
1105 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright © DreamWorks Interactive, 1997.
* Contents:
* Specialized version of the flat shaded alpha primitive
* Optimized for the AMD K6-3D Processor
* $Log:: /JP2_PC/Source/Lib/Renderer/Primitives/AMDK6/DrawSubTriangleAlpha.cpp $
* 6 98.07.24 9:14p Mmouni
* Removed bad assert.
* 5 98.07.17 6:36p Mmouni
* Added new alpha texture primitive.
* 4 97.10.30 1:36p Mmouni
* Optimized inner loop for K6.
* 3 97.10.27 1:25p Mmouni
* Initial K6-3D version, copied from the Pentium versions.
* 6 10/10/97 1:47p Mmouni
* All inner loops are now left to right only, and optimized some.
* 5 9/01/97 9:19p Mmouni
* Applied Pentium optimizations and fixed dword alignment problem.
* 4 9/01/97 8:02p Rwyatt
* 3 8/17/97 9:43p Rwyatt
* Copy of Pro version just to get into assembler, this must be optimized later.
* 2 8/17/97 12:19a Rwyatt
* Terrain texturing, added to source safe yet again..
* 1 8/17/97 12:18a Rwyatt
* Alpha blend initial implementation
#include "lib\renderer\LightBlend.hpp"
static uint32 u4AlphaColourMask;
static uint32 u4AlphaColourReference;
// Solid alhpa colour.
void DrawSubtriangle(TAlphaColour* pscan, CDrawPolygon<TAlphaColour>* pdtri)
fx_inc = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxX;
fx_diff = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxXDifference;
u4AlphaColourMask = u2AlphaColourMask | (u2AlphaColourMask<<16);
u4AlphaColourReference = u2AlphaColourReference | (u2AlphaColourReference<<16);
mov edx,[pdtri]
mov ecx,[pscan]
mov eax,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
mov edi,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
// ecx, edi, eax and edx are also set from the loop end.
// scan line start
and eax,[bEvenScanlinesOnly]
jnz short SKIP_LOOP
mov esi,[ecx]TAlphaColour.fxX.i4Fx
mov eax,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
add eax,esi
sar eax,16
sar esi,16
add edi,eax
sub esi,eax
jge short SKIP_LOOP
// all scan lines are drawn the same way
add edi,edi
mov eax,gsGlobals.pvScreen
add edi,eax
mov ecx,[u4AlphaColourMask]
mov edx,[u4AlphaColourReference]
lea eax,[edi + esi*2]
test eax,3
jz short N_LOOP
// do a single WORD to dword align
movzx ebx,word ptr[edi + esi*2]
and ebx,ecx
or ebx,edx
and ebx,0x0000ffff
mov ax,[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + ebx*2]
mov [edi + esi*2],ax
inc esi // we are now aligned to a DWORD
jz short SKIP_LOOP // are we done?
