER_INFO'], 'os_info': os_info } @app.route('/invite//') @page def invite_main(token): invite_info = ensure_token(token) welcome_msg = f'''You have been invited to register on {app.config['SERVICE_NAME']}
{app.config['CLAIM']}''' probable_os = best_os_guess(flask.request) # redirect to #fragment of detected OS # ?r acts as marker that we already redirected, to avoid looping if not 'r' in flask.request.args: return redirect(f'?r#{probable_os}') processed_info = {} for os_name, os_info in app.config['OS_INFO'].items(): current_os_info = { 'title': os_info['title'], 'client_recommend': os_info['client_recommend'], 'client_other': [], 'clients': {}, } for client_name, client_info in app.config['CLIENT_INFO'].items(): if os_name in client_info['os']: if client_name != current_os_info['client_recommend']: current_os_info['client_other'].append(client_name) current_client_info = { 'title': client_info['title'], 'description': client_info['description'], 'features': client_info['features'], 'project_url': client_info['project_url'], 'os': client_info['os'], 'installer_recommend': client_info['installer_recommend'][os_name], } if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.config['RESOURCE_DIR'], 'third-party-logos', f'{client_name}.svg')): current_client_info['logo'] = f'/resources/third-party-logos/{client_name}.svg' if 'help_url' in client_info: current_client_info['help_url'] = client_info['help_url'] if os_name in client_info['installer_magic']: current_client_info['installer_magic'] = client_info['installer_magic'][os_name] for magic_installer in current_client_info['installer_magic']: # string replacement to inject invite redirect in magic installer URLs current_client_info['installer_magic'][magic_installer]['url'] = current_client_info['installer_magic'][magic_installer]['url'].replace('{invite.uri}', flask.helpers.url_quote(invite_info['uri'])) # this line is a monster current_client_info['installer_manual'] = client_info['installer_manual'][os_name] # collect non-recommended installers for this OS # we assume 'installer_manual' to hold *all* installers for this OS current_client_info['installer_other'] = set(current_client_info['installer_manual'].keys()) current_client_info['installer_other'].remove(current_client_info['installer_recommend']) if os_name in client_info['installer_magic'] and current_client_info['installer_recommend'] in current_client_info['installer_magic']: current_client_info['action_recommend'] = 'installer_magic' else: current_client_info['action_recommend'] = 'installer_manual' current_client_info['installers'] = {} for installer_name, installer_info in app.config['INSTALLER_INFO'][os_name].items(): if installer_name in client_info['installer_manual'][os_name]: current_installer_info = { 'title': installer_info['title'], 'gratis': current_client_info['installer_manual'][installer_name]['gratis'], 'url_support': installer_info['url_support'], 'magic_support': installer_info['magic_support'], 'pkgname_support': installer_info['pkgname_support'], 'guide_package': installer_info['guide_package'], } # list of keys over whose values we want to run string replacement keys_replace = ['guide_package'] if installer_info['magic_support']: current_installer_info['guide_magic'] = installer_info['guide_magic'] keys_replace.append('guide_magic') if 'guide' in installer_info: # pre-installed installers don't have 'guide' current_installer_info['guide'] = installer_info['guide'] # prepend 'guide'; has to come first so guide with # replacements is available in 'guide_package'. keys_replace = ['guide'] + keys_replace for k in keys_replace: value = replace_thingamabob(current_installer_info[k], invite_info, os_name, client_name, installer_name) current_installer_info[k] = value current_client_info['installers'][installer_name] = current_installer_info current_os_info['clients'][client_name] = current_client_info processed_info[os_name] = current_os_info return { 'probable_os': probable_os, 'welcome_msg': welcome_msg, 'info': processed_info, 'feature_info': app.config['FEATURE_INFO'], } @app.route('/invite//register/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @page def invite_register(token): invite_info = ensure_token(token) fakepost = 'fakepost' in flask.request.args if flask.request.method == 'POST' or fakepost: if ('username' in flask.request.form and 'password' in flask.request.form) or fakepost: if fakepost: username = "FNORD" password = "FNORD" else: username = flask.request.form['username'] password = flask.request.form['password'] try: if not fakepost: register_with_invite(username, password, token) except ValueError as e: return e.args[0] except RuntimeError as e: return { 'message': "Sorry, that didn't work. Please try again." } else: data = { 'help': app.config['HELP_INFO'], 'message': """Congratulations, your account is ready for use!""", 'username': username, 'password': password, 'jid': f"{ username }@{ app.config['XMPP_DOMAIN']}", } if 'client' in flask.request.args: data['client'] = flask.request.args['client'] data['client_info'] = app.config['CLIENT_INFO'][data['client']] flask.session['jid'] = data['jid'] flask.session['password'] = data['password'] return data else: return { 'message': "Malformatted data." } else: return { 'help': app.config['HELP_INFO'], 'message': "Almost there! Just tell us what your new identity should be.", 'domain': app.config['XMPP_DOMAIN'], 'form': True, } @app.route('/client') @page def client(): return { 'bosh_url': app.config.get('BOSH_URL'), 'websocket_url': app.config.get('WEBSOCKET_URL'), 'jid': flask.session['jid'] if 'jid' in flask.session else None, 'password': flask.session['password'] if 'password' in flask.session else None, } if __name__ == '__main__': app.config['DEBUG'] = True'')