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* Copyright <EFBFBD> DreamWorks Interactive. 1996
* Contents:
* Render definitions common to 2D and 3D modules.
* Bugs:
* To do:
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Renderer/RenderDefs.hpp $
* 24 8/25/98 11:42a Rvande
* Fully specified path to filename which exists in multiple directories
* 23 7/29/98 10:49a Rwyatt
* Added a render flag for textures that have had mip maps generated.
* 22 7/28/98 8:25p Pkeet
* Added tiling flags.
* 21 3/27/98 5:35p Pkeet
* Added the 'erfD3D_CACHE' flag.
* 20 98/03/02 12:11 Speter
* Added version number for ERenderFeature.
* 19 98/02/26 15:38 Speter
* Removed erfALPHA_SHADE and erfALPHA_TEXTURE. Added erfCURVED for textures.
* 18 98/02/26 13:55 Speter
* Removed no-longer needed include.
* 17 97/10/12 21:54 Speter
* Removed pMaterial from SLightInfo (contained in texture).
* 16 97/10/01 4:39p Pkeet
* Added the 'erfOCCLUDE' flag.
* 15 97/09/16 15:41 Speter
* Made SBumpLighting structure much simpler, incorporating a SLightInfo for combined
* diffuse/specular lighting, and a pointer to material. Removed SDirReflectData and
* SPrimaryReflectData structures.
* 14 97/08/17 4:15p Pkeet
* Added the 'erfSOURCE_WATER' flag.
* 13 97/08/09 1:56p Pkeet
* Added flags for alpha blending.
* 12 97/08/08 11:51a Pkeet
* Added 'erfMIPMAP.'
* 11 97/07/28 11:13a Pkeet
* Added the 'erfSOURCE_TERRAIN' and 'erfDRAW_CLIP' settings.
* 10 97/06/27 15:35 Speter
* Added erfTRAPEZOIDS feature.
* 9 97/06/25 12:46p Pkeet
* Support for a wireframe mode.
* 8 97-05-08 13:17 Speter
* Slightly sped up SDirReflection constructor (speeds up pipeline!). Moved initialisation of
* SBumpLighting member from SRenderTriangle, etc. to SBumpLighting constructor.
#include "Lib/Renderer/Material.hpp"
#include "Lib/Transform/Vector.hpp"
enum ERenderFeature
// Enumeration of drawing primitive flags.
// These are combined into a set with CSet<ERenderFeature>.
// These form a superset of features available in all known CScreenRender rasterisers.
// Prefix: erf
// Features for rendering primitive.
// Shading.
erfCOPY, // Copy colours to polygon, no colour translation (implies no lighting).
erfLIGHT_SHADE, // Interpolate lighting across polygon (implies erfLIGHT).
// Textures.
erfTEXTURE, // Apply textures to polygons.
erfTRANSPARENT, // The textures have transparent pixel 0 (implies erfTEXTURE).
erfBUMP, // Apply bump mapping to polygons (implies erfTEXTURE).
erfDRAW_CLIP, // The polygon will overwrite pixels with transparent pixels.
erfALPHA_COLOUR, // The source is to be alpha-blended with the dest.
// If erfTEXTURE is also set, it's an alpha texture.
// If erfLIGHT_SHADE is also set, it's interpolated alpha.
// If neither is set, it's a solid alpha colour.
erfMIPS_CREATED, // Set on a texture when the mips have been generated
// Pixels.
erfPERSPECTIVE, // Texture-mapping etc. is perspective-correct.
erfFILTER, // Pixel filtering internal to textures.
erfFILTER_EDGES, // Pixel filtering on texture edges (anti-aliasing).
erfSUBPIXEL, // Texture-mapping etc. is subpixel-correct.
erfDITHER, // Dither to simulate higher-resolution colours.
erfZ_BUFFER, // Full Z-buffering.
// erfZ_WRITE, // Write to Z buffer, without testing it.
// erfZ_TEST, // Test Z buffer, but don't write it.
// Features for setup.
erfTRAPEZOIDS, // Rasterise with trapezoids when able.
erfRASTER_CLIP, // Rasteriser will clip polygon primitives.
erfRASTER_CULL, // Rasteriser will backface cull the primitives.
// Lighting.
erfLIGHT, // Apply the polygon lighting values to the polygon colour.
erfFOG, // Apply the polygon fogging values to the polygon colour.
erfFOG_SHADE, // Interpolate fogging values across polygon (implies erfFOG).
erfSPECULAR, // Specular highlights are calculated and rendered.
erfCOLOURED_LIGHTS, // All lighting values are full RGB, rather than greyscale.
erfWIRE, // Use wireframe mode.
// Source.
erfSOURCE_TERRAIN, // Indicates that the polygon originates with the terrain mesh.
erfSOURCE_WATER, // Indicates that the polygon originates with a water mesh.
erfOCCLUDE, // Indicates that the polygon is an occluding polygon only.
erfMIPMAP, // Indicates that a polygon may be mipmapped.
erfCURVED, // Indicates that the polygon has had curvature applied to its bump-map.
erfD3D_CACHE, // Direct3D image cache.
// Tiling.
erfTILE_UV, // Indicates that the polygon tiles in u and v.
erfTILE_U, // Indicates that the polygon tiles in u only.
erfTILE_V, // Indicates that the polygon tiles in v only.
// Version number.
// This should not be combined into a render flag set, but is used to validate numerical
// render flag sets read from an options file.
// Be sure to increment this any time you add/change ERenderFeature.
erfVERSION = 4
struct SLightInfo
// Prefix: lti
// Describes a light strength and direction at a particular point in space.
TLightVal lvStrength; // Intensity of light.
CDir3<> d3Light; // Direction of light.
TAngleWidth angwSize; // The cosine of the light's angular size.
SLightInfo(TLightVal lv_strength = 0)
: lvStrength(lv_strength), angwSize(1)
SLightInfo(TLightVal lv_strength, const CDir3<>& d3, TAngleWidth angw = angwDEFAULT_SIZE)
: lvStrength(lv_strength), d3Light(d3), angwSize(angw)
struct SBumpLighting: SLightInfo
// Prefix: blt
// Data needed for bump-mapping.
TLightVal lvAmbient; // The ambient light in a scene.
: lvAmbient(0)
TLightVal lv_ambient,
TLightVal lv_strength,
const CDir3<>& d3,
TAngleWidth angw = angwDEFAULT_SIZE
) :
SLightInfo(lv_strength, d3, angw), lvAmbient(lv_ambient)