// Main loop does 2 words at a time
add esi,2
jge short DONE_SCAN
mov ebx,[edi + esi*2 - 4] // Read dword
and ebx,ecx // Apply AlphaColourMask
or ebx,edx // Apply AlphaColourRefernce
mov eax,ebx // Copy dword
and ebx,0x0000FFFF // Mask lower 16 bits
shr eax,16 // Shift pixel down
movzx ecx,word ptr[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + ebx*2]
movzx ebx,word ptr[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + eax*2]
shl ebx,16 // Shift pixel up
or ebx,ecx // Merge pixels
mov ecx,[u4AlphaColourMask] // Restore ecx
mov [edi + esi*2 - 4],ebx // Write dword
jmp short N_LOOP
// do a single word to finish
movzx ebx,word ptr[edi + esi*2 - 4]
and ebx,ecx
or ebx,edx
and ebx,0x0000ffff
mov ax,[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + ebx*2]
mov [edi + esi*2 - 4],ax
jmp short SKIP_LOOP
// do a DWORD to finish
mov ebx,[edi + esi*2 - 4] // Read dword
and ebx,ecx // Apply AlphaColourMask
or ebx,edx // Apply AlphaColourRefernce
mov eax,ebx // Copy dword
and ebx,0x0000FFFF // Mask lower 16 bits
shr eax,16 // Shift pixel down
movzx ecx,word ptr[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + ebx*2]
movzx ebx,word ptr[lbAlphaConstant.au2Colour + eax*2]
shl ebx,16 // Shift pixel up
or ebx,ecx // Merge pixels
mov [edi + esi*2 - 4],ebx // Write dword
// Loop control an sub pixel correction for edges
mov edx,[pdtri]
mov ecx,[pscan]
mov eax,[fx_inc]
mov esi,[ecx]TAlphaColour.fxXDifference
add [ecx]TAlphaColour.fxX,eax
add esi,[fx_diff]
cmp esi,(1<<16)
jz short UFLOW
// greater than or equal to 1 is an overflow
sub esi,(1<<16)
jmp short DONE_Y
cmp esi,0
jge short DONE_Y
add esi,(1<<16)
// calc the new end point and line length
mov [ecx]TAlphaColour.fxXDifference,esi
mov eax,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
mov edi,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
add eax,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.fxDeltaLineLength.i4Fx
add edi,gsGlobals.u4LinePixels
mov [edx]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx, eax
mov eax,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
mov esi,[edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iYTo
inc eax
mov [edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex, edi
mov [edx]CDrawPolygonBase.iY,eax
cmp eax,esi
jl short NEXT_SCAN
// Perspective, stipple alpha textured, 16 bit mode.
void DrawSubtriangle(TAlphaTexPersp* pscan, CDrawPolygon<TAlphaTexPersp>* pdtri)
TAlphaTexPersp* plinc = &pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement;
// Get ready to do MMX/3DX.
// Local copies of edge stepping values.
// fx_inc = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxX;
// fx_diff = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxXDifference;
// f_inc_uinvz = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.indCoord.fUInvZ;
// f_inc_vinvz = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.indCoord.fVInvZ;
// f_inc_invz = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.indCoord.fInvZ;
mov eax,[plinc]
mov esi,[pdtri] // Pointer to polygon object.
mov ecx,[pscan] // Pointer to scanline object.
mov ebx,[eax]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX
mov edx,[eax]TAlphaTexPersp.fxXDifference
mov fx_inc,ebx
movq mm0,[eax]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fUInvZ
mov fx_diff,edx
mov ebx,[eax]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fInvZ
movq [tvEdgeStep.UInvZ],mm0
mov [tvEdgeStep.InvZ],ebx
// Setup:
// QWORD qMFactor = width,1,width,1
// Load global texture values.
movd mm3,[iTexWidth] // 0,0,0,Width
movd mm4,[u4OneOne] // 0,0,1,1
punpcklwd mm3,mm3 // 0,0,Width,Width
punpcklwd mm4,mm3 // Width,1,Width,1
movq mm0,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fUInvZ // mm0 = (V/Z,U/Z)
movq [qMFactor],mm4 // Save mfactor
movd mm1,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fInvZ // mm1 = (?,1/Z)
// Iterate through the scanlines that intersect the subtriangle.
// esi,ecx,mm0,mm1 setup.
mov eax,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
mov ebx,[bEvenScanlinesOnly]
// Check to see if we sould skip this scanline.
and eax,ebx
// Setup for prespective correction and looping.
// Determine the start and end of the scanline.
mov ebx,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX.i4Fx
mov eax,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
mov edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
add ebx,eax
mov eax,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX.i4Fx
sar ebx,16
sar eax,16
add edx,ebx
sub eax,ebx // eax == i_pixel
mov [i_screen_index],edx // Save scanline index.
mov ebx,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX.i4Fx // Fractional X.
sar ebx,16 // Integer X.
mov edi,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY // Integer Y.
// Load span increments.
movq mm2,[tvDEdge.UInvZ] // Load V,U
xor ebx,edi // X xor Y
movd mm3,[tvDEdge.InvZ] // Load Z
mov [i_pixel],eax // Save negative length of scanline.
mov edi,[iSubdivideLen]
// Skip over a pixel if ((y xor x) & 1).
test ebx,1
inc eax // Increment i_pixel
// Increment starting texture values.
movd mm5,[fInvSubdivideLen] // 1/SubDivideLen
movq mm4,mm5 // Save a copy.
pfmul (m5,m3) // Per pixel z step.
punpckldq mm4,mm4 // 1/SubDivideLen | 1/SubDivideLen
pfadd (m1,m5) // Add to starting z.
pfmul (m4,m2) // Per pixel uv step.
pfadd (m0,m4) // Add to staring uv.
mov [i_pixel],eax // Save update i_pixel
// scan line is +ve
add eax,edi // eax = i_pixel + SubdivideLen
// Subdivision is smaller than iSubdivideLen
// Adjust span increments by -i_pixel * fInvSubdivideLen
mov edi,[i_pixel] // Integer width of span.
xor eax,eax // Remaining width.
neg edi
movd mm4,edi // -i_pixel
pi2fd (m4,m4) // Convert to fp.
movd mm5,[fInvSubdivideLen] // 1/SubDivideLen
pfmul (m4,m5) // -i_pixel * fInvSubdivideLen
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pfmul (m2,m4) // Adjust V,U increments.
pfmul (m3,m4) // Adjust Z increment.
// Compute current U,V
// Step fGUInvZ,fGVInvZ,fGInvZ
pfrcp (m4,m1) // f_z = mm4 = 1/fGInvZ
mov [iNextSubdivide],eax // Save length remaining.
pfadd (m3,m1) // Step fGInvZ
mov edx,[bClampUV] /* Load clamp flag. */
pfadd (m2,m0) // Step fGUInvZ,fGVInvZ
movd [tvCurUVZ.InvZ],mm3 // Save updated 1/Z
pfmul (m4,m0) // mm4 = V1,U1
pfrcp (m0,m3) // f_next_z = mm0 = 1/fGInvZ
movq [tvCurUVZ.UInvZ],mm2 // Save updated U/Z,V/Z
movd mm1,float ptr[fInverseIntTable+edi*4] // Reciprocal of span width.
pfmul (m0,m2) // mm0 = V2,U2
movq mm2,[pfFixed16Scale] // Load fixed point scale factors.
cmp edx,0
movq mm3,[pfTexEdgeTolerance]
movq mm5,[cvMaxCoords]
pfmax (m0,m3) // Clamp U1,V1 to >= fTexEdgeTolerance
pfmin (m0,m5) // Clamp U1 < fTexWidth, V1 < fTexHeight
pfmax (m4,m3) // Clamp U1,V1 to >= fTexEdgeTolerance
pfmin (m4,m5) // Clamp U1 < fTexWidth, V1 < fTexHeight
punpckldq mm1,mm1 // Duplicate reciprocal of span width.
movq [pfCurUV],mm0 // Save ending U,V
pfsub (m0,m4) // mm0 = V2-V1,U2-U1
pfmul (m4,m2) // Scale to starting U,V 16.16
mov edi,[i_pixel] // edi = current i_pixel
mov [i_pixel],eax // Save updated i_pixel.
pfmul (m0,m1) // DV*1/Width,DU*1/Width
pf2id (m7,m4) // Starting V,U in mm7
sub edi,eax // edi = inner loop count
mov ebx,[i_screen_index] // Load scanline offset.
pfmul (m0,m2) // Scale U,V slope to 16.16
mov edx,gsGlobals.pvScreen // Pointer the screen.
mov esi,[pvTextureBitmap] // Load texture base pointer.
add eax,ebx // Add scanline offset to i_pixel
pf2id (m6,m0) // VStep,UStep in mm6
lea edx,[edx+eax*2] // Base of span in edx.
// Draw the subdivision.
// mm6,mm7 = texture values.
// Setup registers:
// eax = texel_index2 ebx = texel_index2
// ecx = clut_base_ptr edx = dest_base_ptr
// esi = texture_base_ptr edi = pixel_offset & count
// ebp = base pointer
// mm0 = temp mm1 = temp
// mm2 = mfactor mm3 = uvmask
// mm6 = uvslope mm7 = uv (stepped once)
movq mm0,mm7 // Copy U1,V1
paddd mm6,mm6 // Double Step.
paddd mm7,mm6 // Step U,V by 2
psrad mm0,16 // Shift for integer U1,V1
movq mm1,mm7 // Copy U2,V2
movq mm2,[qMFactor] // Load texture multipliers
psrad mm1,16 // Shift for integer U2,V2
packssdw mm0,mm1 // Pack integer texture values
dec esi // Hack to force SIB + offset in loop
pmaddwd mm0,mm2 // Compute texture indicies.
mov ecx,[au2AlphaTable] // Conversion table.
// Make sure we have more than 2 pixels left.
add edi,4
jl short INNER_LOOP_2P
// Align start of loop to ? past the beginning of a cache line.
// Do two pixels at a time.
// mm0 = packed & masked U1,V1,U2,V2
// mm7 is stepped once.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
paddd mm7,mm6 // Step U,V by 2
mov eax,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
movq mm0,mm7 // Copy U1,V1
mov ebx,dword ptr[qIndexTemp+4] // Get texture index 2.
psrad mm0,16 // Shift for integer U1,V1
movzx eax,word ptr[esi + eax*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
paddd mm7,mm6 // Step U,V by 2
movzx ebx,word ptr[esi + ebx*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 2.
movq mm1,mm7 // Copy U2,V2
psrad mm1,16 // Shift for integer U2,V2
packssdw mm0,mm1 // Pack integer texture values.
pmaddwd mm0,mm2 // Compute texture indicies.
cmp eax,0x00004000
and eax,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov ax,[ecx + eax*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],ax // Store pixel 1
cmp ebx,0x00004000
and ebx,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov bx,[ecx + ebx*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 4],bx // Store pixel 2
add edi,4 // Increment index by 4
jl short INNER_LOOP_2P // Loop (while >4 pixels)
// One (edi == 3), two (edi == 2), three (edi == 1) or four (edi == 0) pixels left.
cmp edi,2
// Draw two pixels, step uv by 2.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
paddd mm7,mm6 // Step U,V by 2
mov eax,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
mov ebx,dword ptr[qIndexTemp+4] // Get texture index 2.
movzx eax,word ptr[esi + eax*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
movzx ebx,word ptr[esi + ebx*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 2.
cmp eax,0x00004000
and eax,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov ax,[ecx + eax*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],ax // Store pixel 1
cmp ebx,0x00004000
and ebx,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov bx,[ecx + ebx*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 4],bx // Store pixel 2
mov eax,[i_pixel] // Load remaining length.
jmp short END_OF_SPAN
// Draw one pixel, don't step uv.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
mov eax,[i_pixel] // Load remaining length.
mov ebx,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
movzx ebx,word ptr[esi + ebx*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
cmp ebx,0x00004000
and ebx,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov bx,[ecx + ebx*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],bx // Store pixel 1
// See if there are any pixels left.
cmp eax,0
// Do perspective correction and looping.
mov edi,[iSubdivideLen]
// Load last texture values.
movq mm0,[tvCurUVZ.UInvZ] // mm0 = (V/Z,U/Z)
movd mm1,[tvCurUVZ.InvZ] // mm1 = (?,1/Z)
// Load span increments.
movq mm2,[tvDEdge.UInvZ] // V,U
movd mm3,[tvDEdge.InvZ] // Z
// scan line is +ve
add eax,edi // eax = i_pixel + SubdivideLen
// Subdivision is smaller than iSubdivideLen
// Adjust span increments by -i_pixel * fInvSubdivideLen
mov edi,[i_pixel] // Integer width of span.
xor eax,eax // Remaining width.
neg edi
movd mm4,edi // -i_pixel
pi2fd (m4,m4) // Convert to fp.
movd mm5,[fInvSubdivideLen] // 1/SubDivideLen
pfmul (m4,m5) // -i_pixel * fInvSubdivideLen
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pfmul (m2,m4) // Adjust V,U increments.
pfmul (m3,m4) // Adjust Z increment.
// Compute current U,V
// Step fGUInvZ,fGVInvZ,fGInvZ
pfadd (m3,m1) // Step fGInvZ
mov [iNextSubdivide],eax // Save length remaining.
pfadd (m2,m0) // Step fGUInvZ,fGVInvZ
movd [tvCurUVZ.InvZ],mm3 // Save updated fGInvZ
pfrcp (m0,m3) // f_z = mm0 = 1/fGInvZ
movq mm4,[pfCurUV] // Load last U,V
movq [tvCurUVZ.UInvZ],mm2 // Save updated fGUInvZ,fGVInvZ
movd mm1,float ptr[fInverseIntTable+edi*4] // Reciprocal of span width.
pfmul (m0,m2) // mm0 = V2,U2
movq mm2,[pfFixed16Scale] // Load fixed point scale factors.
cmp [bClampUV],0
movq mm3,[pfTexEdgeTolerance]
movq mm5,[cvMaxCoords]
pfmax (m0,m3) // Clamp U1,V1 to >= fTexEdgeTolerance
pfmin (m0,m5) // Clamp U1 < fTexWidth, V1 < fTexHeight
movq [pfCurUV],mm0 // Save current U,V
punpckldq mm1,mm1 // Duplicate across entire register.
pfsub (m0,m4) // V2-V1,U2-U1
mov edi,[i_pixel] // edi = current i_pixel
mov [i_pixel],eax // Save updated i_pixel.
mov edx,gsGlobals.pvScreen // Pointer the screen.
pfmul (m0,m1) // DV*1/Width,DU*1/Width
mov ebx,[i_screen_index] // Load scanline offset.
sub edi,eax // edi = inner loop count
mov esi,[pvTextureBitmap] // Load texture base pointer.
pfmul (m0,m2) // Scale to 16.16
add eax,ebx // Add scanline offset to i_pixel
lea edx,[edx+eax*2] // Base of span in edx.
pf2id (m6,m0) // VStep,UStep in mm6
// Increment the base edge.
mov esi,[pdtri] // Pointer to polygon object.
mov ecx,[pscan] // Pointer to scanline object.
// Step length, line starting address.
mov edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
mov edi,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
add edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxDeltaLineLength.i4Fx
add edi,gsGlobals.u4LinePixels
mov eax,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX.i4Fx
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx,edx
mov ebx,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxXDifference.i4Fx
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex,edi
// Step edge values.
movq mm0,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fUInvZ
movq mm2,[tvEdgeStep.UInvZ]
movd mm1,[ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fInvZ
movd mm3,[tvEdgeStep.InvZ]
pfadd (m0,m2)
mov edi,[fx_diff]
pfadd (m1,m3)
add eax,[fx_inc]
add ebx,edi
jge short NO_UNDERFLOW
// Underflow.
// Add borrow/carry adjustments to U,V,Z.
movq mm2,[tvNegAdj.UInvZ]
add ebx,0x00010000
movd mm3,[tvNegAdj.InvZ]
pfadd (m0,m2)
pfadd (m1,m3)
cmp ebx,0x00010000
// Overflow.
// Add borrow/carry adjustments to U,V,Z.
movq mm2,[tvNegAdj.UInvZ]
sub ebx,0x00010000
movd mm3,[tvNegAdj.InvZ]
pfadd (m0,m2)
pfadd (m1,m3)
// Save values and Y Loop control.
movq [ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fUInvZ,mm0
movd [ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.indCoord.fInvZ,mm1
mov [ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxX.i4Fx,eax
mov edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
mov [ecx]TAlphaTexPersp.fxXDifference.i4Fx,ebx
mov ebx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iYTo
inc edx
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY,edx
cmp edx,ebx
// Done with MMX/3DX.
// Linear, stipple alpha textured, 16 bit mode.
void DrawSubtriangle(TAlphaTexLinear* pscan, CDrawPolygon<TAlphaTexLinear>* pdtri)
typedef TAlphaTexLinear::TIndex prevent_internal_compiler_errors;
static CDrawPolygon<TAlphaTexLinear>* pdtriGlbl;
static TAlphaTexLinear* pscanGlbl;
static PackedFloatUV pf_texture_inc;
TAlphaTexLinear* plinc = &pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement;
// Get ready to do MMX/3DX.
mov edi,[plinc] // Pointer to scanline increment.
mov esi,[pdtri] // Pointer to polygon object.
mov eax,[pscan] // Pointer to scanline object.
mov pdtriGlbl,esi
// Local copies of edge stepping values.
// fx_inc = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxX;
// fx_diff = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.fxXDifference;
// pf_texture_inc = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.indCoord.pfIndex;
// pdtriGlbl = pdtri;
// pscanGlbl = pscan;
// fx_gour_inc = pdtri->pedgeBase->lineIncrement.gourIntensity.fxIntensity;
mov ebx,[edi]TAlphaTexLinear.fxX
mov pscanGlbl,eax
mov ecx,[edi]TAlphaTexLinear.fxXDifference
mov fx_inc,ebx
movq mm0,[edi]TAlphaTexLinear.indCoord.pfIndex
mov fx_diff,ecx
movq [pf_texture_inc],mm0
// Setup:
// mm2 = qMFactor = width,1,width,1
// mm3 = qUVMasks
// mm6 = uvslope
movd mm1,[iTexWidth] // 0,0,0,Width
movd mm2,[u4OneOne] // 0,0,1,1
punpcklwd mm1,mm1 // 0,0,Width,Width
movq mm6,[pfxDeltaTex] // Load texture slopes.
punpcklwd mm2,mm1 // Width,1,Width,1
movq mm7,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.indCoord.pfIndex
// Iterate through the scanlines that intersect the subtriangle.
mov ebx,[bEvenScanlinesOnly]
mov edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
// Check for odd scan lines here and skip if even
and edx,ebx
mov ebx,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxX.i4Fx
mov ecx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
mov edi,ebx
mov edx,gsGlobals.pvScreen
add ebx,ecx
sar edi,16
mov ecx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
sar ebx,16
add ecx,ebx
lea edx,[edx + ecx*2]
sub edi,ebx
jge short END_OF_SCANLINE // no pixels to draw
// Draw the scanline.
// eax = texel_index1 ebx = texel_index2
// ecx = clut_base_ptr edx = dest_base_ptr
// esi = texture_base_ptr edi = pixel_offset & count
// mm0 = temp mm1 = temp
// mm2 = mfactor mm3 = uvmask
// mm5 = uvslope*2
// mm6 = uvslope mm7 = uv
pf2id (m7,m7) // Convert texture values to 16.16 fixed.
mov ebx,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxX.i4Fx // Fractional X.
movq mm5,mm6 // Copy step.
mov ecx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY // Integer Y.
paddd mm5,mm5 // Double step.
sar ebx,16 // Integer X.
// if ((y xor x) & 1) skip a pixel.
xor ebx,ecx
and ebx,1
paddd mm7,mm6 // Step U,V
inc edi
movq mm0,mm7 // Copy U1,V1
paddd mm7,mm5 // Step U,V by 2
psrad mm0,16 // Shift for integer U1,V1
movq mm1,mm7 // Copy U2,V2
psrad mm1,16 // Shift for integer U2,V2
mov esi,[pvTextureBitmap] // Load texture base pointer.
packssdw mm0,mm1 // Pack integer texture values
dec esi // Hack to force SIB + offset in loop
pmaddwd mm0,mm2 // Compute texture indicies.
mov ecx,[au2AlphaTable] // Conversion table.
// Make sure we have more than 2 pixels left.
add edi,4
jl short INNER_LOOP_2P
// Align start of loop to ? past the beginning of a cache line.
// Do two pixels at a time.
// mm0 = packed & masked U1,V1,U2,V2
// mm7 is stepped once.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
paddd mm7,mm5 // Step U,V by 2
mov eax,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
movq mm0,mm7 // Copy U1,V1
mov ebx,dword ptr[qIndexTemp+4] // Get texture index 2.
psrad mm0,16 // Shift for integer U1,V1
movzx eax,word ptr[esi + eax*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
paddd mm7,mm5 // Step U,V by 2
movzx ebx,word ptr[esi + ebx*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 2.
movq mm1,mm7 // Copy U2,V2
psrad mm1,16 // Shift for integer U2,V2
packssdw mm0,mm1 // Pack integer texture values.
pmaddwd mm0,mm2 // Compute texture indicies.
cmp eax,0x00004000
and eax,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov ax,[ecx + eax*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],ax // Store pixel 1
cmp ebx,0x00004000
and ebx,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov bx,[ecx + ebx*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 4],bx // Store pixel 2
add edi,4 // Increment index by 4
jl short INNER_LOOP_2P // Loop (while >4 pixels)
// One (edi == 3), two (edi == 2), three (edi == 1) or four (edi == 0) pixels left.
cmp edi,2
// Draw two pixels.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
mov eax,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
mov ebx,dword ptr[qIndexTemp+4] // Get texture index 2.
movzx eax,word ptr[esi + eax*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
movzx ebx,word ptr[esi + ebx*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 2.
cmp eax,0x00004000
and eax,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov ax,[ecx + eax*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],ax // Store pixel 1
cmp ebx,0x00004000
and ebx,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov bx,[ecx + ebx*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 4],bx // Store pixel 2
// Draw one pixel.
movq [qIndexTemp],mm0 // Save texture indicies.
mov eax,dword ptr[qIndexTemp] // Get texture index 1.
movzx eax,word ptr[esi + eax*2 + 1] // Lookup texel 1.
cmp eax,0x00004000
and eax,0x00000fff // Mask colors.
mov ax,[ecx + eax*2] // Color conversion.
mov [edx + edi*2 - 8],ax // Store pixel 1
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Increment the base edge.
mov eax,[pscanGlbl]
movq mm1,[pf_texture_inc]
movq mm7,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.indCoord.pfIndex
mov ebx,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxXDifference
pfadd (m7,m1)
add ebx,[fx_diff]
jge short NO_UNDERFLOW
// Undeflow of fxXDifference.
add ebx,0x00010000
movq mm1,[pfNegD]
pfadd (m7,m1)
jmp short EDGE_DONE
cmp ebx,0x00010000
jl short EDGE_DONE
// Overflow of fxXDifference.
sub ebx,0x00010000
movq mm1,[pfNegD]
pfadd (m7,m1)
// Store modified variables and do looping.
// Step length, line starting address.
mov esi,[pdtriGlbl]
mov [eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxXDifference,ebx
movq [eax]TAlphaTexLinear.indCoord.pfIndex,mm7
mov ebx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx
mov ecx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex
add ebx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxDeltaLineLength.i4Fx
add ecx,gsGlobals.u4LinePixels
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.fxLineLength.i4Fx,ebx
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iLineStartIndex,ecx
mov ecx,[eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxX
mov edx,[fx_inc]
add ecx,edx
mov edx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY
mov [eax]TAlphaTexLinear.fxX,ecx
inc edx
mov ebx,[esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iYTo
mov [esi]CDrawPolygonBase.iY,edx
cmp edx,ebx
// Done with MMX/3DX.